A pesar de que su Early Access sea de pago, será completamente gratuito una vez tenga su fecha de salida definitiva.
Tráiler de lanzamiento de The Tomorrow Children
#2 De Reddit:
It's a co-op survival game where you can only see others if they are actually doing something. With the goal of making your town (base) the best.
If you need material to make ammo, and someone is hoarding the material in their storage, then you cannot make the ammo. Yes it is relying on everyone to play their part, that's the entire game. Its why everything is uniform and there are queues to requisition items. The game is designed to make you resent the system, or follow the crowd to better build the town. In the words of everyone about No Mans Sky "Its a niche game, not for everyone".
Por lo que leo también tiene una ¿crítica? o alabanza al comunismo, pero npi.
Visualmente original y tiene un aroma a distopía soviética. No veo tan díficil de entender su propuesto, parece un Tower Defense cooperativo con el crafteo tipo minecraft.
Gana mucho más con este trailer:
No sigo el juego, pero el trailer me dejó pilladísimo con el coro soviético xD