#210 xDD el crafting es mas chungo aun que el SWG te lo digo que tengo unas cuantas horas al galaxies, es aun mas chungo, pero si para todo lo demas es un galaxies con ultima en toda regla xD
#211 Enserio que estoy flipando... Los movimientos de los chars son los mismos que los del swg.
Es como si cuando chaparon el swg, estos compraron a SoE lo que tenían, se dedicaron a quitarle el aire star wars, y ciclar un poco gráficamente lo que había.
Es tan descarado que da hasta asco xD
La mayoría del equipo trabajó en SWG, y siempre han tenido como referencia a este, además de a Shadowbane, DaoC y el mismo UO. Y creo que algo de Anarchy online también tiene.
En efecto la optimizacion no existe pero yo juego con un quad core y una 560ti por si a alguien le sirve de referencia y en efecto apesta a swg que te cagas.
Yo al SWG jugué solo unas pocas horas y no me gusto, no tuve paciencia, pero de todas formas me sigue llamando y me gustaría jugarlo, pero en serio, a ver si este llega a buen puerto.
Ahí tenéis el roadmap con la lista de cosas por hacer hasta que el juego salga a finales de año. Algunas cosas son bastante genéricas, pero muchas son bastante específicas.
Ability Improvements
-Abilities needs to stand out more in some cases, users need to be able to see the difference.
-Melee needs additional balance tweaks to bring it in line with ranged.
-Easier to see openings.
-Ability Enhancements need work still, they seem to randomly stop working or in some cases inexplicably not working with certain abilities.
-FX improvements in general to make abilities more visually appealing.
-DirectX 11 support (tied to an upcoming Hero Engine build).
-Improved shaders/texture resolution.
-Backer statues and founder plaques in the starting cities.
-Destructible barricades and buildings for engagements (currently only supported in sieges).
-Hair style improvements.
-Dye improvements and additional dyes.
-Much work is still needed for animations including additional NPC telegraph attack animations and many new player animations.
-Ability icons are currently transitioning between old and new styles.
-Item icons are still being created as we go.
-Additional clothing, armor, weapon models, NPC models including custom artwork from backer perks.
-Improved FX in many areas including missions, environment and abilities.
-Some models are currently placeholders.
-Tattoos and piercings.
Artificial Intelligence
-Underwater and flying AI improvements.
-Many upcoming additions to the inquiry system to allow it to provide backstory to players.
-General AI and prediction improvements.
Auction/Work Order System
-Improved search capabilities (shells, etc).
-Ease of use features in general.
-Audio currently cuts off abruptly in some cases where it needs to fade out. This is most noticeable when you cross a seam.
-NPC Sounds: Many are missing or placeholders.
-Visible player instruments when using interactive music mode.
-Music file support for the interactive music mode system.
-Additional interactive music instruments.
-Configurable music options for players who wish to build their own playlists.
-More voice overs (possibly for launch possibly post-launch)
-Customizable action mode ability selection.
-More NPC telegraph attacks and NPC abilities in general. The goal would be for each species to feel unique.
-General combat feel improvements. It isn't quite where we want it to be yet.
Ease Of Use Features
-/petition and /bug reporting options in game.
-Right click player names in chat to report players for spamming, bots, or infractions.
-More random selection of resources in static harvestable regions.
-Additional rare resource types.
-Automatic Tool Switching.
Items and Fittings
-Better dropped loot on bosses, or rare NPC loot.
-General balancing issues with fittings and shells.
-Shells will be receiving some type of a tweak to solve the issue of crafted shells staying in the economy forever. More information at a later date.
-Binoculars for third person users or melee users.
-Cross-area markers (this is tied to the new region map).
-Easier tracking of multi-spawn point NPCs or patrolling NPCs.
-An easier way to sort mission tracker missions to disable them if the necessary NPCs are not around currently or if you are not in the proper area.
-More epic storyline series and skill specific missions are needed.
Nation Improvements
-Nation relationship setting UI is currently buggy and needs fixed.
-Nation level perks.
-Implementation of the nation creation restrictions (tied to the membership options/microtransactions)
-Reduce seamless transition stuttering.
-Character and NPC models need Level of Detail.
-Human and Lesoo NPC models need single mesh variations for optimization. Currently they are all using the heavier to use player versions of these models.
-Fix of memory leak in the dynamic detail/foliage system (this is fixed in next Hero Engine build) as it is causing players to eventually crash.
Player Cities/Housing Features
-Underground levels for player created cities.
-Ability to clone at friendly cities cloning centers if you died in the same area.
-Arenas for Player Created Tournaments.
-Rest areas being created for Inn buildings.
-Trophy decorations. The items for these drop in many cases but they are not yet available.
-Improved unit and vendor support.
-Simple mission turn in support for unit spawned NPCs (example: Lost and Found)
-Collaberative city design.
-Happiness improvements.
-City perk improvements based on the structures used.
-Many new installation and furniture types to be added.
Player vs. Player
-Hardcore server implementation.
-Reintroduce the sieging system which was disabled early on in Alpha 3 due to some exploitable bugs and hasn't yet returned.
-Add PvP stats to the Character window.
-Player Created Tournaments group GUI.
-Player Created Tournament item rewards.
-Additional PvP oriented engagements and missions are needed.
-Prebuilt bases for PvP control points rather than the placeholder tent.
Region/World Map System
-Change the region map (currently Shift+M) into the normal full map (M) and retire the Full Map.
-Long range (cross-area) markers.
-Point of Interest support.
-Waypoint support.
-World Map.
-Additional map images for regions which do not yet have them.
-Filtering and configuration options.
-Three hidden skills have yet to be introduced, though some of the checkpoints for them are in-game.
-Horticulture system integration.
-Thievery improvements to make it more rewarding.
-Skills based minigames.
Social Systems
-Add a playerfinder/social window will receive a button on the menu bar. (Playerfinder will become the social window)
-Group Finder.
-Correct problems with the ignore, friend and enemies systems. They currently aren't working in cases where players are not local to you.
-Link Groups to Form Raids.
-Right click options in chat to ignore, friend or enemy players.
Trade Skills
-Component types which require specific branches need to represent that and not auto-slot items.
-Rare crafted items taking advantage of rare harvest or boss drops.
-Renamable and Stampable crafted items.
-Crafting Tool Support.
-Many recipes have yet to be added.
Vehicles and Mounts
-Underwater vehicles.
-Vehicle visual customization.
User Interface
-Customizable XML interface.
-Default User Interface visual improvements.
-Item comparison tooltips.
-Linked items (with fittings) improvements.
-All windows need to be moveable.
-Transparency options.
-Group window needs improvement.
-Right click interaction menus with other players need to work better.
-Minimap improvements including removal of the text clipping issue and better arrow marker support.
-Not all stats are supported currently on the character window.
-Ability bar swapping based on weapon being equipped.
-Further regions of the map need to be better populated.
-Engagements and World Events are important parts of the game and there aren't enough currently.
-NPC placement improvements in some areas to make it easier to find some NPCs.
-Underwater city.
Miscellaneous and Crucial Bug Fixes
-Microtransaction and Membership support.
-Raid boss ability improvements and general balance.
-Logout timer and lingering characters for a short time if you pull the plug.
-Characters get stuck sometimes in high lag situations.
-/stuck needs to verify a player is stuck before moving them and log it when used so players exploiting -the functionality can be punished.
-Robotic looking turns in large animals.
-Odd issues in the spawning system which cause certain NPCs to stop spawning at times.
-Logging in odd locations due to a bug.
-A ton of content needs to be added.
-Shared bank space.
-Name reservation for launch.
-Miscellaneous backer perks need to all be fulfilled for things like customizable NPCs, etc.
-Subway system.
-Traveling vendor.
-Variable mission slots.
-General balancing in all areas.
-Swapping Icons on the action bars is currently bugged and the swapped icon can't be placed anyplace have to redrag it.
Major Post-Launch Features
-Racing circuits.
-Bounty Hunting.
-Expansion into additional planets.
-Space Flight.
En principio para Febrero/Marzo está previsto el paso a Beta 1, y entonces comenzará la fase de pulido y ampliarán la plantilla con nuevos artistas gráficos y animadores. El lanzamiento (también en principio) será en la segunda mitad del año, otoño probablemente.
Yo creo que minimo le quedan un año y con todo lo que han hecho fijo que lo acabaran mejor o peor pero los que llevamos siguiendo el juego desde hace años hemos visto como van trabajando en el y el ritmo aunque pausado es bueno, nada que ver con otras alphas y sus updates ridículos.
Notas del parche 14.12.1:
Adversarial Camps
-Increased the chances of Points of Intrigue to spawn.
-Adjusted adversarial camps to fix a problem where sometimes camps were growing beyond the difficulty that was intended for them.
-Made a number of adjustments to the Adversarial Camps in the Northern Range. They spawn further away from the roads, are fewer in numbers, and are slightly easier than was previously the case.
-Added new adversarial camp spawning sets which will spawn tough mobs but small numbers.
-More NPCs will assist nearby allies when attacked.
-NPCs will no longer stop patrolling or moving around if they exited an Assist state early.
Auctions and Work Orders
-The Work Order Fulfill window now has a Search button, that will display a list of all active work orders (but not your own). To fulfill a work order, you will still need to place a matching item into the container on the left side of the window, and then click on one of the listed orders to enable and use the "Fulfill" button. (Expect more improvements to the Work Order system in the near future.)
-Many improvements were made to the Fulfill window for work orders. You can now search for active orders by item name, component type, and/or filter type. The resulting list of items includes the requested grade, attributes (if any) and time before the work order expires.
-Added the ability to post work orders with multiple quantities. These work orders can be fulfilled by placing a single grade stack of crafting components, into the fulfillment container of the Trading window. Select a matching row in the work order list, and click "Fulfill" to complete the transaction.
-The Request Panel for Work Orders no longer resets after submitting a request, to allow you to quickly submit another similar request.
-The ToAuction now places a sliding value on grades when placing them in the auction house (still a set value for the item, but the auctions are now on a a sliding value). The B and A grade items that are To Auctioned are no longer placed on the auction.
-Auction search list now includes unit prices for items, when the stack quantity is greater than 1.
-Added a list of "My Work Orders" to the Request tab of the Work Order / Auction House window.
-The name search in the Auction Interface no longer clears out when you hit enter.
-Added ability to filter the search for open work orders, by item name.
-ToAuction value reduced from 25% to 20%.
-Pressing , in the "Name" field of the Auction House search tab, now executes the search, same as clicking the "Search" button.
-Remove the 2x bid/buyout rule, it is now that bid cannot be equal or greater than buyout.
-Fixed a bug which was not returning bids on a buyout.
-Music volume now defaults to being lower volume.
-Automatic music switching between combat and non-combat is now turned off by default. You can toggle it at any time in the Audio Settings.
-Reduced the distance at which combat sounds from the Training Grounds can be heard.
-Added a new mysterious music track from Matthew Shine.
-Added new sounds when you toggle abilities on or off.
-Added new sound effects to Bandage Wound.
-Added new jumping and landing sound effects which can adjust based on environment.
-Added in a series of new footstep sounds.
-Added new sound effects to certain abilities.
-Added new interior soundscapes from Clyde Shorey. These are used in the tutorial instances and at the labs.
-Added environmental and man made sound effects to the tutorial instances.
-Female models once again feature footsteps.
-Mechs and large robots have new sound effects.
-Added two new ambient background tracks from Clyde Shorey.
-Added new teleportation sound effects.
-Mechs and robots have new footstep sounds.
-The Training Grounds now have different outdoor footstep sounds than the indoor parts.
-Your ability queue is now cleared after killing your target. If you have Auto Find Targets enabled your next ability will still automatically select a target, but it won't happen from the queue.
-Tweaked how NPC aggro works when one of a mobs targets is killed. This prevents an issue which previously would sometimes cause an NPC to kill a pet or a player and then run away and heal as though disengaged.
-Buffs and debuffs now have an increased chance of success when using a two handed weapon.
-Made some adjustments to how Global Cooldown worked. This was erroneously giving a larger cooldown length than was intended in many cases.
-Melee attacks now consume less endurance.
-Melee weapon damage was boosted by 10%.
-Increased the damage of Bleeding and Burning attacks.
-EMP weapon damage was increased by 10%.
-Burning Attacks can now stack up to 5 times, increasing flame thrower effectiveness in groups.
-Electricity based weapons are now more effective against standard targets than was previously the case.
-Electro-magnetic resistances now scale properly on NPCs and take armor type into account.
-Adjusted the skill gain/effective level to scale properly with the different tiers of skill (was a flat divide before). This will have the adverse effect (good or bad) of making it much harder to gain skill points on very low level npcs as the player effective level increases much quicker now.
-Rolling or performing special abilities will now break stealth.
-Death messages are now printed in combat logs. This is primarily to make parsing of fights easier.
-Reduced NPC (not pet) to player healing significantly.
-Corrected an issue which was preventing fear effects from applying properly.
-Improved our internal tools for Engagements to make it easier for the content team to produce advanced engagements more quickly.
-Added a new tweakable setting to engagements to allow their spawn rates to globally be decreased or increased. This will make it easier for us to adjust spawn rates from a single place.
-You should no longer receive generic success or failure messages for engagements unless you have contributed to that engagement in some manner.
-New Engagement, "Mercenary Camp at Elkar Wood".
-New Engagement: "Water Tanks Reinforcement" at Thicket Overwatch.
-New Engagement: "Bombs at Thicket Overwatch".
-New Engagement: "Water Tanks Repair" in Elkar Wood.
-Added a new multi-area engagement chain: "Freedomtown Need Resources". After OWON Attacks the city you will see some ships fly out from Freedomtown to different areas to collect resources for the unsupplied citizens.
-New Engagement: "Freedomtown Need Resources" at Twin Falls.
-New Engagement: "Freedomtown Need Resources" at Arboleda.
-Updated Thicket Overwatch engagements, paths, mobspawns, models and fx to match graphical upgrades.
-Lesoo Raid on the Shed: Roughly doubled the time from the engagement to trigger again after completion, since it was restarting a bit too frequently.
-Improved "Propaganda?" engagement at Plymouth City.
-The Picking Up the Pieces engagement through one of the Ammann Village Forks has had it's requirement changed from Wood Beams to Maypuri Planks. Maypuri is common near the village.
-Minor tweaks to engagements at Boglands Area.
-Made numerous adjustments to the Chromite Shortage engagement and Yeoman Stingel in Freedomtown to prevent some problems with the engagement, and keep it around a little longer on average.
-Some work done with manned cannons at Thicket Overwatch, place some platforms to deploy them more efficiently.
-The Building Barricades engagement at the Aemar Hydro Plant now requires Saverous Blocks rather than wood boards. Those can be found locally.
-Added Marker decorator and a path to point to it to "Mercenaries at Elkar Wood" engagement so it displays more accurate position in map.
-Removed the upwards scaling of Bombs in the City, Propaganda, and Cleaning Up in the Aftermath to bring them more in line with the Freedomtown starting city engagements.
-Slightly moved 2 hidden bombs at Plymouth City that where half buried in walls.
-Made some adjustments to Lesoo Raid at The Shed. Added a Personal Turret to help on defense.
-Improved "Bombs In City" engagement.
-Added Marker decorator and a path to point to it to the "Mercenary Camp at Elkar Wood" engagement, so it displays more accurate position in map.
-Added Repair Bots to "Water Tanks Reinforcement" and "Water Tanks Repairs" engagements.
-Improved internal engagement debugging tools.
-We've introduced a new Auto-configuration system for video settings. This will attempt to configure your video settings automatically when you create your first character, while watching the introduction sequence. Pre-existing characters can have it run this from the video options. This system will start your video card in low settings and then run through a checklist, adding various features and checking their effect on your cards performance. It should be noted this tweaks based on your current location, so if you run it in a low performing area it will adjust it for the best performance/quality trade off in that area.
-Updated many of the textures in Plymouth City to use new higher resolution textures. This process will continue into 15.1.1 on the buildings which didn't quite make it in time for this build.
-Enabled eye coloring on the character creation screen for both male and female.
-Added 152 new ability icons.
-Made adjustments to initial graphics settings to improve the default quality.
-Made adjustments to the default dynamic shadow update rate to reduce swimming artifacts. Existing users can tweak these settings by sliding the shadow update rate bar in Video Options. The further the bar is to the right, the less often shadows will update which will remove or reduce swimming artifacts.
-Made adjustments to the Heightmap LOD default settings. This will kick in if you Auto Configure your video card.
-Added ambient occlusion to multiple armor sets.
-Added ambient occlusion to the male and female skin textures.
-Added ambient occlusion to Maintenance Bots.
-Added ambient occlusion to Sentry Bots.
-Added ambient occlusion to Crawler Bots.
-Thrown thorn weapons now have FX when used.
-Reduced the specular intensity on all of the terrain maps in Freedomtown, turned specular off completely on the main ground texture.
-Added 10 trash can models.
-Created new airship FX for use when the "Freedomtown Need Resources" engagement starts.
-Adjusted the stealth effect to make it more transparent by default.
-Resolved a clipping issue with the Chinese Palm Fan trees.
-Added new model: mobile dish
-Properly added rotation awareness to furniture marked you can sit down on. This allows them to be rotated and seated on properly now.
-Buildings now can be marked separate of the rest of the structures so they show up in their own panel. The vendor and plot also have their own panel so they aren't mixed in with the rest of other structures.
-Most of the building structures are now marked as buildings. A few dragged into the housing system as well there were in the nation system and were ok to add to housing.
-Added a bunch of new structures including 13 Beds, 6 Cabinets, 4 Benches, 2 Chairs, 22 Shelves, 16 Lockers, 1 Table, 13 "Grate" Walls, 3 Crafting Station Alternatives, 6 Signs, 11 Terminals, 1 Laptop, 1 Tablet, 23 "Barricade Walls', OWON banner, 2 Tents, 2 "Industrial" buildings, 4 "Unit" buildings, and 6 "Sci-fi" Buildings.
-There is some space set aside for a new player city in Jongvale Veldt.
-There is now room for a large city in the Mirfield area in Tralus Plains.
-A player city can now be created in the Kuuma Prairie.
-You can now create a player city in the Linwick area in Tralus Plains.
-Made some adjustments to the Twin Hills housing area so that plots could be properly placed.
-Made some adjustments to trees and terrain in the Twin Hills housing area to allow for more houses.
-Made some minor adjustments to trees near the Plymouth Pond housing region which had some of the newer tree's branches overhanging into the housing plot region.
-Increased the ceiling height of the city region in Ravine Fal.
-Fixed an issue with the housing trigger now popping up the housing window in the instance housing.
-Plymouth Control: if you have questions about your career choices in Plymouth Control, you may want to inquiry Iona Amato, PlyCon Human Resources Officer, about the subject.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: if inquired, Landon Reeves will share with you a bit about the burden of managing a small robot-testing base with a small budget and a bunch of big egos.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: if inquired, Sept Falls trader William Foster may talk about why he left Plymouth, who mentored Zora Labelle, and why Stevan Weaver doesn't readily agree that markets and competition are a good mix.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: if she woke up in a good mood, Dr. Zora Labelle will tell you about what's going on in Bunkers III and IV, how Landon Reeves got his job, and discuss her pet Homo Dius theory. Good luck with her confirming if she really is the oldest mnemosyne in the base, though.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: if you promise not to laugh, Rachael Flynn will share how she went from palette scripter at Studio 42 in Plymouth to visual crypsis consultant at The Sevens, why she prefers Council over Creds, and how to face the fact that war never changes.
