Sin ser muy bueno mi inglés, doy a entender que en ciertos momentos del History Quest (Quest verdes) de los enanos, podría ocasionar, "atasco" "colas", y han añadido más, para que podamos seguir progresando sin problema, incluso podrán penalizar al que intente blockear.
For the Dwarven quest "Plots and Politics," we will also be temporarily adding more beds in the specific quest area to ensure players can use them. Beds will be placed inside of the house and around it in open area, so you can use one of the open beds to progress your quest. Again, if a player or group of players attempts to block this area, they will be moved by our GM staff. If they continue to do it, their characters may receive a punishment.
Remember to play fair this weekend, and have a great time during the launch of Revelation!