Mortal Online





si, en Medulli, la verdad que van soltando npc intereantes, el otro dia habia partidas de bandidos por todas las ciudades.


Queria saber si es viable empezar a jugar? si hay bastantes españoles, y si se puede jugar normalmente siendo free player... o se nota mucho el desbalanceo de cosas? tyyy


se nota el desbalanceo cuando lo tienes todo maxeado a 60, no eres igual que uno que lo tiene a 100 claro esta, para todo lo demas puedes jugar perfectamente explorar todo jugar con nosotros etc etc, los españoles ahora mismo tenemos 2 castillos etc etc somos potentes la verdad :P

1 1 respuesta

#3455 pero los free players no podemos tener casa no?

1 respuesta

#3456 No, es un cap, los modo frre no pueden ser ladrones, ni tener casas.

Pero pondran que en Tindrem puedas alquilar una casa, y creo que los free lo podran hacer.

De todos modos hay bancos de la gente por todo el mapa, y los puedes usar.

1 respuesta

#3457 okis, me llama la atencion el juego, hay muchas mazmorras, cuevas etc donde poder ir? basicamente sitios donde ir tu explorar y ver cosas chulas? ty!

2 respuestas

#3458 si no has visto nada de nada del juego tienes bastante, a si de primeras tienes primero las alcantarillas de timdrem con hombres rata bandidos etc etc, luego tienes todo tindrem con sus barrios bajos llenos de bandidos, fuera de tindrem tienes en la jungla la dungeon sator, gaulor dungeon risar, cueva de la araña nitre queen cueva de la araña cloton maiden queen, luego tienes la dungeon huergar que esta llena de minotauros, tienes una zona que esta llena de mengatons que son como unos hombre hormiga raros de diferente tipos y tamaños y tambien un boss que se llama thorax, a parte de todos los animales tipos de araña lobos direwolfs etc etc, ya te digo si comienzas y quieres ver todo eso tienes para un rato :) algo me dejo seguro


#3458 Si hay bastante.

Por ejemplo en la capital de Tindrem, tienes las alcantarillas, que son enormes y hay 2 boss diferentes, cofres, y enemigos, tienes los cementerios de cada poblacion, asi esto es bastante facil para pdoer ir solo.

Luego tienes la dungeon de lor risars en el norte, cerca de Gaul kor, la dungeon de los sators que esta al sur, en la jungla, tambien cerca de Morin Khur tienes el portal demoniaco, y en el desierto cerca de medulli tienes la infeccion de hormigas, esta y los demonios estan al aire libre.

Cerca de Fabernun, tienes las dungeon de los Minotauros, y la de la araña Cloton.

Cerca de los demonios, y de Gaul kor 2 cuevas con la araña Nitre queen, por supuesto hay mas tipos de arañas.

Cerca de Vadda y Mokhi, hay dos cuevas mas de arañas normales.
Cerca del hielo, tienes la cueva donde estan los osos blancos.

A parte de esto hay varios spots de bandidos, risars y sators por zonas en contienente, y los eventos que montan los GM.

Y por supuesto meteran mas cosas.

Ah y el KIMURU, un BOSS flipante!


es verdad los demonios y el kimuru y lso campamentos risar jajaja xDD


Yo al final lo deje por falta de tiempo e incluso lo borre para evitar posibles tentaciones, pero ahora que tengo algo mas de tiempo voy a volver a descargarmelo y seguire jugando.

PD: Kranick al final nunca me invitastes al clan xD

#3462 Ok, pero seguramente tarde su tiempo, a lo largo de esta semana digo yo que ya lo tendre. Eso si tendre que mirar como estan los stats y tal porque ni me acuerdo.
Una preguntilla, ¿cada mes cuanto se paga?, por ahora es mera curiosidad.
Vale me respondo 14E/mes aprox. bueno... si soy sincero me imaginaba 14$ xD, al ser el juego ingles y tal

1 respuesta

#3462 al final nunca te encontré jajaja xDD cuando este dame un toque por aquí pls

#3462 te mando un privado para decirte una opcion de pago algo mas barata :P

8 días después

Mañana si no pasa nada parche economico.

