"Tentative Gangplank and Kalista Changes"
La nueva pantalla de selección de campéon sigue en el PBE para pruebas.
Trial by Fire (Passive):
- bonus true damage now over 2.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds
- damage to turrets lowered to 25% from 50%
- Bonus AD Ratio lowered to .9 from 1.2
Powder Keg (E): bonus damage reverted to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/80/110/140/170
[NOTE: For those who may not be keeping up with the daily updates, E is now completely back to live functionality and numbers.]
Rend (E): No longer refunds mana for killing a single target. Two or more targets still refunds the mana cost (40)
Warding Totem
Recharge time lowered to 180 - 90 seconds based on level from 180-120 seconds.
Farsight Alteration
Reduced cooldown of Warding Totem lowered to 33% from 50%
tl;dr: Nerfs a Gangplank y Kalista, buff al Totem de Wards y nerf al Orbe azul.