Mortal Online


Mas info de la expansion, y unas screens:

Focus Group
Firstly my apologies for the delayed update. I could make an excuse but can't be bothered and am instead going to focus on the report.

The last update indicated we had just received a patch and it was the fifth client we had. To say this patch included a lot of changes would be an understatement. Henrik outlined the changes that were made and there were 21 topics for us to review. Some of these were new things such as pets and the user interface, others were more about fixes that had been implemented. Despite these volume of changes, Henrik was very clear: Some things did not fully make it into this build that we had plans for.

Community Update
One of the most significant enhancements the Focus Group has seen in the test server has been the changes to the prediction system. If you have read the previous updates, you will have noted the comments from the team on how well it was working. When developers continually strive for perfection, there are always stages when they go too far and they need to go back before you go forward again. This week was an example of this cough rare phenomenon. There was a lot of colorful words in the Focus Group TeamSpeak and I found myself learning how to swear in a few different languages. After the initial shock, the team had to 'focus' and detail exactly what the problems were. Was it related to certain weapons, certain attacks, etc... etc..

One thing the team is getting better is the way we provide our feedback to the Developers. Be short, sharp, precise and detail what is wrong and how to replicate it. A full page explanation of why the butchery yield from a Cougar is wrong based on research from WikiPedia doesn't really achieve the desired outcome. Sebastian did however come back to us with some very interesting websites on how to 'hunt' cougars of a whole different kind.

This seemed to get Sebastian and the team fired up they started churning out the coding goodness we have traditionally seen from them. It was just a few days later and launcher started to respond a little differently as two new patches were released in as many days.

Testing Activity
These two new patches late in the week gave the team the opportunity to look at the new toys that had been introduced. The following are some examples of the testing the team have been doing.

Guard Updates: it seems as though I can simply copy and paste this for each of the weekly Community Updates. It remains the most significant feature change in the server at the moment and the one that can have the most dramatic impact on the game. Detailed testing will iron out the bugs and help define the AI for all other mobs in the game. That being said, killing the same guards over and over sometimes gets boring!
Flying Creatures: Yes they exist, and these aren't the ones you see flying around the heavens of Nave which you can't interact with. These creatures are dynamic and entertaining. They fly over you, they fly at you, the fly after you, they attack you and they even crap on you !
Chat System: On the wishlist for a lot of players over time has been a new chat system. Well Paratus has weaved is flashy magic and delivered the goods. Even he has said it isn't finished as yet and has asked us to break and exploit it in every way possible.
Skillbook Interface: Part 2 of the new user interface is the way skills are displayed in game. Very cool.
Prediction Recovery: What they break, they fix.

Quotes from the Team

Necromantic: Flying creatures, fuck yeah. ;P
Reynik: This week we dealt with murdering campfires and admired the Elite Guard's totally chic little cape.
Tizio: Surprise for tamers!
Kronick: You have two bears? what?
Anonymous Game Master: Interesting....
MomoWang: anyone trolling the test forums will have their access removed, including Game Masters !!!!
Achilles: Loving the new pet system! It's reminding me of the Creature Handler profession in Star Wars Galaxies!
Nostrus[COLOR=#cccccc]: [/COLOR]The new Skill book, Spell book, and pet UI is a huge improvement, cant wait till we get more of the new ui for hotkeys / macros. Pet tamers are gonna rock now!
Afterlife: The GUI is coming along pretty nicely, I can't wait for the total introduction of the final GUI. Mortal Online has a cute new face!
Anonymous Counselor: The bear acted like I was a delicious pile of meat as one would expect a bear to act. =(
Community Manager Theia: it's full of....stars..

Focus Group Lead


Buah que ganas de terminas el curso pa' viciar >.<


Que wapo el cielo.


para quien no lo sepa los tios que salen con la armadura dorada son Elite guards, que están en por las ciudades patrullando xDD y no se chocan con las paredes!! hahaha xDD


que bueno vuelve el cielo antiguo :DD


ya llego la IA? acordaos de avisarme cuando la implementen!!!

1 respuesta

#1986 hahaha tranqui que tendras noticias cuando metan la expansion :)


and then... Zubats!


Dios!! que guapo!


el cliente de 64bits funciona de maravilla, que ganas tengo ya hehe xDD


Kranick se sabe ya alguna fecha o no?


hmmm 2-3 semanas mas o menos ya quedaran algunos dias menos pero por hay va la fecha :)


Hello Folks,

So, I sat down with our CEO, Henrik the other day to talk about The Awakening. I tried my hardest to get some new information and ask some questions that I thought the community would be interested in. I got a lot more than I was expecting. Enjoy.

