Albion Online #HG | Sandbox Multiplataforma

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Hacer SPAM aquí de vuestro clan puede conllevar una moderación, para promocionarse tenéis el hilo oficial para clanes de Albion Online.


#600 Bueno eso ya depende de cada uno esta claro, yo quise apoyar al equipo de dev y lo compre hace mas de un año y ahora voy a updatear a legendario y no me importa.


#590 Puto shephy, no esperaba verte por aquí, vaya sorpresote!


una buena clase pvp a mele que no sea el daguero? gente alguna recomendacion?

NuKeD para los que quieran streaming


Si alguien juega solo y quiere algún tipo de crafteo que contacte conmigo y le echo un cable.

PD: Si os gustan los caster probad el bastón de maldiciones, que maravilla de daño.

1 respuesta

#605 sip se han pasao


No se yo, este juego no lo termino de ver. Creo que sobre todo el crafteo no me convence, esta muy lejos de crear una economia donde un crafter pueda ser rentable ( a menos que sea el unico en su zona que haga algo, lo cual es un mmo es algo asi como una utopia), no?

Por un lado, mientras las cosas se puedan reparar, no hacen falta crear nuevas (este ha sido un fallo garrafal creo yo, la reparacion de equipo destroza el 80% de los juegos para hacer el crafting rentable).

Y por otro no tiene housing libre, ni puedes construir fortalezas a tu estilo, que puedan tener fallos de seguridad (le da mucha vida) o tratar de mejorar las que conoces, ni tampoco te vas a encontrar una torre donde antes no habia nada, con lo que unavez explorado el mapa ya no tienes que volver a ciertas zonas...

Creo que el juego esta mas cerca de un WoW con algo de pvp free loot, que de un player economy driven game, sandbox y free loot, o eso me parece.

1 respuesta

#607 Los crafters te entierran en pasta en este juego.

El equipo te dura en el inventario, lo que tardas en encontrarte una mala party, cosa que te ocurre 30 veces al dia.

Tienes ciudades donde establecerte de forma autonoma, poner tu casa, o cualquier negocio concreto que quieras.

En serio caton, antes de opinar mira bién, por que no has acertado ni una.

1 1 respuesta

Era lo que yo creia, y lo he puesto precisamente para que me corrijeran so centollo. Ademas del privado que te mande precisamete para preguntar...dame paciencia dios mio
A parte de ya por trollear diria que ninguna de las dos cosas que has dicho solucionan los problemas que le veia...

Primero porque si pierdes el equipo alguien lo gana, con lo que el crafter sigue comiendose los mocos mientras se pueda reparar, no?

Y segundo porque aunque haya zonas donde establecerte de forma autonoma, nunca tendras la necesidad de volver a una zona por ver si alguien ha montado alli una casa a menos que este predeterminada como housing, con lo que la exploracion es solo hasta descubrir el mapa no?

Pero ya es por trollear si quisiera hacerlo XDD.

1 3 respuestas

#609 yo llevo 2 días de played y pienso igual que tu. El equipo debería de romperse,aunque en el Uo no se rompia y seguia habiendo economia.
Lo los AHs separados es un punto, de hecho cualquier persona que se dedique a comerciar se pegará pateos para poner sus productos en los AHs de las "capitales"

1 respuesta

#608 o una fingen azul, donde cada ítem tiene un % de convertirse en trash al morir, y ya no vale repararlo.

Lo dicho se pierde mas equipo del que puedas hacerte.

Otra cosa ha es que te lleguen los learning point


#609 #610 La dificultad del juego es progresiva, en las primeras zonas al morir pierdes el 33% de la durabilidad del equipo y el de los materiales que lleves encima.

Una vez pasas a la siguiente zona, no es fácil que te mate un PK por que hay penalizadores, pero esta zona ya empieza a introducir al jugador en un mundo de free PVP donde nadie va a la cárcel por matar a otro. Además, en esta zona ya introducen una mecánica por la cual puedes perder todo el equipo, que son las criaturas peligrosas, que es el demonio con una espada negra en la cabeza, si te mata, pierdes todo.

