Pool party zac o superboo? Rito quiere dejarme pobre =/
#56 Me gusto cuando revenant dijo, hare de bronze a diamante, va se coje sus mains stompea unos bronzas, la gente se queja y dice que os follen xD, me descojone
yi chroma
mejora visual de habilidades de galio
pool party minions
bufs/nerfs etc
Ranger's Focus (Q) tooltip changed to "Hitting a spell or attack grants" from "Apply Frost Shot grants.."
Skittering Frenzy (Spider W) Elise is no longer healed by her own or spiderling attacks while active.
Rappel (Spider E) New Effect - "After descending, Elise's personal spider attacks have their bonuses increased by 40/55/70/85/100% for 5 seconds"
Spider Form (R) New Effect- now heals Elise for half of the bonus magic damage on hit.
[Note: As Elise's spider form currently gains 10/20/30/40 +.3 AP on hit magic damage, this heal would end up being 5/10/15/20 +.15 AP.]
Overload (Q) damage reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/100/140/180/220
Rune Prison (W) duration reduced to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 from 1/1.125/1.25/1.375/1.5
[Note: Riot Repertoir has also noted that Ryze's W and E no longer cancel active movement and attack comments.]
[Removed] Enchantment: Magus
Replaced by Enchantment: Runeglaive
[New Item] Enchantment: Runeglaive
Builds out of [Sheen + Jungle Item + 200g]
40 AP
200 Mana
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack is converted into magic damage and deals 75% Base Attack Damage (+30% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit in an AoE around the target (1.5 second cooldown). When attacking a monster, this also restores 6% of your missing Mana."
Face of the Mountain
Unique Passive - Spoils of War no longer heals for +1% of owner's Maximum health
[Note: Xypherous has confirmed these changes went out to the PBE unintentionally and will be reverted soon. ]
Sweeping Lens (Trinket)
New Effect:"Every X seconds, tracks the number of active wards on the map by each team"
Tooltip now lists [cooldown as 120 to 75] and now lists [Cast Range and Radius improve with level rather than the level 9 increase]
[Note: Riot Velocity has confirmed these changes went out early and are incomplete. These will likely be reverted and do not currently work on the PBE.]
Warding Totem (Trinket)
Tooltip now lists [that ward duration is based on champion level rather than improving at level 9] and lists [120-0 second cooldown?]
[Note: Riot Velocity has confirmed these changes went out early and are incomplete. These will likely be reverted and do not currently work on the PBE. ]
Sabeis si hacen refund de una skin a la que le cambian los efectos? Vease Gatekeeper Galio
Y el verde?
#67 A mi me gusta mucho, pero se ha quedado bastante anticuada, no tiene recall personalizado ni nada. A ver si con el cambio este de animaciones me devuelven el $$ porque a mi me gusta el tono verde.
#69 no,ya dijeron que no lo iba a permitir mas,lo posibilitaron cuando metieron reworks visuales pero la gente le vio el negocio y acabaron quitandolo,mala suerte,xD!
#70 ya te pongo yo la respuesta. Esto fue de cuando hicieron la de tristana que quería que me devolvieran la rocketeer por que en mi opinión se la cargaron. Ahora siempre me pongo la de chica riot. 5€ a la puta basura.
#72 Si chico!!!! yo estoy igual, tenia la antigua del rocket y ahora llevo la de elfo de navidad, el mono amarillo de la rocketeer no pega ni con cola con el pelo verde jamaro que lleva, una autentica pena xk la pre rework estaba wapisima.
splash art
New Summoner Icons
El segundo es el del evento Pool Party
Skin Updates
Brand VFX Changes
Corki VFX Changes
Balance Changes
Winter's Bite (Q) damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 from 60/105/150/195/240
Winter's Bite (Q) mana cost reduced to 45/50/55/60/65 from 55/60/65/70/75
Base Mana reverted to 280 from 300
Base attack speed reduced to .625 attacks per second from .644
Attack Speed per level growth increased to 3.3% from 3%
Timewinder (Q) first hit AP ratio reduced to .1 from .15
Timewinder (Q) return hit AP ratio reverted to .6 from .55
[Note: Live Q AP ratio is .2 for first hit and way back is currently .6]
Keeping with the changes introduced in the 6/12 update, Elise has recieved significant changes to her passive and R tooltips.
Spider Queen (Passive) has a new name (Now Queen instead of Swarm) and tooltip now lists the bonus magic damage on hit + heal in Spider Form.
Heal on hit value lowered to [4/6/8/10 + (.15 AP)] from [5/10/15/20 (+.15AP)]
Idol of Durand (R) base damage lowered to 200/300/400 from 220/330/440
Idol of Durand (R) damage now increases by 10% for each attack suffered from 5%. Maximum bonus damage now up to 80% [360/540/720 (+1.08 AP)] from 40% [308/462/616 (+ .84 AP)]
Base HP regen per second reduced to 1.1 from 1.7356
HP Regen per second per level reduced to .1 from .17
Barrel Roll (Q) slow duration reduced to 1.3 seconds from 2 seconds
Barrel Roll (Q) slow duration now also scales up to 150% as the cask ferments
[Note: This means the slow will be ~ the same if Q is allowed to fully charge]
Demacian Standard (E) cooldown reduced to 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 from 13 at all ranks
Grandmaster's Might (R) active's Armor bonus increased to 30/50/70 from 20/35/50
Grandmaster's Might (R) active's MR bonus increased to 30/50/70 from 20/35/50
Brutal Strikes (W) damage for active's additional physical damage lowered to [15/30/45/60/75 +(.1 AP)] from [25/40/55/70/85 +(.15 AP)]
Brutal Strikes (W) a .1 armor ratio has been added to the active's extra damage on hit.
[Note: This means every 10 armor increases damage by 1.]
Brutal Strikes (W) splash range increased to 225 from 200.
[Note: The base damage and AP ratio were lowered because the ability also now scales up in damage with Malphite's Armor.]
Subjugate (R) % of enemy's max health drain increased to 20/27.5/35% from 20/24/28%
Face of the Mountain
[The tooltip changes pushed unintentionally last PBE patch have been reverted ]
Yellow and Red Trinket
[The tooltip changes pushed unintentionally last PBE patch have been reverted ]
Poco a poco trundle va a estar por las nubes.. el nerf a ekko y gragas se veía venir, al igual que el buff a jarv xddd
A ver como dejan a elise al final porque ese nerf a la curacion.... y trundle se esta poniendo gordete el cabron xD
Por cierto..
La cosa es...te lo marcara siempre cuantos wards hay o solo cuando lo activas?
Tentative Core AP Item Pass
Blasting Wand
Cost: 860 G --> 850 G
Needlessly Large Rod
Cost: 1600 G --> 1250 G
Ability Power: 80 AP --> 60 AP
No se si lo he entendido bien, pero parece un buffazo a todos los objetos para los ap's, por lo que volveré a sacar a Diana jungla, que si ya estaba medio bien, ahora podría ir mejor aún