-Updated inquiries for Mitchell's Farm.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: wise man told Stevan Weaver "go west", so he did. He'll probably caution you on how to share a beer with William Foster, what Landon Reeves' name means, and who in the base may be a Penta, if rumors are true.
-Improved the directions to Grace Binkley if you inquire about her with other NPCs.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: any lab test you can walk away from is a good lab test. Jared Nebel knows most people forget about the "walk away" part, as much as they forget that thrule bots should be clever enough to do our biding, but dumb enough to not know any better.
-The Sevens, northwest Timbertol: the bots running around the Seven's test tracks are Tyson Waine's cubs. He'll be more than willing to tell you why he is so proud of them, why he will be even prouder of their cousins, and why they will change Rhyldan forever.
-Added several new inquiries to Sept Falls.
Items and Fittings
-Added a new Stun Module fitting type which can be obtained as a rare drop or mission reward. This item grants 7 charges of an unresistable stun effect. It is still subject to immunity timers, however. This fitting can be equipped in either the primary or secondary slot, on both weapons and shields.
-Introduced a new Specue Medical Scanner. These scanners have been adjusted to heal more effectively, but are less effective as weapons. This weapon can only be obtained as a mob drop, engagement or mission reward.
-Added new hand wraps which can be used in Unarmed Combat while providing fitting slots. They are more effective than the hand blades against heavier armors, but less effective vs. lighter ones.
Added additional loot and loot chances to numerous types of missions, engagements, random NPCs, and bosses.
-Added rare new drop only fittings.
-New book (a song) "Kalinka, by Jutz Klanger"; will give the first reader a small, permanent bonus to Entertainment Skill.
-All items were changed to a default stack size of 1 to avoid confusion as you can now purchase stack quantities.
-Flagged numerous weapons that were not previously flagged as two handed to be marked as such.
-Added Ram Pin Patterns to Crafting Supplies and Firearms vendors.
-Animal Fat sell price reduced from 40 to 10 credits.
-Reduced the endurance cost of melee weapons.
-Removed the ability to drag a fitting from one item to another while equipped, as it isn't properly supported.
-We have temporarily removed Lesoo Disguises. If you use these disguises it will currently disguise you as a human instead. This is due to a bug which was could cause players to lose their normal appearance after removing the disguise.
-New Engagement/Minigame: "Water Tanks on Fire" at Thicket Overwatch.
-Light adjustments to fishing minigame locations near Twin Falls.
-Added a new launcher for the Steam based client. It can handle common issues such as patching, and repairing broken caches. This is a stopgap solution until a more full featured launcher/patcher system is available for both clients.
-Players now receive training points when bringing a skill to 50 points, as well as the previous 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 bonuses.
-The Tiq Sennu prison has opened for business. Players who violate policies will be sent directly to jail for a timeout.
-Placed in some simple anti-spam protection for in-game mail systems. This will be improved over time.
-Reduced the kill requirements on Slayer Achievements.
-Numerous adjustments were made to the automatic name validation system. This auto-flags some offensive names while allowing for one more consonant in a row.
-There is now a stricter client side name validation before you reach the server side validation.
-3 letter single name characters are now supported.
-Character names can no longer have a gm in the name unless it is a valid GM.
-Pressing escape when the death window is open will now take you to the first cloning point in the list as well as closing down the window.
-Improved our reserved names code for historical names.
-Added a new achievement which players will receive when they raise their first skill to 50. Existing characters can gain this by raising any new skill to 50. This achievement will not only grant a title, but also unlocks General chat.
-Improved the description and reward of the Delivery to Koleyna static mission.
-Cleaned up some of the console debug output.
-Made adjustments to the cloning points available in Oasis Approach and parts of southern Aza.
-The dive/roll tip now informs the player how to use the period key when holding a direction first, rather than as an also can.
-New FPR combat mission "Axe the Cause". While you're out there in Twin Falls dealing with Riffraff problem, keep a eye out for an Axemaster: he may be the one giving them orders.
-New Scorched Gorge Outpost."Prion Scion". This mission is part of a series and is only available if you took certain actions during the mission "So, You Watched a Man Die...". Speak to Dr Mercer in Scorched Gorge Outpost to find out how to deal with a possible prion infection.
-New Mission "Resources for Freedomtown Needed" tied to "Freedomtown Need Resources" engagement.
-Sapless Mesa: new mission "Hokfig Water". Phil Jenkins will pay you to scan some rock formations; will pay you double if you find water. Missions uses both random rolls and skill rolls.
-New FPR combat mission in Brenning, "Large and in Charge". A Large Arvorr has been spotted near your location in Brenning. Make sure your squad removes it.
-New Plymouth Entertainer mission "Forgotten Songs"; Jutz Klanger asks those with some experience of entertaining to help with a book he is writing about cultural memories. He thinks several people around Plymouth are having cultural memories pop up that manifest in them humming parts of a song with odd words.
-New Scorched Gorge Outpost."Tumbler Combat Test". This sub-mission is part of a series and is only available if you took certain actions during the mission "Prion Scion". This is one way to diagnose a prion infection.
-Plymouth Contol: Report to Officer Cornish for further missions with Community Protection.
-New Mission "Resources for Freedomtown Needed" tied to "Freedomtown Need Resources" engagement at Arboleda.
-Thicket Overwatch: Inquiry Mission "Brewen's Biography". Ask Sgt Brewen about himself.
-New Scorched Gorge Outpost mission: "Raxin Combat Test". This sub-mission is part of a series and is only available if you took certain actions during the mission "Prion Scion". This is another way to diagnose a prion infection.
-New Mission in Plymouth - Weapons materials required - Alumerite. We always need more weapons.
-New FPR combat mission in Brenning, "Desert Foragers". Defense wants no help from Hunting; and specially not from Gwen Oulopathis.
-Converted mission "Ask Brewen" from a static mission to an inquiry mission. You will now need to use the inquiry system to find out more about Sgt Brewen. This mission is part of a series and requires you to have completed "Brewen's Murky Past".
-New Mission "Calibrite for Repairs Needed" tied to "Water Tanks Repair" engagement.
-New Thicket Overwatch Mission."So, You Watched a Man Die...". This mission is part of series and is only available if you took certain actions during the mission "Urgent Equipment Recovery". Eva Hahne in Thicket Overwatch hears about what happens and wants to reward you...
-New Generic Mission for Plymouth and Plymouth Control."A Science Experiment - Setlang Tissue". Help out the genetic engineers currently studying setlangs by getting more tissue samples.
-Plymouth Contol: report to Officer Dayton for further missions with Community Protection.
-Plymouth Contol: if you have the time, Iona Amato, the Human Resources Officer for Plymouth Control, will explain in detail the different OWON Departments you could get a job with. This is the starting mission in what we plan to be a rather lenghty chain of introductory missions.
-The ten "Armorsmith Supplies Wanted" crafting missions have been reworded and amended so that they offer skill imprints (SI) for trade skills instead of credits.
-This is to address the issue with offering varying amounts of credits depending on the number of goals completed and with the fact that the credit reward almost certainly does not reflect the value of the crafting components handed in for the mission.
-New FPR combat mission "Clear the Woods". There are three problems in Tandil: drakes, drakes, and more drakes.
-Plymouth Contol: report to Officer Shin for further missions with Science.
-New FPR combat mission "Slay the Master". It would greatly help the FPR cause if you would kill the Lesoo Rhinoc Master that taken up residence in Twin Hills...
-New FPR combat mission "Source of the Problem". Tackle the drake infestation in Tandil at its source: a huge Breeding Drake.
-New FPR combat mission "No Disruptions": help Gloria Barbour keep the Arazet Bridge in Twin Hills safe from Lesoo hunting parties.
-Plymouth Contol: report to Officer Crittenden for further missions with Engineering.
-New FPR combat mission "Cut Back the Weeds". The Achillea can become a real hazard if they grow too large.
-The Combat Training mission now gives you the fitting after you have equipped your weapon, and the training cards after you have equipped the fitting. This fixes an issue where players would rush ahead to memorize the cards or fitting before the appropriate step and then need to retake the tutorial to fix it.
-New Medical Mission in Plymouth. mPLY Medically Fit. First Aid skills count.
-New FPR combat mission "Thin the Herd": The herd of Hokfig in Koywe poses a danger to travelers along the road between the Scorched Gorge Outpost and Scar's Wall.
-New FPR combat mission "Take Out the Master". Defeating the Riff Raff Axemaster should be very demoralizing for his gang.
-Plymouth Contol: report to Officer Amato for further missions with Human Resources.
-Updated text and FX to match NPC to kill goal in the "Deal with Dwarf Achillea in Fanshaw Hollow" mission.
-Reworded the descriptions of the "Parasite Collection" missions in Plymouth (Dr. Thompson) and Dr. Cline (Freedomtown) to make it clear that the parasites they are looking for are Bark and Rock parasites.
-Reduced the credit rewards on engagement turn in missions but added miscellaneous crafted items into the reward table. The big reward on these engagement was intended to be the top performer rewards on completion, not the individual turn ins.
-Missions are now able to reward players with random fittings. These fittings are different from crafting fittings and of low quality. They are generally available from missions of medium complexity or difficulty. This reward type was added to numerous different generated mission templates. Players shouldn't expect to see a ton of these, but you will earn them from time to time.
-New FPR combat mission "Mating Season": There is particularly aggressive Large Hokfig Bull in Koywe which Gwen Oulopathis needs removed.
-New FPR combat mission "Champion of the Desert": Gwen will throw in something extra if your team, while hunting the Scaed'ecoos in Ollaseca, can also take down their Champion.
-Improved rewards for the following missions: Power Infusers Needed, Lumber for the Watch, Freedomtown Needs Power Infusers, and Metal Casing Needed.
-New FPR combat mission in Arboleda, "Pull the Weeds." The Fragaria Achillea there are growing virtually unchecked. Gwen needs you to do some "gardening."
-New FPR combat mission "On the Loose!": There are reports of a Mutated Raxin on the loose in Ollaseca. This requires the attention of your group.
-New Plymouth mission: "A Love of Lilac". Help Anna Kelly with jobs she needs doing for the bakery.
-New FPR combat mission "No Right": What gives the Lesoo the right to hunt in Koywe? Drive those savages out!
-New FPR combat mission, "Stay Out of Our Way." The Lesoo in Bald Forest have clearly not learned that they need to stay away from FPR territory.
-New Inquiry Mission in Sept Falls "Ask Azreyella About Sgt Brewens Past". Will you? (This mission is part of a series and requires you to have completed "Brewen's Murky Past".)
-New FPR combat missions "Finish the Figs": Prove to Gwen Oulopathis that she can count you among the best hunters in the FPR by killing Hokfig in Twin Hills.
-Improved the rewards and increased the tier of the Clear the Lesoo Traps mission.
-New FPR combat mission "The Other Half". Those fools from Defense don't seems to realize that killing the Lesoo only solve half the problem we have with them - you need to eliminate their pets as well.
-New mission in Plymouth, "A Covert Caper": following "Undercover Antics", Judith Parker needs your discrete services.
-New FPR combat mission "No Bull About It". Killing Twin Hill's Large Hokfig Bull would be a noteworthy undertaking...
-New FPR combat mission, "The Master and the Doctor". The Lesoo in Bald Forest are being commanded by a Rhinoc Master and a Witch-Doctor. Eliminate them so the military can concentrate on the war with OWON.
-New FPR combat mission in Brenning, "Creatures of the Night". Those incompetent soldiers at Thicket Overwatch have done it again and let the Elkar past the blockades. Clean up their mess.
-New FPR combat mission "Lynch the Witch". Our scouts have spotted a Lurker Witch-Doctor in Twin Falls. We assume it is the cause of our lurker problems.
-New FPR combat mission "Just Kill It". A lone Turloc Witch-doctor has taken up residence in Arboleda. No good can come from that.
-New Mission "Calibrite for Reinforcement Needed" tied to "Water Tanks Reinforcement" engagement.
-New Mission in Plymouth - Undercover Antics. Sequel to A Clandestine Affair. Even more ooh la la!
-New FPR combat mission "Troublemakers". It seems some Riffraff Bandits are still causing trouble for us in Twin Falls. Will they ever learn?
-New Inquiry Mission in Sept Falls: "Azrayella's Info". Ask Azrayella about information brokers.
-Added more generated mission opportunities to the Aza region.
-Improved the rewards in the Medical Supplies to Taak long range delivery mission.
-Reworded parts of the Advanced Crafting: Ore Refining tutorial to make the ingredients portion easier to comprehend.
-You are no longer given the teleport ability until just as you leave the Training Facilities.
-Both Nations and Housing structures can now be prevented from pulling up the movement menu and moving them via double click by checking "Disable Structure Controls" in the Interface Options. You will also get a warning once a session each time you click on a structure if this is checked to hopefully let someone know it is disabled.
-Adjusted the hit point values for a many types of walls and barricades to make it more difficult for them to be destroyed.
-Added the scale/placement/rotation locks into the client side code so they would work properly on nation structures.
-Improved GM support for repairing problems which may arise with nations.
-Added commands to both housing and nation system to be able to get a list of structures to repair common problems.
-You can no longer invite a character to join your nation until they have left the training instances.
-Removed the ability to interface/move structures you do not have access to make changes to. This was client side only, but was causing issues.
-Your military rank should no longer be reset unless you switch to a new faction. Previously leaving your existing nation was resetting military rank erroneously.
-You can now type /n <msg> to quickly type to your nation and switch your active channel.
-NPCs can once again stealth. Be forewarned.
-Plants and Cacti now have longer ranged attacks, but a slower rate of attack.
-Ranged Lesoo attacks now do energy damage and allow you to gain skill with Rifle or Automatic Weapon Defense.
-There is now a higher ratio of Lesoo wielding weapons.
-Lesoo Flash Bombers can now be killed by their own bombs.
-Tweaked NPC attack speeds. Lesoo in particular had many of their attack rates sped up.
-Reduced the aggro ranges of Numbskull and Riffraff bandits. This does not affect their scouts though, be wary of scouts!
-Rocharus Pups can now spawn in more locations including the North Plymouth Mountains and Bog's Edge.
-The FPR have been sending additional Scout Bots to the area near Ammann Village.
-Added Crafting Supplies shop to Yogi Hudson in Plymouth Control Center.
-Some of the military NPCs in Freedomtown have more static posts to make them easier to find in missions. This doesn't include all NPCs.
-The soldiers who used to patrol far outside of the city limits in Plymouth City are now more concentrated on the city itself to make them easier to locate for missions.
-Added new collection NPCs to Freedomtown for the new spin off engagements/missions.
-Improved NPC pathing in Freedomtown.
-Updated background and location for Sergeant Brewen at Thicket Overwatch to reflect his recent move to a new position within the base.
-Thicket Overwatch: Fixed a typo in Taire Lawson's title.
-Thicket Overwatch: Tweaked various NPC levels to make them easier to track, as well as providing additional background information for inquiries.
-Added missing titles to a number of vendors in Sept Falls and Thicket Overwatch
-New NPC "Yeoman Santillan" spawned as collector for "Water Tanks Repair" engagement and "Calibrite for Repairs Needed" mission in Thicket Overwatch.
-Plymouth Control: Security Officer Carter Dayton now can be found in his office in the Combat Center.
-Phil Keller has a new outfit to reflect his station.
-NPC changes in the Overwatch Tech area of Thicket Overwatch: New NPC "Kerry Jaloney" is now running the Tech Shop, and Genetic Engineer Eva Hahne is now sharing a lab with Dr Petris. They are both available around the clock.
-Plymouth Control: Psych Officer Jerlene Cornish can now can be found in her office in the Town Hall.
-Increased Manned Cannons range, it was lower than a regular NPC.
-Updated background and location for Sadie Mitchell, Farah Mitchell, Raika Ekkans, Barlonne Ekkans and Colman Green to reflect the new geography of the Freedomtown zone.
-Plymouth Control: Downgrade some NPCs lvls and upgrade its health modifier so they can be tracked even when you got only 1 point at tracking skill. Also reviewed their Back Path for inquiry system.
-Plymouth Control: Education Officer Iona Amato can now can be found in her post a bit north of the Whistle Wetter.
-Added a wider variety to of NPC outfits to camp spawned faction NPCs.
-Added missing vendor titles to the vendors in the Plymouth Control Center.
-Plymouth Control: Science Officer Daren Shin can now can be found in his office in the Med Centre.
-Added new NPCs to the Candy Shop in Freedomtown. This includes professions and personality types which were previously unavailable in the city.
-Plymouth Control: Engineering Officer Rory Crittenden can now can be found near the Workshop.
-The Shacks: Jimbo and Sarah are now standing up inside their shacks, to avoid some visibility problems with their chat bubbles.
-Some of the NPCs who previously spawned all over the place in Plymouth City have become more static to make them easier for missions.
-New NPC "Robert Pradier" spawned as collector for "Freedomtown Need Resources" engagement and "Resources for Freedomtown Needed" mission at Twin Falls.
-Some of the military personnel in Plymouth City are more vocal than was previously the case.
-New NPC "Yeoman Costeki" spawned as collector for "Water Tanks Reinforcement" engagement and "Calibrite for Reinforcement Needed" mission at Elkar Wood.
-Updated background and location for William Mitchell to reflect the new geography of the Freedomtown zone.
-Improved aggro mechanics with multiple pets.
-Numerous types of NPCs and turrets had their attack range increased.
-You should now gain pet skill significantly faster if you were a pet user who let your pets do all of the fighting and just observed or healed them.
-Pets now mature more quickly, assuming they have been properly fed and active.
-Pets should no longer mature when they have not yet been summoned.
-You can now tame Hokfig calves properly.
-Improved the damage of the Claw Slice pet special ability.
-Pets can now have longer range than was previously the case.
-There is now a slightly longer delay time in between summoning pets.
-Corrected an issue which was causing many pet types to only use special abilities and not standard attacks. This resulted in a lower than expected DPS due to waiting on timers.
-Corrected a problem which was disallowing genetic engineers from summoning a second pet even if they had 2000 skill.
Player vs. Player
-Flagged numerous areas which were intended to be contested as being PvP capable. For new players the contested territories are: Mount Ash, Tralus Plains, Fal Sept, and Kaavo.
-The /pvp command has been extended so that it will now indicate if you are in an area or status which leaves you vulnerable to PvP or not.
-Adjusted the minimum grade code for harvesting NPCs so it will eliminate the lower grade checks, so it has a much better chance of getting higher grades. For example, if an NPC was set to As only it would still roll F-D and set them to A if they were rolled, this would result in a lot of A0s as a result. New code skips the F-D rolls and you will get the full range of A0-A9s now.
-Timbertoc: Takayura Trees can now be found in this area.
-Added the following resources near the Tiq Sennu Prison: Aquaios and Tungsten. Also added generated resource spawners.
-Generated resources are now more common in Drake's Pass.
-Made some adjustments to resource regions in Founder's Grove.
-Alluvium spawn in Founders Grove no longer gives Greater Quality SI points.
-Made adjustments to the harvestable regions in Pahookie and Niseya to better distribute them and fix repair some issues.
-Oasis Approach: Reshaped Pyrohemalite region so that is should not disappear at certain distances.
