Preview del rework a Viktor


Igual que con Soraka, ha aparecido la primera idea del rework a Viktor:


We've already talked about the passive, and not much has changed from what I spoiled back then. Viktor is able to upgrade his Hex Core 3 times, and each upgrade will allow him to augment a basic ability & grant AP and mana. The completed item will be certainly slot efficient and grant a load of AP in the late game.


We talked about the Q somewhat in intentionally vague terms. The Q is gaining a significant increase in range in exchange for significant reduction in damage. The lost damage will be made up as Viktor will gain a strong damage modifier on his next basic attack, akin to Lich Bane.

This is intended to divorce the utility portion of the Q from the damage portion while keeping it a targeted spell. Viktor should be able to gain access to his shield and speed boost (with augment) from a safer distance, and decide whether he can risk coming in closer to deal the bulk of his damage.

but Viktor's autoattack sucks!
Not THIS one

The augment on the Q remains the speed boost. The divorce of the utility and damage opens up offensive use cases of the augment (to get closer to land your other spells with higher accuracy), and should be a strong contender for 1st augment.

One last thing, the shield, speedboost and on next hit are all granted upon cast. You can finally shield an enemy's spells on reaction.


This is all in all a fine spell with very strong potential. However its lack of range makes it very difficult to utilize in non-defensive ways. The spell has also had its range increased significantly (but not as much as live Augment W) to clarify Viktor's engagement range to be around his R range. In exchange, the enemies will be warned earlier that the trap is opening beneath them. This should both increase usability of the spell for Viktor but keep it feeling fair for the enemy.

The W augment no longer increases range but sucks in enemies that are stunned by it to its center. This will allow Viktor to both function as a very strong follow up AOE burst (someone else probably needs to initiate for him) and enhance his kiting gameplay against the front line of the enemy who he ends up fighting against due to lack of jumps. This is probably the 3rd augment to take in most situations but if you need to kite a lot or foresee a mid level teamfight it could be taken earlier.


The Lazer of Death is an iconic spell on viktor and we have fought very hard to keep its numbers intact on the base spell. Nothing much has changed, it is still the thing we all love and hate.

The E augment on the other hand, has undergone significant changes. It will no longer apply a DOT on hit, but instead an explosion will follow the initial laser's wake. If Viktor hits both the laser and the explosion, Viktor will deal more damage than the Augmented E on live. This will be a net nerf as the reliability hit is significant, and the spell will be weaker as poke, but stronger for waveclear or in combination with other spells .


I said back then that the R is also undergoing a big change, unfortunately the change we planned did not pan out and the R will stay very similar to what it is on live. Not much more to talk about here.

So there it is, the updated Viktor should become a strong followup mage that excels as a secondary AOE wombo, and deals strong sustained damage against the front line with his Q and R. Hopefully we will meet again soon when phase 2 of the Glorious Evolution commences as I will leave you with one last tease.


Hace más pupa sobre todo si tienes Lich Bane en sinergia con la nueva Q, la Q y la W tienen más rango, la nueva E te proporciona un mujer waveclear, y lo de su ulti y su pasiva nuevas no me ha quedado claro aún.

1 2 respuestas

#2 mujer waveclear hahahah

10 1 respuesta

#3 Dat Samsung predictable text 2 stronk


#2 el mujer waveclear tiene pinta de que viene fuerte, tendrán que nerfear


Me parece que el sentido del hilo va a girar en torno al mujer waveclear que al motivo original.

Me ha matado hahahahahahaha


Tiene poco de rework esto en realidad xD


Lo que más necesitaba era que el objeto dejara de dar ascopena, y parece que eso va a dejar de hacerlo. Las demás mejoras son bienvenidas pero eso era lo básico, porque es de chiste.


No lo veo, pero espero que a la pasiva lo mejoren lo suficiente.


Según dijeron, la pasiva sera el mejor objeto de ap del juego (en cuanto a dar ap me refiero) por lo que ya no cojeara de eso en late.

