Tiene buena pinta, la verdad
Nuevo DevBlog hablando de las ideas que tienen para el tema de zonas seguras e inseguras.
It’s a no-brainer that many players yearn for “home sweet home” in a safe zone where they can relax. As no Creative Mode (like in games such as Minecraft) is currently planned, we see this feature as an acceptable tradeoff. A player will be able to get this kind of home by deploying a Territory Unit in a safe zone.
There will be three types of areas:
Arkship Secure Areas (ASA):
Territories located in an Arkship Secure Area are called “Guarded Territories”.
A player can claim a Guarded Territory with a Normal Territory Unit.
On unclaimed Guarded Territories there areno offensive actions. Everything else is allowed.
On claimed Guarded Territories there are no offensive actions. Everything else is subject to RDMS.
Low value resources are available in the ground.
(Reminder: RDMS is the Rights & Duties Management System. You can have a glimpse of how it will globally work on this blog post)
Moon Secure Areas (MSA):
Territories located in a Moon Secure Area are called “Sanctuary Territories”.
A player can claim a Sanctuary Territory with a Normal or Sanctuary Territory Unit. (Note: Sanctuary Territory Units are bound to account). The precise role and application of Sanctuary Territory Units will be explained in more detail at a later date.
On unclaimed Sanctuary Territories there are no offensive actions and nothing else is allowed.
On claimed Sanctuary Territories there areno offensive actions and everything else is subject to RDMS.
No valuable resources are available in the ground (only dirt and soil).
Unsecure Areas (UA) Meaning and Everywhere Else:
Territories located in Unsecure Areas are called “Normal Territories”.
A player can claim a Normal Territory with a Normal Territory Unit.
On unclaimed Normal Territories everything is allowed.
On claimed Normal Territories offensive actions are possible and everything else is subject to RDMS.
Low value to high value resources are available in the ground.
Ability to Respond to In-Game Aggresion in a Decent Timeframe
For those who want a more adventurous life in areas where PvP can occur, there will still be game mechanics to ensure the balance between a decent social life and having time to react to in-game aggression. The owner of a territory located outside of a Secure Area will be able to set up a Force Field Unit to protect their Normal Territories. (Force Field Unit is a temporary name. What do you think it should be?).
For the time being we are considering the following option, but we would like to hear your opinons: If the Force Field drops below a certain level, it will activate a temporary Protection Bubble making the Force Field Unit itself (and the construct on which it has been placed) indestructible for 24-48 hours. In this way, even if you’re offline , you will have proper time to react, call your friends, and prepare yourself for the moment when the Protection Bubble will shut down. Once the Protection Bubble is down, there will be a cooldown timer before it can be reactivated. In addition, we plan to have an optional notification system that could inform you via email address when your territory is under attack.
He leído por ahí que las batallas entre naves serán "lock and fire"... ¿Todo el gunplay será así, incluido los rifles y demás? O_o
#67 https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/11643-questions-about-pvp/
Si es así menuda mierda :-(
las texturas de los bloques de armadura son una copia de las de Space engineers, tienen algún tipo de relación o algo?
Algunos vídeos de los últimos días (bueno, el primero es de Abril):
Outposts creados por los jugadores durante la pre-alpha:
Han publicado el roadmap. Resumiendo, pretenden lanzar el juego en la segunda mitad de 2020:
También han conseguido 3.5 millones más de presupuesto, por lo que ya alcanzan los 11 millones.
Ya han lanzado la Alpha 1. Todos los backers podrán participar, irán entrando poco a poco según el nivel de patrocinio.
Vídeo de cerca de una hora presentando las características de la alpha 1:
De los cuatro puntos principales en que se sustenta el juego - Explore, Build, Trade, Conquer - la alpha 1 se fundamenta en los dos primeros.
Los jugadores podrán explorar y construir prácticamente cualquier cosa, con muchas herramientas para fabricar, minar, recolectar, crear, planear, transportar, almacenar y vender los recursos que consigan.
Alioth, el planeta de inicio, ya ha alcanzado un tamaño cercano al de la Gran Bretaña real, y es solo el primer planeta.
Abren nueva oficina en Montreal, con 50 empleados, y la dirigirá el antiguo jefe de Eidos-Montreal. A este proyecto de indie ya le va quedando poco.
30.000 jugadores "simulados" (es decir, entre bots y jugadores reales) en el mismo planeta al mismo tiempo.
Lamento la nigromancia en este post, pero queria informar que el juego salio hace unos dias en fase beta y esta disponible.
Unos cuantos hispanos hemos creado una organización llamada REKIUM para todos aquellos que no quieran jugar solos o rodeados de guiris.
Segun lo que tienen planeado, la beta durará cerca de un año hasta que salga finalmente a mediados del año que viene.
Aunque faltan algunos añadidos que irán metiendo en estos meses y mejorar el rendimiento, el juego a mi parecer merece bastante la pena y tiene mucho potencial.