-Badlands: Reshaped Alluvium region so all spawns should be accessible.
-Twin Hills: Raised and reshaped the Iron, Tungsten, Copper and Cobalt resource regions.
-Ren Canyon: Moved Anjara spawn region back down to earth.
-Plymouth Hills: Niurvium spawns in this area should be in a more suitable location and easier to target.
-Resource regions in Obstinada have been rebuilt to help prevent them from spawning in bad locations.
Skills and Abilities
-Increased the difficulty gap in which you can gain skills from NPCs who are less than challenging to you. This should make it easier for players to skill up offensive or defensive skills earlier on in the game.
-Added a flag to player and NPC abilities which can make that ability a sacrificial one, which will kill the caster. This is useful for things like the Lesoo Flash Bombers, or NPCs who split into two pieces, etc.
-Slightly increased weapon and defensive skill gain rates.
-Added 14 new achievements and titles obtained by pushing different skills to certain thresholds.
-Added new Teleport abilities for Plymouth Control Center and Thicket Overwatch. Characters who begin in those areas will receive those teleports after leaving the cloning facility.
-Friendly abilities will no longer grey out if you have a hostile targeted, so that you can utilize derived targeting to heal yourself or others even if the NPC is out of range.
-Sprinting will now automatically make you stand if you are crouching or prone.
-Hokfig, Okolat, Mubark and Lingmaas are now affected by "Animal" category abilities.
-Introduced a new Thrown Weapons ability: Cryo Grenade. These grenades have a chance to stun on impact, and coat your target in a material which increases the damage done by thermal and electricity based attacks for a period of time. This makes them an ideal grenade type for those using Shockguns or Flame Throwers.
-Increased the skill gain rate of Entertainment abilities.
-Entertainer dances and tales have been modified to have a minimum 20 minute duration which can be stacked to 80 minutes before any duration increases are applied. Abilities which were second and third tier have also had their success chances increased and their base duration boosted slightly.
-Increased the duration and effectiveness of Entertainer's advanced combination buffs.
-Increased the area of effect of the Open Mind ability (Entertainment).
-Slightly increased the effectiveness of entertainer Heroic Tales buffs.
-Marching Chant (Entertainment) has had it's minimum duration increased to 3 minutes and can be stacked up to 5 minutes.
-Increased the effectiveness of entertainer's In High Spirit and Having Fun buffs. They went from a +10% to a +15% boost.
-Increased the effectiveness of the Spooked Caution entertainment buff.
-Increased the rate at which First Aid gains skill by roughly 25%.
-Spray Biohazard (First Aid) no longer has a usage time. It works similar to normal attack abilities. It also had a new FX given to it.
-Spray Biohazard and Corrupted Nano Bomb (First Aid) have had their ranges set to the intended distance.
-Reduced the usage time of the Rescue Ability (First Aid) from 1.5 to 1 second. Unlike many other medical abilities, you can do this on the move.
-Overload Powercell (First Aid) now does electro-magnetic damage, in addition to having a chance to knockdown your opponent.
-Significantly improved the Heal Over Time effects of Just a Scratch and Only A Flesh Wound (First Aid). These were intended to increase exponentially, but were bugged previously. The duration has also been increased to a minute.
-You may no longer target yourself to activate Spray Biohazard.
-Bandage Wound (First Aid) has new FX.
-Increased the initial damage of Slice Throat (Assassination).
-Increased the debuff effectiveness of the Blindside skill (Assassination).
-Increased the damage of the Assassinate ability (Assassination).
-Increased Backstab (Assassination) damage by 10%.
-Reduced the usage and recharge time of the Take Aim ability (Rifles).
-You can now used the Increased Duration ability enhancement on the Knee Shot ability (Rifles).
-Increased the Block chances and added a Parry boost to the Raise Shield ability (Shield Tactics), but also slightly increased the damage output debuff.
-Significantly improved the block chances of the Unbreakable Defense (Shield Tactics).
-Increased the stun chance and duration of the Shield Slam ability (Shield Tactics).
-Increased the usefulness of the Block ability (Shield Tactics).
-Improved the Shield Tactics ability: Shield Bash. It now has a chance to afflict the target with a Defense Conscious debuff which reduces their damage output.
-Increased Shockgun damage by 10% across the board.
-Increased the damage on Scattering Shot (Shockguns).
-The Guard ability (Protection) will now increase the target's Dodging skill, as well as reducing their aggro generation.
-Doubled the Area of Effect radius of Draw Attention (Protection).
-Stunning Blow and Bludgeon (Blunt Weapons) had their stun chances and duration increased. Bludgeon also had it's damage slightly increased.
-Staving Smash (Blunt Weapons) now bolsters your defense, in addition to dealing damage and having a chance to knock your opponent backwards.
-Increased the skill gain rate of Thrown Weapons.
-Increased the rate at which you gain Acrobatics skill from diving or rolling.
-Fury (Axes) had it's damage boost increased while active, and also now generates additional aggro while active, and gives a small boost to movement speed.
-Increased the debuff effectiveness of the Pummeling Slash ability (Axes). It now reduces physical resistance and damage dealt, and both by a higher extreme than was previously the case.
-Sundering Strike (Axes) now has a chance to make your opponent Defensively Conscious.
-Increased the damage and accuracy of Cleave (Axes).
-Lunging Thrust (Bladed Weapon Tactics) no longer requires Momentum, but does have a five second longer recharge time.
-Increased the damage and chance to knock players off balance with Shove (Unarmed).
-The Trip ability (Unarmed) now deals a bit of damage to your target, and bolsters your defense in addition to having a chance to knock down your opponent.
-Increased the speed at which you gain Stealth skill ups.
-Reduced the rate at which you lose faction from thievery by 33%.
-Added a message to warn you when you try to steal something repeatedly.
-Added new objects which can be stolen from the Candy Shop in Freedomtown.
Trade Skills
-Increased rewards from a number of trade skill mission templates.
-Added a new Firearms Crafting recipe: Collapsible Stock.
-Introduced new carpentry crafting Recipe: Wheel Construction.
-Introduced new carpentry crafting Recipe: Cart Construction.
-Introduced new hacking crafting Recipe: Tall Monitor.
-Added a new installation recipe: Wooden Wall Module.
-Introduced new hacking crafting Recipe: Active Monitor.
-Added a new installation recipe: Generic Wall Module.
-Introduced new hacking crafting Recipe: Monitor.
-Added a new installation recipe: Generic Wall Module.
-Introduced new installations crafting Recipe: Pillar Production - Blueprint.
-Introduced new installations crafting Recipe: Cable Construction - Blueprint.
-Added a new installation recipe: Shanty Wall Module.
-Introduced new installations crafting Recipe: Well Construction.
-Introduced new installations crafting Recipe: Generator Construction - Blueprint.
-Introduced new installations crafting Recipe: Industrial Generator Construction - Blueprint.
-Added Black Dye Kits to Primary Armor Dyeing Recipe.
-Increased the drop and mission reward rate of the Injected Boosters advanced training manual.
-Ligase is now produced in sets of 3.
-Calcium Carbonate Extraction in Fishing now yields 3 calcium carbonate.
-Cloth Salvaging in Tailoring will now produce 10 Cheesecloth Filters, up from 5.
-You can now purchase Sterilizing Agents from Medical and Cloning Supplies vendors.
-Large metal base is now accepted as an ingredient of the Starship Services Chair recipe.
-Carpentry: Decorative Table Support is now accepted in recipes that need it.
-Recipe: Simple Component Fabrication - Fixed Fuel Release value to use Fuel Release Valve Pattern.
-Metalworking: Changed 'Gold Microwires' Recipe to 'Wires', and added Copper Wires(10) as an output requiring a Refined Copper Bar.
-Round Tabletop Pattern has had it's branching fixed (No longer thinks it's an actual tabletop)
-Rubber hose should now work correctly in recipes requiring it.
-Rectangular Nano-Composite Tabletop Pattern will now work correctly in recipes requiring it.
-Reduced the vendor buy price of Vehicle Engineering components.
-Removed the duplication of the Critical Reduction attribute from Refined Zircalium Bar.
-Moved Melee Vibro Power Assembly, and EMelee Electro Power Assembly, onto their correct component Types. Added Branch for Electro, and moved the Power assemblies to the appropriate branches.
-Added F Grade output of Ruined Materials to Divan Production to allow High grade outputs to be made.
-Reduced the base value of Aqueous Silver Sulfide, Ethylene Oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide.
-Added F Grade output of Ruined Materials to Hassock Production to allow High grade outputs of Elegant Rectangular Hassock to be made.
-You can no longer scrounge for water successfully inside of the city in of Sept Falls.
-Added Vehicle upgrade chip to Control Chip recipe.
-Lowered the value of Limestone Cluster, Borax Cluster and Fluorite Cluster to bring them in line.
-Reduced the value of animal fat.
-Added 42 missing patterns to the Metallurgist Vendors.
-Slightly reduced skill gains from harvesting.
-Fixed Specialty Lumber to use Contaminated water instead of purified, and altered the firewood output to 10
-Cosmetic Styling: Added an output for failed dye at grade F, this will allow you to attempt to make the dyes the require a higher grade output. The crafting session will still show 'failed dye', but if you make the required grade, you will get the dye you want.
-The Chemistry recipe Metal-Solvent Synthesis has been alter to accept raw Ores instead of Refined Metal Bars.
-Added Calibrite-Carbon Curule Leg Pattern to carpentry vendors.
-Fixed Recipe: Industrial Centrifuge Assembly - Moved welding rod to be an agent.
-Chromium Acetate has been removed from Metal-Solvent Synthesis. It is still a crafted item from Mineral Acidification.
-Xylyl Bromide updated to be a lacrymatory chemical rather than just chemical, and given it's own branch.
-Reduced the vendor price of a number of items that the vendors thought were more rare than they actually were.
-Recipe: Stationary Turret Frame filter Quadruple is now correctly branched to item. (No, really this time)
-Acrylic Upholstered Seat Panel moved to the correct Component Type and Branch.
-Recipe: Composite Table Assembly - Composite Barrel Table. Filter corrected for table base.
-Added additional difficulty tiers to the following Chemistry recipes: Acid-Base Reactions, Chemical Synthesis, and Mineral Acidification.
-The Scrounge For Water code is plugged up into the suspected bot diminishing returning code.
User Interface
-Added a Newbie chat channel for new players to ask questions and receive answers without bothering players who do not wish to aid. You can turn this channel off in the Chat Settings. You can chat in this channel using "/newbie " or by selecting it from your selectable list of channels on the chat window.
-Added a Auto Configure button to the Video Options window. This button will automatically configure your video options for you. This is based on the current scene you are in, however.
-Added a stack purchase option to the Vendor Window. You can purchase up to 99 of anything that is stackable.
-The Buy tab in the Vendor Window now lists the items in alphabetical order.
-There is now a Copy Tab Messages option when you right click on a tab in the chat interface. This will copy all of the content to the clipboard for that tab.
-There is now an option to disable Ability Queues in the Game Options window. These Queues allows RPG Mode players to Queue an ability if it is not yet ready to be used due to a cooldown or global cooldown. This option allows players to disable it's functionality if they wish.
-Added zoom capabilities to the Region Map (Shift+M).
-Several areas now have a proper region map (Shift+M) instead of a grid.
-Adjusting the stack of an item will now cancel a trade.
-The Mission Survey window is no longer auto centered in the middle of your screen. This was preventing problems if it popped up while players were doing other activities, for example a combat mission that closes on completion while you are in combat.
-Mail now double checks to make sure that mailed items are in your inventory on the client before sending. This prevents an issue where people could do a bait and switch.
-Marked some trees near Ammann Village to not appear in the minimap as they were covering up roads.
-Shadow frequency settings are now properly defaulting on a new install.
-Added a Clear button to the Survey Window. Pressing this button will clear your current scanned resource list.
-You can once again use the Disable Hints option in Interface Options to disable hint pop up messages.
-Above Average and Strong NPCs now have an icon that shows next to their level indicator on their nameplate. This leaves boss/mini-boss in the old category that has the single red icon.
-You can now use the /trade command to type a message into the trade channel.
-You can now use /n or /nchat to send a message in nation chat without needing to select the channel from the chat window. It should be noted that nation chat is disabled for the default nations, but it will work properly for player created nations.
-The Completed Mission detail windows from the Mission History tab will now hide panels which it has no data available for.
-You will no longer see an Abandon button in detail windows for completed missions.
-The Mission Survey Window will no longer pop up if you are in Action Mode.
-Latency counter is no longer averaged the latency values.
-You can no longer swap out items in the Trade Window, it wasn't properly updating them for the person doing the swapping causing some issues. Swap from the Trade Window to your inventory was also disabled.
-Updated Plymouth and Freedomtown region maps backgrounds.
Vehicles and Mounts
-If you try to convert a pet into a mount and already have one of that type it will no longer allow you to do so.
-Updated many of the textures in Plymouth City to use new higher resolution images in a texture atlas. This resulted in a visual boost, as well as a performance boost.
-Added new furniture, signs and lighting to the Candy Shop bar in Freedomtown.
-You will receive an achievement and a small permanent bonus to your Loggin skills if you explore the Ochoahe Grove in Tandil.
-Created blend triggers for the Candy Shop which allows the environment to get dark when going indoors.
-Numerous optimization adjustments in Freedomtown, primarily in the form of adding rooms. It is slated for a texture revamp similar to Plymouth City in the near future.
-Added additional trees, rocks, and decorations to the Arid Grove in the Wailing Chasm.
-Added new lighting to the tutorial zones, the lighting is much more atmospheric.
-There is now a small Arrvor population outside of the Tiq Sennu Prison.
-Added detail (props and particles) to the entrance of the Lurker Cave in Fool's Sanctuary, as well as the tunnel connected to the cave.
-You will receive an achievement and a small permanent bonus to your Carpentry skills if you explore the Lussfeol Woods in Tandil.
-Twin Hills: Added an exploration point to the Arazet Bridge.
-The Sapless Vista exploration point in the Sapless Pass is now explorable. It was previously misaligned due to terrain changes.
-Twin Hills: Your Installations skill will receive a small permanent boost if you explore the Arazet Bridge.
-Props and lights added to Falls Trail and made other general improvements.
-Added decorations and made adjustments to trees in Brenning.
-Added additional cloning point options in the Freedomtown area.
-Obstinada: added names to the Rulbabeesamr Ponds and the Cuevruja Cave, which displaced Lesoo clans have claimed as their new home.
-Westwoods: rescued some trees from below ground.
-Added a new Panoramic to Aemar Hydro Plant.
-Added generated resources and camps to several areas in Tralus Plains which were lacking.
-Obstinada: you will get an achievement and a small permanent boost to your Blunt Weapons Defense if you travel to the Rulbabeesamr Ponds, where one of the displaced lesoo clans have set up their village.
-Added a new Panoramic to Plymouth Control.
-Koywe: your Bladed Weapons Tactics will receive a small permanent boost if you explore Codo Amarillo, where Nycleta Trask used to train alone to hone her skills.
-Obstinada: you will get an achievement and a small permanent boost to your Blunt Weapons Tactics if you find the Cuevruja Cave, refuge of a displaced lesoo clan.
-Koywe: added Codo Amarillo and Codo Verde names; they should show up in your minimap.
-Plymouth Control's lighting has been better optimized.
-City plot areas in Fal Sept no longer has the ground concrete textures which were a holdover from alpha 3.
-Ollaseca: Dug out some rocks and trees, which has added to the decorations in the area.
-Koywe: your Bladed Weapons Defense will receive a small permanent boost if you explore Codo Verde, where Nycleta Trask and Major Scarborough used to train together.
-Added props and lights at Ingall's Pass
-Added some more occlusion to Plymouth City improving performance in general across the city.
-Added custom interior lighting to all of the large buildings in Freedomtown using blend triggers. When you walk into a building the lighting will dim, when you exit the building the light will return to outdoor lighting. This feature was added to the city hall, tech plaza, hospital, workshop and the bar.
-Terminus Mire: added name to the Neca Islet and the Dolep Islet; both names should show up in the map.
-Ollaseca: added name to the Challanken Valley, rich in mineral deposits. Your Mining skills will receive a small increase if you explore it.
-Improved the world lighting, the world now has a more atmospheric look.
-Added a new Panoramic to Ammann River.
-Terminus Mire: you will receive an achievement and a small boost to your Fishing skills if you explore the Neca Islet.
-Gave a decoration pass to numerous areas. Most notably Plymouth Pond.
-Adjusted the rare spawn and one time mission spawn locations Outside Freedomtown.
-Minor decorating in the Jongvale Veldt and Kuuma Prairie.
-Terminus Mire: you will receive an achievement and a small boost to your Foraging skills if you explore the Dolep Islet.
-Graphical upgrades have been made to Thicket Overwatch.
-Improved terrain textures along the borders of Rocharus Range, Amman Village, Verde Vista, Plymouth Northwest, Blair Ridge, O'Doyle Meadow, Pinon Pines, Oasis Approach, and Pebble Perch.
-Added a new Panoramic to Elkar Wood.
-Moved Mubark Bull pathing to a location in mountains around Thicket Overwatch as it was too difficult for new players starting in this area.
-Added a new Panoramic to Twin Falls.
-Tandil: Added map names to the Ochoahe, Lussfeol, and Mosamor groves; they should now show up in the map.
Bug Fixes
-The client should now do a better job of handling Unicode usernames.
-In the event that one of the regional login servers goes down unexpectedly, it will no longer interrupt pinging the other regions.
-Resolved an issue which was causing NPCs who randomly forked on different paths to sometimes stop walking and just stand on their path.
-Fixed an issue where abilities were not working properly after traveling/zoning and required the UI (the ability bars in particular) to be reset to work.
-Fixed an issue with Damage Dealt attribute not showing up in the Offense panel in the Character Sheet
-Fixed an issue with endurance fittings erroneously applying Health.
-Fixed an issue in Hole-Plymough Trail where lesoo/humans were not rendering properly at a distance.
-Twin Hills: Raised a few rocks that were underground.
-Fixed an issue where the Chain Gun were showed backwards on female character hands.
-Fixed and issue with both male and female that cause arm parts to disappear when wearing several pieces of armor.
-Fixed "Barca Swarm in Bastet Valley" engagement parent ID.
-Fixed typo at "Propaganda?" engagement.
-Fixed an issue with a dot that was dividing by 0.
-Teleporting to Freedomtown should be a little more reliable.
-Fixed arrival waypoint at Barren Dale.
-Put in some new code in certain situations when unequipping and moving an item it might end up in the same slot eating the item. It will not put it overflow instead.
-Fixed some floating trees in the hills near the Tikt Tunnels.
-Tandil: raised & reshaped a bit the resource regions from Mika, Byna and Beryl to avoid visibility problems.
-Corrected a fitting issue in a trade check which was not properly validating to make sure the character in the trade existed.
-Huntsfolly: grounded the Alluvium resource region, which was left levitating up in mid-air after some terraforming.
-Slightly move Rex Fogus path waypoint at Thicket Overwatch to avoid some jumping spawn issues.
-Removed some duplicate crafting branches to avoid confusion and clean up the database.
-Fixed terrain and texture seams along the borders of Timbertol Trail, Plymouth-Aza Pass, Falls Trail, Searcher's valley, Daxton, Huntsfolly, and Tolkien Meadow.
-Fixed an issue with some Plymouth City NPCs who were not set as having time based spawns, but which only spawned at certain times of day.
