Nuevo campeón: Varus, la flecha del castigo


"Lo tiene todo de Vayne", si, ya veo la ballesta y las gafas, y el traje de cuero


FUCK, este me lo tengo que comprar por huevos


¿Alguien entiende el Juicio de la Liga? Porque no entiendo una puta mierda de donde esta, ni nada.

#34 No, no, digo de la propia historia que pone ahi, que es inentendible tio xD Dice no se que de un pozo, pero dios santo, que coño? xD

1 1 respuesta

#33 La historia del LoL (no me hagas mucho caso, no me la se) es que todos los campeones tienen que pasar una "prueba" para competir en la Grieta del Invocador, que viene a ser El Juicio de la Liga.

Vamos, el lore.

1 respuesta

Pero nadie se ha dado cuenta de que es clavadito a Blitz?!?11!? q poco original Riot..


#8 #10 #11 #26

Por lo que pone en los foros americanos al parecer va a salir en el parche siguiente al de Hecarim

1 1 respuesta

#5 habria sido mas facil ponerle tetas al ezreal Ç:D


#36 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj

me cago en la puta... :palm: :mad:

1 comentario moderado

Pido ban para #39


Si el ult no es un rayo laser/flecha gigante/bomba atómica estaré extremely dissapointed


-Wtf, desaparecieron los juicios de la liga y los periódicos estos y ahora PUM, sale el cómic este con juicio y todo??

-Por favor que alguien me explique que pasa, porque soy rubio y me cuestan estas cosas, ¿acaso es el campeón del tio aquel que recluto tantísima gente?
-Por que no sale mas lore? No he encontrado los juicios de los últimos campeones tampoco... Este sale después del centauro?


Vaya juicio infumable, no hay quien se lo lea con ganas de comprenderlo


Carry ad mola


hace un tiempo que no sacaban un carry AD, a ver que tal su ulti


Según el lore, parece ser que el arco y esa cosa negra que tiene en las piernas y en el brazo es una "sustancia pensante" que puede cambiar de forma y le controla en cierto modo, muy parecido al simbionte de Spiderman.

1 respuesta

#46 Ahora vendran los que dicen que es copia de Descartes



PAX East 2012: League of Legends 'Varus, the Arrow of Retribution' abilities and impressions

It's been a busy week for Riot Games who not only revealed Hecarim, the Shadow of War, but earlier today gave a sneak peek at another champion: Varus, the Arrow of Retribution.
While we knew of Hecarim prior to PAX, it was just last night that his abilities were revealed. Varus, on the other hand, was a surprise as Riot just announced him today.
As promised, both champions were made available to play at PAX East and I did get to demo both of them. And while I'm more of a top lane player and tend to lean towards Hecarim, I have to admit Varus was a ton of fun to play and will probably be my new favorite AD carry. Also, seeing as how Hecarim's abilities have already been revealed, I think you all want to know just what Varus is capable of. So before I begin my impressions on the new AD carry that will likely arrive in the patch following Hecarim's (according to Riot), check out his abilities:


Passive: Living Vengeance: On champion kill or assist, Varus gains 40% Attack Speed for 6 seconds. On minion kill, Varus gains 20% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Q: Piercing Arrow: First Cast: Varus starts drawing back his next shot, gradually increasing its range and damage
Second Cast: Varus fires, dealing 77 to 115 physical damage, reduced by 15% per enemy hit (minimum 33%). While preparing to shoot Varus' Movement speed is slowed by 20%. After 4 seconds, Piercing Arrow fails but refunds half its mana cost. **This was with 3 points in it.

W: Blighted Quiver: Passive Varus' basic attacks deal 10 bonus magic damage and apply blight for 6 seconds (stacks 3 times). Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage equal to 2% of the targets maximum Health per stack (Max 360 total damage vs Monsters). **This was with 1 point in it.

E: Hail of Arrows: Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals 60 phsycal damage and desecrates the ground for 4 seconds. Desecrated Ground slows enemy Movement Speed by 20% and reduces healing effects by 50% **This was with 1 point in it.

R: Chain of Corruption: Varus flings out a tendril of corruption that deals 150 magic damage and immobilizes the first enemy champion for 2 seconds. The corruption then spreads towards nearby uninfected champions, applying the same damage and immobilize if it reaches them. **This was with 1 point in it.

Varus' recommended items are Doran's Blade, Berserker Greaves, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, and Angel Armor