Y aquí quería llegar, cuando te nata esta criatura, o te matan en las dos siguientes zonas, pierdes el equipo, esto ya lo sabíais, lo que quizás no sabéis es que varias piezas de tu equipo quedan totalmente destruidas y son irrecuperables, es decir, quien te mate o lotee no recogerá todo tu equipo, ya que varias piezas se rompen del todo.

Además ahora solo estamos viendo el early game, las mejores zonas de recursos y dungeon están en zonas negras, donde si mueres pierdes todo, donde seguro que muchos clanes establecen sus ciudades para poder tener un banco donde guardar el equipo o poder reparar sin necesidad de volver hasta una ciudad.


Mejor sitio para farmear fama con bichos? con 1 o 2 personas? T4


Korn just posted this on the official Forum, its a bit hidden o I thought i add it here.

Please keep in mind that we are still at an early stage of the game, and have a huge backlog that contains a lot of exciting features that will be added going forward.
Here is a few (though it is not sure if all of them will make it into the game)

  • Fishing
  • Conquerable open world buildings (Watchtowers, (a different kind of) castles)
  • Significantly improved mission and quest system (don't worry, it won't try and copy a themepark game)
  • "Gateways" (those will come during this beta, stay tuned. Don't want to share details right now)
  • A significant upgrade to player cities, allowing more customization, upgrading of cities, etc
  • Rankings / War scores for the PvP zones, potentially with some nice special rewards for those at the top
  • A much deeper and reworked faction system, with fully reworked faction items that still rely on player crafting
  • Market upgrade, with more detailed stats and price charts for the traders among you
  • A PC optimized user interface, with lots of quality of life features
  • News mobs, dungeons and biomes
  • We will be posting a more detailed development roadmap soon.

All the best, Korn


1 1 respuesta
  • Salsa.

Hi all,

now that the beta test is in full swing, we want to share with your our backlogs of features and improvements that we are working on.

This will also help you to check if something that you currently miss in our game is already on our minds.


  • The categories do not represent a particular order in which things will be done
  • The backlog is not complete - if something is not on the backlog, this does not mean that we won't do it.
  • A lot of smaller stuff has been left out intentionally for easier readability
  • The backlog goes beyond the beta stage: not everything on this list will be done during the beta test
  • The backlog is subject to change.

0. Account Security

  • Email Verfication when your account logs in from a different country
  • Email Verification when your account logs in from a different device
  • Security Check via external company
  • 2 Step Authentification
  • More Chat Moderation Tools

1. User Interface and Quality of Life Improvements + PC specific UI improvements

  • Repair all button
  • Auto-sort and stack button in bank / inventory
  • Tab targeting (Under discussion, share your views in our poll)
  • Forced move on right click
  • Attack move (similar to how it works in Starcraft / Dota / League of Legends)
  • Shift-Click to move items between inventory and bank/chest
  • Fast salvage
  • Collect all button in market place
  • Smart Casting (see League of Legends)
  • Larger stack sizes - up to 999
  • Allowing items (such as weapons) to stack as well
  • Changing the ability system such that you only chose abilities only when you first equip an item - allows you to sell "blank" items on the player market, thus, improving trade
  • Improved in-game mail system (Report spam option, bulk deletion, possibly multiple mailboxes, etc)
  • PC optimized HUD
  • Improved guild management system (better rights management, multi tiered guild wallet, etc)
  • Improved guild member list
  • Properly working ESC key on PC
  • Ability to rename and/or delete characters
  • Better fast travel UI
  • More chat channels: trade chat, guild recruitment, beginner help, etc
  • Better chat moderation and reporting options
  • Profanity filter for chat (can be turned on and off)
  • The load threshold at which you can no longer move at all will be increased such that you will usually not be stuck after dismounting
  • Make it easier for healers/supporters to receive fame when being part of a group
  • Two click auto attack (can be set as an option to avoid accidentally attacking somebody)
  • Show players and mobs that are hidden by objects, such as trees

