Inspirit Online (ELOA) aterriza en Europa


#27 Really?

1 respuesta

#31 tu no? jaja de aquí al 2x ya podré jugar . pero estás que me levanto a las 3 para la key -.- pillame una xd


Buenas, una duda, he pillado una key tengo que esperar a descargar el juego etc para usarla? o desde que pueda registrarme en la web la uso? Gracias de antemano

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#33 Una vez la web esté operativa, en el registro habrá un campo donde meter la key. Solo los jugadores que tengan key podrán registrarse hasta que salga la open beta.


Alguien le sobra una key? Esta noche de 3 a 4 intentaré estar despierto para pillarla :)

1 respuesta

#35 aqui la pille yo, aun hay mas de 500 keys:

1 4 respuestas

#36 Y para canjear la key?? No veo en la web nada para logearse ni nada pro el estilo.


He añadido a #1 toda la información referente a que hacer con las keys. A todo el que pregunte podéis mandarle allí.


Quedan sobre 250 keys en mmohuts corred insensatos

La verdad es que pinta bien y que lo halla jugado steparu es sello de calidad si le da el visto bueno


bump!! 198 keys


#36 merci, ya tengo key xdd


#36 Muchas gracias por el aviso. Ya tengo una! :)


#36 TY! Ahora a esperar :D


88 deben quedar XD


Ojo que hay follón: Al parecer mmosite ha parado los giveaways porque Npicsoft (desarrolladores de la versión coreana) les ha presentado una queja por derechos de copyright para que dejen de hacerlos, y según la noticia no tienen seguridad de que la CBT salga en la fecha prevista. En los foros oficiales del juego no hay respuesta de momento.


Caguen siempre pasa algo .

Aqui quizas aun quedan keys hasta que borren el giveway :

-------------Sacado del foro oficial ingles sobre la situacion de disputa entre las dos compañias ---------------

​That's the whole idea. Two different games and it's why the name has been changed as well. That's why there are separate developers, we wanted to cater the game to Western standards fully which takes a lot of side development. ESTA Games presented us with that opportunity, they have higher royalty and licensing fees than most developer companies, but the development rights they currently have lets us move into a whole different direction from the KR version. The markets are very different from each other (Asia & Western) and it takes a full dedicated team to localize the game and produce content suitable for the West.

That's why for example content such as Naru isn't going to be present in our version unless or until it's only a class suitable for all races and genders as we are strictly anti-gender and race locks. That takes a lot of additional costs and time for production and is best done under a separate team. Larger companies often have separate teams developing content for the different regions, Npicsoft isn't a large company and they weren't making a lot of revenue in KR as the game wasn't as hugely successful as they thought it would be. They invested a lot of money and many years developing it with a low return of investment, so they needed money to keep their company alive and invest their finances into the mobile games industry and other various projects to keep their venture investors happy and their business afloat. It's why they sold the development rights limited to distribution in a specific region to a separate company.

As of the legal affair, from what I have been told so far, after they saw the marketing success of the game in the West that is happening right now, they got bitter and started issuing illegal notices which caused a lot of harm (possibly with the intent of starting a fight over the regional ownership and breaking their contract) and will most likely earn them a counter lawsuit for defamation and fraudulent activity.

I hope that clears it up for you guys.~

1 respuesta

#46 Me parece una chorrada brutal que se gaste tiempo y dinero en hacer que una clase deje de ser solo para una raza en concreto, y más chorrada aun que no la saquen por ese motivo. Cuanto daño están haciendo los SJW de palo.

1 respuesta

#47 Eso es a lo que ellos llaman occidentalizacion del juego , que me parece una chorrada .

Vamos que por asi decirlo tienen que casualizarlo para nosotros , mucha gente quiere tal cual el juego y le da lo mismo el gender lock


Vamos que los koreanos an visto que el juego va a tener exito y estan intentando joderlo aun teniendo un contrato legal...


Anuncio oficial. Parece que todo sigue su cauce. Si creen que necesitan más jugadores para la CBT, ellos mismos harán los giveaways:

"Hello guys!

We are aware of some of the concerns quite a few of you are currently having about the ongoing dispute between the 2 Korean developers of the game, we have previously answered many of your concerns in particular threads, but we thought it would be best if we make it a global announcement.

I'll begin by answering the biggest concern which is, is CBT going to happen and the answer is yes. There are not going to be any delays and if there are they won't be related to any legal matter. Our infrastructure is already in place regardless of the baseless accusations that Npicsoft has been throwing at ESTA Games and GRE Ltd. Our legal team has established different patterns to secure said infrastructure through jurisdiction changes that will disable their ability to cause any harm through these legal claims as they will be simply disregarded in said jurisdictions.

A lot of you have asked for a full status release until things are "resolved", but that simply can't happen because it's not how the law works. Copyright claims and matters can take months or even years to settle in court especially when they're this delicate, even when months or years pass they will most likely end up with a monetary settlement. Which in no way will affect the development and progression of Inspirit Online, so you have nothing to worry about in terms of our CBT, OBT, live or any other release and progression as we go.

As far concerns for people who want to support us financially by using the cash shop, there's not much we can do or say to assure you. As I have mentioned before we are a free-to-play game and if you believe the risk of supporting us currently is too high, you can always just wait and see for yourself that the game isn't going anywhere before you make up your mind.

Due to a combination of scare tactics used by the former developer to conduct defamation by throwing false claims and paperwork at media outlets, a lot of them have decided to walk away from our cooperation in key giveaway contests and press releases. We have given out a lot of keys through many of them already and those keys will work for CBT if you have received one, as far as more key giveaways we might start doing it ourselves before or during the CBT if we would like to increase our player base during the process.

This is also why we aren't going to be doing founder packs or have billing during CBT, we want players to see the game for themselves to be assured before they spend anything.

We hope to see you all in-game soon regardless of all the hassle!"


Que hype!!!


ya se pude registrar


Si no tenéis key aquí están repartiendo, quedan unas 2000.


pues con la tontería estoy hypeado, me ha gustado mucho lo que he estado viendo en vídeos de Youtube... espero que no la caguen con cash shops chetadas, recemos todos.


cuando sale el juego pa jugar?

1 respuesta

#55 Este viernes


habéis visto ya las clases?

1 respuesta

#57 Las típicas XD aunque está bastante bien que haya subclases dentro, al menos así tiene más variedad.


bueno lo decia por si alguien queria verlas con detalle.



por cierto, alguien sabe quien se está encargando de la versión europea del juego? para informarme de la ''fama'' que tienen XD

1 respuesta