Hi Henrik, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions, I know that our community are starting to get very excited about The Awakening release, what excites you about the upcoming expansion?
Hi Theia, not a problem. Well I guess it’s around so many features that we envisioned a long time ago now finally arriving. It has been a long time but we feel that The Awakening will start to close the circle in terms of PVE, which has been lacking, not all players want to PvP so this is a very important update for this part of our community. Of course more PVE will still help the PvP side as we are expecting a lot of action and that will drive much more activity out in the world.

OK can we hear some more detail please? I know that you are planning on bringing significant numbers of new mobs into the game, can you elucidate on what we are going to be seeing? I know you don’t want to give away too many spoilers, but can we a have a bit of information about the new mobs we’ll see with the new AI, please?
The AI has been totally re-written. From scratch. It now fully enables the original vision we had for the flexibility of AI and the game. You surely remember the old prototype we had running years ago; the troll picking up players, the aggressive minotaur? After a huge effort we are now able to deliver those functions in the game, a dynamic AI action system opens up totally new abilities with our mobs, we just need to come up with new cool and interesting actions they can do. Included in this new AI we also get two elements that we have been waiting for, water and air support. This gives us a lot of new content and we can finally start to make use of diving skills and add underwater content, to be honest, we do not have much underwater content yet since we didn’t expect to solve the water functions this early, but more of that will come.

In fact just to show you how different the new AI is I would like to share a story from the testing forum. I hope ACHILLES won’t mind.

Discussion in 'Feed Back' started by ACHILLES, Wednesday at 9:03 AM.
I just wanted to share tonight, before I went to bed, a fucking AWESOME experience I had with 3 bears outside Meduli. Arfette and I were testing weapons and stuff, and he had run off to tame more bears. When I told him I was back to our spot, he came running back, but some of the bears followed him from their spawn. When I glanced over to see the bears following him, one gave up and ran back to the spawn slowly. The 2nd followed a little further, stopped, trotted a little further after him, and then decided to turn back and run. The last bear did something that was so damn awesome, that it got me all excited in game. Arfette will tell you.

To elaborate on why this experience excited me so, I want to share a quick experience I had in real life with a bear. I went caribou hunting and salmon fishing with my dad in Alaska when I was 16 y/o. Off in the frontier of Alaska on the tundra in the middle of nowhere, there are major grizzly bears, and I'm talking the big ass mama bears that will eat your shit alive if you aren't careful with what you're doing. Being the amazingly prepared and intelligent man my father is, he was always ready for a bear while we were out hunting, and we had special ammunition for our rifles if we indeed spotted a bear and needed to defend ourselves. Even before going with him on the trip, he gave me books to read on the game we'd spot, and especially bears, so that I knew what to expect if we encountered one. Now, to get to the point:

I had shot a caribou from about a mile out and it was hiiiiiigh up on this mountain. We trekked up to the mountain, and it took us a good 30-45 minutes to get up there to where the caribou fell. When we got there, we had to skin it there on the spot because we couldn't carry the entire damn carcass all the way back to the camp that was at least 10 miles away or so. So my dad told me to just watch around us for anything and to keep a look out while he skinned the caribou at our feet. I did so, and he started to do his job. Fifteen to twenty minutes went by and I was talking to him about stuff. I had glanced down watching him skin the caribou, and the next time I lifted my head up I saw off in the distance a fucking brown bear walking parallel to us and staring STRAIGHT at us. He obviously wanted that kill, because he wanted the food, but he was debating in his head whether or not he should actually try and take it from us or not. I don't know if that bear knew what we were or not, but the only reason I think that it did NOT come after us was because it was a younger bear, maybe a teenager, and it didn't have the chops or the courage just yet to actually try and fight us for that kill. As soon as I said "Oh SHIT Dad..." he loaded his gun with the ammunition and we watched like hawks. The bear slowly ran off, and we immediately finished what we could with the kill, and left for camp.

This experience is EXACTLY what happened today in game with Arfette, except the bear actually attacked us!!! Was so awesome. I was standing next to Arfette, and when he got next to me he said, "I think one of the bears is still gonna come after me." Having played MO so much, my 2nd nature reaction to any of the bears in the game is always the same, but this time I looked up and saw something completely different than I've ever seen before, and it was just..... COOL. The bear that was following Arfette stopped at the rocks and stared at us a second. I watched him and waited to see what exactly was going on, and then the bear turned and walked parellel to us, JUST LIKE the bear did in real life that I had experienced. He walked for a few feet turning his head and staring at us like we were a fucking threat and/or prey. To me it looked like he was debating in his head whether or not he really wanted to come after us. Eventually he stopped again, turned to us, he let out a roar, and charged. It was so fucking epic. Arfette and I then battled the bear and killed him.

