Hilo de discusión pre-Campeonato Mundial de la Temporada 6


EDG tiene equipo de sobras para ganar estos worlds, ahora falta que no hagan la de China y que Corea no sea Corea.


Los últimos bo5 entre los 4 primeros de Corea se fueron todos al 5 partido. O el nivel es top de todos o es más bajo de los favoritos.

1 respuesta

Sí, pero no diréis que no es raro. Quizá el otro estaba enfermo o algo, por que me parece demasiado raro.


o el entrenador es un genio


#1352 pues mira... es top y a la vez fue un poco clownfiester.
Están igualados, pero o estaban super cagados o yo hacía tiempo que no veía tantos fallos en la LCK.
Ya sin contar el smite que cuesta una LCK y a partir de ahí hay missplays a montones y unas plays muy bestias... de todo en la viña de Faker que diría aquel.

Por ejemplo Tigers supongo que estaría super nerviosos de verse otra vez en la final y pensar que podían palmarla otra vez después de reventar a todos en la regular.
SKT que no se "encontraba"...
Y KT al final que va a tener que ir al psicólogo porque van a quedar con PTSD

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#1355 Pues es posible que sea el año que llegan a los World con más dudas que nunca? Yo lo creo. Si TSM es el Fnatic del año pasado y no se rajan tiene opciones de Worlds.

2 respuestas

Hombre, son los worlds en los que menos hay un "favorito" claro.

No tenemos el SKT de la S3/5, no hay un SSW que venga a ganarlo todo sin sudar.

Tenemos equipos que sabemos que son muy muy buenos y que parten por encima del resto con ROX y EDG, pero no parecen imposibles de ganar, luego tenemos un grupo por debajo que la mayoria suponemos que van a dar guerra con RNG-SKT y luego las incognitas que sabemos que son buenos y que pueden aspirar a todos, pero no sabemos a que nivel van a rendir con SSG-G2-Imay-FW-ahq-TSM-C9


#1356 No los gafes, que el tilt de Huni no se lo deseo a nadie salvo a G2 XD


#1356 yo no sé si TSM son el Fnatic del año pasado por más que Jarge diga que sí por ejemplo. A mi esas cosas me dan vértigo.
Primero a salir del grupo y tener un cruce bueno.

SKT sí que se les ve con dudas en su jungla por ejemplo o con "desconfianza" en darle recursos a Duke.
SSG pues a saber si te van a dar cal o arena.
Pero Tigers como no sea que Smeb se marque un Namei... ahí no hay dudas, saben a lo que juegan, saben que tienen a Kuro xDDD. El otro día en reddit había un pavo KOREANO diciendo que Kuro era la segunda mejor Lissandra tras TANK y no le contesté por no liarme.


TSM el Fnatic del año pasado... ¡JAJAJAJAJAJA!


#1337 No se cago contra el goat (weixao) se cagara contra uzi.
#1350 Yo no quiero parecer aguafiestas ni nada, pero edg lleva siendo uno de los favoritos desde la s4, las dos ultimas seasons palmaron en cuartos, y segun como a lo mejor pasa lo mismo, ojo, que en las dos ultimas cayeron en el mismo grupo que el equipo que ganaria el mundial y salian como segundo seed, pero aun asi.....

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#1361 Lo que quieras pero o Bjergsen se la saca o DL va a comer mucha polla de Uzi y Ruler.
Es que la diferencia mecánica y de posicionamiento es brutal, se nota hasta farmeando como hacen el kite Uzi y Ruler para reposicionarse y como lo hace DL...
Son otra liga.

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Bueno, fue hace ya dos años, pero TSM ya le ganó una partida a Royal en la S4 en grupos con Uzi e insec en el equipo, teniendo TSM al tortuga nada menos. Con esto no quiero decir que vayan a ganarlos, pero en aquel entonces también parecía imposible que ganaran a Royal y lo hicieron.


Si algún equipo occidental puede ganar este año, con el nivel mostrado actualmente, es TSM. Y de hecho, me gustaría verlos en las finales como mínimo.

