Dark Age.


¿Alguno de vosotros ha probado este rpg?

Me gustaría saber antes de descargarlo si es como el Ultima Online, porque si es asi me molaría jugarlo.

Autor: Kru, Inc www.darkages.com


Dark Ages is an online role-playing game set in a fantasy world of faeries and magic. Dark Ages allows you the player to create your own characters choosing their name, gender, hairstyle, hair color, and path. You can battle monsters as a mighty Warrior, protect and heal as a Priest, use powerful magic as a Wizard, use the devious skills of a Rogue, or discover virtue and power with martial arts as a Monk. Once immersed in the world of Dark Ages, you can partake on quests, discover new lands, defeat powerful monsters, collect rare items and much more.

Dark Ages has a deeply developed community with History, Lore, Philosophy, Literature, and Art all done by creative players like you. You can also become involved in the intricate political and religious system that allows players to interact at a level different from any other game. Players can be involved in one of the deepest online worlds ever created, with faires, markets, theatre, storytelling, contests, an online college and library, interactive politics, religions, rituals, ceremonies and more!

At its heart, Dark Ages offers an experience of adventure and fantasy with an evolving society and story. Your legend begins here!


hombre si es 2d podria decirse q si pero habria q saber como es su jugabilidad


El juego esta bastante chulo, pero no intentes compararlo con Uo o acabaras decepcionado xD

La verdad que al jugarlo, a lo que se refiere visualmente, trae buenos recuerdos de aquellos RPG's que tanto gustaron en su dia.
Los que añoran titulos como Secret of mana (Por cierto, el mejor RPG de todos los tiempos ;)) Ilusion of Time, Dragon Quest, Etc... Recordaran los buenos tiempos, pues para algunos, incluido yo, el 2D nunca morira :)


Usuarios habituales

  • Zendel
  • Coman2Sueco
  • 3D