-Lurker Bog: reshaped the Tungsten, Lilac, Takayura and Thorium resource regions, due to visibility problems.
-Slightly raise a tree at Thicket Overwatch so branches don't stop players walking under it.
-Fixed over ground tree at Falls Trail.
-Resolved an issue with the Rocharus den spawner in Bog's Edge. The Rocharus had a boundary limit rather than being leashed, which was causing them to break combat as soon as someone moved past that boundary. While useful in some situations it was not correct for this particular region.
-Founders Grove: Reshaped the Alluvium spawn to stop it placing resouce nodes under ground on rocks
-You can no longer Scrounge For Water in the tutorial instances.
-Fixed some resource issues on the Maeglium region in Fool's Sanctuary.
-Ollaseca: reshaped the Monazite, Niurevium & Pyrohemalite resource regions, due to visibility problems.
-Potentially fixed issues with third or greater mouse buttons.
-Fixed some vanishing resources in Drake's Pass.
-Fixed Arrival waypoint at Tozu Ridge.
-Fixed floating trees in Mid-Plymouth.
-Fixed a terrain hole to prevent players to get stuck in it at Decroux Etang.
-Fixed some issues with the speedhack detection system.
-Fixed an issue which could allow Sub-Abilities to appear on the skill info cards. This became noticeable after another fix, as enhancement abilities were appearing in the list.
-Fixed an issue that was happening with the decay timer on harvestables where it would try to run the timer and the node was already deleted.
-Removed the mission marker area for FPR Scout Bots near Ammann Village. These bots are now random spawns anywhere in the area and the marker was confusing people.
-Eastfal Valley: corrected a spawning problem with the Alluvium resource region.
-Fixed a typo in the Threat to Cloning mission.
-You can no longer abort the Bandaging the Wound mission, as some players were exploiting that mechanic to sell the bandage for a small profit.
-Fixed a grammatical issue in the Can't Sleep mission email.
-Numerous issues which could cause client crashes have been fixed.
-Fixed floating tree in Torn Mist Valley.
-Potentially fixed an issue which allowed characters to become stuck and needing tech support to get free.
-Removed the duplicate Item 'Standard 4 Legged Base' and the 2 'Standard 4 Legged Base Pattern' items that are not needed
-Potential fix for energy shields not regenerating occasionally after a death.
-Made adjustments to resource spawners outside Freedomtown to correct some issues with resources spawning inside of rocks or underneath terrain.
-Repaired an issue that was causing a player to sometimes have two footstep sounds on the same step.
-Grounded a floating tree at Hole-Plymouth Trail.
-Timbertoc: Reshaped and adjusted resource spawns so that they spawn on the ground
-Thicket Overwatch: Taire Lawson should properly spawn now, and sell Harvesting Tools, instead of being duplicate of Macy Vick.
-Corrected a problem which allowed players to train enemy players pets as mounts if they could attack that player.
-Plymouth Hills: Retrieved some trees and rocks from under the world.
-Fixed "Okolats in Wolfsway" engagement parent ID.
-Fixed icon swapping issue.
-Fixed an issue with corpse removal timers causing them to poof early. Also fixed an issue making them poof quicker if the extraction and looting process is fully done.
-You can no longer interact with objects while dead.
-Corrected a minor typo in the Robotic Pet tip/hint.
-FreedomTown: reshaped resource spawn to avoid nodes spawning inside the large tree
-Fixed a bug that was playing start engagement fx only for the first player that trigger it.
-Fixed an issue which was preventing city units from spawning.
-Fixed the Stock Assembly requirement on the 6 craftable carbines
-Filled in a hole that players could become stuck inside of in the Arid Grove.
-Many partially buried trees and rocks were fixed in the Arid Grove.
-The Leg Shot and Knee Shot abilities now require you to be facing and have a line of sight on your target.
-Fixed an issue with deleting characters.
-Fixed issue with display of quantity for a new work order, when manually typing in a value greater than stack size.
-Fixed issue with validation of an item's grade when trying to fulfill a work order.
-Aoss Gardens: the "Trimming " mission will now request to trim Agressive Raxins (the type of raxins spanwing in this area), rather than Raxins.
-Corrected a problem which was causing you to appear to be standing while having the modifiers of being prone or crouching after being knocked down when in those postures.
-Vehicles will check to see if they are colliding with anything when they spawn and if they do they will spawn at your position instead so they don't spawn into/on objects.
-Changed the eyes on the male character creation screen so he doesn't open his eye too wide causing him to look crazy.
-You can no longer fire to see client side FX while dead in action mode. These were only visible to the client before, but should not be prevented.
-Amman Village: the "Trimming " mission was selecting Setlangs and Vultures which don't spawn in the area. Corrected so the mission only selects Pack Setlangs which do spawn in there.
-Corrected a minor typo in the Dance tutorial.
-You can no longer gain skill points by trying to tame your own, or someone elses pet.
-Corrected an issue which was having standard Knuckle Blades do EMP damage.
-Corrected an issue in the player client which would cause a black screen rather than the proper graphics on certain systems.
-Fixed the 5 Craftable Rifle recipes to correctly use the Rifle Stock Assembly, rather than the Rifle Stock (Rifle stock is a component of the assembly)
-Leaks in the Arboleda dam have been sealed with rocks.
-Fixed an issue with Cactus spawners in Ollaseca.
-Fixed a terrain hole to prevent players to get stuck in it at Timbertol Trail.
-Fixed an Action Bar locking related issue where the lock value could become reversed.
-Fixed a big rock at Fal Midlands that collision properties were bugged.
-Added missing Arrival Waypoint at Degotoga.
-Updated Tip on "Dialogs and Missions" to reflect the current format used to denote skill use in mission dialog.
-The Train Mount ability should now properly consume the pet rather than leaving it in a bugged state.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing Guard from expiring until death.
-Fixed "Lesoo rhinocs in Sendarida" engagement parent ID.
-Fixed an issue with the Supply Post engagements in Fool's Sanctuary. There was a second trigger for the engagement inside of the first, which could cause there two be two of the same engagement in the same place.
-Fixed some path positions underground and finished fixing the texture painting in Mid-plymouth.
-Blinking props, such as the locker or PDA in the tutorial will no longer stop flashing after you have moused over them.
-Fixed some over ground trees and rock at Purplefield.
-Scorched Gorge Outpost: the "Trimming Hostile" mission should no longer target Agressive Raxins, and only require to kill Raxins.
-Fixed a rare issue which could cause an item name search error in the auction system.
-Corrected an issue which was allowing very fast clickers to access loot that wasn't supposed to be theirs.
-The safe/stuck point in Arid Grove has been moved to a more suitable location. It was previously underground.
-Fixed Stock Assembly components on a number firearms
-Removed a bugged music track.
-Raised a small tree at freedomtown with invisible branches on a side that prevent players to walk through them.
-Fixed an exploitable issue with the Ask Brewen mission.
-Fixed a bug where a mission was requesting to kill a mob in certain area where that mob didn't exists.
-The Fort Hudson cloning point will no longer place you in Hudson Pass.
-Fixed floating rocks and trees in Pahookie.
-Fixed various issues with the alias GUI. Alias names now need to be one word.
-Fixed some issues with spawning regions in the Torn Mist Valley.
-Fixed an issue where Aristocrat NPC Visualization had no hands.
-Mission "Killing the Master" was rewarding the wrong alignment (OWON alignment for an FPR combat mission); this has been corrected.
-Made adjustments to the Pyrohemalite resource region near the Scorched Gorge Outpost to help prevent nodes from disappearing if you were too far from the center.
-Fixed the NPC paths in Falls Trail.
-Fixed some mobspawn issues at Pinon Pines.
-The FPR gear locker in the tutorial will now properly stop blinking after you click it.
-Fixed some over ground trees at War Wagon Valley.
-Removed empty branches from a number of crafting components.
-Lesoo Soldiers will now count off your kill tracker in the Destroy the Lesoo Raiders den based mission.
-Fixed an issue with one of the male NPC visualizations which was missing hands.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Power Hammer. Now correctly expects a weaponized power assembly
-Grounded a large floating tree in Prenshaw.
-Fixed a bug that let player respawn by clicking the middle mouse button while death.
-Fixed some trees and rocks which were buried underneath the Founder's Grove area.
-Fixed terrain and texture seams along the borders of Halona, Tranen See, Doma Valley, Crete de Chagrin, Sanguine expanse, and Timbertoc.
-Fixed arrival waypoint in Neverwood.
-Resolved an issue which was preventing missions from being generated in some cases.
-Fixed a bug which would not count the Bloody ___ collection in the Missing Official mission unless you had clicked it in the proper order.
-Fixed a GUI issue that was preventing multiple active engagements being listed correctly when one of those engagements ends or change stage and also when player leave engagement trigger.
-You can no longer attack vehicles or be attacked by vehicles if PvP is not properly enabled.
-Fixed a big rocks at Westwoods that collision properties were bugged.
-Corrected an issue in the directions that other NPCs can give to Mikel Svorin in Plymouth City.
-Made adjustments to the halt and leash code in advanced NPC triggers so that NPCs don't walk into leashing triggers and stop attacking.
-Grounded several trees at Aumi Valley.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing the basic movement and how to interact with the Integration Officer tip from appearing on some systems due to the FX closing before it played.
-Fixed 2 big rocks at Outside Freedomtown that collision properties were bugged.
-Loch Desert: reshaped the Calibrite and Kosha resource regions due to visibility problems.
-Fixed a shift-double click bug with vehicles.
-Grounded a floating tree at Tecooy Run.
-Fixed a markup related issue with the Periodic Maintenance template.
-Using /suicide now creates the appropriate mission event so that it will fail survival goals.
-Stitched terrain seams near Ammann Village.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Bubba. Now correctly expects a weaponised power assembly
-Stitched terrain seams in the following areas: Morrigan Plains, Freedomtown, Twin Hills, Dreary Borderlands, Serenity, the FPR instanced housing area, Arboleda, and Brenning.
-Fixed Phil Keller's (escort NPC) spawn location outside of Plymouth City.
-Rocharus Range: Reshaped the following resource spawns so that they don't disappear (Takayura, -Multi-hued Yano, Green Leaf, Fallon, Cree'it)
-Vehicles now display failure messages on failed abilities.
-Relocate a buried Aquaios harvestable region at Torn Mist Valley.
-Corrected an issue which allowed NPCs to go invulnerable after they unpursued players if they had been afflicted by DoTs at the time they broke off combat.
-Trockental no longer includes it's area id in the map name.
-Fixed a bug that was preventing to play start FX on engagement stage change.
-Closed a seam in Blood Valley.
-Fixed a typo in one of the response options in the dancing tutorial.
-Set "Plymouth Hills" as parent of the "Lesoo Hills" engagement.
-Adjusted the Rue spawning region near Scar's Wall so that resources should not disappear the further you move from the edges.
-Fixed an issue with a bad parcel/mail message could lock the mail queue.
-Fixed a bug causing some nation alliance data not to be replicated properly.
-Eastern Fork: Reshaped the Copper Spawn so that nodes do not get snagged on rocks under the ground
-Fixed a tree located inside a rock at Plymouth Pond.
-Added a new treasure type for XG-57 missions so it actually loot eventually the XG-57 grenade. It stills depends on the chance and the player thievery skill ability.
-Fixed some bugs related to manipulating vehicles while dead.
-Made some adjustments to resource regions near Plymouth City.
-Fixed a large rock which was positioned so you could see into it's hollow core along the Ammann River.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Power Mace. Now correctly expects a weaponised power assembly and makes a Mace rather than a Hammer
-After being killed your ability queue will now be reset.
-Improved terrain and texture seams along the borders of Aemar Hydro Plant and Ren Canyon.
-Fixed a bad entry at the description of "Can't Sleep" mission.
-Repaired some issues where the hollow underbelly of rocks were visible in Bleakburn.
-Filled in some land underneath a building in Pontoc where parts of the building were unsupported due to a depression in the terrain underneath it.
-Improved patrolling NPC pathing in Thicket Overwatch.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing energy from regenerating after death if you cloned into a different area from where you died.
-Removed the (song) from the end of the Heroes of Freedomtown readable book.
-Fixed a terrain gap at Aumi Valley.
-Relocated the Cree'it Wood region in Plymouth Pond to be slightly closer to Plymouth's Underbelly.
-Jutz Klanger and Jesus Aguilar could spawn on the same stool in the Mayflower Pub; fixed.
-Fixed an issue which was preventing tips from displaying in some situations.
-Raise up some waypoints at Ammann River that could be the cause of bad spawning of some dens.
-Corrected a problem related to harvesting creatures that you should not have had permission to.
-Fixed a Den Trigger Height at Sapless Foothills.
-Fixed a typo in Poor Quality Combots.
-Filled a rather large hole in the ground near the Kyoto Prison.
-Corrected an issue which was causing escorted NPCs to return to their spawn point after being attacked, rather than continuing to follow the player.
-Fixed an issue which was preventing Inject Sedative from working on players who didn't have a melee weapon equipped.
-Corrected an issue which was making some melee wielding Riffraff, Numbskulls, and Lesoo attempt to use ranged combat tactics erroneously.
-Grounded a floating tree at Pebble Perch.
-Koywe: reshaped the Hokweed, Melanko, Green Leaf and Yano resource regions due to visibility problems (too large)
-Fixed a bug which could prevent players from scrounging water after they seamlessly left an area where it was not available under certain circumstances.
-Resolved an issue that was allowing NPCs to attack other neutral NPCs in cases when they shouldn't have been able to. This was affecting control point spawned faction NPCs primarily.
-Fixed a section of terrain where you could get stuck in the Badlands.
-Fixed a Typo at "Koleyna" engagement.
-Fixed terrain seam at Sandsurfs.
-Fixed a terrain seam north of Sept Falls.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Charged Training Sword. Now correctly expects a weaponised power assembly.
-The OWON version of the Shrooffle Collection mission no longer refers to the NPC by his old name.
-Corrected some issues which caused seams to appear on the arms and legs of unclothed male or female models.
-Smoothed a rough section of road in the Northern Range which was too steep for NPCs to path across properly and difficult for players, as well.
-The glowing trail in the Ordering Supplies long range delivery will now lead you to a proper path. It also will allow you to take any route you wish so long as you arrive at Mitchell's Farm.
-Fixed a reward related bug in the Patrol to the Hole on the Hill mission.
-You can now complete the mission: Patrol: Plymouth to S&B.
-Grounded floating trees in Mirfield.
-Unearthed some buried cliffs Southeast of Freedomtown.
-Fixed an issue that could have cause issue to ability bar icons if an ability required a weapon and you were unarmed.
-Fixed "Koleyna" engagement trigger attached to a child instead of the parent engagement.]
-Closed an exploit which allowed players to bypass tamed pets from taking health damage after death.
-Fixed some issue that allow players to interact with hidden props on minigames and engagements.
-Koywe: Experienced Lesoo Hunters should now spaw correctly.
-Fixed terrain texture seams along the borders of Aemar Hydro Plant, Ren Canyon, Lurker Bog, Boglands, The Pipeworks, Scorched Gorge, Judair Gulch, Brenning, The Sticks, South Of Freedomtown, Caplrates Canyon, and Arboleda.
-Stitched terrain seams in Farnfoss Ridge, and the Griefclaw Bluffs.
-Fixed terrain texture seams in Slaugh Trail, Krachester, Oowwooki, Hollow Trail, Ingall's Pass, Laredo Lagoon, Timbertol Trail, and others.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Power Sword. Now correctly expects a weaponised power assembly.
-Corrected a problem in an underwater cave on the border of Arboleda where if you entered the cave you could see the underside of the water.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing players from completing the Patrol: Freedomtown to the Shacks mission.
-Fanshaw Hollow: Grounded a couple of rocks and a tree
-Resolved an issue which was preventing the ignore list from working across seams.
-You can no longer interact with invisible props.
-Fixed some buried waypoints at Founder's Grove.
-Repaired a rock formation Southeast of Freedomtown which was erroneously attached to Arboleda, and causing seamless switching when you walked on it.
-Fixed one of the shield ability icons which was misaligned.
-The arrival path in Griefclaw Bluffs is no longer floating a couple meters above the ground.
-Fixed a rocky crag in the Shed where players could get stuck.
-Fixed a typo in the Anjari Craving mission.
-Fixed a terrain hole to prevent players to get stuck in it at Tuuleuss Mountain.
-Terminus Mire: reshaped & raised the Azul, Pratinus, Lesapen, Samr Berry and Kosha resource regions to avoid visibility problems.
-Fixed Recipe: Metalsmith - Single-Bladed Power Axe. Now correctly expects a weaponised power assembly.
-Fixed some floating rocks and plants in Parst Pass and Tasuil Rise.
-Fixed some resource spawns in Obstinada
-Corrected an issue that would not allow nations to invite a player who had left their previous nation less than an hour ago, even though the text said five minutes.
-Fixed Arrival FPR waypoint at Oasis Valley Basin.
-Fixed some rock formations that had their transparent underbelly exposed in the Motionless Steppes.
-Fixed a bug which caused engagement scaling calculations to continue even after the engagement expired.
-Mouse cursor is not longer changing when mouse pointer go over a hidden prop.
-Removed the capability of players to exploit tamed pets in a way that allowed them to go negative health to have unlimited charges.
-Fixed typo in generic mission "Can't Sleep".
-Recipe: Vehicle Engineering - Gun Upgrade. Fixed Barrel assembly component so that it now accepts the right item
-Fixed an issue with grade minimums on npcs (mostly strong/boss/raid boss npcs) that were input incorrectly.
-Fixed a bug that were preventing you to get active engagements list on GUI refresh.
-Fixed the Vehicle Upgrade Mold Recipe.
-Removed some mysteriously floating shockguns in the Hania Plains.
-Fixed the terrain around ponds near The Shed that caused players to get stuck under the ground.
-Corrected several problems with Johnny Bilby in Sept Falls. He is now available for generated missions, should always remain seated, and will respond to Inquiries.
-Fixed invisible walls at Sept Falls east gate.
-Recipe: Pharmaceuticals - Advanced Pharmaceutical Extraction. Arrestin can now be made with Xylene Cyanol
-Fix FPR Arrival waypoint at Kahavi Canyon.
-Fixed some descriptions of item that were cloned from their patterns and still had the pattern descriptions.
-Post tab will now show all your auctions when activated
-Fixed a bug which was preventing non-Rogue players from recloning in Sept Falls. You will need to be on reasonable terms with Rogue Nations to spawn there, but it is now allowed.
-Fixed some pathing issues of Hokfigs at Aemar Hydro Plant.
-Grammar correction to message received, when attempting to empty an already empty harvester.
-Made adjustments to the Assault Bot's pathing in the Training Grounds to help avoid warping.
-Fixed a Tree too close to a rock where players could be stucked at Northern Trails.
-Removed duplicate Projectile Bolt Assembly Recipe.
-Fixed an issue which was causing corpses to poof even if they had extractable components on them after looting.
-Harvestable resources now have a much larger default awareness distance, this should fix a lot of resource nodes that pop in/out when you get to them. It will not fix them all, but should handle most of them.
-Fixed some pathing issues at Payton's Peak.
-Fixed a bug that let player respawn by hitting an obscure combination of keys while dead to trick the system.
-Grounded a floating tree in Vista Doma.
