Le estuve dando un rato y la idea está bastante bien pero todavía está muy verde. Lo ideal sería jugar más organizádamente, a ver si el día de la guerra semanal hay más control. Le seguiré la pista.
Otra más que se ha bajado el juego, aún no lo he probado pero la idea general del juego tiene muy buena pinta. Si podríamos montar un grupo dentro del juego de MV, para ir un poco más organizados.
#35 Pulsa enter para escribir y luego con tabulador vas cambiando de canal.
Le he echado 3 horas hoy con la tonteria y mas que podria. Me ha parecido jodidamente adictivo, y eso que obviamente el juego aun esta verde, pero de aqui puede salir algo que te consuma la vida si las campañas van a durar 1-2 semanas estando los servers abiertos 24/7 xdd.
Ah, y el juego gana mucho jugando con amigos, no me quiero imaginar ya con una escuadra de 5-6 personas.
Yo ya tengo jugadas unas 6 horas y aunque aun esta bastante incompleto me esta encantado, también tengo muchas ganas de probar el modo que implementan los Sábados para la War. Y creo que podríamos crear entre los que estamos aquí un pequeño grupo para jugar todos juntos y así pasarlo mejor. ¿Que os parece esta idea?
#37 Yo he estado jugando y la verdad que gana mucho mas jugando con colegas por voz, cubriéndose unos a otros y avanzando poco a poco
#38 Si, es a eso a lo que me refiero.
Crear un grupo hispanohablante que use TS3/Discord y así poder organizar cosas, creo que sera mucho más divertido de esta manera.
A ver, no creo que vayamos 50 de MV por ahi xD. Lo suyo seria crear escuadras maximo de 10. Algo como lo que se hace en los servers de simulacion de Arma 3. Pero vamos, que no creo que estemos jugando mas de 10 al mismo tiempo xD
Yo me apunto a lo del discord o lo que sea, aunque solo he jugado 1 vez xD. Creo que hay un discord de MV, pero deberiamos de crear un discord del juego, total es gratis
Devblog 7
I wanted to do this post since last week, but half the team including myself was away at Steam Dev Days and as usual we've also been really busy with keeping up with weekly game updates. Speaking of which, we are taking a little bit time to catch our breath and do some longer term planning before we do our next big feature release. This means that this week's update (0.0.11) will be light on features. This post is also going to be a bit lighter than usual, but know that we are working hard to implement some game changing stuff that you'll be seeing in the game in the coming one to two months.
Steam Dev Days :
Last week three of us went to Steam's developer conference (called Steam Dev Days). At the event, we got to talk to a lot of great devs from well known games like Unturned, Squad, and Terratech. They were all very helpful and eager to share with us their experience at developing community based or online Steam games.
Destructible World Structures :
One of our major goals for Foxhole is to provide as much player agency as we can. We've always wanted players to be able to make major changes to the world environment itself. To that end, we're soon going to be allowing players to destroy world structures like Bridges, Manufacturing Plants, Oil Refineries, and more. This will allow for scorched earth strategies, tactical retreats, and for crippling supply lines across rivers. Any structure that can be destroyed can also be rebuilt, so the environment can be in a constant state of change.
We are also considering making some structures initially destroyed (such as bridges), but this is an idea we're still playing around with.
Discord War Correspondent :
To be honest, the decision to start a Discord server for Foxhole happened spontaneously when we launched the initial prototype. Four months later, it's clear that Discord is where the community lives and breathes. To support the Discord server, we are going to be adding a bot named War Correspondent very soon. The bot integrates with the Foxhole server and delivers news about the weekly war on a regular basis. Below is a screenshot from our initial tests.
The initial version of War Correspondent will report news about Outposts, Casualties, and more. In the future, we are thinking about making War Correspondent do more, such as responding to requests from Discord users. For example, a request could be something like "How many Colonials are online right now?"
