Mortal Online


Just added under combat/weapons:

All blunt/axe head pieces hit trace is now overlapping the handle a bit more
All weapon heads have got an increase in durability


Yo amo el mortal, y aun espero que algun dia sea lo que tiene que ser!


Deja de fumar crack sancho

1 1 respuesta

Los prometidos titulos por fin han llegado:


Citando a pockets en el video... Fucking shit xD


por fin! han puesto capas, eso me hará volver... La madre que los parió.


y si, uno a donado 2000 dolares xDD ya tengo mi capa tindremica roja, y no es borma jeje

1 respuesta

juas.. menuda cara que tienen, y lo mejor es que hay gente imbecil que les da dinero, en fin...

1 respuesta

#2709 pos yo estoy jugando otra vez :S me cago en la puta es que no puedo macho jajaja es una enfermedad o algo esto del mortal en serio :P xDD

1 respuesta

#2708 No tienen hambre estos..

#2710 Tu bipolaridad cada vez me preocupa mas xD

1 respuesta

#2711 estoy muy loco ya los sabes xD


This is going to be a community project that lists all possible in-game titles, and what is required to achieve the title. Please post or PM me your theories on what title does what. The underlined name is the name of the "line" of titles. Correct me if any of these are incorrect! A * means we're uncertain.

The Architect

Architect - Build 1 house
Adept Architect - Build 50* houses
Expert Arhitect - Build 100* houses
Master Architect - Build 300* houses

The Armorer

Armorer - Craft 1 piece of armor
Adept Armorer - Craft ? pieces of armor
Expert Armorer - Craft ? pieces of armor
Master Armorer - Craft ? pieces of armor

The Bowyer

The Bowyer - Craft 1 bow
The Expert Bowyer - Craft ? bows
The Master Bowyer - Craft ? bows

The Murderer

The Wicked - Kill 1 blue
The Vile - Kill ? blues
The Nefarious* - Kill ? blues
The Heinous* - Kill ? blues
The Subjugator* - Kill ? blues
The Atrocious* - Kill ? blues

The Paladin

The Upstanding - Kill 1 red
The Lord / Lady* - Kill ? reds
The Great Lord / Lady* - Kill ? reds
The Hero* - Kill ? reds

The Prominent*

The Adventurer* - Gain ? prominence points
The Bold* - Gain ? prominence points
The Regal - Gain ? prominence points

The Sophisticated*

The Reputable - Gain ? sophistication
The Distinguishable* - Gain ? sophistication
The Estimable* - Gain ? sophistication
The Exalted* - Gain ? sophistication

The Supporter (

The Kind - Donate 100$
The Honorable - Donate 250$
The Generous - Donate 1000$
The Benevolent - Donate your left testicle

The Tamer

The Tamer - Tame 1 animal
The Adept Tamer - Tame 150 animals
The Expert Tamer - Tame ? animals
The Master Tamer - Tame ? animals

Unknown - Help us sort these!

The Estimable
The Commendable
The Hero


en esta lista no están todos los titulos :P solo los que la gente tiene y tal


Menu para los titulos:


eee, no es por ir a buscar los principios del juego pero no era esto una de las cosas que nunca nunca harian?


Estos dentro de año y medio saltan con un Mortal online: unholy tindrem y nos la cuelan como con el darkfall jajajaj ya veras


#2704 cada vez que veo el vídeo me quedo embobado en el 00:15...xDDDDDDDDDD


We're about to fast-patch the Server in the next hour or so. Changes below.

Only Guild Members can now repair TC towers.
The AOE of a city will OVERRIDE the blacklist of a tower meaning if you are within the AOE (NOT the same as the guardzone) of a city you will not be blacklisted if the city isn't owned by the guild you are blacklisted by.
Only towers that take taxes (connected to keep that take above 0% in taxes) will blacklist players. If you collect 0 taxes only your keep will blacklist players. If you take 1% tax then every tower connected to the keep will blacklist.

Many thanks



Uhm, concursos para dar capas únicas.... quizá están empezando a probar el tema de objetos y demás, por si algún día tiran por hacerlo f2p?

1 respuesta

#2721 no lo creo.


