Shook vuelve a Vitality


Welcome back Shook!
Par WhiTe PenGoiN | League of Legends | le 2016-06-29 14:00:00

For its first season in the League of Legends Championship Series, Team Vitality lived through nine weeks full of emotions. Unfortunately, our playoff run quickly resulted in a defeat against Fnatic. After this disappointment, a will to make changes was felt within the group and the staff for various reasons, in order to make even better results in the summer split.

After several days of researching, and studying many profiles, the choice was made for the Korean jungler Mightybear. Very promising, his raw talent convinced us. We knew from the beginning that him coming in was a true gamble, but it was a risk that the players and the organization decided to be worth taking, all together.

After four weeks of competition however, it must be concluded that the results are not meeting the expectations. Even though Mightybear's individual talent has been proven, as he demonstrated on the european ladder, his adaptation within the collective is trickier. Therefore, after careful consideration, the decision to make a change in the jungle has been taken.

Indeed, Shook, who started to train again with the team, comes back to his starter position within the squad. His desire to compete again in the League of Legends World Championship is intact. His time spent playing the game with the majority of the team is also a non-negligible part. We therefore hope that adding a new piece in the puzzle will allow Vitality to take a new dimension in the regular season.

In the meantime, Mightybear will stay in the Gaming House and under contract as a sub. We truly believe in his potential and we intend to help him to improve on the different aspects of the game.

You can look up to Shook and his team mates in the LCS on Thursday, around 7:00pm, against FC Schalke 04.

Mas sida para EU y en forma de frente


tan mal estamos en Europa?


Shook es inmortal por lo que se ve
Btw hacía falta hacer esta noticia estando ya posteado? xD

1 respuesta

shook jugo bastante bien el split pasado...bastante mejor que el jungla actual, no es de extrañar para nada, y mas cuando nuke dijo que cada jugador tenia su forma de pensar y jugar dentro de VIT


#4 Siempre es mejor que esté en un hilo aparte, así se le puede hacer noticia bien ;)

1 respuesta

El coreano no mejoraba en absolutamente nada a Shook, aunque este sea un jungla normalito , y si Hjarnan en algún momento quisiese volver creo que iban a tardar bien poco en hacer lo mismo con Police

1 1 respuesta

#6 Ya eso sí, es que en su momento no la vi muy trascendental :D


#7 A mi sinceramente no me importaría


Que raro que ahora salga tol mundo a defender a shook, cuando dije en el mvlive que shook>mightybear todos diciendo que ni de coña...
Idse ar carajo


Yo no le defiendo ni de coña el mbear este me parece mejor, lo que pasa que no se está adaptando de todas maneras el problema de vitality muy a mi pesar esta en la bot lane


Paso hacia atrás por parte de vitality, cuanto mas tarde el equipo en compenetrarse peor les ira de cara a PO. Esta bastante claro que shook es un parche.


pues police en ever no lo hizo tan mal cuando estuvo claro que era segunda koreana o que VIT se equivoco y se tendría que haber traido a loken que ese si es bueno


Vitalidad sacando frente


Esto se hace por la experiencia de equipo, no hay nada como unos buenos frontones antes de planchar en Sjokz.

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