Mouse sensitivity resets after every game.
On OsX 10.6.8 League of Legends Mac cannot be launched.
Chatbox resets after every game.
Graphics settings reset after each game.
Game crashes after champion select and unable to reconnect even after restarting the client. Image.
Closing LoLReplay and killing its process fixes this bug for some users
Frame rate issues.
General tab of friends list is stuck as the first group instead of being alphabetical.
If you accept friends while your friends list is open,it freezes and blocks champions selected by enemy during champion select.
Request to trade champions during champion select doesn't make a sound.
When you mouseover the status effect that towers have, the word "invisible" in the tooltip is spelled incorrectly.
Tower Bug
Twisted Treeline towers and ARAM towersdon't have items in their inventories.
Zyra bot's AI is dumb.
Movement Lags
Incomplete particles with Steel Legion Garen.
Friends list offline bug, randomly occours while chatting. Chatting isn't restricted however the status circle / summoner name is grayed out.
Friends list being completely wiped for a few people.
Katarina visual bug
2 same champions(on opposite teams) can be present in a single ARAM game.
Custom ward skins aren't available for people who had bought them previously.
Unspecified error during patching.
Towers in spectator mode doesn't show items.
Invisible skill shots.
Screen Flickering
Camera doesn't goto the enemy nexus after surrender.
Reroll bugs accompanied with "Unexpected Error".
Thresh Flay bug.
Screen resolution reseting to 1024x768.
Particle bugs (minion aa, champion spell particles replaced with ignite / flash etc).
Champion Select Bug
Major screen fluctuations / flashes etc when Garen uses ultimate.
Logitech LCD keyboard related game crashes.
Kage's Lucky pick undocumented increased in Gold per 10 from +4 gp10 to +5 gp10
Kitae's bloodrazer is shown in item sets. Item price for entropy has not been updated.
Zyra Bot builds Runic Bulwark