Aún a riesgo de poner un grandísimo offtopic, voy a poner algo que puede interesar mucho a los amantes del Mortal.

2 2 respuestas

¿y tiene full loot? esa es la pregunta

1 1 respuesta

#2724 buena pregunta. Pues no lo sé.


#2723 es offtopic pero es lo tipico del hilo de mortal xD, de lo que dices se puede ver todo o con buenos ojos o con la mirada sucia.

  • combate tipo DDO que ni una cosa ni la otra, flechas que se mueven hasta el objetivo
  • un servidor con canales, gente apareciendo delante tuyo porque se han pasado al canal 230
  • Facciones cerradas, con eventos instanciados
  • mata 10 lobos que vinieron los badidos y raptaron a mi mujeeeeer, o eres el mayor heroe de la historia como los otros 15 lvls 12 de por aqui.
  • detras hay una empresa que quiere hacer dinero, es decir a la minima TACA! parche en plan SWG

#2723 esto es un temepark en toda regla, este offtopic es invalido en este hilo gracias :)

#2728 a ver que no tiene nada que ver con un sandbox erestor, no digo que sea bueno o malo pero no tiene nada que ver.

1 respuesta

#2727 Pues yo lo veo muy valido. Y si el juego lo desvian hacia el sandbox y full loot podria ser muy interesante, abra que estar al tanto

1 respuesta

Deployment ETA pending. Will update when I find out.

Fixed issues some mobs had when roaming.
Fixed a glitch where pets with 1000 hunger wouldn't have their hunger reduced when eating.
Added more checks to items being sold to vendors to make sure they can be sold.
Lock pick category added to the trade brokers.
Bound items can no longer be sold at the broker.
Bound items can no longer be mailed.

Added support for 2D speed blends, pretty much making it so that AI won't run their walk/run animation REALLY fast when falling.
Added a new type of volume that will fade out ambient light and turn of weather particles, this will be used in underground dungeons.
Increased the server-sided arch for perfect blocks.
Increased the server-sided arch for blocks.
Support petitions now require a description.
Fixed general lighting issues in Tindrem.
Fixed an issue causing excessive darkness in certain weather conditions.
Fixed a bug with character and creature lighting in subterranean areas.
The colored forest returns!
Fixed a couple of item issues where items that couldn't be moved to chests.
Fixed stair issues in the Temple Dungeon
Fixed an issue where collision wouldn't correctly reset when un-mounting or coming back to life from being dead.
Bound items can no longer be put in chest, stolen or be put in bridges.
Pickables have been reworked and re-added into the game.
Donation capes should now correctly show up on the reward page.
Capes no longer have any weight.
Fixed a couple of issues with items being bound when they shouldn't
Campfires are not allowed to be placed inside guard zones


When you start reading books the skill-checks now checks skill-levels WITH attribute bonuses rather than before, when they used only skill level without attribute bonus.
Fixed an issue where lock picks acted strangely when a chest was lock picked.
Skinning Knife skill has been moved under Wilderness so it no longer costs any primary points.
Reduced the extraction timer of skinning.

Only guild-members can now repair towers.
AOE of cities should now override blacklists of towers, unless the blacklist guild controls the city.
Only towers that collect tax can now blacklist players. If you collect 0 taxes, your towers will NOT blacklist. If you collect at least 1% every tower connected to your keep will blacklist.
Adding to blacklist now correctly takes PP.
Blacklist UI will now update itself instantly instead of waiting for the blacklists to be saved.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't reduce the amount of invested points in a tower/keep without having something else take the points.

Fixed issue where the title you selected would select the title above it causing all kinds of confusion.
Fixed an issue where people could see titles they shouldn't be able to see.
Cleaned up some general issues with titles and the title UI.

Weapons and Balance
Further tweaked handle hits, overlapping head piece over handles.
Tweaked minor damage differences on some blunt weapons.
Tweaked a couple of tracing numbers for spear-thrust.

Player Character
Max stamina is increased by 20%.
Increased combat-walk speed by 10%.

Perfect blocking a strike from a human opponent but not being rotated in the correct direction will now count as a block (NOT a perfect block).
Rebuilt how knockdown works to avoid mobs/players, to put other clients in infinite stun-mode.


Bosque de colores forever!

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