Hi i would like to share the keyboard I did myself, and ask for some feedback for future keyboards.
The keyboard itself is a normal keyboard, but i may have the chance to use some mechanical keyboards with mx-cherry switches.
Any future idea about the design of the keyboards? will post some more if it has some succes!
I dont know if I can sell this keyboards, i have to have some talk with my company if they where interested. But we make something similar for audio and video editing programs, and the keyboards are around 100 euros. Right now im trying to catch more corporative attention.
EDIT: here is a keyboard I did some time ago also, not related with lol but hope u enjoy it, gonna try to make something new withing this week, for league of legends.
Pues eso, agradecería enormemente que me comentaseis la opinión que os ha generado estos teclados al igual que quisiese que compartieseis vuestros comentarios, aportes o sugerencias de lo que esperaríais de uno semejante o cómo mejorar los diseños ya existentes. Cualquier clase de comentario bienintencionado será bien recibido.
P.D: El hilo inicial desde el cuál se subió inicialmente el texto proviene de aquí https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3ja2fd/samsung_galaxy_white_league_of_legends_keyboard/