No sé qué problemas habrá tenido pero tiene pinta de que no va a volver a jugar profesionalmente en bastante tiempo...
Jonas “Kold” Andersen comments:
Needless to say, this is not an easy situation for me, and I would have loved to continue working with the organization and the people behind Origen. It is a strong organization with good, professional people, and I think that everybody has been patient with a true wish for me to return to the team.
At this point, however, I will concentrate my efforts on recovering completely and I will not be playing on a high level for a foreseeable time. Under the given circumstances I would like to thank Kasper and the organization for finding a solution that enables me to move on. I wish Origen and the people in Astralis Group all the best.
Tiene pinta de ansiedad y mierdas así.
#10 yo creo que es tema mental 100%. Eso de "los profesionales tenemos el deber de compartir lo bueno y lo malo de esta industria" me suena a temas de presión, ansiedad y mierdas así. Porque después aclara que con Origen cero problemas, así que no van por ahí los tiros.