Hello everyone!

Its time for some updates!

We have been pretty quiet lately due to hard work and lots of preparations in different forms that you are about to see more about shortly.

Today Seb got ran down by a car and ended up at the hospital, luckily it was nothing serious and he is fine now after some resting.

We are currently running different test sessions on our latest patch that includes lots of good bug fixes and the brand new broker system we been waiting for a long time to help the player trades and economy. We also adding a small expansion after the tutorial we have in the Tindrem garden to further help new players get into a direction and get a goal to get going in the game which is important for new players. We have run into a few issues during test which we are updating tomorrow if things goes as plans and as soon as its approved this will go live.

We are progressing in both TC and the character system we been working hard on lately.
The animation updates are almost done now, but we are still struggling with the mesh/skin work which have not been a smooth process, we have been ironing out the issues we had which been a mix of both language barrier and different versions of software and export issues. But we hope to have a full solution on this now sooner than later. Again we hoped we would be able to deliver this part much earlier, but sadly we have run into every possible wall during this process. But hopefully it will be worth the wait, to have that system in place, which gives a lot of nice bonuses over the face lift it gives us.

TC is a large feature as you know already, and we made some updates using Sebastians twitter. Now when everything is getting in place we have decided its time to start share more in depth of how the system is going to work. So I will try to assist in introducing different parts of what TC will bring to the game.

Today we want to share some info about the coming farming system along with the TC patch.

Territory Control

To build a farm, you must first own the land to place it and afford the cost in both Prominence points and gold. To claim some land, you need to build a house and place a guild stone in it. This will give you some space surrounding your guild stone. Within this zone you are able to construct new buildings such as farms. You can also build a wall surrounding your land. This wall has its own gate with access levels. Within the walls, you can hire services and hire guards for increased security.

You can also build a fence surrounding your farm if you wish to lock it down so that others cannot use it, or it will remain open for anyone to pick the crops. This is part of the new territory control system, which fully unlocks all of its options whenever someone has claimed a keep. It will give endless possibilities to claiming land and designing their own city with its own set of rules and services.

To start farming you need to hire a farmer that takes care of the crops. He will require a fee and the better the farmer is, the more plants he can grow. A farm can be upgraded from a small, to a larger farm. When the farm is upgraded, you can hire another farmer to work at the same farm to grow even more plants, and it also allows you to grow different setup of plants.

Seeds can be found on Plants from different locations around the world. These are the seeds you hand to the farmer, who will start to grow them. The farming system takes the heat system in consideration. The area where you grow the plants will be affected by the weather and climate.

A farm owner/ city owner can place work orders, so that players can gather the crops for them. This will allow the farmer to get the crops picked, if he doesn't have the time to do so, to allow for new crops to grow. Other players can help in picking the crops and sell them as a service to the farm owner which will in that way maximize its farm. Farming can be effective for alchemist to start growing herbs and plants. You can also find specific plants that will efficiently make a decent profit. It all comes down to the efficient level of the farmers, the size, and the location if the plant is optimal for its climate. It’s up to the player to maximize the profit and growth, by picking the plants when it’s done for picking, or it will occupy place and time for a new growth. As usual there will be a fee to operate the farm.



un live del juego:

1 respuesta

#3465 Me ha encantado ver por fin un mago en acción y me he decidido a darle otro tiento y probar de hacerme uno. Tanteando por internet he encontrado esta guía:

Que os parece? es muy duro jugar siendo mago? Me llama mucho la atención tirarlo por la rama nigromante/brujo...

2 respuestas

#3466 pues para ser nigroamante brujo te tendras que esperar a que saquen el parche de las magias :) de momento te puedes conformar con dominar arañas y tirar terremotos y thunderlases y otras movidas varias :)

puedes mirarte estos tutoriales que están echos por uno de nuestro clan

1 1 respuesta

#3466 Un mago es muy guapo y divertido, y ademas barato!


