

#3510 Con una foto del menú ya queda bastante claro como es la interfaz, no se.

Nueva Leak

Another leak from a Swedish beta tester. Translated with google translator:

Managed to play for a while. I and a group managed to kill 2st Giant Skeleton. Huge skeleton with 2h sword that can throw red balls at you, and have närstridsspells throwing away you a hell of mass meter. Since then the other obese slagspells where they hold up the sword for a while, so you can run away.
One punch can type 25% of HP.

Btw .. Monster ambush ... Everyone in a group of 5 people and we ran through a cemetery. It was dark and gloomy. I had completed stamina so I could not run as the others could, and therefore slipped after. The other people ran through the cemetery without any problems but when I ran through attacked 4st zombies (http://df.warcry.com/global/media/images/galleries/full/20/20456.jpg) me. Vett became alarmed and hit game around me. The other, however, to my rescue (yelling into the mike that they have to help me, got a calling later because of my bröl.) And we had to kill them.
Then we ran into a fairly large chapel and saw a treasure that we all could loota and then we got different, feta, weapons. We found more treasure in other places epic. They are a little here and there.

By the way, so say the makers that if you see a zombie on a helmet such as it is 100% certain that it is there when you lootar monster. This is unfortunately not when I killed 2st zombies with helmets and I got nothing.
However, as I had the right weapon every time I lootade them. A zombie that has a enhandat sword drops just the sword. Really good, actually.
There are global chat. Will probably be removed later, but I hope it stays where it is a good tool if you need help, which you will need definitive when you start the game.

Really sorry that you all could not invite and could play this epic game itself.

#3512 Al traducirlo con el traductor del google siempre hay alguna cosa de estas.


Interesante, esto es lo que más me ha gustado:

"...and have närstridsspells throwing away you a hell of mass meter."

Impressive... un närstridsspells...


#3511 Ignora a #3512 es un graciosete xD


#3505 Yo no lo veo tan mal, pero piensa también que el juego toma las capturas en formato JPG y se nota la pérdida muy notable de calidad, hay pixelado a patadas.


Que bien suena la música. O los de aventurine se están currando los leaks para crear hype o realmente estamos ante un juego muy prometedor.

Para mi la calidad de ese screen es más que suficiente, porque prefiero que vaya fluido y pueda jugar sin problemas.


joder no le han dado ni una misera beta a ningún mv-user? que asco : (


Update del 25/01/2009

Forums had been down due to several DDOS attacks. Since it became an issue, we took the forums down and have taken all appropriate measures to make a recurrence less likely. The game servers have not been affected.

The trial faced some issues during the initial stress test when the volume of the invitees taxed the patching and the login system. This was to be expected and it's the nature of a stress test. Testers experienced periodic low download speeds and various minor errors and hiccups which were soon dealt with. We increased our patching capacity and corrected small errors, until everything was running smoothly. For launch we will have in place a peer to peer system which should greatly improve download speeds and make the downloading and patching run smoothly. There have been a couple of server crashes since we’re still running in debug mode. The issues causing the crashes have been addressed and we have issued a few new patches in this time. Servers are currently down for scheduled maintenance for a few hours tonight, during which we are also running an internal stress test. Servers will be up again right after this.

So far there have been three waves of invites sent out and these proved to be a very good stress test for the download, patching and login systems. We would like to thank the testers for their persistence during this initial stress test and their patience while we corrected the issues that came up. Most players entered the game, and have been playing since yesterday.

Now that things have stabilized, we’ll start sending out more invites. We will keep sending invites out, every day when possible, and until we hit our capacity.

The NDA is still in effect, because this remains a testing period. Even though this is the release candidate client, previews based on this experience may not be indicative of the release quality of the game, especially not while you're consciously trying to break the game during stress testing. The game is still in debug mode so that we can deal with any issues that arise. Other than that, we are trying to simulate the launch, in order to better prepare for it. The testers in-game so far have been sending us very positive reports on their gameplay experience, even so, the NDA will be in effect while there's still testing going on. As soon as we're out of debug, the stress test is over, we'll lift the NDA.

If you haven’t received an invite yet please don’t take it personally. You very well might receive one soon. Please respect the invite process; it was made to be as fair as possible, while also being the most helpful for the game. We appreciate everything the community has done for the game and while we regret that we can’t make everyone happy, it’s impossible when considering the large volume of the applications. Even so, there will be a great number of players allowed to playtest the game. We really understand the impatience, and we’re doing our best to get as many in as possible in the game.

Please do not try to bypass the invitation process by emailing or PMing us. We’re afraid that it’s not possible to do so. This is an automated procedure, and we could not possibly manually process all the messages we’re getting at this stage.

As far as the latest major patch goes, these are just some of the updates included:

* The interface has been completely reworked and re-skinned.
* Camera modes have been updated. You can now use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
* Warhulk movement has been enhanced. You can cycle camera modes using F12
* Mount controls have been tweaked
* Rivers will now carry you downstream.
* All character attributes have been enabled and they display signals when they increase.
* NPC animations have been updated
* Rune Stones (recall stones) have been enabled.
* You can buy more slots for starter weapons at a vendor.
* Directional attacks for all melee weapons have been added. You can slice vertically or horizontally.
* Player Journal and Clan Window have been updated.
* High score quests have been enabled.
* Time limit high score quests are enabled
* Massive AI update: Many more monsters have been added.
* AI behavior has received a significant update.
* Wildlife has been enabled. Tigers, bears, lions etc. can be found in nature.
* Underwater monsters are now enabled.
* Dungeon monsters are now enabled.
* Monsters will now visibly taunt you
* Roaming monster packs are enabled.
* Some monsters will send you personal taunts.
* Environment system is fully enabled. Ambience and weather will now change over time and as you travel. One Darkfall day is now approximately 5 hours long.
* In-game help has been enabled.
* Updates to armor graphics.
* Character creator has been updated.
* More player skills have been added.
* Clan cities that belong to your clan have been updated to display on your world and mini map.