Me parece más compacto que el antiguo Fnatic, que tilteó tela en semifinales, y creo que los korenos vienen más flojos.

Luego SKT hará la de SKT y se marcará otro 15-1.

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Veo complicado eso, el top no me parece que destaque demasiado


El top de TSM?, no hombre, el mejor Top de occidente junto a Impact no destaca demasiado no

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#1362 Tiene gracia, por que tienes cosas como
A un tio como montecristo que aprovecah la minima para burlarse de na poniendo a dl al mismo nivel que uzi.
Un tio como Ls que la lck se la pone mas dura que montecristo y que tambien pone a dl en el top tier, pero bueno.
Que ojo a lo mejor, se le va la olla, o algo y juega mal, pero vamos, que si es el dl 100%, ni de puta broma ruler es mejor o igual que el, en el caso de uzi varia segun si va con worlds buff o no.

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Pero si DL mecánicamente poco tiene que envidiarle a ningún asiático, Uzi, imp y poco más.

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#1368 Deft.

Pues yo si que creo que Haunterz puede tener algún problema en los worlds eh.

2 respuestas

#1369 Las mecánicas de Deft son inferiores a las de Uzi e imp imo. Es más tipo An (mejor, claro) posicionamiento casi perfecto mientras no para de hacer daño.

Lo que no quita que sea mejor que casi todo occidente y gran parte de asia mecánicamente también.



Si algún equipo occidental puede ganar este año, con el nivel mostrado actualmente, es TSM. Y de hecho, me gustaría verlos en las finales como mínimo.

Hombre, finales mínimo igual es mucho, no?

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Unas semis para TSM estarían perfectas


#1371 Yo veo que tienen un equipazo y muchísimo trabajo detrás.

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#1373 hombre, pero la final es tremendamente exagerado.

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#1330 tenemos opiniones MUY distintas de lo que es romper la cara. Basicamente por que faker se hizo hasta mejai. Si su bot lane no llega a estar 2-3 niveles por detras, ganan esa partida.

Pawn nunca te va a sacar un carrazo estando por detras , es un puto robot, todo lo que hace lo calcula milimetricamente y lo hace perfecto, pero a no ser que vaya con ventaja, no te va a sacar el carro.

Por eso scout no es tan inteligente como pawn, pero te saca unas cosas que....

Tema adc.....deft me parece que es otro nivel ahora mismo. Pero en cuanto a kiteo, aun no vi a nadie como uzi. De todas formas dl es un perro muy viejo, a ver como sale, pero en teoria, le va a tocar sufrir.

1 respuesta

#1366 Me referia a Duke, comparandolo con Marin


#1369 Hauntzer y la botlane son las dos cosas que mas me preocupan de TSM de cara a los worlds, el toplaner tiene 0 experiencia internacional y será la vez que mas presion tendrá, pero aun asi, lo veo capaz de aguantar contra los topclass, no ganarlos a saco, pero aguantarlos si.

Y bot es que entre que uno es DL, y el otro es Bio que el pobre solo ha jugado 1 split ya me dirás, pero bueno, confiaremos en lo bien que han jugado en NA.

2 respuestas

#1377 el que menos me preocuoa de tsm es bio xD.
Todos dicen que es el mas calmado jugando y no se altera por muy gore que sea la situacion.

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Una entrevista a Ambition y Cuve desde Inven:

Original Inven article by Minyoung “irro” Jang
Translated into English by Leonard “rheeo” Chung & Sung Wook “Beckor” Baek

After putting everything on the line to secure the last ticket to Worlds, and succeeding in dramatic fashion, the Samsung players had to cancel their celebratory dinner; they were simply too exhausted to eat. Trusting their appetites to have recovered since, Inven invited members of the team to a Chinese restaurant to congratulate their victory.
Seong Jin “CuVee” Lee was first to the table. CuVee has enjoyed a meteoric rise in terms of performance and popularity this year; after a short slump at the start of the Summer season, he stepped up his game rapidly to soon become one of the region’s more reliable toplaners. In the Regional Finals, CuVee shocked everyone by steamrolling over KT Rolster’s star toplaner Chan Ho “ssumday” Kim with a well-prepared Kennen counterpick.

