Listado, de la gente que jugara a wh online...


Muy buenas queria saber quien jugara a este juegazo, cuando lo saquen poner nombre y si os areis orcos, dwarf o lo que sea XDD

Juego va a salir en el 2007 sera 1 tipo juego mmorpg hay foros en español, y aun no a salido ta en la close beta, me han comentado que salen 2007 y dentro de 1 meses la open beta espero que tengamos suerte ;D
Tumir caos o orco
Vandy caos o elfo oscuro.


podrias dar un poco mas de informacion de ese juego? alguna web o algo.

edit: gracias por la info :))


a saber que leches estoy haciendo dentro de un año xD


Seguramente yo juegue, con un goblin :D


El juego sale en q4 de 2007 osea finales de 07, me estraña que la beta sea el mes que viene y encima open.

PD:ahora que lo pienso para jugar en la beta habia que registrarse al boletin y cada mes eran elegidos 5 pavos que participarian en ella hasta cumplir los huecos hasta que saliera la beta , muy poca gente iva a poder jugarla y luego cada mes irian añadiendo gente a la beta.


Bueno la closed beta 1 si sale este año para los friends and family como la denominaron.

Aqui teneis una pequeña descripcion de los tiempos de desarrollo.

Atentamente, Inferno-Archaon-LordInferno-ChaosKhorne-Leviatan-Legendary.

Suerte con la beta.

Alpha: What we are in now. I made the grievous error of calling it a very early beta, for which I am terminally sorry. I will regret that until I die. Alpha does not have anyone playing who does not draw a paycheck from Mythic.

Double Secret Beta: What we will be in "Soon, TM." That is just beyond alpha, and includes people who draw paychecks from Mythic and our partners. Summer 2006

First Stage of Closed Beta (Beta 1): Sometimes called "Friends and Family," somewhat inaccurately, this is a stage where there is actually a game, but it is not usually very complete or even stable for that matter. People who don't work here are in this stage, but usually fewer than a hundred, and they are nearly all such old, old friends that they are often mistaken for employees. Fall 2006

Beta 1.7, After Things Stop Going Boom Every Day: This is the stage you'll start seeing community testers. People who have tested for Mythic for years, or have been otherwise recommended to us as quality volunteer testers, are starting to be included. There is usually a restriction on how many people get in at this point, and often perfectly wonderful people are left out. TENTATIVE DATE: Early 2007

Beta 2: Still closed and covered under NDA, invitees include prize winners, guilds that win the guild contest, and some members of the print and web media - usually the ones we have relationships with. People who work at GW retail shops are getting in here, and we've got some plans for existing Dark Age of Camelot players to be invited to check out their new sibling. There will be up to a thousand people by the end of Beta 2. TENTATIVE DATE: Early Spring 2007

Beta 3: Closed, NDA. This is where Lady Luck will wave her wand. We will be choosing randomly from the giant pool of people who are subscribed to our newsletter. This phase will have thousands of people invited, possibly as many as ten thousand. TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

Final Beta: No NDA. Because there is no NDA, people often refer to this as "open beta." But I wanted to be really clear with you guys - we are not planning the kind of open beta where everyone with internet access can download the game and hop in. That's nutty. Right now, we are tentatively considering having everyone who pre-orders the game invited to this phase of beta. This phase will also invite winners from our big media promotions. TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

Se me olvidaba yo tb estare, que era de lo que iba este post.

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