Now, I'm not sure whether or not this is part of the new AI system with animals, or if it was just some happy mistake with bugs and coincidences, BUT if this kind of thing can be reproduced, then that would just be fucking amazing. When I say reproduced, I mean if animals can actually react this way to their surroundings and it's intended, then I'm saying well done Starvault. You guys are doing the right things and please keep it up. Looking forward to more in the future!!!

HENRIK: To give a short explanation of how this works (it was not a bug) the new AI did actually interface with ACHILLES and Arfette as described. The AI runs a number of steps when it spots a creature or player. It starts by discovering it and depending on a few different factors it can continue to watch the players or it can try to flee or attack. It measures the threat by numbers, size and some other things. This gives room for the players to actually sneak up on a creature and if it spots you, you had better stand absolutely still, if it is prey or hunter you want to get closer to or risk getting attacked. If it doesn’t feel too threatened and you stand absolutely still it may continue what it was doing and ignore you for the time being. Experiencing this makes it feels very alive and exciting it feels like it is watching you as it moves. As you can see a lot of work has been put into the new AI while it’s also massively optimized for a crowd system, which you also can see on some of the screen shots previously released, we have tested 2200 guards in a small area without fully loading nodes/server or clients, which is very impressive. This will allow us to add really interesting, massive events in the game world. Taming as a profession has got a lot of new things as well. There are new skills for those who are interested in in taming animals; we also have a new “skill/spell” under a magic school that allows the players to dominate some specific mobs that you can’t tame. You will notice there is a lot of new depth in taming and controlling pets. All creatures in the world are now dynamic in terms of their stats, size and other things too. This means you will be able to find infant bears for instance which are easier to tame than adults. At a certain age they can no longer be tamed so you will have to find a younger one and look after it. Each creature costs a certain amount of creature control points, it’s up to you to find the mix that suits your need. If you want a few young bears or one big old nasty bear that has learned new actions depending upon your skills, it’s up to you. You will with the right skills be able to see its age, condition and stats. Some creatures are known to grow and become stronger in captivity with correct training and feeding. This means you can make them stronger than those found in the wilderness.
The new AI also allows us to open up some of the more ancient dungeons, filled with lore that we have been waiting for a long time to share with you, years even. All pre-patch creatures in the world will be remade with the new AI and you will see many changes as a result of this. This of course includes mounts, too. The lore skills for each creature does now play an important role as it helps you defeat the creature you are specialised in. Gear is now connected to the taming profession, which allows you to push the creature limit even further, some will require this as well to be tamed in the first place, the same goes for domination.

Everyone wants to know when The Awakening is going to be released. The Community are holding out for an April release date. Are we going to see The Awakening in April?
So our main goal is to deliver the most amazing experience possible at launch. We are so close now it’s painful having to wait, which I promise you we are very aware of, but there are now so many complete modules that are ready for integration it would be a real shame to wait for the next large release and we want all of it in for this release. Having said that we started working on Awakenings in earnest immediately after the TC release, so it has been many months of hard work, that we are so very close to releasing at this point is extremely gratifying, we won’t make April, but it really won’t be very long now, weeks not months.

Can you tell us what the status of Tindrem is please?
Almost complete, with just one building left to go, that building is very advanced and should be finished early next week. Tindrem is a big thing for us. I think it will be for the community too. The AI Guard testing has gone better than expected we are still tweaking some of the animations here but new AI means a more active city with very interesting possibilities.

Can Players own houses in Tindrem?
Not at this time.

Can you tell us about any of the new pets that are entering the game?
Well a combination of new AI and 64B allows us to do this... when I took this screen, there was virtually no drop in frame rate for me from when the sky was empty...
Bug fixing Round - is there one included in The Awakening and what are your general plans for dealing with some of the longer term bugs that we have?
Yes, we have fixed several important bugs in this build. But that was not our main objective, it was new content, and lots of it. We have achieved that and if there is any time left over we will try to squeeze a few more fixes in, but the priority is to test, validate and then release. We are planning to do a bug fixing round after Awakening, although knowing us we will possibly add more content as well in that round. Work has started on the next release as some members of the team have finished everything they needed to do for this release.