It’s nice to meet outside the stadium for once. Care for a brief hello to our readers?
CuVee: Hello, I’m Samsung Galaxy’s top laner Seong Jin “CuVee” Lee.

How would you rate today’s Jajangmyeon (stir-fried black soybean paste noodles)?
CuVee: This place goes for a strong sour flavor - it’s quite different from what I’m used to.

Since a photo of you eating Jajangmyeon went viral to become a meme, fans have been affectionately calling you “King Jajang”. What does Jajangmyeon mean to you?
CuVee: Actually, I don’t eat that much Jajangmyeon. We have them delivered to our team house sometimes, but I prefer meat more. I guess people made a big deal out of it because I’ve often been seen eating it, but I enjoy the meat in the dish more than the noodles.

[The benevolent King Jajang acknowledges our offering]

You’ll be heading over to America for Worlds. Do you have any favorite Western food?
CuVee: I’ve never been to the States and I don’t really know Western cuisine. I’d like to try American steak, though. I like beef more than pork, and I wonder what American steak tastes like.

Let’s talk about your Gauntlet run. You had a history of struggling against ssumday - how did you turn that completely around to dismantle him in the Regional Finals?
CuVee: I lost to ssumday a lot during the regular season, so prepared a cold dish of revenge for the qualifiers [laughs]. I practiced hard not only to improve my individual skill but to also become a more useful teammate. I thought long and hard about how I could play to contribute more to the team, and asked my teammates for their feedback on what they think I should do. Our manager and coach also gave me tips on specific areas of my play and general stability. I also picked up new champions on ranked, including Kennen. It ended up working out.

Early on in the season, you would make faulty Teleports every now and then. How did you manage to fix this problem? Is the team now calling Teleports differently?
CuVee: I used to Teleport mostly when my teammates asked for it, which led me to use it in unfavorable circumstances and end up with negative results. After a while, both Ambition and our coaching staff told me to just trust my own judgment and use Teleport independently. So starting from our very next scrim, I tried holding onto Teleport and ignoring other lanes. That practice helped me recognize when I should stay and shove instead of going to help.

For long stretches during the season, Ambition neglected top in favor of ganking other lanes or clearing the jungle. Have you ever been annoyed at the lack of attention?
CuVee: That was when the meta revolved around strong front line tanks like Maokai instead of aggressive picks like Irelia. Our team felt it was better to help out carry lanes than to camp for a tank, and I agreed for the most part. When the meta shifted to include aggressive top laners, things changed. After losing to Longzhu Gaming in the first round of the season, we decided that top lane also needs some love. Nowadays I just ask Ambition if he can come up top whenever I need a gank.

Ambition once threw a game against Jin Air Green Wings with a fateful Baron call. How did you feel then?
CuVee: We know he didn’t mean to throw, but it was a terrible call. Feedback was necess -

CuVee: [silence]

CuVee: - you see, we ended up winning that match anyway! It was all good! ___/

[Ambition joins the interview.]
Are you happy with Ambition’s shotcalling, CuVee?
CuVee: I just trust and follow his judgment [laughs]. If something goes wrong in scrims, we talk it over after the game and discuss if we should have done things differently.
Ambition: I’m extremely firm about what I think are obvious calls, but when things aren’t that cut and dried, everyone gets a say.

(to Ambition) You’ve said before that you’re really enjoying playing with your new team. What do you like most about your teammates?
Ambition: My teammates aren’t stubborn and know how to listen to other people. We have this atmosphere where everyone’s feedback matters.

(to CuVee) Is this true?
CuVee: Yes.

So have you ever given feedback to Ambition?
CuVee: ...

...okay, is anyone man enough to give feedback to Ambition?
CuVee: Crown does. I think Ambition having been a midlaner helps them connect.
Ambition: My teammates are a bit timid, and sometimes they want to give feedback but don’t know how to express themselves properly. I usually take initiative by owning up and offering a concrete solution. If we had trouble in the previous game because I didn’t gank top enough, going into the next game, I just say “Guys, I’ll prioritize top this game” and try to deliver.