#3467 Precisamente es el tutorial que me estaba mirando ahora xD. Según la guía que me estoy mirando aconsejan un Sheevra de entre 62-65 años, y farmear madera para conseguirme los libros necesarios (creature control, etc). Lo que no he entendido muy bien es el tema de los reagentes y como conseguirlos. En EOL he leído que aconsejáis ir a Vadda...sigue siendo recomendable?

1 respuesta


23 años veela veela, ese es el mago rapido y bueno.

Si lo quieres mas lento avisa.

Si medulli o vada son buenas zonas, en tindrem tambien haras pasta.




    Added support for seeds.
    Added seeds to the broker UI.
    Added support for NPC interaction animations.
    Added more checks to guild Acronyms
    Following now also does a whisper : /tell /t
    Added some more custom attack/flee shouts to NPCs.
    Added new dice drops to loot tables.
    Added a new selection screen at the very end of the tutorial where new players can get some more info on the game and choose a direction of their character.
    Priest beacons are now dynamically updated from the server rather then being baked into the map.
    Added a separate search-server for broker items.
    Severely improved broker UI.
    Added buy orders to the broker. You now bring at least 1 item of the type you want and put down a buy order on the broker. Other players can then collect that item and give it to the broker to automatically get money and have the item returned to your mail.
    You can now add bags with items in the broker.
    Vendors now play a animation when used.
    When a house first dies it will now spawn it's house sign in a loot bag.
    Added a Perciformes lore book.
    Added a "smart target" for gather to make it possible to gather things even thou they are not directly targetable or aimed directly at.
    Added a new type of broker that ONLY sells items from a specific category in the broker list. These brokers are connected to the trade broker in the city.
    You now get a message when a duel ends.
    Added map-functionality on the broker to make it easier to find player-vendors.
    Added new weapons on Arx Meridius to be traded for Undead Heads.
    Added a bounty option to the broker, you can now request the Head or the House sign of a chosen player.


    Consumable in the broker renamed to Usable.
    Changed confusing can't drink yet message.
    Rebuilt the goto nearest shrine function it now takes into account guild-priests and should work better in general.
    Priest beacons will now update if you flag changes while dead.
    Increased max broker items without skill from 7 to 20.
    Management now add 50 instead of 15 broker slots.
    Blunt damage applied directly to a mounted player now does a knockdown check to see if the player falls off.
    Losing a knockdown check while on a mount will not dismount the player.
    Hitting someone with spear-stance will now trigger a knockdown chance if that person is on a mount.
    Improved item updating code.
    House vendors are now called trade brokers.
    House vendors now work like a trade broker but only the owner of the house can add items and request items.
    Siege machines will now change flags when damaging NPC/Players.
    Elementals now burn when killed.
    Rebuilt siege trace code.
    AI will now more aggressively attack healers.
    Overall AI aggro reduction increased.
    Guards will now tick aggro faster the further away from their spawn they are reducing their chase distance.
    Change mouse pointer to something that stands out a bit more from the UI/World.
    Handle hits are now treated as HandleHitDamage rather then blunt. HandleHitDamage is absorbed by armor just like blunt but won't cause knockdowns from mounts.
    Increased spawns and amounts you get when gathering sea dew.
    Slightly increased the healing effect on Common Vitis.