Will the new GUI/UI make it in?
Yes, it’s in now, not fully complete, it’s amazing how many windows / interfaces we have built up. We added the new spell book which has some very nice animations and work is well advanced. This spell book is also something we wanted from launch but we couldn’t implement due to GUI restrictions within UE. Now the first step is complete and we can continue developing the other magic schools. You will now buy, learn and discover spells via scrolls, which you scribe into your spell book, after that you can cast the spell when you wish. There will be spells located only at a specific place and at a given time, which means it is the player that will discover these spells and choose what happens with the spell, will you share the spell or keep it to yourself? We are also improving a lot of the old windows; we will finally get a fully fledged GUI. Better performance and better control in all of the aspects that can be expected from leading MMO.

Many players are looking forward to the Broker system, in-game trading tools will spur on the economy and cause more movement of goods and players across the world, how is that coming along?
The broker system is something we really need in our game, a powerful tool to help get the economy going and trading between the players. The players will be able to sell their goods via this service and others can buy, without having to be online at the same time finding the buyer/sellers. We think this will help a lot, especially for some players that aren’t on during peak EU and US times.

Thank you for being so generous with your time, is there anything else you would like to add?
We are not only adding new AI and GUI, but we had the time to also add new skills, new gear and some important new professions. Alchemy is going to get a boost for several reasons; we are going to remove the potions sold by the NPCs in game. We note that players have started to get further into the alchemy system; they have clearly been experimenting and found powerful potions. To those that have managed this, well done! We will help the profession at the start by adding in-game lore explaining how to make the first, very basic potion, the rest is up to the players to discover and establish the profession and markets around that. Right now Tailoring is on the edge of being finalized as well, this gives players a new profession - crafting clothes. This means we are adding new types of gear, perfect for players that wish to be fashionably dressed; in addition that profession will be able to flex elements such as protection and weight. Of course they won’t compete with medium or heavy armour, those will always be best for the melee fighter. We also hope to be able to put in pottery and glass blowing since we really want to remove the empty bottles from the NPCs. We hope to do the same thing when it comes to crafting arrows, the arrows are actually part of a very advanced crafting system which allows you to hand craft arrows, you can use them in specific situations, you can pick the kind of attack you want to do through the use of different types of arrow head. If all goes as planned we will be able to add this into The Awakening as well, if not, it should come very shortly after. We are also working on a remake of the player models, they were fine a few years ago, but today we feel they could be much better looking, in several ways, it is after all the most important model in the game and there is a lot of room for improvement. Along with some other areas that are getting a face lift, we are focusing on the world too, water now moves and is affected by the wind and weather, waves move in the direction of the wind. Things have also changed on weapon traces and the prediction system. The latest feedback from the focus group is excellent, there is new accuracy, and it is more fun to PvP!
Something is heading for Myrland, that will affect every player in the world, it will be up to you to decide how that fate will unfold and how Myrland will change during The Awakening…..

Thank you very much Henrik, hope we can do this again soon.
Thank you, yes, let’s do that. Oh and I hope everyone enjoys the Loading Screen Competition!!

1 1 respuesta

pon la imagen que biene con el texto :P

no es gran cosa pero mola haha




#1993 Joder, ¡menudo lavado de cara! Son un huevo de cosas nuevas y si todo funciona bien preparaos para la avalancha de nuevos jugadores. Personalmente me encanta el taming y todo lo que he leído me anima a convertir mi último personaje en El Señor de las Bestias. Molaría que los tameadores fueran aptos para el PvP...


1 respuesta

#1996 hombre te puedo asegura que si alguien te tira 2 osos blancos eres mas que apto para el pvp xDD

1 respuesta

#1997 Un día tiré un campodón a tres tíos que se dedicaban a farmear noobs y mi pobre "Jumbo" no duró ni un minuto (por lo menos duró más que yo). Eso sí, si hubiera sido solo un contrincante probablemente me lo habría llevado por delante.

No sabía que hay osos blancos... :wow:


Desde cuando hay osos blancos? xD

1 respuesta

Pues hace mucho mucho mucho!


#1999 solo hay que buscarlos xDD por cierto pongo por aquí el ultimo informe del focus group.

Focus Group
Monday April 23rd kicked off week five for the Focus Group. Looking back over the last five weeks it has been a busy time and active members of the Focus Group have certainly contributed significantly to the ongoing development of Mortal Online and Awakening.

Week five has been significant for a couple of reasons. One is the testing of pets which I will discuss below but also because it has given the staff the opportunity to sit back and look at how the Focus Group has been working.

