Woong es coach de H2K


Pues si queridas mias el ex ADC de CJEntus/Azubu/MiG etc es el coach de H2K

The former CJ Entus Frost captain is coaching European Challenger team H2k Gaming. Woong, who was considered the brains behind Frost, is coaching the challenger team remotely, similar to how MonteCristo was coaching CLG before their bootcamp and how Maknoon was coaching Pain.

Woong's reputation has dwindled ever since the incident at the Season 2 World Championships but he hopes to put it behind him and start afresh with the challenger team. In a lengthy apology post on Reddit, Woong stated that he wanted "to deeply apologize to the people who were disappointed by my mistake." When asked for comment about coaching the challenger team, Woong stated that he will try to do the best job he can but it was "first time attempting to coach online"

Woong has been coaching H2k for a bit less than a week and helped lead H2K Gaming to victory in the Challenger Playoffs with a 3-2 win over SK Gaming Prime.

When we got to a point where we didn't manage to find any European coaches that had the exp but also the knowledge of the game I started expanding my search to other regions and ended up looking in Korea. I got in contact with Woong pretty quick and we both had the same idea of how to play the game, after having a short talk with the team everyone agreed on that this is our guy and we are now very pleased to have him working with us. I'm sure his work will lead our team in a great direction and with a month long boot-camp coming before Relegation tournament I'm sure we will have some new talent in the LCS by next season.
Robin "Jed" Jedhammar, Manager of H2k Gaming

Update: Sources have also stated that Ram "Brokenshard" Djemal has been assisting the team on a voluntary basis. Djemal started prior to the game vs Unicorns of Love and after he was released from the Copenhagen Wolves.

Significa esto que Kr esta a otro nivel en coaches tambien?

Se nos viene una oleada de exProGamers como headcoaches?

Se habre el debate

Cuando llegara el team koreano a EU?

Fuente http://www.ongamers.com/articles/woong-to-coach-h2k-gaming/1100-2054/


Ya que en Europa estamos estancados y los que son TOP, no aspiran a dar más de si.. esta es una manera de poco a poco ir mejorando sobre lo mejor que tenemos.


Este sabe que hay que banear a Maokai o tampoco se ha enterado?

1 respuesta

#3 Hay que banear a Urgot


Nunca olvidare como humillo a Yellowstar con Urgot en una IEM


El primer paso es fichar a un support como Madlife,para que haga de carry como hacia con el en bot


Esto es como cuando los jugadores acabadisimos de futbolbasket se van a las ligas americanas/arabes/chinas


Este tio tiene mucho conocimiento del juego eso si, aunque Madlife le carrylease basto una cosa no quita la otra.

Also me fio mas de este que ademas su padre va en el dolar(won) de la mafiakoreana, que del tirantes

1 respuesta

#8 Eso había escuchado que el padre es un poderoso.

1 respuesta

#9 que yo sepa era hijo de un alto cargo de azubu y hacia sus dineros


El padre de Woong pago la primera casa donde estaban todos los de Frost. Fue algo asi como el primer inversor.

1 respuesta

#11 Cierto cuando MiG Frost, buen detalle


Joder, me he puesto a mirar vídeos del campeonato mundial de la Season 2 al ver este hilo y los pelos de punta, que grande la s2, para mi la mejor season de lejos, lo que hizo TPA fue muy grande, Stanley el puto amo de este juego, Best Rengar/Nidalee in da world.


PD: Si alguien no vivió la Season 2 le recomiendo la semifinal de TPA vs M5, pajas de sangre.

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