Equipment Changes
Heavy Armor
Increased mass by 7%
Decreased initial jetpack impulse by 25%
Most Impact class explosive weapons have received a reduction in radius size.
Light Armor
Light Spinfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 400
Light Blinksfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 400
Bolt Launcher radius reduced to 400, down from 500
Medium Armor
Spinfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 425
Blinksfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 425
Twinfusor radius reduced to 300, down from 320
Thumper radius reduced to 400, down from 530
Heavy Armor
Heavy Spinfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 450
Heavy Blinksfusor radius reduced to 360, down from 450
Heavy Twinfusor radius reduced to 300, down from 340
Heavy Bolt Launcher radius reduced to 400, down from 565
Grenade Launcher explosion radius reduced to 500, down from 530.
Fusion Mortar
“The Deluxe Mortar Launcher was a fan favorite, so these changes are to bring the fusion mortar more in line with the feel of the DXML”
Radius reduced to 650, down from 700.
Increased bounce damping to 80%, up from 75% (DXML)
Removed direct hit bonus.
Now deals full damage (1400) on direct hit.
Jackal radius increased to 400, up from 350
Phase Rifle
Locks an Energy pack in your pack slot.
Phase Rifle sets your energy pool max to 75, 90 with Rage active.
Damage per energy increased to 5.333 per energy consumed. Up from 3.
Fully charged shot consuming 75 energy deals 400 damage. up from 375.
Fully charged shot consuming 90 energy, after Rage buff, deals 480. up from 450.
With a max energy of 75, time to regen to full charged shot reduced to 5.35 seconds, down from 8.9 seconds.
Locks an Energy pack in your pack slot
Charge mechanic removed
Deals 250 damage in scope or out
Range increased to 20,000, up from 10,000
Falloff starts at 2,000 and falls off to 100 damage at max range
Saber Launcher
No longer locks onto airborne players
Projectile speed increased to 845, up from 650.
Sparrow, Eagle, and Nova Colt
Damage increased to 95, up from 85
Magazine size increased to 15, up from 12.
Increased ammo carry numbers to support larger magazines.
Shock Lance
Now deals 500 base damage, regardless of how much energy is available.
Consumes up to 50 energy, or less depending how much energy is available.
Damage is calculated as Energy Consumed x 5
Total damage is doubled when target is struck in the back.
Flak Cannon
Reduced projectile size to 25, down from 30.
Lowered damage per connecting shot to 65, down from 75.
Plasma Gun
Damage increased to 280, up from 230.
Carried ammo increased to 54, up from 48.
Chain Gun
Damage increased to 80, up from 75.
Ammo adjustments
Assault Rifle max ammo increased to 216, up from 192.
NJ4 SMG max ammo increased to 270, up from 240
Nova Blaster max ammo increased to 54, up from 48
Sawed Off max ammo reduced to 24, down from 60.
Belt Items
T5 Grenade is now available to the Light Armor.
Explodes after 2 seconds
Damage is 800, falls off to 400 at max range
Explosion radius is 600
Blackout Grenade radius increased to 600, up from 550
Cluster Grenade radius increased to 550, up from 500
EMP Grenade radius increased to 600, up from 550.
Sticky Grenade radius increased to 600, up from 550.
Drop Station deployables no longer require generators to be up to function.
Stealth pack reveal speed increased to 150, up from 100. This is the
Tribes:Ascend 1.0 value.
Fixed an issue where Drop Stations were still functional after being destroyed.
Fixed an issue where Chaff Grenades could permanently jam a friendly player.
Fixed an issue where the Heavy Blinksfusor had incorrect reload speeds.
It is now in line with the standard heavy spinfusor.
Fixed an issue where Nova Blaster MX could still have upgrades affecting
various weapon stats.
Vehicles are now generated on a team wide timer
“At the beginning of the round vehicle timers are started. Once each vehicle's timer has completed, 1 vehicle is generated, up to the limit per vehicle type. Once that vehicle is taken, it is moved from “Generated”, to in play. The vehicle in play still affects the ability to generate more vehicles of that type. For example: The server has limited shrikes to 1. Once generated, that shrike may be claimed by a player. Because the server has limited shrikes to 1, no additional shrikes will be generated until the shrike has been destroyed.”
All of the following values are modifiable through custom server settings.
Each vehicle type has:
Max number in play.
Length of time before each vehicle type is generated.
Max of one Generated, or “On Deck”. If this vehicle is not claimed and the timer reaches zero, the timer resets to the max time and restarts.
Default Values:
Grav Cycle
Max in play 4
Max of 1 on deck
Generation time 30 seconds
Max in play 2
Max of 1 on deck
Generation time 90 seconds
Max in play 2
Max of 1 on deck
Generation time 60 seconds
Grav Cycle
Fire interval increased to 0.1 seconds, up from 0.08 seconds
Damage multiplyer vs base assets reduced to 2, down from 4.
Fire interval increased to 0.125 seconds, up from 0.1 seconds.
Ammo pool reduced to 9, down from 12.
Burst fire count reduced to 3 shots.
Pressing Q now selects your weapon that was previously in hand.
Grenade throw speed increased by 25%.
Votekick now only requires 35% of all players in the server to vote “Yes” to pass. Reduced down from 70%
Lifetime for bullet based projectiles has been increased to 1 second, up from 0.5 seconds. This will increase the range of the projectile back to Tribes:Ascend 1.0 ranges.
Ammo pickups now restore 20% of your energy pool when picked up. Healing has not changed.
Inventory stations no longer refill your energy. This is to prevent energy based weapons from circumventing the recharge time.
Fixed an issue where vehicle stations were not taking bonus damage from base asset damage modifiers.
Fixed an issue in blueshift where players could abuse the team blocker on the boosters.
Everyone may enter the booster, but only friendlies get the boost applied. This will allow an enemy to return his flag inside the booster.
Music and flag audio queues have been fixed on maps introduced in 1.1.
Fixed issues with banning equipment where some banned equipment would unintentionally ban other equipment while customizing a server.
Fixed an issue where long distance explosions would not play their explosion FX. This was most obvious on the Mortar Launcher.
Fixed an issue on perdition where ragdolls would catapult out of the map.
Fixed an issue where the armor select UI would not go up to 100% even though a player had unlocked all items available.