Real life activities, work and family commitments will always affect how much time you can play games and the same goes for testing. There are some testers who will always be in the test server whilst others may only be able to contribute a couple of hours each week. This week we have reviewed the contribution of our team and our numbers are now more reflective of an active testing group.

We have also identified some areas of duplication between the Focus Group and the in-house Quality Assurance team. Each group has clearly defined roles and whilst you will be familiar with the Focus Group, the Quality Assurance team are more secretive. The focus of this team is more on the in-game support functions used by Counselors and Game Masters. They also get to test some of the super secret aspects of Awakening the Focus Group don't see.

Community Update
To say it has been a big week in testing would be an understatement. It is certainly strange when you load up the server and get really excited over being able to tame a pet !

Before I get into the details, I was asked in a few Private Messages about how effectively the Focus Group has been in identifying bugs and getting them fixed. These were good questions as it has been a few weeks since I gave an update on the specifics. So here goes... 5 weeks of Focus Group goodness by the numbers...

Test Clients - 3
Test Patches - 6
Current Release - 8B
Smallest Release - 12mb
Largest Release - 505mb

Forum Posts - 1604
Troll Posts - 0
Testers with really big forum signatures - 1

Total bugs raised - 198
Bugs closed - 70
Bugs fixed and being verified - 22
Bugs reported to developers - 90
Bugs identified this weekend, to go to developers - 16

Guilds in the test server - 5
Houses built - 9
Keeps - 2

Hugs from Sebastion - 1

Inspirational speeches by Henrik - 14
Questions answered by Paratus - lots
Times Henrik killed by testers - classified

Testing Activity
The value of the Focus Group is not just about identifying bugs, things that either work or don't work. It is also about general game dynamics, balance and game play. The ability for the Focus Group to provide generic feedback on the game has been very positive, and whilst not detracting from the primary role of testing and bug identification, it has enabled greater understanding of how various aspects of the game work and how the game is played.

There were two patches during the week and these introduced many bug fixes and some new features. These features were almost exclusively related to expansion of the new User Interface and the introduction of the new pet system. The patch notes from Henrik remain detailed and these two patches included some forty topics for review.

Some of the testing activity and changes from the last week includes:
Creature taming
Controlling and dominating creatures and pets
User interface for the new skill book, spell book and pet interface
Weapon tweaks
Armor buffs
Prediction update
Focus Group Lead


Vamos, el mismo de siempre de otro color xD Es que me había imaginado un oso polar (tipo DF)

1 respuesta

Hombre es igual, pero mas grande


hombre todos los osos son practicamente iguales solo son diferentes por color y tamaño pero vamos en mortal y en todos lados :) esos sutiles trolleos no te sirven kraibag hahah

a caso un oso polar es diferente a un oso pardo a no ser de el tamaño y el color?

#2002 siempre podemos poner un jabaronte no? :P


No me entero de nada en el juego, pero al mismo tiempo tiene algo que me incita a seguir jugando. Acabo de empezar y estoy más perdido que una chinche en un candado, ¿hay algún español que pueda ayudarme ingame, por favor?

1 respuesta

hombre los osos blancos estos aparte de meterte ostias de 40 tener las zarpas mas grandes que los osos normales, correr mas, y ser blancos tampoco cambien tanto de los marrones o negros... xDDD


#2005 entra y seras iluminado hehe

si tienes alguna duda manda PM :)



El único MMO que podía ir por el mismo camino que MO y hacerle la competencia era The Elders Scrolls Online. Pero resulta que lo han hecho en 3ª persona y con un sistema de combate de autotarget... O sea, más de lo mismo... ¡Jajajajaja!. ¡Vía libre para Mortal!


Yo creo que si Mortal sigue asi y mejoran lo que han prometido se comen todos los mmos del mercado, al menos hasta que salga GW2, porque skyrym online tiene una pinta de truño que tira para atras, pero bueno,es pronto para juzgar.


La verdad esq el Mortal puede ser un juegazo(ahora solo es un buen juego), yo ya no me fio mucho de starvault pero los cambios q han anunciado pueden hacer de este juego una autentica joya.
Eso si nunca va a ser un juego orientado para todo el mundo, ni un juego con millones de suscriptores.Pero tampoco es algo que busquen, sino harian como con el the elders of scrolls online.
Eso si, lo mejor q tiene este juego y q no tiene igual en ningun MMO, es la comunidad española. Vale q no son muchos, pero joder apadrianan a todos los nuevos jugadores, les ayudan en todo, les muestran el juego, y el ambiente por el Ts y esas cosas es magnifico.

1 respuesta
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