Bug Fixes

    Fixed calculation issue when combining potions.
    Fixed a couple of missing vial icons.
    Fixed a couple of missing skill descriptions.
    Fixed some issues with mailed and banked items messing up NPC UI.
    Guards will now scan pet bags too.
    Improved item cleanup leading to faster node-transitions.
    Improved pet cleanup. This will slightly improve login times.
    There is now a 2 sec timer for stealing items.
    Fixed rare glitch where your free-slot count wouldn't update correctly.
    Fixed issue where guard-scanning wouldn't correctly update your pets flag.
    Fixed issues where chests wouldn't correctly show items spawned after reboot.
    Built item cleanup system for the database. This will in some cases increase player login/node-transition.
    Fixed node memory-leak.
    Added better removing of bad towers.
    Guards will now correctly damage placeables.
    Fledglings can no longer be knocked down by riders.
    Fixed a rare tutorial crash.
    Fixed a couple of issues with spear-stance messages.
    Fixed issue where you could glitch out arrows.
    Fixed weak-parts on AI. It should now correctly always give a weak spot hit when you hit those parts.
    Fixed issue where items in loot/chest etc could go invisible if you dropped a item from the object into a slot in the same object.
    Fixed UI not correctly updating pet slots when new AI was added forcing players to open the pet Info.
    Improved connection between pet and owner.
    Advanced cooking now correctly open up 7 more slots.
    Fixed issue with NPCs in the cellar of the keep falling.
    Fixed issue with armor-defense recompute.
    Fixed issues with Hidden Criminals not being tracked for illegal items.
    Fixed to hungry to sleep message.
    Fixed some book descriptions.
    Dominate books are now found under the creature control group in the library instead of meditation.
    Fixed issue where trading with a full inventory to a vendor would leave change in slots that were occupied.
    Fixed issue where pickables sometimes gave you twice the amount you should get when picking.
    Fixed confusing UI where taxes wouldn't be correctly taken into account when calculating how many days a house had left.
    The max payment for house taxes now take taxes into account.
    Fixed issue where placing several catapults oddly enough would make them fire further.
    Duels are now working again.
    Fixed issue where you could trick the duel code and give MC to people you where in a duel with.
    Fixed issue with turn back timers on NPCs.
    Rice fields and several other fields no longer block attacks.
    Fixed issues with some fields not being pickable when they should be.
    Adding a player with pets to your local allowed list will now add his pets to.
    Made guild-war checks with flags a lot safer on the server.
    You now only see the bow composite in the bow crafting if you have the skills and they are above 0.
    Fixed issue where you would see two pets when stabling while only having one and stabling one of them crashed you.
    Improved guild-flag updating rate when starting/ending wars.
    Fixed issue where having too many wars could mess things up.
    Fixed issue where AI would add aggro if you healed yourself. AI will now only do this if someone else is healing their target.

un video de lo de la agricultura o eso nuevo? señor sancho lord de los videos pls xD

1 respuesta

Cuando este puesto te lo hare, no te preocupes.!


otro stream por aquí, y el parche esta wapo wapo con los trade brokers nuevos :P


Parece ser que ahora al terminar la zona de iniciación, hablando con el guardia eliges un rol y te dan unos cuantos items para ayudar un poco. He elegido acólito (mago, vamos), y me han dado el libro de magic schools. Me recomendáis leerlo ahora o dejarlo para más tarde?

Me han dado entre otras cosas, un montón de materiales que supongo que funcionan como reagentes (agua, etc). Han de ser crafteados para crear reagentes o se consumen como tal en el inventario? Y como se aprenden las spells? a partir de cierto nivel en una skill?

Perdonad la batería de preguntas...voy un poco perdido. Decir también que noto cierta mejoría en el rendimiento, no se si habrán sacado algún parche al respecto o que.

1 respuesta

#3477 el de magic schools lo tienes que leer si,

los reagentes se consumen tal cual,

dale a la letra O y abres el libro de hechizos,

si en cada parche tocan ese tema del rendimiento y ahora la verdad que va fino fino y cuando metan el parche de las armaduras y personajes/animaciones nuevos se notara aun mas.

PD: pregunta lo que quieras que pa eso estamos :P


mabelrobe que sepas que me sigues debiendo 300g mamonazo xDDD

1 respuesta

Yo después de esta semana que he estado ocupado con exámenes, terminaré de descargarlo (si no lo he hecho ya, es para que no me entren ganas mientras estudio)

Tema cerrado