(to Ambition) How would you describe your teammates, including CuVee?
Ambition : We’re all good friends and everyone practices diligently all the time.
CuVee: [in agreement] After blaming our playoffs defeat on the width of his champion pool, Crown spent his entire vacation in the practice room and spammed games. I was surprised. I practiced hard too, of course. After enjoying my vacation. [laughs]

It seems Ambition cares for his teammates a lot, perhaps more so since he's the eldest. Does he buy the team a nice meal every now and then?
CuVee : Not really.
Ambition: When I joined Samsung, the guys already had an entire system for deciding who’s going to clean a room to who’s going to buy dinner. We make bets to decide everything.

(to CuVee) Don't you wish he would buy you a nice dinner once in a while?
CuVee : ...I know my place.

(to Ambition) Worlds at last. How was the journey?
Ambition : Failing to qualify in 2012 and 2013 really gnawed at me from the inside - I was a very confident player back then. I truly believed we could have won the whole thing if only we had been there. I was ashamed and envious. Eventually, though, I came to accept I could only blame myself. That brought me inner peace. Since then, I just believed if I kept my head down and always tried hard, maybe my time would come. I had not imagined it happening this year, however. I guess that did make it feel more dramatic and fulfilling.

(to Ambition) You’ve always had a hard time against KT Rolster’s jungler Dong-bin “Score” Go, but finally overcame it all when it truly mattered. How did you do it?
Ambition : Score is a good player, but I never felt afraid of facing him; personally, I feel more comfortable playing against Score compared to playing against really aggressive junglers. It’s not a style thing between me and Score - it’s just that we had a long losing streak against KT. In the Regional Finals, though, Score was even stronger than his usual LCK form. By the end of Game 3, I realized I had underestimated how great of a player he was.
With one defeat away from failure, I couldn’t stand the thought of playing yet another passive Gragas game in fear of Score; I didn’t even feel all that comfortable on Gragas anyway. It was then that I decided to be confident and play the game that I had prepared - if we were going to lose, at least I would go out with all guns blazing. So I picked Skarner.

What did the players and coaching staff have to say after the match? Most of you were at a blissful loss for words, so the fans didn’t get to hear all that much.
CuVee : Crown told us he could barely breathe, that it felt like he was having a heart attack... he kept asking me if he was dreaming.
Ambition : Everyone was exhausted right after the match ended; we had put everything on the line. It was dizzying when it was all over. Even I had never felt anything like it. We even postponed our celebratory dinner due to lack of appetite. It took a few days just to get back into our daily routine.

Any teams or players you want to face in Worlds?
Ambition: There are many teams I'm not famillar with, and I would prefer to face off against a team I’m used to watching. So I want to play against TSM. TSM is a strong team, but I feel we definitely have a fighting chance.
CuVee : I want to face off against Looper. I lost my lane a lot in scrims against RNG. I want to take revenge in a tournament setting.

What kind of impression do you want to make at Worlds?
CuVee: We beat KT to qualify - it would be sad to bomb out of the tournament and end up feeling sorry for taking their place. We’ll make a Worlds run that we can be proud of.
Ambition: I just want to go as far as we can.

Any last words?
CuVee: Huge thanks to my teammates, coach, and manager for helping me become the player I am today, and thanks to my fans who have supported me since my debut last year. I also want everyone to accept that Jajangmyeon is not my favorite dish.
Ambition: I know how precious a chance at Worlds is. I won’t waste mine.

#1378 Si no me preocupa por su juego ni nada, por simple presion, que son unos worlds, no es lo mismo que la final de NA, por ejemplo, y es mas por DL que por el, veremos, veremos.


#1377 A Hauntzer ya se le ha visto que aunque reciba campeos en top luego suele aportar en tf, así que por ahí no me preocuparía tanto. Dl sí da un poco más de miedo porque como tiltee y saque su faceta de adx frontlane las van a pasar canutas.

Bjergsen si sigue a su nivel va a ser un auténtico seguro para ellos, y espero que juegue así, porque el tio se merece por lo menos unas semis.

Tema cerrado