Making of the Field Artillery :
One of the big features we are actively developing right now is Field Guns. Our main modeler Adam created a step by step tutorial on how the Field Artillery model was made. This tutorial gives an inside look on how most Foxhole assets are made.
It's a multi-step process that involves several tools. First, both a high polygon and low polygon version of the model is created in 3DS Max. The models are exported into Z-Brush, where extra surface detail is added like wear and tear. Finally, the models are brought into a program called Substance Painter where details are baked into the materials that are used by UE4 to render the asset.
The screenshots below show a preview of the process. The full step-by-step tutorial can be found [url=http://imgur.com/a/4fUvr]here[/url].
Griefing :
We've definitely seen an uptick in griefing incidents over the last week or so. Some of these have been the result of the weekly wars getting larger (and more significant) and some have been due to the influx of new players. I just wanted to let you guys know what were thinking so that we can all get on the same page and work together to make Foxhole a great online community.
Griefing is a very big concern for us and we're just as frustrated as you about bad players. However, we treat griefing in a very delicate manner. Our goal is to deal with it in a way that does not hinder development and does not work against the core concepts of the game. In the coming weeks, we will be focusing on improving grief management. Please understand that it will be an iterative process and the problem won't be solved overnight. We appreciate the patience!
For the sake of transparency, here's our thought process for dealing with bad player behaviour:
- Education over enforcemen
We want to ensure that players actually know when they are doing something that is wrong. We don't want to default to immediately punishing new or unaware players.
- Trust over doubt
We always design features with the assumption that players won't behave in a poor manner. We've been often surprised at how well players have handled the freedom we've given to them. If we had doubted players off the bat, a lot of the great features you see in the game today wouldn't exist.- Minimize isolation and maximize collaboration
This means that we prefer to use mechanisms that do not create additional barriers for player collaboration. We are making a game about players working together so as much as possible we don't want to encourage the idea of individual ownership.EDIT: To clarify, we aren't precluding the possibility of locking mechanics or group level ownership. The point here is that we always want to encourage teamwork. It's one of our core philosophies and isn't one we're going to change anytime soon.
Natural consequences over artificial consequences
When a player performs a griefing action in the game, we always first try to think about what the natural consequence would be if it was performed in real life (in a real war situation). For example, if someone stole a vehicle in real life, what would happen to them?
If we've gone through the above thought process and still aren't able to resolve an issue, we have no problem taking hard action against griefers. As an example, we permabanned several players after last week's weekly war after a thorough investigation of their behaviours.
In some cases, we've also put in temporary features to deal with bad behaviour (e.g. disabling friendly fire to deal with team killers) until we have the mechanisms to properly deal with it (e.g. vote kicking).
A que se refieren con lo de griefing? He entendido lo que hay puesto, pero no me queda claro el concepto.
Por ejemplo robar un camión en este juego realmente no existe, porque se supone que todo es de todo el mundo, no estas robando literalmente no?
Lo del bot y el entorno modificable me parece cojonudo, pero veremos a ver lo que tarda en repararse un puente y si la gente se toma en serio el repararlo. El problema de estos juegos es que pueden acabar muriendo o perdiendo el interés si la gente de verdad no se mete en el papel
#44 Robarte un camión es básicamente que tu estés cargando cosas esperando a que acabe de fabricar la armory/workshop y venga un tio y se lo lleve sin decir nada.
Otras formas de griefing pueden ser: Gente de la otra facción que se dedique a construir en una carretera para "joder" el transporte, disparen al camión para reventarlo, se dedique a retirar los supplies para evitar el reaparecer u te pegue un par de tiros sin matarte.
Morir no va a morir porque el juego tiene 2 clanes "tochos" de 20-25 personas cada uno en cada facción. Y solo con eso ya se puede jugar decentemente.
Entro en cualquier faccion, aparezco y muero. Me quedo rallado. Vuelvo a hacer spawn. Me matan.
