Game 1, LSB wins
LSB: Jax 4/0/6 - Wukong 1/3/7 - Ahri 4/2/9 - Zeri 7/2/3 - Rakan (Dangmoo) 2/1/14
NS: Renekton 2/2/1 - Lee Sin 1/7/3 - Lissandra 1/4/4 - Xayah 2/2/2 - Alistar 2/3/4
LSB made some mistakes early on but NS couldn't snowball (they were also down huge amounts of CS, like 150-80 in jungle at one point). Eventually LSB won a 4v5 team fight and took baron, then won every important objective teamfight after that.
Game 2, LSB win
NS: Renekton 1/5/1 - Maokai 1/7/3 - Sylas 2/4/0 - Sivir 0/2/2 - Karma 0/4/3
LSB: Ksante 6/2/9 - Vi 5/0/8 - Ahri 5/0/6 - Zeri 5/0/9 - Lulu 1/2/14
NS surprisingly leave Lulu open and give Zeri on top. Their mental never seemed to recover after a few early mistakes (and some Ksante 200 years) and ultimately leads to an easy win. Think this means LSB progress to the quarterfinals