No preguntéis por los horarios, los tenéis todos en #1
Leed #2 , este hilo tiene normas extra.
si que lo he visto y ese call a baron a dado mucha pena y el 1contra 1 de kassa 9-3 contra zed sin ult tambien dio mucha pena x no hablar de reckles
#5260 Ha dado pena contra SKT? Bien, no es un bait es ignorancia pura entonces, no se que es peor.
El baron fue un buen call, como no me apetece escribir mucho, copio-pego un comentario de reddit que lo explica bien:
The fact that people are calling it a Dignitas play, shows the ignorance in the community regarding team comps and how scaling works. Fnatic knew they wouldn't be able to make it till late game, they needed that Baron to have a chance or they'd be unable to do anything against stuff like Jax and Vayne late game.
The Baron wasn't a throw. It was a desperation move that was more or less neccesary for Fnatic. A Dignitas play would imply that they were ahead and lost the lead by going for Baron for no reason. This was nowhere near the case.
#5265 Si bien es cierto que el barón era un call decente, la ejecución ha sido muy mala.