Truesight analyzes Dota 2 matches to provide incredibly detailed statistics.
Toda la info:
Detailed Builds
TrueSight details the exact item build for every player in the match, showing times and grouping multiple purchases.
Kill and Death Economy
See how Gold changes hands from kills, assists, deaths, suicides and buybacks.
Hero Kill Rivalries
Color coding and heat maps quickly show the story of who killed who during a match.
Farm Trends
Easy to read charts and tables show exactly when each player earned their gold, experience or last hits.
Item Time Comparison
Compare the times players acquired key items to understand how power gains may have effected the game.
Farm Charts
Minute-by-minute comparison of last hits, gold and experience helps identify winning lanes and matchups.
Vision Statistics
Complete analysis of vision including wards, dust, smoke and gems give support players the statistical tools they have been craving.
Objective Statistics
Compare tower and barracks kills and denies, structure damage and Aegis, Cheese and Rune objectives.
Detailed Combat Log
Custom tailored and filterable combat logs explain how different types of events lead to a swing in advantage.
¿Que partidas?
Solo disponibles para partidas con al menos una cuenta verificada (Un 'pro') o con al menos un usuario plus en Dotabuff (De pago)
Está muy op el tema eh, si hasta está el chat log para los que queráis hablar sobre rages y gilipolleces varias que suelen ocurrir en los partidos xD