Bueno están con el tema de bugs, los dos próximos parches van enfocados a solucionar esos problemas.
Twitch Stream February 17th 2022 Summary
Server Capacity/ Instances
We have made progress on the capacity issues and will be doing some testing shortly. If this goes well, we will likely be disabling some of the alts. Our system supports us to be able to add and remove alts as needed in case the need arises. Regarding trade brokers and other functions that are locked behind the main server, this was a technical issue, not merely a choice we made. We are focusing on the server capacity bottleneck and new continents so it is likely we will not have these functions working for a system our game design did not intend for. We are hoping with this new milestone with the servers, it will be easier for players to get into the main server and use those services and functions. We do not want to waste too many resources on a system that will be going away in the future.
We have begun work on the new continents for some time, we are also making sure that with the move to UE5, we don’t worsen performance. We feel on the performance side we have done a good job and do not want to make it worse by a quick port over to UE5. We currently do not have a set date for the new continent(s) or UE5.
Our next few patches will be focusing on some major bugs and issues that we are currently having. As mentioned in the past, the roadmap for content is on hold until we stabilize the issues. The next patch should see things fixed such as, the house chest issues, including the one with invisible items. Pet pathing issues which get them stuck in some geometry. Also, we have identified many areas where players are getting stuck and trying to fix those. There are other fixes as well, not just these.
In a secondary patch after the next one we hope to have whispers functions added and friend list issues fixed as we think they are quite critical. We also hope to be able to have some more basic house functions added so players can do more with their homes. No specific ETA on the house mechanics.
We are aware of issues with pets attacking other animals or AI where lock ups can occur. This is a complicated issue which is caused by certain combinations of pets, AI and angles. We are currently going through the combinations to try and fix the issue.
We also are working on more robust GM tools to assist more with some of the issues that are currently happening and to be prepared for the future.