Escape From Tarkov #HG | Una mezcla rusa de MMO y FPS

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:pill: Discord oficial Hispano
:key2: Merluso
:bell: Tarkovitas
:low_brightness: BAX


Yo quiero pensar que están esperando a meter wipe sacando algún contenido nuevo que sea interesante,porque estos últimos wipes fueron de risa y la gente lleva repitiendo en bucle las mismas quest años.
Aunque parece que tanto si pagaste 35€ como si pagaste la EOD no te puedes quejar del contenido del juego y lo repetitivo de sus mecánicas.


#15840 creo que aun tiene que haber un TarkovTV antes.


Lo jodido es que la "expansión" de Woods lo consideréis contenido.

1 respuesta

#15843 ya se parece a shoreline mucho bosque y poca accion


Al final el problema lo genera lo de siempre, el loot, si fuese aleatorio la gente se tendría que mover, he pasado días y días jugando shorline este wipe y todo dios rushea resort nada más empezar como un cabestro, ese es el problema.

1 1 respuesta

Me falta el puto gorro de kotton para el kappa 😑


#15845 Yo pienso igual, mientras el loot esté siempre en el mismo sitio el juego siempre será igual

A excepción de cuando saquen mapas nuevos, que al final también acababsiendo lo mismo..

A mi el juego me encanta, pero acaba siendo bastante repetitivo


Se viene expansión de Factory




Entonces wipe pronto o esto vendrá para el mes que viene?

Me suena poco raro que anuncien esto cuando supuestamente falta para el wipe, y me da que de ser así otro wipe con poco contenido como el último.

1 respuesta

Resumen del podcast de ayer

Total Summary (from what I caught and was able to understand) (I will update this as people provide additional information or corrections)

Wipe is not planned. In general. Not in the coming weeks. It is not on BSG’s schedule at all.

Current 12.11 things he has confirmed.

12.11 is hoped to be here by early June. Could be later.

        There will be a TarkovTV podcast near release.

Factory Expansion

    1 More PMC spawn (could be increased to 2 if it feels right)

    Factory Boss

        Boss's Sledgehammer will NOT be lootable.

Scav Karma

Fence Reputation

    Getting Scav karma up improves Fence Reputation

        Higher Levels of Fence Rep will mean you can purchase "Uninsured Gear" that was lost from Fence. This will include gear people lost in Labs.

Weapon Durability Expanded (Weapons will wear out faster and miss-fires are added and will start to happen now.)

Player Inertia won't be in 12.11

Bullet Penetration through objects.

        Should be able to properly penetrate doors/cars/fences/etc.

Sights Updated. (Sights shouldn't be broken anymore.)

Several new guns planned to be added in the patch. “A lot” is the number Nikita said.

Non 12.11 Information.

Game is still on Unity 2018. They are moving to Unity 2019 very soon.

Not changing to Unity 2021 because they want to use stable version of Unity. And 2021 is still experimental. (DLSS is in the works)

Lighting Update will come with the Unity 2019 Change, including full interactive lights (Able to shoot them out)

Interchange Daytime lighting will be going back to where it was before the change. Nights might be getting darker though.

Shoreline Lighting also be able to shot out.

Lighthouse is planned for a "Summer" release (Still planned to release before Streets)

Servers are continuously being updated. Currently with individual servers being replaced with new hardware on an almost weekly basis, and more server locations planned. 200+ servers have already been replaced/updated to handle the requirements of the game.

Still limited by availability.


Not 12.11, but still planned.

Unity 2019 is even more stable than 2018 and more optimized as an engine, which could lead to server improvements.

"Offline Co-op" is difficult because it means you aren't offline anymore, and being able to do "offline" co-op means you now need an online server to connect to one another.

Easily at least 1 year out, if not even longer.

Labs Free Weekend is coming and will be finalized in the next couple weeks. Expect it soon.

They are also working on other types of events that aren’t just online events like Twitch Rivals or Punisher Tournaments. Things that can include more of the community/playerbase.

Global Accessible Server(s) will be heavily considered. (1-2 servers that have no ping cap to let people from across from the world play with one another.)