-Fixed problems in the weighting of the following recipes: Barrel and Projectile Bolt Assembly. This bug could affect the grade adversely.
-Fixed the 'Casting Pattern' component type to not display 'Power Coupling Pattern'
-Smoothed a slope of a canyon that you could fall into in the Tasuil Rise but were unable to get out of because it was too steep.
-Moved Acrylic Upholstered Seat Panel Pattern to use the correct branch.
-The Supplies to the Shed mission now features guided markers throughout its entirety. They were previously stopping when you hit the Bald Forest.
-Nova Love in Plymouth Control Center is now properly selling tailoring supplies. She was erroneously a general store previously.
-Grammar fix in message received, if resource survey completes sooner than expected.
-Judair Gulch: raised the spawning region of some Hudson Firs that were spawning below ground.
-Sergent Kotter no longer refers to the FPR in a negative light in the FPR version of the Combat Training mission.
-Grounded a flying Tree at Niseya.
-Fixed oddly space characters listed in recipe names in the GameDB.
-Fixed the terrain and terrain textures on the borders of Plymouth Control Center, Fanshaw, Camp Payton, Plymouth pass. Leverstow, Hole on the hill, Plymouth hills, and Trockental.
-Fixed an exploit that was allowing you to dual wield some weapons with other types which were not intended to be dual wield with.
-Fixed terrain and texture seams along the borders of lower Daxton and Camp Takk.
-Fixed an issue with using vehicle abilities while dead.
-Fixed some pathing issues at Tuolumne Grove.
-Fixed a typo in the Shield Counter ability description.
-The safe point in Rendall Gulch is no longer floating above ground.
-Fixed an issue with containers and Fittings.
-Filled a few holes to prevent players to get stuck in them at Aemar Hydro Plant.
-Closed a potential exploit which could allow clever hackers to teleport to some specific locations. We aren't aware of this ever being used, but it could have potentially been.
-Fixed an issue which was in the combat filtering options for combat chat channel text. Sometimes players were not receiving messages they should have as a result of this bug.
-Fixed an issue with some of the spawn points Outside Freedomtown, including some of the Malfunctioning Robot spawners.
-Fixed an issue which was causing some ability cards not to appear in your Earnable list even though you had qualified.
-Fixed some rocks which were Southeast of Freedomtown but attached to Mitchell's Farm, and some which were shared between a seam.
-Added a /help fixinvuln command so that users can fix themselves if they ever get stuck in a rare -Invuln bug where their res immunity never wears off but they can't attack anything either.
-Hills Lesoo Overbosses now have a visible ranged weapon and will fire it from long distance.
-Sprint will now toggle off automatically when you die.
-Removed Pack Setlang Alphas from random generated missions in a number of areas. This is due to their populations being low due to being a semirare mob but their difficulties being only average, so it would ask you to kill too many.
-Fixed an exploit that was allowing players to use two handed weapons with shields.
-Southern Aza: reshaped an Alluvium and a Geflech resource regions since they were too large and causing visibility problems.
-Corrected an issue which was allowing players to damage the structures in cities outside of a siege.
-Fixed some oddly spaced characters listed in Components and Filters tabs in the GameDB.
-Either grounded or raised a number of trees and rocks in Oasis Approach.
-Trockental no longer has terrain that doesn't match it's visual height.
-Fixed terrain and texture seams throughout the Freedomtown and Plymouth regions.
-Fixed up a markup related bug in the Can't Sleep generated mission template.
-Fixed Arrival waypoint at Fal Canyon.
-Fixed floating and buried trees in Payton's Peak.
-Fixed some spawn related bugs in the Thicket Overwatch engagement.
-Corrected a text on a radio msg of "Bombs in the City" engagement.
-Fixed "Arrvors in Brenning" engagement parent ID it was wrongly set as "Drakes on Ren Canyon Road"
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Nuevo parche 15.1.1. Le meten mano principalmente al combate.
Adversarial Camps
-Put a hard limit on the number of NPCs in a camp. This should prevent runaway camps.
-Added the new baby creatures to the respective Adversarial Camp spawn setups.
-Tweaked the camp spawn numbers, level gains values, and fixed an issue that was allowing the max growth values to go past what they should.
-Major changes were made to the adversarial camps in Howling Hills. They are smaller in size than was previously the case.
-Moved one of the camp spawners in Beggar's End so that it was further away from borders.
-The mob assist code has been adjusted so only creatures of level 6+ will assist. This is to prevent overwhelming new players.
Auctions and Work Orders
-Added "Search Bags" ability for Work Orders, which will find all active work orders whose item name matches items found in your main inventory and containers.
-Simplified the entry of search criteria for work orders. No more confusing radio buttons next to drop-downs and text entry fields. Replaced with filtered drop-down lists for the item name, components, and filter choices.
-Improved sorting of Auction search, including sorting across all pages, not just within the currently shown page.
-When setting Component and Filter values for a Work Order search, the Item Name drop-down list will automatically reduce to match only those items meeting the component and/or filter criteria, to make it easier to choose an item from the list.
-When you post an auction, you will now have a choice to enter total prices, or per unit prices.
-When fulfilling a work order with a mixed stack item, all grades within the stack will be used as needed to fill the order, starting with the lowest grade and moving to the highest grade, until either the order is complete, or the item has no more qualifying grades within it, whichever comes first.
-When creating a new Work Order, the total price you will pay when you submit the order is now displayed.
-Invalid entries, in the work order "Item Name", "Component", and "Filter" search criteria boxes, will display in orange. Valid entries continue to display in white.
-Added Component and Filter search options to work order creation, so you can reduce the very long Item Name list to something shorter and easier to pick an item from.
-Work Orders are now limited in quantity per character.
-Improved chat and email text messages related to work order creation, fulfillment, expiration, and cancellation.
-Right clicking an item, in a work order list, will now display that item in the Game Database
-Added a "Ctrl"+"Shift"+"Click" trigger to cancel a Work Order.
-Added a confirmation dialog for cancelling Work Orders.
-Added a validation so players can not Post an Auction for soulbound items.
-Consolidated the Trading "Request" and "Fulfill" windows into a single "Work Orders" window.
-Dropping an item into the work order drop box will automatically enter the name of the item into the "Item Name" field.
-Added the ability to cancel your work order requests.
-Choosing an item, when creating a new work order, can now be done by typing in the name in the "Item Name" field.
-When choosing an item, component, or filter from the work order drop-down lists, the associated text field will now complete to match the chosen drop-down item.
-Improved sorting of Work Order search lists, including sorting across all pages, not just within the currently shown page.
-Added feedback to the automated email for an auction bid timeout to include the name of the auction winner.
-You can now delete all digits in Qty field for work order creation, to make it easier to enter a new value.
-Improved performance for Work Order searches.
-Rain sound effects are now blended in a much better manner and at a volume which is more appropriate to the rain level.
-A sound will now play any time you receive a tell. This is intended to alert players who may be viewing a combat or other tab without tells enabled.
-Improved our music system to provide a higher level of volume control for our musicians.
-Improved our variable footstep sound support. It is now easier for us to provide alternate footstep sounds over wider areas than was previously the case.
-Added new rain, wind, and thunder sounds.
-Environmental audio will now kick in instantly rather than waiting on an astronomy event to change it.
-Environmental background sounds will now activate properly when moving seamlessly between areas.
-Added support for snow and hard surface footstep sounds.
-Added new regional music tracks for Mount Ash and Tralus Plains from Matthew Shine.
-Added variable footstep sounds to multiple parts of the world that did not previously have them.
-Added more background sounds to Freedomtown, particularly in the Candy Shop.
-Variable sounds are now supported for walking and running footsteps.
-Added a new coins sound to be used in Auctions or on vendors to indicate that something has been purchased.
-Slightly lowered the "Rallying Cry" ability sound FX.
-Music should no longer cut off abruptly when you switch areas.
-Corrected an issue which was causing NPCs to alter your footstep sounds erroneously.
-Significant improvements were made to the mastery system for different species. The species mastery system will now process its damage bonus 600% more often than before, and the damage bonus now takes both your Subsistence Knowledge of that species (from harvesting), as well as the total kills you have had against that species. For those unfamiliar with this system, it is intended to give players a small DPS increase based on the amount of experience they have against that species.
-Players should generally have less issues with line of sight from other players or NPCs.
-Introduced a new Combat Modifier: Reflexes. This modifier will increase your resistance to Disarming or Blinding attacks by avoiding them.
-Added a new Combat Modifier: Stability. Stability helps you avoid being Knocked Down.
-Implemented a new Combat Modifier: Balance. This modifier helps prevent you from being Knocked Backwards or Off Balance.
-Added a new Combat Modifier: Willpower. Willpower reduces the chance you will be affected by Stuns, Dazes, or Confusion.
-Widened the action mode radius for melee abilities.
-Introduced a new Combat Modifier: Courage. Having high courage helps reduce the chances you will be affected by Frightening or Discouraging attacks.
-Stun Immunity timers are now valid against NPCs, as well as players, and had their duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
-Improved the way that action mode auto-selects positional abilities so that they will fire more often in chaotic situations.
-Reduced the amount of damage done from critical hits from 200% to 150% and put an upper limit of a 250% damage bonus on crits.
-Slightly reduced NPC melee damage. This was part of a larger tweaking process to try to bring combat more towards the balance we seek from it.
-NPC difficulty rankings (Minion, Boss, etc) now have a significantly larger impact on penetration and armor ratings.
-Medics can now Revive or Resuscitate friendly players in Action Mode.
-Improved the selection mechanics of First Aid abilities in Action Mode so it will be more intelligent in choosing which heals to use on which opponents based on their current health.
-Using hostile abilities while in Action Mode with a Medical Scanner will now use medical attacks if they are available, rather than defaulting to a standard melee attack.
-Resistances now have an effect on Damage Over Time effects.
-Armor Penetration for the appropriate damage type is now applied to Damage Over Time effects.
-Increased melee range in action mode.
-Added a Courage debuff to the Reduced Courage combat effect.
-Burning effects now stack up to 5 times.
-Players now have 5 seconds instead of 4 to respond to a Countered opening.
-Some openings which previously had no visual indicators other than the buff icon will now display one.
-You can now use the Energy Overload ability when in Action Mode and using a Medical Scanner by CTRL+Right Clicking a friendly target.
-Lunging attacks are no longer auto-selected in Action Mode. They can still be used through the keys, however.
-Optimized some parts of the server side combat code.
-Players will no longer receive treasure or training point rewards from the Training Grounds engagements, only a chance at bonus buffs.
-Added Fire Extinguishers back into Camp Kjell so that the Camp Kjell is On Fire engagement can be completed again. These had been erroneously removed when the area received a prop pass.
-You can now disable HDR Lighting through the Video Options, if you so desire.
-Added new animations for ranged weapons. Melee weapons will get a similar revamp soon.
-Setlang animations have been redone including new movement and attack animations.
-Adjusted the animation tracking used with rifle and handguns, so they look and work much better.
-More visual improvements were made to Plymouth City, continuing what began in the 14.12.1 build.
-Added or improved the FX of many abilities.
-Adjusted the specular maps on some armor sets to reflect light properly based on material type.
-Added 50 new prop models (containers, tables, chairs, beds, barrels, generators, and security cameras).
-Added 99 new ability icons.
-Added 70 new item icons.
-Added two new female armor sets.
-Added new particle textures and effects.
-Updated the melee combat idle animation.
-Added information stand model.
-Added an animated ventilator model.
-Added canopy models to the center area of Plymouth City.
-Added a second female head variation which can now be selected during character creation.
-Added miniature statue of the ram creature on a glassed pedestal including rotation animation.
-Added 2 new console models.
-Updated the appearance of the terrain textures in Freedomtown. Removed large normal maps, and adjusted scaling.
-Updated the textures of the large rocks in Freedomtown with higher resolution textures and normal maps.
-Upgraded the textures of the large rocks outside of Plymouth City with higher resolution texture and normal maps.
-Updated the eye texture maps on both male and female models. The human character eyes look more realistic overall.
-Added another bundle of prop models (e.g. barricades, lights, doors).
-Housing plots for cities no longer check city membership, just if you are part of the nation.
-Added a small housing region to the Southern Chasm.
-Player housing is now supported in Wyrmn Grove.
-Moved some trees which were in the center of the housing area in Neverwood.
-Added an inquiry to Kasey Bosch a journalist in Sept Falls. You can now ask her about stories she has written.
-Added an inquiry to Major Noren in Thicket Overwatch. You can now ask him about his unit.
-Added an inquiry to Peteco Carabajal the Defense Rep in Freedomtown. You can now ask him about FPR military personnel.
-Added an inquiry to James Gonzales a journalist in Banshee's Hollow. You can now ask him about stories he has written.
Items and Fittings
-Fittings and ability enhancements now support modifying the FX of any type of ability used (optionally of course). Previously this was only supported on damage altering FX.
-Fittings and ability enhancements now support altering buffs or debuffs to not only add additional components, but to replace components entirely with something new.
-Added new Complete Body Morphing Kits to General Store and Disguise vendors. These will later become crafted items. Where the Cosmetic Styling Kits allow you to modify facial features, these kits allow you to modify body features.
-Fitting points for Implants are now determined by your Cybernetics skill.
-Shield fitting points are now properly determined by your Shield Tactics skill.
-Added fitting sockets to Sweaters, Tank Tops, and Jackets.
-A few Bartenders in large cities now carry a copy of the recipe book Moonlighting: The Quick and Dirty of Distilling Liquors with them; an enterprising thief could steal it.
-Added a new Ranged Shielding fitting which can be equipped into shields to modify the Defense Bolstered effect to make it effective at blocking ranged attacks, at the cost of removing its dodge bonus.
-New book (a song) "MuSS I Denn, by Albrecht Kepler"; will give the first reader a small, permanent bonus to Entertainment Skill.
-Increased effectiveness of Repair Kits by 300%.
-Repair kit now displays how much it is repairing/reducing condition into chat so it is less of a mystery.
-Increased the chance that Stun Modules will knock your opponent Off Balance, in addition to Stunning them.
-Refined Iron had Momentum listed as a Tertiary (4) value when it was also the primary (10) causing issues. Decrease Energy was added as a Tertiary (4) in its place.
-Changed the secondary buff timer on all Complex and Arduous Advanced Stims to match the main buff timer.
-ToxinBlock Compound is no longer created in Herbal Extraction. It is now provided in Chemical Extraction: Fish from Koine.
-Energy Booster/Energy Tank Fittings are body only, type A, and properly set to be repaired as armor fittings.
-Sulfur Trioxide is now the correct Refinement Agent for Handgun Damage Resistance. Sodium Oxide has been removed.
-Removed Arms from the list of slots that the Type A Implant Fitting can slot into
-All Decorative Metal Bars have had their crafting component types properly set.
-Added new items to NPC loot tables and increased the chance of ability cards to drop.
-Vitamin Spray has had its value reduced.
-Flour has had its value reduced.
-Fittings will now take damage at a slow rate when doing AoE damage.
-Reduced the value of paper.
-Items moved to the auction from vendors now only last 24 hours vs the 120 hours before.
-You can now wield a shield with a medical scanner.
-Maypuri Stalk is now correctly categorized as only a grain.
-The length of some Advanced Stims, such as Focus and Max Range, has been doubled.
-The fitting points for Medical Scanners are now using the First Aid skill, as intended.
-Standard Transformer Chain is now categorized as a Gain Medium.
-Reduced the value of Cannisters to 50 credits.
-Added a special buff for the Chip Scrambler liquor. Drink at your own risk.
-You can now dual wield Nightblade Swords.
-Myxococcus Xanthus is now correctly identified as an antibiotic.
-Light Tactical Harness and Light Tactical Thigh Rig are no longer soulbound.
-Fruit Juice has had its value reduced.
-Added 9 new combat oriented achievements and titles.
-The anti-bot code has been improved to be able to detect bots more often.
-/stuck and /unstick now have a 15 second delay before they unstick you. You will be unable to use abilities during that time. This is prevent players from abusing these systems to escape death.
-Idle/AFK status is now reset when you chat.
-Added minor faction gains from killing certain NPC factions.
-Modified the default starting gear so it is all Light Tactical. Previously the helmet was medium armor.
-Added some newer commands which were missing from the /help command list.
-Improved the long range marker system for NPCs so that it supports long range markers for more NPCs.
-Mission waypoints now support a Day/Night setting which allows it to disable markers to them if the NPC is not currently spawned.
-New Inquiry launched mission in Sept Falls: "Kasey Bosch's Stories". What stories has journalist Kasey Bosch written about?
-Plymouth Control: "A Friendly Chat". Having confirmed your desire to work for OWON Psychology, Jerlene sends you on your first mission to have a friendly chat with a trouble OWON citizen.
-Sept Falls: "Ask Kasey Bosch About Brewen's Past": As part of your ongoing investigation into Sgt Brewen's past, talk to Kasey Bosch about Sgt Brewen.
-Plymouth Control mission: "Peer Review". Having confirmed your desire to work for OWON Interior, Iona sends you on your first mission to talk to two scientists who can peer review some data that has been reported on the Lesoo that are observed near Control.
-Plymouth Control: "Eliminate the Experiment". Having discovered your desire to work for OWON Research, Daren sends you out into the canyon below the facility in order to track down an eliminate a lesoo that has outlived it's experimental usefulness.
-New Plymouth mission "Party Preparation"; Savannah Burke asks you to help her prepare a dinner party for the influential folks of Plymouth.
-New Freedomtown Entertainer mission "I Hope You Can Read"; Sergeant Blythe asks those with some experience of entertaining to perform a poem and deliver gifts to his beloved before he gets orders for a new assignment. The poem is in an old earth language that seems strangely familiar to some of the folk in Freedomtown.
-New Inquiry launched mission in Banshee's Hollow: "James Gonzales' Stories". What stories has journalist James Gonzales written about?
-New Inquiry launched mission: Thicket Overwatch:"Major Noren's Unit". Ask Major Noren about soldiers in his unit, including Sergeant Brewen. This is part of the Investigate Sgt Brewen's Murky Past mission series.
-Banshee's Hollow: "James Gonzales Discusses The Scourge of the Lurkers": As part of your ongoing investigation into Sgt Brewen's past, talk to James Gonzales about Sgt Brewen and the story behind "The Scourge of the Lurkers".
-New mission in Thicket Overwatch:"Ask Major Noren About Brewen's Past." This is part of the mission series that to investigate Sgt Brewen's past.
-New Inquiry launched mission: Freedomtown:"Peteco's Military Knowledge". You can ask Peteco Carabajal the FPR Defense Rep for Freedomtown what he knows about Sgt Brewen. This is part of the Investigate Sgt Brewen's Murky Past mission series.
-New mission in Freedomtown:"Ask Peteco About Brewen's Past." This is part of the mission series that to investigate Sgt Brewen's past.
-Added validation and feedback for players and mission writers to the Give Quest Action so now it checks if the mission to give is already completed and repeatable.
-The Melanko Leaf Trade now provides the special recipe book needed to produce Melanko Serum as a reward.
-Upgraded Plymouth Control mission:"Report to Daren Shin". Daren Shin explains the different career options available within the OWON Science Department.
-Have amended missions "Ask Brewen" and "Ask Azrayella about Sgt Brewen" so that they are now non-repeatable.
-Upgraded Plymouth Control mission:"Report to Carter Dayton". Carter Dayton explains the role of Security within OWON Community Protection.
