#358 Que no necesita físicaS???
Claro que necesita físicas para que no haya clipping alguno...
The cloth physics
Never mind that Batman's cape is all lovely and flowing in Arkham City. Can he put his hands in his pockets? No. Aidan Pierce can. And there's no ugly clipping through his arms or anything like that. In fact, only once in the whole demo did we notice an object pass through another, and that was the glass in the car window as the target gets pulled out through it.
Above: "Cos I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one is... in my other pocket"
Then there's the quality of different fabrics. It's not so much in that it looks like silk, but that it behaves like silk. It clings. It even self-shadows. It's incredible. It's unlikely to appear as an incidental detail on current-gen.