Ability power ratio increased to .7 from .6
Damage reduced to 80/125/170/215/260 from 90/130/170/215/260
Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .6
Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 85/145/205/265/325
Mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
Summon: Tibbers
No longer gives experience on death
gold bounty increased to 50 from 15
Now gains health per rank: 1200/1600/2000
Now gains armor per rank: 30/50/70
Now gains magic resist per rank: 25/45/65
Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds
Area-of-effect burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40/60/80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
The update for Fiddsticks pushes him in an AP direction and makes him more consistent, which we like, but the numbers are wrong. You'll see a buff to at least AP ratios, perhaps more. I expect this in the patch after next.
Again, there's a lot of hyperbole that Garen is trash or unusable, and from all the data we see, that's not the case. However, he could still use a little nudge. We want to make his ult castable during Judgment, and probably a small AD ration increase on it.
Lee sin
Lee Sin has come into his own as an amazing jungler, but does fall off too early. No details on changes yet, but we're looking to add better late-game scaling without improving jungle speed.