Mejoras en la selección de campeón


Durante los próximos parches, Riot ha anunciado que añadirá una serie de mejoras a la recientemente renovada selección de campeón:

Draft simultaneo de dos jugadores (Parche 7.20)

Two players on the same team can pick at the same time (when the draft calls for two picks).

This feature is coming back. Spend more time conquering the Rift and less time waiting for your jungler to choose between Gragas and Elise. Simultaneous picks get you into games a minute or two faster.

Filtro por posición (Parche 7.19)

We’re replacing role filters (assassin/tank/mage/etc.) with position filters (top/mid/jungle/etc.).

When you filter by a position, let’s say top, you’ll see the most commonly played top-laners from the previous patch. Since this is reactive (based on what people are playing), it might include unconventional picks—a few champions may rise in popularity during Worlds cough, Ezreal jungle and some “traditional” champs may not show up in a position filter at all.

Every champion will show in at least one position, and new ones will pop up a patch after they’re released (since the filter needs a patch of play data to figure out where people are playing champs).

Añadir favoritos (Parche 7.19)

Right-click champions to add as a favorite by position.

Favorites show up in the grid with a special icon, and you can sort by favorites to push champs you’ve selected as faves to the top of the list. If you play Diana jungle and mid (and top and support and bot), add her as a favorite in those positions. When you filter by position, she’ll show up in any position you’ve added her to, even if the filter wouldn’t include her based on the previous patch’s play data.

Ordenar por puntos de maestria (Parche 7.19)

Sort champions by highest to lowest mastery points.
Find your mains quickly by sorting by mastery points. You’ll see your strongest champs side-by-side when deciding who to pick against Janna, again.

Filtro por campeones sin cofre-Hextech recibido (Parche 7.19)

See champions you haven’t earned a Hextech chest with.
Now you can easily find champions to play for Hextech chests. Since the temptation to try new champs in ranked queues is a leading cause of lost LP, this filter only applies to non-ranked queues.


Bastante acertadas todas estas mejoras.


Pero con el pick simultáneo acabas por comerte algun troleo en el último segundo

1 1 respuesta

#3 A mi me parece horrible, no se supone que la fase de pick y bans es tambien parte del juego? Ver que escoge tu compañero y adaptarte es parte del juego.


Lo unico que no me gusta es pick simultaneo


Como dicen por aquí menos lo del pick simultaneo, todo lo demás me gusta.

Usuarios habituales

  • Demonlike
  • ElT8Ny
  • Yurii
  • MoonKai
  • BrKnChaiN
  • Yaya