Me gustaria ver numeros antes de decir nada, aunque me encantaba su antigua w :(


compensan que no puedas tener la utilidad de un 6to ítem con que tu propio ítem-pasiva te de mucho mucho AP... pues ok.. a ver si realmente es un ítem op y compense.

1 respuesta

#11 no es solo un item que de mucho ap, es un item que mejora todas las habilidades (menos la R)


Yo el unico fallo que veo en Viktor es la poca movilidad que tiene, por lo demas me gusta bastante como esta.

9 días después

Passive: Glorious Evolution

Viktor starts with a Prototype Hex Core that he can upgrade 3 times for 1000 gold each. Each upgrade grants +25 AP, +150 Mana and +1 AP per level, cumulating in +75AP, +6 AP per level, +500 Mana for the Perfect Hex Core.
Each upgrade will allow Viktor to augment one of his basic abilities and when Viktor has upgraded all 3, the Chaos Storm will be augmented also.

Q: Siphon Power

Range changed to use bounding boxes (Effectively 100 range increase)
Cooldown changed to 10/8.5/7/5.5/4
Damage reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2AP)
Empowered autoattack that deals 15250 (depending on Viktor's level) (+0.5AP) bonus magic damage on next basic attack.
NOTE: The entirety of the damage of the next basic attack is converted to magic (ex: Poppy Q)
Shield amount changed to 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.2AP)
Shield and speed boost (Augment) duration reduced to 2.5
Shield, speed boost and empower all granted immediately upon cast

W: Gravity Field

Range increased to 700
Particle starts playing as soon as Viktor starts cast, time between start of cast and enemy being slowed is unchanged
Stunned enemies are no longer affected by the slow

E: Death Ray

Augment Explosion missile speed significantly faster than the original laser

R: Chaos Storm

Cast time reduced to 0.25 (from 0.33)
Cooldown reduced to 120/110/100
Radius of initial impact increased to 325 (from 250)
Radius of DOT zone reduced to 325 (from 350)
Storm always moves at maximum speed when moving towards Viktor
DOT damage changed to 30/60/90 (+0.2AP)
DOT damage interval now 0.5 seconds (from 0.25)
No longer silences on impact, interrupts channels instead

1 1 respuesta

#14 te has dejado lo más importante, NUEVO SPLASH


Que manía le tienen a los silencios omg -.-

Blitzcrank, Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Garen, Malzahar, Soraka, Talon, Viktor

A ver lo que le duran sobre todo a los 3 primeros xD

1 1 respuesta

#16 el de fiddlesticks es bastante estupido, que te pueda silenciar desde cuenca...xd


Corregidme si me equivoco pero, si no he entendido mal, ahora Viktor funcionaría de forma parecida que Heimerdinger ¿No? Quiero decir, las mejoras de habilidades no son permanentes tipo Kha'Zix, si no que activa el objeto especial y la siguiente habilidad mete algo especial ¿No?

2 respuestas

#18 te corrijo: las mejoras son permanentes y pasivas. Tu compras uno de los aumentos y mejoras una habilidad; compras el siguiente y se apila a lo anterior. Al final cuando compras todo tienes las 4 habilidades mejoradas, las 3 por las 3 compras + la de la R que te la dan de regalo.

1 1 respuesta

#18 Por lo que he podido entender, la pasiva, el objeto, no interactua en el juego, sólo te proporciona unos stats más jugosos que al anterior Viktor. Sus habilidades son independientes a la pasiva.


Por cierto, con el liche que le ponen en la Q, te compras el liche de verdad y como vas a llegar fácil a los 700-800 de ap (el objeto ahora acaba dando 183) al tío que le pegues el autoataque lo vas a desintegrar.


Con las ganas que tengo del rework de Viktor y el palo que me da leerlo


#18 #19 Mala mía entonces, gracias a ambos.

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