Resulta que estan campeando un respaw, y no es solo una persona, son varias. Hay 13 personas en el servidor
Como empecemos asi este juego va a triunfar lo que yo te diga
#46 Es un problema/bug del punto de spawn en si (que yo sepa). Basicamente estas spawneando al lado de la base contraria, y obviamente tienen que poner foxholes ahi para que no la destruya nadie nada mas spawnear.
Vamos, lo que viene a ser que recuerdes que este juego es una alpha de verdad xdd.
Si, como te dicen, parece que los warden respawnean en el lado de los colonials, asique nos toca perder el tiempo y poner defensas basicas en todos nuestros spawn's para que solo salgan vivos, gente del bando colonials y no del warden.
A ver, si el juego se lo curran y van escuchando a la comunidad, no creo que sea difícil que se gane su propio nicho de jugadores. Es una nueva forma de jugar pvp, y eso siempre gusta.
#50 Lo dudo. Aun esta demasiado verde como para meterse horas. Pero me huele a que este formato de juego viene para quedarse. Estoy ya un poco cansado del copy paste en este mundillo, la verdad.
Foxhole 0.0.11 Release Notes
-Gameplay Changes
- Bridges are destructible (and rebuildable)
- Soldier Supplies stacks in an Outpost can no longer be split
- Players are now visible through build sites
- Players are now visible through fences in the world
- Small ballistics (Rifles, Pistol, etc) can now be fired through fences
-Game Balance
Soldier Supplies cost increased from 6 to 8 Building Materials
Soldier Supplies encumbrance value increased by 400%
Land Mine encumbrance value decreased by 20%
-Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in the vote kick system (that makes it unintentionally easy to be kicked)
- Fixed bug that sometimes causes build sites to be indestructible
- Fixed bug that made damage inconsistent on Concrete Wall and Heavy Gate structures
- Fixed bug that allows Hammer to be unequipped while a build ghost is active
- Fixed bug that causes Truck to end up nose down when going over some bridges
- Fixed bug that causes server performance degredation after players use vehicles
- Fixed FPS drops that occur when near a Heavy Gate
-Other Changes
- Left click to honk horn when driving a Truck
- Players can no longer switch factions during weekly wars (after playing with one for a short amount of time)
- Players can no longer log into the server in quick succession
- Team kills and truck transfers are pubically reported to the chat log
- Improved SFX attenuation so it's much easier to tell what direction a SFX is coming from
- War Correpondent
- Discord bot that reports information about weekly wars in real-time
-Known Issues
- Trees visuals are broken on Low Detail settings
Aqui esta el reportaje de la ultima war semanal, de nuevo a manos de chicken:
Que ganas para la siguiente. Deberian hacer 2 si la que empieza el sabado no se extiende demasiado, yo por lo menos me quede con muchas ganas de mas.
#55 que va, la mayoria del tiempo se mantuvo sobre 100 players, eso cuando no estaba lleno, y practicamente si ibas a cualquiera de los dos frentes, el del sur o el del puente de la izq encontrabas pvp si o si facil.
Yo estuve con un compi todo la partida en el frente de abajo y de wardens nos tocaba ir aguantando a los colonials como iban viniendo en pequeñas oleadas y cuando nos dejaban respirar, avanzabamos un poco construyendo defensas, hasta que llegamos a donde esta el FOB de wardens del sur, y de ahi ya solo podiamos defendernos porque no dejaban espacio a atacar y ir avanzando construyendo poco a poco
#55 ^ Lo que ha dicho el compi Karpatros basicamente. Tambien añadir que el mapa actual me parece que tiene un tamaño adecuado para el maximo de gente que puede jugar (120), y a pata no se hace pesado ir de un lado a otro, uno se mueve bastante mas rapido de lo que pensaba de hecho.
Hay gente que quieren que el mapa sea mas grande debido a esto. Yo no lo veria mal siempre y cuando no se convierta esto en uno de esos juegos que te tiras 20 minutos para llegar a cualquier lado.