-Mission "Water is Life" will now display player name on offer email.
-Upgraded Plymouth Control mission:"Report to Jerlene Cornish". Jerlene Cornish explains the role of Psychology within OWON.
-The Catch the Nacoot mission emails will no longer automatically delete on a relog if you are still in the tutorial area. Once you leave the Training Facilities they will be removed instead.
-Upgraded Plymouth Control mission "Report to Iona Amato". Iona will now talk you through the different career options within the OWON Human Resources Department.
-Improved hostile generated waypoint support in various areas.
-Updated Plymouth Control mission "Career Control" to take account of new follow up missions that have improved upon previous placeholder missions.
-Upgraded Plymouth Control mission "Report to Rory Crittenden". Rory will now talk you through the different career options within the OWON Engineering Department.
-Added mission opportunities in Whimsy Fields.
-Added new generated mission opportunities to Causeco and Rendall Gulch in Wailing Chasm.
-Added new mission opportunities in Vanth.
-Added new icons to many mission items.
-Fixed the Category on several harvesting missions.
-Some NPC bosses, and especially raid bosses will now have stun, knockdown, and daze immunity timers similar to players. This is to prevent players from stun locking boss encounters.
-NPC health scaling per level has been increased slightly to compensate with players doing more damage on average.
-Increased the health and damage of raid bosses.
-Improved the combat visuals of numerous NPC special attacks.
-NPC medics can now perform some special attacks in addition to healing.
-Increased the damage output of NPC Shockgunners.
-Beefed up the potency of some generated boss abilities.
-Setlang have a new charging attack which is a telegraph that will see them move backwards and then charge players. Players who are in the way of this charge will have a chance to be knocked off balance or backwards.
-Vultures can now sprint for longer lengths of time.
-Lurker Raid bosses now have appropriate generated boss abilities.
-Added 3 new NPC personalities: Enthusiastic, Cautious and Stubborn which will impact diplomacy checks when making inquiries.
-Added a new NPC profession: Cub Wrangler.
-Hokfig NPCs and pets have been sped up slightly.
-Reduced the chance of plants to paralyze players.
-Morgenstern Cactus will now have a chance of dropping Morgenstern Sap.
-Increased the special abilities of numerous NPCs to bring them in line with the player changes.
-Reduced the attack speed of NPC medics, and changed their offensive abilities to deal biochemical damage.
-Reduced the range and damage of Achilleas and Cacti.
-Earl Alexander (Plymouth City) is now available on both the day and night shifts.
-Kitchi, a lesoo trapper, now sets up his snares close to the Laredo fort.
-Helena Steele is now a Rogue Commisary vendor who sells Millitary Supplies.
-Shang Jian in Plymouth City is now properly flagged as a day only NPC.
-"Private Touch" located at Thicket Overwatch, tired of blunt jokes, has changed his name to "Private Lesoko".
-Helena Steele will no longer attack players of any faction.
-Updated General Store and Bartender vendors to include fruit juice and alcohol.
-Increased pet damage by 12%.
-Action Mode will now ignore friendly pets when determining line of sight.
-Pet owners will now generate aggro properly even if they do not engage.
-Personal turrets now have grades and will scale their level as a result of them.
-Lingmaa Infants can now be tamed, provided you have 275 Animal Handling skill.
-Okolat Calves can now be tamed. It requires a minimum of 750 Animal Handling skill to do so.
-Jabberbulls can now be tamed. It will require 4000 skill to do so.
-Mubark Calves can now be tamed at 5000 Animal Handling skill.
-Changed the ranged Lesoo Pets AoE ability from a variable circle to a cone of fire attack.
-Improved medical bot vaccination capabilities. Not only are they more effective, but they can be used more frequently.
-Medical Bots can now only heal players within their group.
-Veterinary Medicine should now be easier to raise through healing.
-Tamed Drakes now have a maximum durability of 5 instead of 4.
-Setlang Pets gained a new charge ability.
-Support based Vulture pets now have standard attacks, in addition to their generated abilities.
-You can no longer trade the single use Pet Crawlers obtained in the tutorial.
-Ankle Snap now scales its damage appropriate to pet level.
-Corrected an problem which was preventing several types of Genetically Engineered Drake pets from spawning.
Player vs. Player
-Made some adjustments to the initial load in code on tournaments to correct a problem where they weren't initializing on startup.
-Rogue Raiders should now always drop an insignia similar to other faction NPCs.
-You can no longer attack other players inside of Kaavo Hold.
-You will now lose reputation/faction 4x more quickly when killing OWON or FPR NPCs.
-There are now static harvesters. They can be setup to spawn in specific locations with specific resources/qualities/quantities.
-Harvesting tools will automatically be equipped if you do not have the appropriate tool selected but have one in inventory.
-Harvester Cluster System timer changed from 3 minutes to 30 seconds. This should result in a lot more harvester clusters being generated.
-Harvesters across the board have had their hopper size and extraction rate greatly increased. They now are fairly straight forward. Rapid harvesters fill in 30 minutes, Standard in 60, and Large in 2h30m. Quality increases both speed/hopper size.
-Harvester Clusters now have considerably (roughly 3x) more resources than was previously the case, and water harvester clusters were nearly doubled, as well.
-Tweaked the harvester/to player counts slightly, they were pretty high already, but were not being reached with the timer not able to generate enough.
-Harvester clusters now last 48 hours if discovered/harvested. Non used clusters now go away in 4 hours instead of 8.
-Enhancing and Enriching now only add 250ms when you fail instead of 1 second. The enhancing/enriching now stops at 2/4 seconds respectively as a result.
-Harvestable resources (whack-a-node) regions now replenish/change grade every 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.
-Harvestable resources are now return 2-7 results based on the difficulty of the region. Most nodes have been reduced to 1 extraction as well vs 3 to cut back on the time/extra execution for the same result.
-You can now receive multiple results at a time from the Fishing Minigame.
-Plymouth Pond: Added 8 of the new Static Harvesting Nodes, all for Water.
-Tweaked harvesting skill rates slightly to compensate for having less swings per resource.
When harvesting stacks of resources it will now display the amount in the text banner, as well as chat.
-Southeast of Freedomtown: added 3 of the new Static Harvesting Nodes, all for Water.
-Twin Falls: added 4 of the new Static Harvesting Nodes, all for Water.
-Lower Daxton: added 5 of the new Static Harvesting Nodes, all for Water.
-Scaed'ecoo Meat can now be substituted as either Meat or a Meat Slab.
-Jabberbull Meat can now be used as a Meat Slab or a Meat.
-Slightly decreased the frequency at which you gain SI from harvesting.
-Improved the resource quality in the Slaughter Slopes to reflect the danger of harvesting there.
-Arboleda: added 4 of the new Static Harvesting Nodes, all for Water.
-Significantly increased the chance of receiving an item from Abandoned Supplies.
-You will now receive a water scrounging quality boost at Twin Falls.
Skills and Abilities
Due to the sheer size of the updates here they are being categorized by type. Thanks to Epitaph for sorting these.
-The majority of melee special abilities can now affect multiple enemies if they are close by. There were too many of these cases to list them all individually.
-Many abilities (too many to mention individually) which previously did not scale in effectiveness will now do so.
-You now have three additional effective level differences on NPCs before hitting the diminishing returns for skill gain rates.
-The level differential penalties on defensive skills has been updated to bring it in line with offensive ones. This means you can gain defensive skills more quickly from easier mobs than was previously the case.
-Slightly increased combat skill gains across the board.
-Increased the bonuses and reduced the penalties of the Evade (Dodging) and Parry (Parrying) abilities.
-Added a Reflexes bonus to the Evade ability (Dodging).
-Increased the duration of Heightened Senses (Tracking).
-Stealth is now more effective than was previously the case.
-Sabotage Robot (Robotics) has had its damage boosted significantly.
-Increased the effectiveness of the Clear Mind ability (Hidden).
-Drastically increased the effectiveness of Gather Self (Hidden).
-Increased the defensive bonuses of Defensive Stance (Defensive Knowledge).
-Added a boost to your Reflexes when using Evasive Maneuver (Bladed Weapon Defense).
-Added a new Ability Enhancement: Ranged Bolster. This enhancement can be placed into Rapid Strikes, Break Defenses, Thrusting Pell, Trip or Staving Smash to convert them to use the Ranged Bolster buff in place of Bolster Defenses.
-Added "Skilled Entertainer" and "Master Entertainer" achievements.
-Increased the rate at which you gain defensive skills.
-Significantly increased the effectiveness of the Regain Balance ability, and added a Balance increasing buff (Acrobatics), but added a short recharge time.
-Added a physical resistance bonus to the Roll ability (Acrobatics).
-Added a damage reduction bonus to the Avoidance ability (Acrobatics).
-Increased the damage over time of the Venomous Cloud ability enhancement (Aerosol) and allowed it to stack up to five times.
-Increased the initial damage of Slow Release (Aerosol) significantly.
-Increased the duration of the Burning effect on Maximum Release (Aerosol) by 2 seconds.
-Increased the success chance and duration of the Burning component in Release and Roll (Aerosol).
-Increased the burning duration of the Wall ability (Aerosol) if players walk through the wall.
-Increased the range of Spray Cone (Aerosol), and made the Burning effect impossible to resist.
-Increased the chance that Focused Sweep (Aerosol) will knock your opponent Off Balance.
-Increased the chance that Wide Sweep (Aerosol) will Discourage targets, and also increased the duration of that effect.
-Cloud (Aerosol) will now always cause damage over time, and had its damage boosted, as well.
-Increased the duration of the vision impairment effect of Smoke Screen (Aerosol).
-Increased the chance to apply and duration of the Off Balance component of Gust (Aerosol).
-Doubled the chance to Discourage targets when using the Make It Rain ability (Aerosol).
-Heavy Gust (Aerosol) will now apply its burning DoT significantly more often, and will leave opponents Off Balance longer.
-Aerosol Burning effects now stack up to five times.
Animal Handling
-Increased the effectiveness and duration of Calm Animal (Animal Handling)
-Bloodletting (Assassination) now does substantially more damage over time.
-Assassination skills will now increase more quickly.
-Increased the chance that Flanking Assault (Automatics) will Reduce the Courage of Motivated targets.
-Slightly increased the damage of the Frenzied Fire ability (Automatics).
-Increased the duration of the Dialed In ability (Automatics), and added a Damage Dealt bonus to it.
-Increased the chance of Stopping Power (Automatics) to injure your targets legs, but reduced the duration slightly.
-Increased the chance that Aim High (Automatics) will knock your opponents Off Balance.
-Spraying Assault (Automatics) had it's DoT length when a target is knocked down increased by one tick but it's DoT damage decreased per tick to compensate.
-Increased the AoE radius of Spraying Assault (Automatics) by 25%.
-Discouraging Assault (Automatics) now has a higher chance of removing buffs from the target, and a slightly higher chance of Confusing targets which are already Discouraged.
-Increased the AoE radius of Covering Fire (Automatics) by 25%, and increased its chance to Stun and the duration of that stun by one second.
-Increased the AoE radius of Panicked Spray (Automatics).
-Increased the damage of Concealed Burst (Automatics).
-You can no longer cancel the Dug In effect of Dig in and Fire or Dig in and Spray (Automatics).
-Increased the chance that Pelt Area (Automatics) will cause Covered opponents to get up and panic, as well as its chance to dispel positive effects from them.
-Increased the chance that Spraying Fire (Automatics) will Discourage well Motivated targets.
-Increased the accuracy, damage, and AoE radius of Blind Hack
-Increased both the damage and damage over time of Slicing Blow
-Increased the Area of Effect and damage of the Cleave ability
-Increased the AoE radius and damage of Hurricane Slice
-Pummeling Slash (Axes) has a higher chance to land its debuffs, and they will last slightly longer.
-Leg Slash (Axes) has an increased chance to cause leg injuries.
-Increased the damage on Cranial Swing (Axes), as well as its chance to blind opponents who were already bleeding.
-Berserk (Axe Fighting) is now more effective at dealing damage, but also leaves you more susceptible to attacks than was previously the case.
-Reduced the endurance cost and also the damage of Thrusting Pell (Axes), while increasing its accuracy.
-Increased the damage and chance to immobilize on the Hold ability (Axes) but increased its recharge time by three seconds.
-Increased the damage, AoE radius, and chance to stun on the Axe Fighting ability: Whirling Pummel.
-Face Shot (Axes) now has a higher chance to Confuse opponents, but a longer recharge time.
-Increased the Area of Effect radius and damage of Whirling Axe (Axes).
-Twirling Trip (Axes) now has a higher chance to trip opponents, and a wider AoE radius.
-Fury (Axes) had its duration and its aggro regeneration bonus both increased slightly.
-Substantially ncreased the chance of breaking an opponents leg when using Cripple Legs (Axes).
Bladed Weapons
-Hamstring Slice (Bladed Weapons) has an increased chance of causing Leg Injuries, but the duration has been reduced slightly.
-Increased the chance that Opportunistic Attack (Bladed Weapons) will Discourage an opponent who has recently been Countered.
-Increased the damage, and the chance to Disarm your opponents when using Disarming Slash (Bladed Weapons), but increased the Momentum cost to compensate.
-Increased both the chance to land and the duration of the Daze and Stun components of Head Slash (Bladed Weapon Tactics).
-Increased the damage done by the bleeding effect of the Puncture ability (Bladed Weapons).
-Bleeding Slash (Bladed Weapons) has an increased chance to cause your opponent to bleed.
-Increased the duration and effectiveness of the Feign Stab debuff (Bladed Weapons).
-Sweeping Slice (Bladed Weapons) saw a number of improvements including a wider AoE radius, improved knockdown chances, and a significantly improved chance to break legs which have already been injured.
-Doubled the debuff duration of Springing Thrust (Bladed Weapons).
-Significantly increased the chance that Furious Onslaught (Bladed Weapons) will cause targets to bleed.
-Increased the damage over time of Kidney Puncture (Bladed Weapons).
-Slightly increased the damage of Spinning Blade (Bladed Weapons).
-Blade Flurry (Bladed Weapons) now lasts for 15 seconds and also increases your attack speed.
-Open Wound (Bladed Weapons) will now always open the wound of your opponent if they are suffering from a bleeding effect.
-The debuff effect of Lethal Thrust (Bladed Weapons) now lasts an additional two seconds, and increases your maximum range by 10%.
-Increased the damage over time of Gaping Slash (Bladed Weapons).
Blunt Weapons
-Significantly increased chance to disarm opponents and reduced the PBAoE radius of Disarming Twirl (Blunt Weapons) to a lesser extent.
-Increased the chance that Staving Smash (Blunt Weapons) knocks your opponents backwards.
-Reckless Swing (Blunt Weapons) has a higher chance to knock your opponent Off Balance, and will last longer when it does.
-Increased the chance and duration of the Off Balance effect in the Crush Legs ability (Blunt Weapons).
-Bludgeon and Stunning Blow (Blunt Weapons) each have a higher chance of stunning your opponent.
-Significantly increased the chance that Killer Instinct (Blunt Weapons) will Daze opponents if they have been stunned already.
-Increased the endurance damage done by the Sternum Shot ability (Blunt Weapons).
-Smash Generator (Blunt Weapons) will now reduce your opponents Energy Recovery rate by a larger extreme.
-Disarming Pummel (Blunt Weapons) has a significantly higher chance of disarming your opponent than was previously the case, but had its momentum cost and recharge time increased.
-Debilitating Crush (Blunt Weapons) had its chance to confuse opponents increase, along with the duration of that confusion.
-You now have a higher chance to knock your opponents senseless (and for longer) than was previously the case when using Head Blow (Blunt Weapons).
-Counter (Counter-Attack) had its duration and damage dealt buff increased slightly but its recharge time increased to compensate.
-Counter Move (Counter-Attack) had it's recharge time cut in half.
-Feign Counter (Counter-Attack) will always reduce opponents attack speed if they have just been Countered. It can be used with a ranged or melee weapon but is only effective for a short cone-based distance in front of you.
Defensive Knowledge
-Doubled the duration of Moving Target (Defensive Knowledge). Reduced its speed increase but enhanced its Dodge bonus.
-Defend Yourself (Defensive Knowledge) has a slightly longer duration and significantly boosted dodge and block boosts.
Defensive Tactics
-Increased the effectiveness of the Defensive Focus buff
-Increased the effectiveness of Instill Confidence significantly.
-Increased the effectiveness of Hold the Line (Defensive Tactics), and added both a damage reduction and stability component to it.
-Increased the effectiveness of the Hold Tight ability (Defensive Tactics), and added a stability component to it.
-The Retreat and Fall Back abilities will no longer cancel on targets if the user of the ability dies.
-Improved the resistance bonuses of the Dig In ability
-More than doubled the tracking/stealth detection buff in the Stay Alert ability
-Increased the debuff chances of Verbal Lashing (Diplomacy).
-Increased the debuff chance and duration of Verbal Assault (Diplomacy).
-Unthreatening Approach (Diplomacy) is now significantly more effective in reducing aggro range.
-Significantly increased the effectiveness of the Calm ability (Diplomacy). It now lasts longer, is effective more often, has a larger initial reduction to aggro, and has a shorter recharge time.
-Confuse (Diplomacy) is now a PBAoE.
-Increased the duration of Verbal Lashing and Verbal Assault (Diplomacy) by one second.
-Diplomatic skills will now increase more quickly.
Dirty Fighting
-Low Blow (Dirty Fighting) now drains twice the endurance, and also had its damage boosted slightly.
-Arrogant Taunt (Dirty Fighting) now has a greater chance to sap your opponents courage, but a slightly shorter duration. It is also now more effective as an AoE taunt.
-Increased the effectiveness of the Showboat debuff (Dirty Fighting), but reduced its area of effect size.
-Arrogant Taunt (Dirty Fighting) had its AoE radius and debuff effectiveness increased.
-Increased the chances of applying the debuff and the duration of the debuff of Eye Poke (Dirty Fighting), but also -increased its recIncreased both the duration and chance to apply the Dirt in the Eyes debuff (Dirty Fighting).harge time by 3 seconds.
-Dirty Fighting will now increase skillmore quickly.
-Marching Chant (Entertainment) is no longer a toggle, but now a short duration wide area PBAoE buff which does not require a rest area.
-Battle Song (Entertainment) is now a short duration, wide radius PBAoE buff which does not require a resting area.
First Aid
-Reduced the recharge time on Revive and Resuscitate abilities (First Aid) from one minute to thirty seconds.
-Slightly reduced the Energy Regeneration bonus of Energy Overload (First Aid).
-Increased the chance that Overload Powercell (First Aid) will knock your opponent Off Balance or off their feet entirely.
-Slightly increased the success rate of vaccinations (First Aid).
-Cut the activation time of Corrupted Nano Bomb (First Aid) in half.
-Inject Sedative (First Aid) will now Confuse targets without fail, but had the duration of that effect reduced to six seconds.
-Ocular Spray (First Aid) now reduces the damage dealt and defense of affected targets.
-Cut the recharge time of the Rescue ability (First Aid) in half.
-Nano-Stitch (First Aid) can now remove punctures as well as normal bleeding effects.
-Increased the regeneration rate of Bandage Wound (First Aid) by 40%.
-Extinguish Flames (First Aid) can now be used to dispel Flame Shields in addition to dispelling Burning effects.
-Reduced the AoE radius of Antibody Spray (First Aid).