There were also numerous smaller fixes and updates included in this patch and in the subsequent few smaller patches.

We’ll follow up with more status reports on the game, and various other updates as needed.[/i]


Después de leer el update de hoy estoy ya convencido de una cosa: no me llega key para la beta ni de coña xD


traducirloo xd

#3518 por?


#3519 Pues porque con la cantidad de personas que hay y al ser un proceso automático primero les mandaran key a los que tengan un ordenador más normalito para testear la aplicación y darle más caña al juego, y al tener yo un pepino de ordenador me llegarán de las últimas, si es que me llegan.

Esa es la deducción que saco.

Por otra parte es realmente bueno que Tasos salga y explique cómo va el asunto, realmente no le habrá costado más de 15min escribirlo y todos los que no estamos en la beta lo agradecemos.


tonces me pongo en el pc de mi hermano que tiene una 6600 y no veas xD!


Yo tengo un PC de mierda, y no creo que me llegue tampoco...

Los rios arrastraran a la peña con la corriente, joder estan en todo xDD


yo mande con el pc d mi hermano (quadcore) y con el mio (p4 a 3.2) y ni asi ni asa. xD


Entro demasiadas veces en este thread, y todavía queda un mes (mínimo). Voy a tener que desintoxicarme.


#3518 No se intuye nada de eso en el patchnote eh xDD

A ver si durante esta semana toca alguna por aqui, que dicen que van a ir soltando más betas en cada "oleada" a partir de hoy.

P.D: Tengo miedo de que no me llege el mail a la bandeja de hotmail... a quien se le ocurre poner eso de mail teniendo gmail.. xD


Nuevas imágenes en betaleaks.

Edit: Estoy en el curro y me da pereza subir las imágenes, así que ir directamente el post: http://betaleaks.blogspot.com/2009/01/darkfall-mega-leaks-pics.html


Pero bueno, esto sale o que! ninguno tiene una misera key para almenos subir sus fotos? xDD


#3526 el diseño artístico la verdad parece de 10.


Me he puesto palote con las nuevas screens, no mireis!


sigue sin agradarme pero bueno xD.......

pd: #3531 mismo pienso yo xd.


muchas ilusiones se estan haciendo..

Ojala sea un juego guapisimo pero no creo


Cuanto tizo hay y qué pocos argumentos...


Viendo los elementos que pululan por estos lares no entiendo por qué no añaden la raza de Troll que a muchos el roleo le iría que ni pintado. Se están perdiendo las tradiciones, antes cuando un tio se aburría se pajeaba ahora trolean en MV.

PD: Yo sigo confiando en Aventurine y creo que no nos va a defraudar, además gracias a que no tiene gráficos de crysis no vamos a tener niñatos adictos a los buenos gráficos pataleando por el juego. Mejor que se vayan al AoC.

Un saludo.


Ya claro hacer un comentario que aun no me agrada un juego es troleo como se nota que esto se esta petando de fanboys pues muy bien.

Ya no se puede comentar nada negativo del juego si no te saltan 5.000 personas al cuello diciendote troll, pues muy bien quereis una palmadita en la espalda o algo?

Un saludo.

pd: #3533 en los ultimos post alguien ha dicho algo de los graficos? XD

pd2: #3535 No digas esas cosas que te diran troll corre insensato!


#3534 luego el juego sera una mierda y los fanboys se volveran trols :)


yo sigo esperandolo con ganas, pero ya no me precipitare a pillarlo de primeras. Cuando la gente hable entonces tocara decidirse xD


#3534 llevas trolleando y tocando lo que no suena desde muchas paginas atrás; no es cuestion de 1 comentario


Deja de trollear el hilo del darkfall

Deja de trollear el hilo del troll

Deja de trollear el troll del troll

Troll de trollear el troll del troll

Troll troll troll troll...

Sabeis usar otra palabra para referiros a alguien que sus comentarios no os gustan ?


#3534 / #3535 / #3538

Es que decir algo negativo no es decir: "El juego es una mierda, porque lo digo yo".

Que es lo que algunos llevais diciendo casi desde la primera pagina ... :S.

No-Troll: Las animaciones no me gustan nada, porque las veo poco trabajadas ... :S.

Troll: Los graficos son una mierda, porque las animaciones no me gustan.
Troll: DF es/sera una mierda, porque me huele mal.


#3537 He dicho yo alguna vez este juego es una puta mierda no van a vender nada y cosas a si? yo he dicho mi opinion no me gusta y seguramente no saldra todo lo que prometen y algunos comentarios negativos nada mas, nunca he insultado el juego pero oye cada uno lee lo que quiere

Ya y gente tambien lleva diciendo que el juego sera lo mejor porque tal y pascual tambien me lo he de creer?

Tripas con esta frase Troll de trollear el troll del troll me estoy rillendo como un loco xD

pd: DIOX me puedes decir un motivo de por que he de creer en los que dicen que este juego sera la puta poya y luego me sablan 50euros y el juego es lo mas triste posible?

#3541 FUNCOM tampoco tenia razon de engañarnos los del dnl tampoco, pero claro ellos no nos engañaron fue zapatero que los viste como golfos

Tema cerrado