2. New Features

  • Friends List
  • Armor system rework: getting rid of the mismatch between crafting and equipping. Plate armors will always be heavy, leather always be medium, cloth always be light. The different levels of plate/leather/cloth armor will differ from each other similar to how it is currently down with different levels of the same weapon tree.
  • Mission system rework: Training Missions that help you with destiny board progress
  • Gateway Dungeons: Inside of dungeons, there are special gatekeep boss mobs. If you kill them with your group, a portal spawns that your group - and only your group can enter, with a max player limit. Inside of it, there will be very challenging PvE content. In PvP zones, those gatekeeper bosses will be deep inside of dungeons, so you can PvP with other guilds over who gets the right to kill the gatekeeper boss and do the dungeon. In PvE zones, the benefit of this system is that you have your own dungeon and other players cannot annoy/grief you. From a game design perspective, we will be able to produce really cool and challenging PvE content as we know the maximum number of players that will enter.
  • Rework crafting capacity: if out of capacity, a building can still be used but will not give a much reduced efficiency bonus
  • Unique item blueprints: these can be gained as a faction reward or as a very rare world drop. You can combine them with a player made base item to create a "unique" item. (i.e. Combine a tier 6.4 sword with a Morgana Bluepring to create a "Sword of Morgana" which then might be 6.7)
  • Fishing (this one will be amazing, stay tuned for updates)
  • Player built ships (internal discussions are at a very early stage here)
  • Player city management: customization of player cities
  • Scouting mechanics and items
  • Kill mails that can be shared with other players and posted online
  • Better market data (charts etc)
  • Emotes
  • Rare mob spawns: very small random chance that a very rare mob spawns that will drop something special when killed
  • More hellgate variations (such as 5 player FFA, 15 vs 15, etc)
  • Conquerable open world buildings (watchtowers, special castles, etc) that provide benefits to the guild/alliance who holds them
  • Improved player and guild ranking systems, with regular rewards (titles, vanity items, maybe silver, ...) for those who rank highest in a particular month in a particular part of the world. Of course, we will need to do this such that it cannot be exploited
  • Dueling improvements: dynamic wagering options, group dueling
  • Player/guild run taverns
  • Additional Labourers for farming/cooking/fishing
  • War declaration system for guilds

3. Balance

  • Full rework of destiny board fame and learning points requirement
  • Balancing of group fights: power of AoE spells vs focus firing.
  • Make healer/support weapons more capable of solo PvE
  • Significantly increased silver drop from killing players (there was actually a bug that made the drop amount too low)

4. Abilities and Items

  • Baby mounts for farming different tiers - making sure that T3 mounts are really easy to get and T8 mounts really hard
  • New type of mount: fast horse, with higher move speed but no load bonus
  • Loads of additional abilities
  • New armors and new armor abilities
  • Make faction items much rarer, but also more unique. They will require a faction blueprint and a base player crafted item to make
  • Unique/special items. They will require a blueprint and a base player crafted item to make
    Offer 3 different enchantment levels for each weapon/armor, i.e. I can choose whether to enchant an item/armor up to level 4,5 or 6. This removes the perceived high end asymmetry between items.

5. PvE & Map Design

  • New mob types
  • More and better bossfights
  • New dungeons
  • Improved level and zone design
  • Increased spawn rates in red and black zones

6. Improve Tablet Performance

  • Achieve higher FPS on tablets

7. Bugfixes

  • There are lots and lots of bug fixes, too numerous to name them all


1 respuesta

Player city management+Player/guild run taverns


mi retraso no me permite poner imagenes sorry.


#614 #615


Hey everybody,

as you might have seen we are launching our first content update during the Closed Beta called Aurelius next week. Part of this update is a re-work of our dungeons, starting with the T4 to T6 dungeons of the Keeper faction.
I would like to explain what we change here and are also eager to learn what you guys think about it.

Dungeons are one of the oldest parts of Albion, built at a time when the project was pretty young. While the external world evolved a lot during the development of the game dungeons have stayed in their original form. This made them feel - let’s face it - a little bit dated at parts. So before the launch of the Closed Beta we sat down and took a close look to see if there are things that could be improved. How could we make sure that people in our dungeons can adventure, farm and battle even better - the Albion way?