-Reduced the usage time and increased the effectiveness of Nano-Vaccine (First Aid).
Set Bone In Place (First Aid) is now always effective against one broken limb.
-Slightly increased the duration of the debuff component of Crippling Shot (Handguns).
-Slightly reduced the duration of the Paralyzing effect when you use Overwhelm (Handguns) on opponents who were previously Dazed.
-Increased the duration of Trigger Finger (Handguns) but slightly reduced it's attack speed bonus.
-Slightly reduced the Immobilization period of Stopping Power (Handguns).
-Increased the chance that Double Shot (Handguns) will knock your target off balance, and the duration of that opening by 2 seconds.
-Dizzying Shot (Handguns) now has a small chance to Daze your opponent. This was originally intended but had been missing from the ability.
-Doubled the AoE radius of Scatter Shot (Handguns).
-Stinging Shot (Handguns) will now apply its debuff significantly more often on Off Balance opponents, and received a 5% damage boost.
-Increased the duration of the Shield Shot (Handguns) debuff, improved its description and removed the Momentum cost.
-Increased the amount of endurance damage done by the Body Blast ability (Handguns).
-Increased the duration of Pistoleer (Handguns).
-Significantly increased the chance that Neck Shots (Handguns) will cause Massive Bleeding.
-The debuff component of Screw Face (Intimidation) will now apply more often and reduce your opponents ability to retain momentum to a higher extreme than was previously the case.
-The Rage and Instill Rage abilities (Intimidation) will now improve your Critical Hit Chance, as well as Damage Dealt.
-Increased the chance of the Terrorize ability (Intimidation) to frighten your target.
-Trade Blows (Intimidation) had its recharge time reduced from 5 to 4 minutes.
-Frighten (Intimidation) will now strike fear in the heart of opponents more often.
-Intimidation will now increase skill more quickly.
-Shake It Off (Leadership) is significantly more effective at removing negative effects from an ally than was previously the case. It also had its recharge time reduced by 30 seconds.
-Significantly improved the Mind Over Matter (Leadership) ability. Its buff is now both more effective and longer lasting. It will also dispel any Discouraged or Loss of Confidence debuffs on your party.
-Increased the regeneration rate of the Iron Man Mentality ability (Leadership).
-The Leadership skill: We've Got This now has a 100% chance to cancel Loss of Confidence or Discouraged debuffs if they are present.
-Rallying Cry (Leadership) will now add 90 seconds to the duration every time a new stack of it is applied. This is equal to the recharge time on the ability, and allows you to keep it running at all times.
-Reduced the cooldown on Riposte (Parrying) from 5 to 3 minutes.
-Reduced the attack speed penalty of the Humiliate and Humiliate Enemies abilities (Protection).
-The Behind Me! and Everyone Behind Me! abilities (Protection) were improved by adding a Physical Resistance bonus to it.
-Protection skill will now increase more quickly.
-The Stun effect on Suppressing Fire (Rifles) can now be avoided occasionally, but its AoE radius has been increased.
-Increased the duration of Locked In (Rifles) and changed its Dodge bonus to a Damage Dealt bonus, which is more useful for rifles.
-Dramatically increased the chance that Disarming Shot (Rifles) disarms your target, and increased the damage slightly in either event, but increased its Momentum cost.
-Increased the damage over time of Flesh Wound (Rifles).
-Critical Rifle Work (Rifles) now has an Energy Penetration bonus in addition to previous enhancements.
-Increased the chance that Startling Shot (Rifles) will Startle your opponent.
-Startle Shot (Rifles) has a higher chance to debuff your opponent, and the openings it creates last longer.
-Significantly increased the chance that Panic Shot (Rifles) will Panic an opponent who was previously Startled.
-Static Discharge (Rifles) will now reduce Electro-Magnetic Resistance, in addition to previous effects.
-Increased the damage on Rifle Fire Storm (Rifles).
-In addition to now being a small cone based AoE like most melee abilities, the Butt Attack ability (Rifles) has had its knockdown chance increased. It's recharge time was increased by three seconds. Previously this effect stunned and dazed if an opponent was Off Balance, but now it only dazes but at a 75% success rate if the Off Balance opening is present.
-Take Aim (Rifles) now grants a bonus to Critical Hit Chance, as well as its normal bonuses. Its ability description was also updated.
-Significantly increased the chance of Arm Shot (Rifles) causing an Arm Injury.
-Added an Attack Speed boost to Rifle Monkey (Rifles).
-Increased the chance of Head Shots (Rifles) confusing your target.
-Decreased the chance of Knee Shot (Rifles) causing a leg injury in addition to to its normal slowing effect. The percentages were too high for a ranged weapon.
Shield Tactics
-Increased the chance to stun and debuff your target when using Shield Bash (Shield Tactics), but increased its recharge time slightly.
-Block (Shield Tactics) had its recharge time increased slightly, but its blocking effectiveness increased substantially, while its offensive penalty was reduced by 33%.
-Shield Counter (Shield Tactics) had its recharge time reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
-Raise Shield (Shield Tactics) had its recharge time reduced from 5 to 3 minutes, and its block bonus increased by 7%.
-Significantly increased the range of the cone of fire for Stunning Blast (Shockguns). Also increased the Stun duration by one second.
-Increased the damage of Double Click (Shockguns).
-Increased the duration in which you can attack the target specified in Take Them Down! (Shockguns) to restore endurance.
-Reduced the duration of the Paralyze effect in Obliterate (Shockguns) from 10 to 8 seconds.
-Debilitating Shot (Shockguns) had it's spread radius increased, and its chance to cause Leg Injuries boosted, as well.
-Increased the chance of Stun Shot (Shockguns) to knock your opponents Off Balance or Stun them.
-Increased the chance that Balance Shot (Shockguns) will knock your opponent Off Balance, and the duration of that opening.
-Increased the AoE radius of Maniacal Rampage and Maniacal Kill Spree (Shockguns)
-Significantly increased the chance that Angle Shot (Shockguns) will confuse your opponent.
-Increased the chance to Stun or Knockdown targets with Melon Shot (Shockguns).
-Increased the chance that Chest Shot (Shockguns) will knock your opponent Off Balance or stun opponents, and slightly -increased the amount of Endurance that it drains.
-Increased the chance that Shock (Shockguns) will Confuse opponents who are currently Stunned.
-Increased the range of Jolting Shock (Shockguns).
-Increased the damage of Overcharge (Shockguns).
-Added a boost to the Courage and Willpower when using the Show of Courage ability (Survival).
-Gather Self (Survival) now has a significantly higher chance of removing negative effects.
Thrown Weapons
-Increased the damage of EMP Grenades (Thrown Weapons).
-Increased the chance that Flash Grenades (Thrown Weapons) confuse targets, and increased the duration of their vision impairment by one second.
Thrown Weapon Defense
-Increased the level of protection from Fire in the Hole (Thrown Weapon Defense).
Trap Knowledge
-Sentry Alarms (Trap Knowledge) will now reduce your ability to retain Momentum, as well as Stealth chances.
Unarmed Tactics
-Increased the buff duration of Unbridled Aggression (Unarmed Tactics).
-Knockback (Unarmed Tactics) has a higher chance to knock your opponent Off Balance or backwards.
-Kick (Unarmed Tactics) had its damage and chance to knock your opponent Off Balance increased.
-Shove (Unarmed Tactics) now has a substantially higher chance of knocking your opponent backwards of Off Balance.
-Body Blow (Unarmed Tactics) now has a higher chance to debuff your opponent, and deals increased damage and endurance damage over time.
-Increased the chances of Jab (Unarmed Tactics) debuffing your opponent.
-Headbutt (Unarmed Tactics) now has an increased chance to stun or knock your opponent Off Balance, but a slightly longer recharge time.
-Trip (Unarmed Tactics) will now bolster your defense for longer than was previously the case.
-Drastically reduced the endurance cost of Comeback Rally (Unarmed Tactics) but reduced its buff effectiveness somewhat during the process.
-Increased the damage over time of Rip Open Wound (Unarmed Tactics).
-Increased the chance of the debuff components of Feign (Unarmed Tactics) to take hold.
-Increased the damage and chance to create an opening on your opponent when using Shin Shot (Unarmed Tactics).
-Increased the knockdown chance, and chance to stun Off Balance opponents of the Uppercut ability (Unarmed Tactics), but increased its recharge time to compensate.
-Leg Sweep (Unarmed Tactics) now has an increased chance of breaking legs which are already injured, but consumes a higher amount of momentum.
-Reduced the momentum loss of the Kidney Punch ability (Unarmed Tactics), but increased the effectiveness of its endurance drain.
-Roundhouse Kick (Unarmed Tactics) is now a PBAoE and has an increased damage and a higher chance of knocking your opponent Off Balance, as well as an increased duration for when it does.
-Power Shot (Unarmed Tactics) now has a 75% chance to knock an Off Balance opponent senseless.
Veterinary Medicine
-Reduced the usage time of Patch Animal (Veterinary Medicine) but increased its Recharge time. You lost no healing capability in this trade, but should now be able to perform additional activities in between the recharge time (where previously the usage time was very long and the recharge very short).
-Reduced the recharge time of Heal Animal (Veterinary Medicine) from 30 to 18 seconds.
-Cure Animal (Veterinary Medicine) is now slightly more effective at curing disease or ailments.
Trade Skills
-Batching quality maximum is now 100% instead of 95% and the minimum quality has been clamped to 80% from the previous 65%.
-Reduced batching times across the board (in particular for lots at/under 20).
-Added Automated Harvester Body Production recipe to Metalworking. This recipe crafts the body type needed for any of the four harvester types.
-Added Recipe: Pigment Extraction: Plant. Makes Green pigment from Morganstern Sap (Book Modern Style)
-Added recipe to Metalworking: Simple Composite Blade Fabrication. This recipe creates blades that are used in simple, non-weapon items.
-Added the recipe Preemptive Stim Production to Pharmaceuticals. This recipe creates several types of effect prevention stims and is found in the Advanced Pharmaceutical book.
-Added Rapid Harvester Control Circuitry and Regular Harvester Control Circuitry to Automated Unit Circuitry Programming.
-Added a new event to the crafting system for Pharmaceuticals; this has been added to advanced Pharmaceutical recipes.
-Added 3 new products to Mineral Breakdown: Refined Vanadium, Refined Ytterbium, and Refined Dysprosium. These are Rare Earth metals used in Artillery.
-Tryptamine, Rhodopsin, and Histamine now require Oxalate Buffer Solution to be produced.
-Basic and Curved Glass Production in Cosmetic Styling have been altered. These recipe now correctly require Glass Fining Agent as the agent type instead of Fluorspar specifically. Fluorspar may still be used in this agent slot as it is a Glass Fining Agent, but other agents with this type also exist.
-Anhydrous Barium Fluoride is no longer a result of Anhydrous Chemical Synthesis. This recipe has also had its skill requirement changed to 500. Some results now require better than minimum grades; failure to achieve this grade will result in a Failed Chemical.
-Cree'it Oil now comes in 5 quantities from Fungii Extraction instead of 1
-Transitional Chemical Reaction now has slightly higher requirements; its minimum skill is now 150.
-Enriched Stimulant Synthesis can now product Advanced Damage Absorption and Advanced Damage Resistance stims; these stims negate a percentage of incoming damage... at a cost.
-Injectors can now be made with any Refined Bio-alloy Bar. B grade or better results now also yield additional injectors.
-Recipes that required Refined Chromite were altered to use any Refined Metal bar. All four were all Installation recipes.
-Added the following dyes for the Primary Armor Channel: Green, Dark Goldenrod, Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Crimson, Salmon Pink, Olive Drab
-Mineral Reduction now includes a Complex difficulty. Certain products can now only be produced at higher difficulties. Failure to meet this grade requirements will now produce a Failed Chemical as the result.
-Cosmetic Styling: Added recipe for Specialized Prism Cutting (book Modern Style)
-New Recipe: Dye Tin. Use this to create a Light Tint / Dark Tint to mix with dyes to create additional colors
-Silicone now produces 10 results instead of 5 since it is one of the most used resources in the game.
-Renamed Chemical Extraction to Chemical Extraction: Logging.
-Purified and Distilled water now yield 10 units, up from 5.
-Specialty Filling Production now has slightly higher minimum requirements.
-Added 4 new Culinary Arts recipes: Chip Scrambler, Vodka, Rum, and Moonshine. These are available in a special recipe book.
-Changed Modern style book icon to match other books
-Added the following Secondary Dyes: Forest Green, Saddle Brown, Indigo, Burnt Orange, Gold, Spring Green, Dodger Blue, Dark Violet
-Renamed Power Infuser Pattern to Power Infuser Mold Pattern
-Many crafting components and several training manuals have new icons.
-Medium Nanomesh Panels may now be created in Tailoring at 600 skill; Heavy Nanomesh Panels are now 1200 minimum skill.
-Enriched Stimulant Synthesis can now produce Advanced Increased Detection stims; these stims gives an advanced increase percentage to tracking.
-Chemical Reduction and Chemical Acidification have has been significantly expanded and now includes 4 tiers of difficulty. Certain products now require greater than minimum grade or difficulty; failure to meet this requirement will result in a Failed Chemical product.
-Added recipe Harvester Production to Metalworking. It can be found in the Advanced Metalworking book. This recipe is used to create mineral, lumber, plant, and water harvesters of the standard, large, and rapid varieties.
-Artillery: Optical Cavity Production - Added Outputs for Norton-Tessarae Gradient Beam Optical Cavity, Norton-Chau Multi-Beam Optical Cavity, Targetted Beam Optical Laser
-The Culinary recipe Milk has been renamed Special Extraction: Plants and now creates both milk and sugar from Hok Weed and Sweetfinger Mushrooms respectively.
-Acid-Base Reaction has been greatly expanded and now includes 4 tiers of difficulty. Certain products in Acid-Base Reaction now require greater than minimum difficulty to create; failure to meet this requirement will result in a Failed Chemical.
-Tidied up branching of Optical fibers so that all recipes are consistent using component type of optical fiber and the respective branch where needed.
-Reduced the base value of milk to match sugar.
-Destructive Distillation: Hardwood now produces 3 Acetic Acid from Cree'it and 2 Rubber from Anjara, up from 1.
-Added Chlorophyll as a green pigment extracted from Morganstern Sap
-Added Installations recipe - Cable Construction to its recipe book.
-Processor Blade Assembly now uses Simple Composite Blade instead of Composite Blade. This recipe also no longer uses metal and instead needs 8 Mounting Brackets.
-Many chemistry recipes have had their product output normalized to either 3 or 5.
-Basic Stims have had their durations increased.
-Special Extraction: Plants now produces 10 units of milk or sugar but requires 2 plants, up from one.
-Injectors are now only craftable at Simple, Normal, and Complex and are now more difficult to craft at Complex difficulty.
-Sulfuric Acid now requires a minimum grade of B.
-Hardwood, Softwood, and Specialty Lumber recipes now require twice the number of logs but also produce twice the products.
-Processor Pump Assembly now requires the proper components: Rubber Hoses, Refined Metal Bars, Power Coils, and an Elector Actuator.
-There are now Simple/Normal/Complex/Arduous Repair kits that result from the repair kit recipes. This fixes an issue as they impact repair rates and don't stack properly.
-Improved our support for GMs to diagnose and correct issues with trade skill recipe mastery levels.
-A Lumber Blade Assembly is now craftable in the Processor Blade Assembly recipe in Metalworking.
-Acid Solvent Synthesis is more difficult. The minimum skill requirement is now 300, it has a Normal difficulty tier, and certain products require higher than base quality or difficulty to produce. Failure to meet the grade of difficulty requirements will produce a Failed Chemical result.
-All recipe books now have the same icon to avoid confusion.
-Aluminum acetate has been removed from Acid-Solvent Synthesis. This mordant was extraneous.
-Repair Recipes now require 5 repair materials instead of 10.
-Manganese Dioxide is no longer created in Mineral Reduction in Chemistry. It is still refined from Pyrolusite through the recipe Mineral Breakdown in Mining.
-Renamed Robotic Suit Software to Automated Unit Circuitry Programming. It is now slightly more difficult to achieve Normal difficulty results.
-Chemical Synthesis now produces 3 of each item (except Silicone which remains at 10). The minimum difficulty at which certain products can be made has been changed. Failure to meet this difficulty requirement will result in a Failed Chemical result.
-Decreased refinement skill gain rates.
-Added Advanced Speed stims to Enriched Stimulant Synthesis.
-Added a "failed" product for attempting (but failing) to reach Normal difficulty, A grade Refined Cerium in Mineral Breakdown.
-Reduced the bonus you received to water quality in some areas as it was set too high.
-Added failed embyro to Advanved Genetic Recombination as a catchall to allow higher grade outputs to be attempted.
-Bandage Production now requires an Antibiotic as the agent instead of Sterilization agent.
-Transitional Chemical Reduction is now more difficult. It requires a minimum of 500 skill in Chemistry.
-Refined Silver Bar is now only created through Decorative Metal Refinement using Silver Ore.
-Set defaultstacksize of Round Stone Tabletop to 1 so that it can be made.
-Transitional Chemical Acidification is now much more difficult. It requires a minimum skill of 750 in Chemistry.
-Traps are now produced in bundles of 5.
-Grenades are now produced in bundles of 4.
-The recipe Fruit gelatin in Culinary Arts now correctly requires 2 Fruit and 1 Sugar as ingredients. Pectin is now the only agent needed.
-Vitamin Spray is now made with Purified Water instead of Bonding Agent as the agent.
-Light Tactical Thigh Rig now requires a Metal Buckle as a Fastener.
-Light Tactical Harness now requires only Simple difficulty, C grade to create.
-Paper Making now requires 10 wood, rather than 1
-Silica changed from a minimum C to a minimum F product as it is needed heavily for Silicone.
-Genetic Engineering: Advanced Genetic Recombination - Fixed DNA linking issue where recipe was asking for a DNA type that could not be added
-Set defaultstacksizes and reduced values of the following: Myxococcus Xanthus, Vitamin SPray, Seasoning, Meat Tenderizer, Seasoning Mix.
-Removed unneeded Vehicle Upgrade Mold and associated recipe.
-Fixed an issue with Brachura DNA Sample. It can now be used in the Tertiary DNA component slot.
-Fixed the defaultstacksize on Omega-3 Fish oil to 1, and reduced it's value.
-Removed some random values in the crafting backend.
-Fixed the filters on the Black Armor Dye Creation, you can now make all 5 pieces.
-Removed Refined Chromite from Mineral Breakdown, the refined form is no longer necessarry
-Fixed an issue where the results had been deleted from Wooden Tabletop Fabrication. Tabletops are once again craftable.
User Interface
-Added a gamma slider to the video interface. It is clamped to .5/1.5 for now until we get some feedback on it. This requires the client to be in full screen mode in order to function.
-Added a window scale option to Interface option, it will scale many of the UI elements in the game.
-Added ability to "Compress" your main inventory, which will slide items to the top of the inventory, clearing empty spaces.
-Added ability to select multiple emails at once. Single click to select a single email. Ctrl+click to toggle the selection of an email. Shift+click to select/unselect a range of emails, from that email to the last one that was selected/unselected.
-Work Order Email will now come from the "Work Order System". They will be displayed in green (no longer white), and can be filtered along with the Auction System emails.
-Multiple emails can now be emptied and deleted at one time.