As his abilities suggest, Varus wields a powerful bow consumed by dark magic. Combined with "an unrelenting thirst for vengeance in his heart", Varus is a deadly ranged AD champion, capable of striking beyond the turret's range. Individually, Varus' abilities may not seem like much, but combined in a perfect rotation, Varus can be a powerful carry.
I'm not going to focus on his animations or character model too much because we do have footage that will be uploaded soon. I will however say that I was very impressed with his bow, which changed color when 3 stacks of blight were applied to an enemy. It was a nice subtle difference that is just one of the things that makes this character fun to play.
Before I get into the abilities, I should mention his passive is incredibly strong and should be taken advantage of. What does this mean? It means only initiate if you have that buff after killing an enemy minion or champion. That attack speed could mean a ton of distance and is important to get those blight stacks on the enemy champion for additional damage.
So now to the good stuff, his ability damage. Yes, Varus can deal a ton of damage from quite a distance as his Q is one of the most unique things I've seen in League of Legends. Here's a quick rundown of how it works. You press Q and the ability's striking range appears. The longer you wait to cast the skill, the further the range grows and the more the damage builds. It will do this for 4 seconds, at which point it either fails and you receive half of your mana back, or you cast it at an enemy. Although you must click on the enemy you wish to attack, it is still a skillshot which travels in a straight line towards the target. This means that enemy champions do have the ability to dodge and sidestep this attack. Unfortunately, the further you are away, the longer they have to dodge. But it also means if you do land it, you will dish out some serious damage. From my brief experience with Varus, I found that using this as a last shot to enemies attempting to escape could kill them similar to Caitlyn's ult. The range is also so far that you can hit an enemy champion if he is low health and teleporting back to his Nexus at a safe distance from the enemy turret's attacks.
As I mentioned, you are going to want to stack blight on the enemy champion as quickly as possible. So here's what I suggest: kill a minion, auto attack the champion with Blighted Quiver automatically stacking damage increasing blight on them. Once you've got the stacks, you can cast Hail of Arrows which will not only dish out a ton of damage but will also slow the enemy and decrease their healing. At this point they'll have so much damage they'll be forced to run.
But thanks to your ult, Chain of Corruption, they won't be able to run. If you effectively land this skillshot they will be rooted in place and vulnerable to your attacks. If they survive this, finish them off with your Piercing Arrow as they attempt to run. The increasing range of that ability should be far enough to reach them.
Unfortunately, I was only able to play Varus against bots, so take that for what its worth. If you aren't a believer in how strong he is yet, you should at least take away from this preview that his abilities are fun and work well together; there's no denying that. If done right, Varos could be incredibly strong. He seemed to do quite well in Dominion, especially when teamed with a Hecarim who was able to initiate quite nicely.
Speaking of Hecarim, be sure to check back as I will have my hands-on demo impressions with Hecarim, the Shadow of War, soon. We will also have footage of both champions in action this week!



1 1 respuesta

#48 Me encanta este personaje. ¿Alguien puede poner las habilidades en español?

1 respuesta

#49 Pues no he encontrado ninguna traducción "oficial", en cuanto salga la posteo en #1.

De momento lo único que he visto es una traducción que han hecho en los foros españoles de Riot:

Q: Es un skillshot en línea que aumenta su rango cuanto más tiempo mantengas pulsado el botón. Puedes moverte mientras lo casteas pero recibes un debuff de -20% a tu movimiento. El daño máximo es alededor del 150% de tu ad total más una pequeña cantidad base. El rango máximo de la habilidad es de 1100 (entre parentesis aclara que lo dijo su creador)

W: Pasiva: Gana una pequeña cantidad de daño mágico con cada ataque. El daño máximo es 30 (o al menos eso piensa el autor). Cada vez que le das con un autoataque a un enemigo les aplica un debuff que se activa con la siguiente skill de Varus que les acierte, dañándoles por un porcentaje de su vida máxima. 5% con la habilidad al máximo.

E: Una habilidad en area de medi a largo rango parecido a ¡Que llueva! (Miss Fortune). Su daño se aplica por adelantado (supongo que querrá decir que aplica todo el daño de golpe y no una parte por segundo) y además aplica un pequeño slow (30 - 40%) y deja tras de si un area que aplica la habilidad Grievous Wounds (No me acuerdo bien que habilidad es esta ni cual es su traducción en el juego, pero creo que es algo así como el daño por segundo que te aplica MF)

R: Skillshot de largo rango que hace un daño aproximado al de la flecha de Ashe. Si acierta a un campeón enemigo les snarea por 2 segundos, y si hay campeones enemigos alrededor de un pequeño radio (400 más o menos) viaja hasta ellos y les aplica el mismo efecto y el mismo daño. La habilidad seguirá viajando entre objetivos hasta que se le agoten los objetivos válidos.

Pasiva: Al matar a un minion recibes un buff a la velocidad de ataque del 20% durante 6 segundos. Si matas a un campeón recibes un buff del 40%


1 respuesta

Que poco me ilusiona este pj, aunque pienso pillarmelo antes que el centauro.

La ulti puede ser rollo ulti amumu pero desde lejos, para un rango ad puede molar mucho.


#50 Grievous wounds es el debuff de 50% menos de healing


OH FUCK la W anti offtanks de mierda, :me gusta:

Ya era hora de tocarle un poco los webos a la gente que solo sabe jugar offtanks.


y para cuando sacan un tank ?


en resumen: un AD con snare en area para bajarse al equipo enemigo sin despeinarse


Esto se parece 0 a Ashe 2.0. Recuerda algo más a Vayne o Kog por el daño magico/basado en % de vida.

Este carry ad tiene pinta de ser TOP. Tiene algunas cosillas que me recuerdan a Windrunner del Dota 2.


es mid ap de fijo o un ezreal raro

1 respuesta

A mi me recuerda a: nadie

Ninguna de las skills se parece a otras de otro champion, dejad de buscar comparaciones todo el dia


Shut up and take my money, porfín un arquero diferente a la puta mierda que es ashe, que solo vale por su ulti.


#57 ¿De verdad no ves que es un carry ad?