Our answer to this are Open World Dungeons and Gateway Dungeons!

Open World Dungeons are what replaces the regular group and solo dungeons we are having so far.
An Open World Dungeon has one to four entries from the upper world. So if you are willing to fight the mobs inside, dungeons can be used to shortcut to another area.
On the inner ring of the dungeon you’ll find regular mobs in smaller groups, that solo players can farm.
Open World Dungeons have also what we call pockets: In these pockets you’ll find the tougher veterans. Pockets are designed for groups and going in there alone is not recommended.
There is a chance that there is a Gatekeeper inside a pocket. Gatekeepers are mini-bosses that when killed open a portal for up to five players into a Gateway Dungeon.

A Gateway Dungeon is basically the PvE sister of our Hellgates.
They are designed to provide dedicatedly staged, increasing challenges for groups of five players.
Fight your way through hefty mobs and mini-bosses earn plenty of silver and rare resources until you eventually reach the finale: The new named main bosses of the dungeon.
The risk is high – but the rewards are worth it.


Open World Dungeons that are leading into PvP areas are flagged as PvP too and we expect them to become PvP-hot-spots. The new designs and layouts are embracing this.
We expect a lot of PvP happening between groups in the open world dungeons, fighting over who gets to kill the Gatekeepers and get the PvE dungeon as a reward
Open world dungeons also act as shortcut between zones, so we expect them to be used for resource runs and transportation, which might give rise to some exciting PvP scenarios

As mentioned, this update will only affect the Keeper faction but we plan to eventually do this for all the factions. Also, the Gateway Dungeons can of course also be set up to work with larger or smaller group of players - or even solo players. We will of course listen to you, see what you think of the concept and incorporate your feedback into future updates.



#609 el equipo si se rompe y queda inservible. Se te ve enterado eh !


Para los que ya estáis jugando y podéis opinar. Vale la pena pagar 30€ por el juego?


yo acabo de empezar hoy a jugar si alguien quiere jugar conmigo mp


Para los indecisos. El juego está muy bien, pagar realmente lo veo bien SOLO si vas a jugar con gente o amigos o en una guild. Este juego si no estás en una guild o un grupo de amigos es absolutamente inviable. Así todo, si no tienes clan o grupo de amigos grande, olvídate de avanzar o de entrar en las zonas "PK", porque en cuanto entres en esas zonas como lobo solitario, duras un hit.

También hay que pensar que pagar ahora y jugar en plan a saco sin dormir y en modo enfermo es una gilipoyez como un templo porque en 3 meses o así van ha hacer wipe y van a borrar todo para empezar desde 0. Hay que tomárselo todo con calma y sobre todo utilizar este periodo para aprender a evolucionar en el juego o probar combinaciones de armas/armaduras porque es bastante hardcore en cuanto a la dedicación de tiempo para sacar armas/armaduras buenas.

Si quieres pasártelo bien en Albion tienes que tener activado el premium si o si. Sacarlo no es difícil ni es una locura obtenerlo es dedicarle un poco de tiempo y la mensualidad o el periodo de tiempo que quieras se puede obtener dependiendo de tus ganas de farmeo, grindeo etc.

Os dejo una screen con los beneficios del premium y el precio actual de la mensualidad:

Sacar esa plata no es para nada complicado ahora mismo, cuando sea Free2Play la cosa cambiara.. pero a saber como y cuanto.


Servidores caídos(mantenimiento) por una infestación de Hormigas, lol. XD


Otro que anda ya desde el inicio de la beta jugando..pero que está más solo que la una.

Si alguien se anima; MP o buscadme en el juego (nick: Kaamos).


es mejor q farmville


Yo lo que veo es que apenas hay guild españolas no? Llevo como 3 días mirando el chat de vez en cuando para ver si alguna pone algo y unirme pero nada xD.

2 respuestas



#626 Mira el buscador de guilds en la G y ordena por idioma español.


Qué diferencia cuando consigues el Tier IV macho, puedes ser mucho más independiente.


La unica manera de entrar a esta beta a probar es pagando? O hay alguna manera de conseguir una key para probarlo antes?

1 respuesta