1986 puntos ma dao @1280x720. Con una 8800GT, Athlon 5200 y 4GRam ; Win7 64. Creo que con actualizarme el micro q lo tengo mas que desfasao me sobrara equipo pa jugarlo a tope. Por cierto los graficos son bastante buenos, parece una peli prerenderizada.
Aqui la guia de Square pa q sepais a q altura estais.
[8000 and over] Extremely High Performance
Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
[5500–7999] Very High Performance
Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions.
[4500-5499] High Performance
Easily capable of running the game. Should perform well, even at higher resolutions.
[3000-4499] Fairly High Performance
Capable of running the game on default settings. Consider switching to a higher resolution depending on performance.
[2500-2999] Standard Performance
Capable of running the game on default settings.
[2000-2499] Slightly Low Performance
Capable of running the game, but may experience some slowdown. Adjust settings to improve performance.
[1500-1999] Low Performance
Capable of running the game, but will experience considerable slowdown. Adjusting settings is unlikely to improve performance.
[Under 1500] Insufficient Performance
Does not meet specifications for running the game.