nRated se va de Fnatic, Yellowstar support.

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Nrated no estaba al nivel. Quizas se haya cansado de estar en la elite, igual que le paso a roonaldinho.

YS support veremos que tal, pero de adc le ha caido muchisima mierda y se gano a pulso ser el mvp de las finales de la lcs de invierno.Asi que tan malo no será...

Si da la talla de support y se entiende con rekkles hay fnatic para rato. Svenskeren pa la jungla y a dar cera pulir cera.

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Tenemos respuesta de nRated:

Writing this post took me a long time and was not an easy task for me. Please dont put any hatred on any of my former teammates, because they always treated me with respect and I have no personal dispute with anyone of them.

So long story short, my team approached me several times to play more soloqueue, which I didn't as much as I should have. I was not underperforming (the reason for our losses was misscommunication and unsolid teamplay), so I did not feel any pressure or need to practice off by heart and I never received a "last warning" or anything, I simply got told to play more soloqueue. I attempted to any premadetraining we did daily so I did what I could for the teamplay. What I dont understand is that I didn't get warned from people I was playing for almost a year and I even told them when they told me that they will play with another botlane I will step my game up in terms of practice if they decide to keep me. Im upset about the decision of my former team and I dont necessarily understand it, but I will have to accept it anyways. My dedication to the game and my will are still the same and it is a true disappointment for me that this happened. Going into the next weeks I will look on offers and opportunities so anyone that wants to approach me should feel free to do so. The next days are not going to be the easiest for me, but I have my girlfriend Elena and my friends supporting me and I really appreciated every single message I've received.

I will work hard to stay in the scene and id love to go back to LCS one day, right now im only waiting for offers and maybe with some luck I will be back sooner than expected :)

A big thank you to everyone that supports me, because right now it means the world to me.

Greetings Chris aka. nRated

Menos mal, que tiene a su novia Elena :<

1 comentario moderado

Podría aprovechar Gambit y ficharlo. Total, Diamond y Alex ya están casados... otra Yoko más no es problema y Darker no es ni la sombra de Gosu.

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Cada vez más las esperanzas de Europa para hacer algo en las finales disminuyen.


#171 diamond está casado??? wow !

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seria un buen lolazo que ahora que han confirmado a D4rker le pegaran la patada y ficharan a Nrated


Ya hace tiempo que me andaba oliendo esto, viendo a nRated en temporada de lcs jugando noches y noches ARAMS y Normales con minervae y amigos de minervae en plan risas, en vez de entrenar con Fnatic.

Merecido, por pagafantas y por nula profesionalidad.


#91 Jajajaj no se xq narices he puesto que buen movimiento, ha sido un lapsus en toda regla, un movimiento malo de cojones dejando al paquetazo de Cyanide en jungla cuando es un tio muy irregular, mal futuro para Fnatic hasta septiembre.

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#91 No voy a caer en tu provocación metiendo al Idolo en el mismo saco que a los demás xDD.

#176 Yo lo veo muy regular, el 90% de las veces lo hace mal, y siempre se queda underleveled y undefarmed.

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