culebrazo, you've spent about 2277 hours on League of Legends which means 95 days of your life. You are 19417th on EUW servers and 30577th in the world
culebrazo, you've spent about 2277 hours on League of Legends which means 95 days of your life. You are 19417th on EUW servers and 30577th in the world
you've spent about 2036 hours on League of Legends which means 85 days of your life. You are 28410th on euw servers and 44901th in the world.
Shooket, you've spent about 2882 hours on League of Legends which means 120 days of your life. You are 6670th on euw servers and 10412th in the world.
Aún compartiendo cuenta con mi hermano me parece una barbaridad xD Al menos el número de horas es capicúa xddddddddd
therealbadluck, you've spent about 1069 hours on League of Legends which means 45 days of your life. You are 89941th on EUW servers and 147313th in the world.
not bad.
No puede ser que tenga casi 1500 partidas entre normales y rankeds y solo tengoa 570 horas, es imposible.
No se cuantas tendria que tener pero mas que esas si.
you've spent about 2143 hours on League of Legends which means 89 days of your life. You are 24221th on EUW servers and 38129th in the world.
krauss, you've spent about 1769 hours on League of Legends which means 74 days of your life. You are 41767th on EUW servers and 66521th in the world.
Su puta madre, 74 dias... Si lo sumase con lo que gasté en el vanilla wow y todo ese tiempo lo hubiese invertido en algo productivo... Fuck this.
Esto tira de información REAL proporcionada por RIOT. Osea que es vuestro tiempo exacto jugando, hay otra llamada que devuelve Maximum Time Living, que deduzco que debe ser cuanto has estao con el cliente abierto, asique voy a intentar tirarle a ver que pasa xD
meh, no lo he conseguido, a lo máximo que he llegado ha sido coger las horas totales de Rankeds de una season (3 ó 4). Si a alguno le interesa podemos comprobarlo, porque yo apenas juego ranked...
garciah, you've spent about 1348 hours on League of Legends which means 56 days of your life. You are 71541th on EUW servers and 115514th in the world.
Oh God me enorgullezco y todo de mi mismo
linkshadow, you've spent about 2751 hours on League of Legends which means 115 days of your life. You are 8803th on EUW servers and 13699th in the world.
WÊra, you've spent about 1654 hours on League of Legends which means 69 days of your life. You are 50393th on euw servers and 80497th in the world.
En 4 años, no me asusta mucho
rentallymetarded , que ha gastado cerca de 3.456 horas de League of Legends Todo lo que significa la agrupación 144 días de su vida. Usted es 2254 ª en EUW servidores y 3.537 º en el mundo.
Es imposible, he gastado probablemente más xdd
míharu, you've spent about 1650 hours on League of Legends which means 69 days of your life. You are 51758th on EUW servers and 83641th in the world.
sanaking, you've spent about 342 hours on League of Legends which means 14 days of your life. You are 159478th on EUW servers and 276357th in the world.
62 dias, no llego a 1000 normales wins y yo considero q juego basto no entiendo como hay gente con 2500 wins normales xd.
sujalf, you've spent about 4515 hours on League of Legends which means 188 days of your life. You are 277th on euw servers and 473th in the world.
Tengo un TOP 300 en mi lista de amigos xD
#116 me temo que después de investigar en la API de Riot te tengo que dar la razón... No he visto que por ningún lado te devuelva el tiempo de las partidas... Lo más probable es que hayan sacado una media de la duración de las partidas por modo y hayan multiplicao...