New Streamer Items being Added (Expands Kappa quest)

AquaFPS (Plushie)

General Sam (Rat Collar)


    And more.

Under-barrel grenade launcher’s are finished and in testing.

Nikita asked for Pestily to do a poll on whether the GL-40 should be removed from the game.

        “Yes” won by a MASSIVE margin.

            Nikita said they aren’t going to remove anything they have finished. But he will look more closely at the balance of them.

Revolvers are currently planned for patch 12.12.

They tested automatic shotguns, in all circumstances they felt too powerful and are not planned to be added to the game.

AA-12 is not planned to be added to the game.

Arena is being worked on separately. It won’t be part of a specific patch or anything and will have it’s own standalone release

Not this year.

More and different smoke grenades have been modeled and will be added.

Poison Smoke Grenades are also planned, but there are other changes that are higher on the priority list.

Things like Poison Grenades are currently on the “Finalized Features” list. In terms of they will be one of the last things added because they are a result of other features being finished.

Battlestate Games has increased it’s staff by 30% in the past year and has seen growth throughout the pandemic.

Art Department is in office, everyone else is Remote. Art Department is in office due to need for collaborative effort. (Primary focus right now is Streets, since Lighthouse is being finalized)

Streets of Tarkov

    They want to release it in 2021. (Whether that happens is another story, but they want to hit that goal)

    40 players (60 entities total - players, scavs, bosses)

    Not all of Streets will be released at the same time. They will release chunks at a time.

Extract Camping

Nikita doesn’t like it. (Joked about banning them.)

There is no completely preventing them. It is a legit tactic. The reality of the “unfairness” of the extract camping is something they want to keep in the game.

The strategy to dealing with them is to add more extracts to give players options.

Raid Series

No Season 2 Planned.

    Has a different company that is interested in publishing a larger scale production.

BSG not interested right now.

Wants to finish the game.

#15851 no hay wipe planeado aun


Piensan cambiar el loot y que sea relativamente de forma aleatoria o seguiran las runas y servers vacíos a los 10 min?


Aer con que nos sorprenden esta vez


Acabo de subir a level 10 y hasta ahora usaba las armas y equipo que encontraba en raids/scavs. Ahora que tengo acceso al market, ¿es mejor vender todo lo que saco de raids y comprar exactamente las armas y equipo que quiero usar/renten más? Porque me veo en el stash con un montón de armas y gear (sobretodo rigs y chalecos) diferentes y que no creo que utilice todas o simplemente no merezcan la pena y no tengo más sitio.

2 respuestas

#15855 Vende todo siempre y compra lo que necesites cuando mueras. Es mejor que uses la misma arma, con el mismo recoil mirilla y balas para que no te explote la cabeza. Tampoco te recomiendo que gastes dinero a nivel 10, por muy equipado que salgas no te vas a conocer los mapas y palmaras mucho, intenta aprender usar escopetas, concretamente la KS23 cuando tengas acceso a ella, mata de 1 tiro a las piernas contra cualquiera si das bien y usa balas baratas, por lo menos hasta que te conozcas los mapas.

1 respuesta

#15856 mejor que un mosin?

1 respuesta

#15855 Uno de los principales problemas de este juego es la diogenes, sobre todo al principio

Hasta que no aprendas que es bueno y que no vas a acumular mierda hasta reventar


Yo he dejado de jugar por eso, tengo el stash que no me caben ni unas cerillas y no quiero vender, estoy esperando al wipe para jugar otra vez xDD




#15857 El mosin esta bien pero cuesta matar parejas o tríos si no los pillas descuidados, en cambio con la escopeta a la que mates a 1 ya van con cuidado y no te rushean, por lo menos esa es mi experiencia. Pero vamos funciona bien si vas a snipear.


siempre he tenido esta pregunta, cual es vuestro ratio de supervivencia?

1 respuesta

#15863 normalmente cuando llego al nivel 40, ronda el 50%

1 respuesta

#15864 si es verdad que hace poco que superé las 120 horas pero tengo un 25 %,,


chicos que veo muy paraillo el foro anda aqui teneis la cancion del verano del tarkov xD




putos calvos colega



Hoy ha habido update bueno.. pero no veo por ningún lado los patch notes

2 respuestas