Rumor: WE se separa?


Ha aparecido esto por Reddit:

Su traducción y las especulaciones que se han formado alrededor:

Team WE academy's coach Xiaoshou (formerly Positive Energy's coach) calling out WE's former analyst /coach Aaron : "In the past year we made you famous and this is how you repay your team? I will hunt you down to which ever new team you are going to"

  • Aaron announced he will be leaving team WE.

  • It appears he also "convinced" two current WE members to leave with him.

  • Xiaoshou (one of team WE's coach) said Aaron illegally poached the players, and also an "unethical thing to do to his former team"

  • Caomei and Misaya will be retiring and two new players will join WE.

  • It's possible that Fzzf and Clearlove will be the ones leaving.

About a year ago WE was arguably the best team in the world, maintaining an impressive 90% win rate in all tournament for almost 3 months, they are also one of the oldest pro teams that hasn't had a roster change, ever since they got defeated by iG in Starswar league final, the legend sort of ended, and team WE went into a slump, the only recent tournament win was IEM ShangHai.

When China lost all-star finals to Korean team, Aaron's credibility as the coach was questioned by many fans, he later on promised on microblog saying he would bring WE another World championship title just like IPL5, this is right after WE lost to KTB in Asian Indoor Game in the finals back in June. After that WE failed to qualify for S3, the whole team was under a lot of pressure, they lost to OMG twice in WCG qualifier and semi-finals, I guess that kinda sealed the deal, the entire team's performance was lackluster, changes need to be made it seems like.

If this "rumor" is true, the WE will lose 4 of his current members, leaving only Weixiao, good bye Team WE, you will be remembered.


Cuidado que como esto sea verdad desaparecera uno de los grandes de China, que parecía que volvia a tener nivel en los ultimos meses.


que mareo


La traducción de reddit un poco chustera pero les gusta crear polémica, no sé puede pedir más.


No me extrañaría, no lo han hecho mal en el WCG pero comparado con el año pasado no son lo que eran, OMG han sido bastante superiores aunque no mucho, y bueno, el partido contra los mexicanos Lyon no lo cuento xD


La verdad sq tienen una montada en WE fina... Y si encima le sumas que en China a la minima acusacion de mal comportamiento, incitacion etc te banean pues... bien acabara la cosa seguro xD


WE forma parte de los oldschool. Sería una pena.

3 comentarios moderados

Caaada vez lo mismo, teneis las traducciones debajo, no hace falta repetir la misma coña 60 millones de veces.

1 respuesta

Que poco sentido del humor la virgen,

Rumores en na, eu y china en general, parece que esta abierto el mercado de fichajes


Ocelote ya tiene equipo, se mueve a la posición de adc


Mas información:

This past weekend was a tough one for China’s League of Legends Team WE. The team managed a disappointing third place in the World Cyber Games finals, falling to fellow Chinese team OMG in the semi-finals. And while a bronze medal in a global competition certainly isn’t bad, the other news that emerged this weekend is much worse: apparently, the team is falling apart.

The details are still quite vague, but WE’s youth team coach Xiao Shou exploded on his weibo account about the departure of a team member, analyst Aaron. But Xiao Shou is alleging that the analyst has taken two players with him as well. Here’s a post from his weibo account in response to someone saying Aaron’s departure was “impossible”:

Impossible? He said he was going on holiday; instead he took two players with him to a new team, not going through the proper proceedings. How’s that impossible? What? Who wants to leave? Go ask your beloved Aaron. How can he say, “They wanted to come with me, I had no choice”?

Xiao Shou doesn’t name the departing players specifically, and all of this is difficult to confirm as the unraveling is still going on. It’s also not clear what China’s esports authorities will have to say about the departures if, as Xiao Shou suggests, the departing team members ignored standard procedures and possibly violated their contracts. But the rumors at the moment seem to suggest that the two departed players are none other than FZZF (Support) and Mann (Jungler).

Team WE has not officially confirmed these departures, but a post on the team’s official Weibo account early this morning does confirm some internal strife:

Following WCG there have been some disturbances within the team; we are currently in the process of trying our best to work things out. Our hopes are the same as everyone else’s: whatever else happens we want to keep the same players together onstage in competition. Before official confirmation there’s no way to give you all the final news, but we’d like to thank everyone for your care and support.

In short, it’s hard to be sure exactly what’s happening with WE, but it certainly isn’t good. And if Mann and FZZF really are on their way out, it could mean the beginning of a big shuffle in China’s competitive League of Legends scene. It could also mean the end of Team WE, since in addition to these two possible departures Caomei and team captain Misaya are also reportedly retiring.


WE se va a desperdigar por NA


O NA pone algún límite o eso se llena de asiáticos (nacidos en Asia) y europeos que todos los Estadounidenses y Canadienses van a jugar en la liga Coca-Cola.

2 1 respuesta

Mujer: Caliño, hagamo un sesentaynueve
Hombre: Y yo pala que quielo pollo con almendlas?

ontopic: Seria una pena que desaparecieran :( me molan un huevo como juegan.


#15 Pues que den el nivel xD

1 respuesta

el neuva team de ocelote con asiaticos lo veo!!


#17 por esa regla de tres que ocupen también la LCS de EU, ya verías que gracia ver jugar sólo Asiáticos y mientras los demás jugando la copa cocacola..


Teniendo el precedente de la WCS en StarCraft, seguro que desde que se vea demasiados equipos moverse de región chaparán el candado de algún modo...


#10 Yaya tío, que eso siempre hace gracia. No te enfades con nosotros. Te dedico una canción a ver si se te pasa


Ojo que aparece Tabe en escena:

We got something huge just a moment ago - Tabe, former captain and support player of Royal Club has challenged ACE, Chinese e-sports game industry alliance. Tabe decided to form a new team after ACE banned all clubs from recruiting Tabe as a team member, coach or leader. Up till now, Tabe has recruited the data analyst of WE Abu, jungler player clearlove, support player fzzf and support player of PE - sicca.


La revolucion en la scene china ha comenzado!


Lo que esta haciendo tabe le beneficia a todos, ahora a esperar que se vayan sumando o que no tengan huevos y decapiten a tabe.


con dos cojones Tabe xDDD



Menudos huevos tienen los que le están siguiendo... es básicamente un suicidio profesional xD

La gente ya empieza a comentar de que comprarán el spot de LD en la LCS EU... si pasase sería algo bestial, pero me parece improbable.


Lo mismito que en la scene española,que las organizaciones roban y los equipos se niegan a jugar otra vez en sus torn..


Madre mía con Tabe, los tiene cuadrados.


Que grande Tabe, va a tener a media EU/NA apoyandolo aunq eso se la vaya a pelar a ACE xD

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