-When email has attached credits, but no other items attached, the number of credits is now shown in the lower left corner of the coin icon, for that email entry.
-Mission font Size now in the Window Options part of the Interface Options. 6 different options that will adjust the scale of the mission text.
-There is now a /waypoint share. It spits out the waypoints in a format that can be shared with others and added using the command line (or putting into the GUI).
-Added a Targeting Indicator option in the Interface Options menu. This option allows you to alter the appearance of your target indicators. The default display uses all three methods as have been used in previous versions. You can optionally use any of the indicator types on their own, or a hybrid type.
-Floating text now uses the window scale as well as the font scale.
-Chat bubbles now scale according to the saved chat scale size.
-Locking an action bar will now lock both it's movement, and the ability to drag away additional icons. This can be used by players to avoid accidentally dragging away icons as a result.
-Action Bars are now unlocked by default. You can right click to Lock them.
-Action Bars will now save user defined Lock settings.
-Vertical Ability bars now have a small section above them to make them easier to drag/click on.
-Ability bar hotkey text now is brought to the front properly so it isn't under the icon.
-Added a Region Map toggle button on the minimap.
-Camp locations are now displayed as icons on your map or minimap.
-Unset key bindings should no longer display "_U.cmdname". They will now display "Not Set" instead.
-Player can now close the Read Book window using the ESC key.
-Read book window now will fade in on open.
-Added /help loadoldsettings - it will load your old settings and save them into the new DB.
-Harvesting text banners now display the grade in the text banner. This was previously only listed in chat.
-Improved the Split Stack window so input value is selected by default. You can type in directly when window opens instead of clicking on it first.
-Training Manual tooltips now shows how many recipes you have on your character compared to the total. You can view the info card for the book to get a full breakdown.
-Altered the up and down difficulty indicators on NPC nameplates to reflect the new skill differential changes.
-The Survey and Vehicle windows should now save position properly.
-Player can now close the Chat Tab Settings window using the ESC key.
User Interface
-Character Sheet should properly save in the right spot now.
-Chat Tab Settings window now will fade in on open.
-ToggleShadows (Ctrl+P) actually toggles shadows now.
-Windows without position information now start out centered horizontally and slightly to the top of the screen.
-Fittings and Ability Enhancements now display a description in their tooltips.
-Going idle will no longer reset your chat channel to General chat.
-Disabled some commands so player can't call them while dead.
-Moved all of the local settings over to the new DB so it can easily be copied/saved if needed. This should also correct an issue where your settings could have been overwritten if patching didn't go correctly.
-You can no longer drag items to an empty slot of a received email.
-Several Improvements and fixes to Cloning Options when player dies.
-Now if player use Ctrl+G when dead then the cloning options window will popup again.
-Camps are now visible on the World/Region Map.
-There is now a local waypoint stash. This is stored locally on the client. It can contain up to 500 waypoints.
-You can now double click to add Ability Mods to an open ability window.
-Item cards and tooltips now show max stack size for an item.
-You can also now drag fitting mods to abilities on the ability bar.
-Added a Tip when you fail enhancing or enriching to let players better know when they are wasting their time.
-Added Region and Zone Coords to many areas for the region map.
-Updated Fal Sept region map background.
-Kalazar Mountains now has a proper region map (Shift+M) instead of Plymouth map.
-Updated Freedomtown Region map.
-Updated Plymouth Region map.
-Doma Highlands now has a proper region map.
-Tralus Plains now has a proper region map.
-Mount Ash now has a proper region map.
-Fixed an issue with an extra arrow showing up in the vertical ability bars.
Vehicles and Mounts
-Increased the movement speed of tamed mounts.
-Increased the damage of Mounted Attacks.
-Increased the chance that Gnaw Legs (Rocharus Mounts) will knock your opponent Off Balance or cause a Leg Injury.
-Increased vehicle Mine damage.
-Corrected an issue which was preventing the Turbo Boost and Shielding perks from granting the vehicle ability which they were intended to grant.
-Adjusted the bloom and fog settings.
-Improved much of the environment and path nodes around Plymouth City.
-Cleaned up texture seams and dirt scaling issues throughout the Freedomtown region.
-The minimaps in the tutorial areas are much easier to view now.
-Added more occluders to problem spots in Plymouth City to increase frame rates.
-Updated the appearance of the terrain textures outside of Plymouth City.
-Improved terrain textures and scaling throughout Wailing Chasm so all area borders looks seamless.
-Reduced mob density in Daxton. It is still more packed than many areas, but a little easier to navigate.
-Made numerous adjustments to the mob distribution and placement in Wyrmn Grove.
-Texture and terraforming work throughout South Timbertol.
-Minor decoration and adjustments to mob and camp distribution in the Maple Mires.
-Props placed in Banshee's Hollow for "The Holler" news.
-Props and lights added to Pontoc Medlab.
-You will receive a small permanent boost to your fishing skills if you visit the Kazarma Bridge in Laredo.
-Added an exploration point to the Kazarma Bridge in Laredo; it will now appear in the map.
-Laredo Waystation: Added titles to the majority of buildings; they should now show up on the map.
-Removed a large boulder that was blocking a road in Fal Midlands.
-Minor terraforming work in Malfrow.
-Props and lights added to The Sevens.
-Made some alterations to the road outside of Freedomtown's south gate.
Bug Fixes
-The ignore list should now work properly across areas.
-Fixed an issue with dynamic missions and the different maps causing massive framerate loss and causing animations to hitch.
-You can no longer equip a weapon or piece of armor that you do not have enough skill for.
-Assassin and Peacekeeper armor sets will now display properly on female models.
-You can no longer equip fittings intended for a specific type of item into the wrong items.
-Corrected a problem with footstep sounds not always resetting back to the default if they were underground.
-Fixed an issue which could cause your weapon to not render when you first logged in.
-The max characters per server warning now properly states that you can only have four characters per server, rather than four per account.
-Fixed a bug wich was causing Action Mode Ability Bar not displaying after relog.
-Stitched a large terrain seam in Treachery Wastes.
-Waypoints should now turn off if the NPC is not up at that time of day.
-Fixed a problem which was causing NPCs to disengage before they should have in group encounters.
-Fixed a bug that was causing Abandoned Supplies to not be extractable.
-Equipping weapons via double clicking in inventory should work correctly now, following the rules regarding dual wielding and 2H weapons.
-Corrected a typo in the Discouraging Asssault ability description.
-Minor terrain work at the entrance to Fort Laredo to ground a platform that was a few inches above the ground.
-Fixed a bug which was making the Draw Attention ability (Protection) far more effective than intended.
-Fixed several areas in the Freedomtown region where you could swim under the world.
-Moved some of the paths in Pontoc so they are closer to the city and not underground or in buildings.
-Embervault is no longer listed as an Unnamed Area on the minimap.
-Stitched terrain seams on the borders of the Mogami Trail.
-Fixed an issue with dead NPCs and the assist code.
-Fixed a bug related to tamed pets permanently dying and not cleaning up entirely.
-Corrected an issue which was causing pets to have difficulty rankings that were erroneous. For example, no pets are Minibosses, but due to this bug they were appearing to be so.
-Fixed some issues with female skeletal morphs.
-Fixed an issue in some situations where you will hit a loading screen crossing a seam and it would not come out of the loading screen (this does not fix all of these issues, just a specific one).
-The /newbie command is now working properly for players.
-Updated Plymouth mission "Rents Due" to fix typos, eliminate mention of DNA and have consistent rewards.
-Fixed terrain seams throughout Timbertol.
-Pontoc MedLab is accessible again.
-Added a new /help fixtutbug command. If you find that none of your skills will raise above 16 skill, then this will fix your problem.
-Fixed an issue that was offering incomplete quest "The Assassin Diaries" to players.
-Stitched terrain seams in in parts of South Timbertol.
-Fixed several crafting component icons which were displaying the default icon.
-Environment sounds will now properly close when you log out of a character.
-Fixed Enviroment type, Display Description and Display Name of Infernal Wastes area.
-Repaired terrain seams in Western Fal Sept.
-Fixed a typo in the Enraged ending message.
-The Yeoman in Plymouth City have kicked their habit of standing on top of computer consoles.
-Fixed a bug which could allow you to miss out on 500 an 6000 skill point achievements if you had used skill imprinting to go over the value.
-Fixed OWON Arrival Waypoint at Timbertol Trail.
-Fixed an issue which was preventing players from looting or extracting in action mode.
-Fixed an issue with mail items being improperly being removed from the client in some instances when an item was added from the server (for example when Scrounging).
-Fixed a rare ability lookup bug.
-Fixed some backface issues on rocks and grounded a couple floating trees outside of Plymouth City.
-Dragging an item icon back to your inventory, from the single container slot on the Work Order Fulfill, Auction Post, and Player Shop windows, will no longer leave an image of the item in the single container.
-Stitched terrain seams in the Dead Expanse.
-Repaired a problem which was preventing Damage Dealt fittings from applying the proper amount of damage.
-Repaired an issue which was causing toggled effects to not toggle back on after being interrupted.
-Fixed a bug that was preventing ability bars from closing correctly when all were open.
-Corpsman and medical bot area heals are no longer referenced as Area Heal Test.
-Fixed a Mute related issue.
-Toggled ability will no longer try to continue refreshing when you are in a vehicle or dead.
-Heavy Enclosed Masks can now be traded.
-Fixed an issue that was preventing the use of CTRL+X to sit.
-Fixed several paths at Plymouth-Hole Trail that had buried and flying waypoints.
-Stitched terrain seams near Oasis Watch.
-Fixed some invisible models at Sept Falls.
-Hotkeys 41-48 (the hotkeys for keys 6 to = on the fourth action bar) are now working properly from the key bindings.
-The Eye Color drop down for females and the old man variation to males is now displayed as Eye Color rather than Eyes_Mouth.
-Fixed an issue that was causing auction house lists to sort incorrectly.
-Fixed a grammatical issue in the "Free the Nacoot!" mission.
-Removed some badly flagged replicated fields on the vehicle npc data.
-Dead NPCs shall tell no more tales.
-When using an ability on your action bar to equip a weapon or piece of armor, your inventory should no longer appear to still have the item.
-Fixed a minor animation glitch in the getting up from looting animation.
-Corporal Bonstein now has the title: Military Supplies.
-The OWON arrival point in Howling Hills is no longer underground.
-Fixed an issue with the Hacker Needed hacking mission.
-Fixed farm path at The Shacks so Danny don't walk over the fence.
-Fixed an issue which could cause blunt to not swing if you did not connect with a target in action mode.
-Fixed a branching error in the Solid State Gain Medium recipe.
-Baby Rhinocs will no longer attack their parents in the wild.
-Fixed an issue where a vehicle with no sockets was not getting the basic speed/movement information.
-You will now get a client side denial message if you attempt to drag a 2h weapon into a slot when you have a secondary weapon already equipped. It was stopping it on the server, but the icon was being moved on the client causing issues.
-Southern Aza: Adjusted Broken Aquaios spawn
-Corrected some typos for NPC professions/personalities description.
-Fixed an issue in entertainer FX which was causing the emitters to last for much longer than they should have which could have caused minor performance hits.
-Corrected an issue where players who died while sprinting would remain in sprint mode.
-Fixed an issue where harvester info could roll over an unsigned value on the client making it display a rather large number.
-Stitched terrain seams in Rendall Gulch and the Faolan Hollows.
-Fixed an issue that was sending false message of "You are not in a nation" when using /nchat cmd.
-Fixed several paths at Obstinada that had buried and flying waypoints.
-Fixed an issue where if you moved a weapon from your primary slot to your secondary it wouldn't update the client properly causing all sorts of issues until you relogged.
-Fixed a terrain tear in Aumi Valley.
-Moved some harvestable nodes in Tecooy Run so they would not spawn underneath trees.
-Fixed typo in the Dolep Island Exploration Achievement.
-Fixed an issue that was alowing player to stay on AFK mode even doing some actions/movements.
Changed it so you cannot sprint while mounted.
-Fixed some mangled pathing in one of the engagements in Camp Kjell.
-The safe points for FPR and OWON characters in Eastfal Valley are no longer a couple meters above ground.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing Damage Reduction bonuses from being applied properly.
-Can now drag an item from mail and add to a valid stack in your inventory.
-Repaired an error which could occur if one of the players in an AoE heal died simultaneously when the ability is used and could have prevented other players from being healed.
-Solved an issue that was preventing sprint mode to stop consuming endurance when player stopped moving at all.
-Corrected a problem which could have caused you to gain skill in the wrong pet skill under certain circumstances.
-Fixed an issue with the OWON safe point in Northern Trails. It was previously underground.
-NPCs will no longer pop from 1 spot to other when they are loaded into awareness on the client.
-Plymouth Pond: Rescued Placebo plants and Vultures from below ground.
-Genetically Engineered Leeching Blood Drakes now have a grade so they can be created properly.
-Fixed a bug which was preventing the use of basic flamethrower attack on Action Mode.
-Fanshaw Hollow: Adjusted Aquaios resource spawn to avoid getting stuck in rocks and trees
-You can now drag an item from your mail, and back into the original mail slot, or any of the empty sibling slots, without receiving any warning messages.
-Fixed a bug in the Threat Detection code which could have resulted in improper results when trying to detect if a character on a vehicle was stealthed.
-Solved an issue that was preventing players from testing the "evil" voice on character creation, and which was preventing some of this voice's audio from playing in game.
-Fixed Several Paths and Harvestable Regions at Lower Fal Canyon.
-Corrected an issue with environmental sounds playing sounds from the wrong time of day after a teleport or fresh login.
-Footstep sounds will now clear out of memory more quickly.
-Fixed grammatical errors in several harvesting achievements which were copied from the same template.
-Messages from successful creation of work orders and work order fulfillments are now displayed in the "Info" chat channel, instead of "General".
-Fixed a transparency issue on nameplates.
-The arrival point in Western Fal Sept is now in a better location.
-Fixed an issue with containers and Fittings.
-"Roaming NPCs" will properly plant themselves if their AI state is dropped as it was causing some issues when the state was picked back up. They also no longer try to run back to their starting spawn point.
-Fixed a bug which was reversing the benefit of Increased or Reduced aggro. In essence Increased -Aggro buffs or fittings were causing you to generate less aggro, and vice versa.
-Fixed a terrain issue where players where able to jump off the map on Training Grounds outdoors.
-Fixed an issue with equipping/unequipping items into containers.
-Fixed some distance calculations on both the client/server with combat as well as an issue in Action mode.
-Fal Midlands: Moved resource so that is does not appear in a rock
-When typing in an item, component, or filter name in the Work Order search window, the associated drop-down will now scroll to the closest matching item.
-Fixed a terrain tear in Elkar Woods.
-Corrected an issue which was preventing you to see a swinging animation when using Lethal Thrust (Bladed Weapons).
-The Lunging Thrust description no longer refers to it using Momentum, since that has been changed.
-Northern Trails: Moved a Water resource spawn location to stop it spawning in a rock
-Removing a fitting to a container was not working properly, that has been fixed.
-Stitched terrain seams in the hills outside Freedomtown.
-Added a validation so player can't do /suicide while dead.
-Fixed a bug in the Dazed immunity timers which was preventing them from working properly.
-You can no longer delete mail from the Read Mail window, if the mail still has attachments.
-Fixed an issue which was preventing Scaed'ecoo meat from working properly in recipes due to missing a grade.
-Scrollbars should display correctly after updating work order lists.
-Fixed a bug related to gaining Training Points at certain Recipe Mastery Levels repeatedly.
-Fixed several path nodes in Scar's Wall, most of which were harvest nodes.
-Fixed an issue which was causing the sound on some medical abilities to cut off before it had fully played.
-Fixed an issue that was preventing Devils Brew Bar Resting Buff at Sept Falls to recycle.
-You can no longer purchase faction Teleports with Training Points.
-Setlangs at Fal Midlands have grown more hostile.
-Fixed an issue with the Effect Mechanism recipe; it was lacking agents and therefore could not be processed.
-Put in proper checking for placing down nation housing plots. Was just letting anyone place them down before. You have to be a mayor or have mayor rights now to do so.
-Fixed a terrain hole to prevent players to get stuck in it at Fletcher Trail.
-Fixed a bug in Disarming Shot (Rifles) where the activation time was set to a huge number, so the ability would bug you out and require a relog.
-The Desolate Veldt is no longer listed as an Unnamed Area on the minimap.
-Clamped any possible negative or 0 repair values from repair kits.
-Fixed an issue with some old code that was causing ability data to download that was not needed. -This should improve login to zone speeds and reduce memory usage a bit. It was also causing some FPS related issues in very certain circumstances.
-Fixed an issue where the main bar was not displaying the correct key binded to the command.
-Fixed some pathing issues in the Fal Midlands.
-Acid Damage should now have biochemical penetration and resistance values applied.
-Fixed an issue where players could go under the world at Lurker Lake.
-Corrected an issue which produced a client side visual mismatch when you tried to unequip an item from the Character Sheet when your inventory was full.
-Fixed the lock/unlock togging on/off every time you would reset the interface.
-Fixed an error which could cause fitting slots to not appear correctly on some items.
-Grounded floating trees in Ingall's Pass.
-You can no longer lay down a control center if you are part of a Base Nation (OWON/FPR).
-Disarming Shot (Rifles) will now properly disarm targets. It was giving the effect before but not actually disarming.
-Time and weather effects are now functioning properly in the Desolate Veldt and Shattered Heights.
-Fixed an issue with the Ability Queue option.
-The Jaw Snap NPC ability will no longer completely ignore armor.
-Closed two loopholes to avoid the anti-bot detection schemes.
-Crafting, Bank, and Skill imprinting stations are now active in Ranger Station 56.
-Fixed a bug in the FPR Bounty Collections. If you turned in Rogue Insignias it was trying to take OWON insignias out of your inventory instead.
-Stitched terrain seams in Eastern Fork and Rizzo Ridge.
-Corrected a bug which was not disabling sprint mode after death.
-Corrected a problem which was preventing medical scanners from consuming energy to heal.
-Fixed a bug where in some cases NPC titles were displayed on pets.
-Leverstow: Iron and Maeglium Regions reshaped to avoid hills and appearing under rocks.
-Laredo: pruned an Achillea from the bridge over the pond.
-Being Disarmed will now properly reset on death if the effect hadn't yet expired. Previously players had to wait for it to expire. This was for a short time but was erroneous.
-Fixed a path waypoint to prevent NPC to get jammed with Manned Cannon at Thicket Overwatch.
-Moved the safe point in Treachery Wastes so that is was above ground.
-Fixed issue with Work Order fulfillment, where you couldn't fulfill a work order with a single grade range (e.g. A9)
-Fixed the map coordinates for Embervault and Decayed Fields in Mt Ash.
Backer Perk NPCs (NPC perks from Kickstarter)
-Steven Davis; a lesoo metallurgist who loves nothing better than to talk. He was adopted as a baby and brought up by the Farthing family.
-Chelse Mendure tough minded cook; she runs her family, her family runs the "Sam's Plate" and you could say the "Sam's Plate" keeps Laredo running.
-Crow Jones; one of the Mendures. Good fellow, great trapper, but stubborn as a Blind Maw.
-The quiet member of the Laredo Waystation based Farthing family, Chase Dickson teaches vehicle engineering to new mnemosynes whilst running the Vehicle Workshop.
-Laredo Waystation based adventurous doctor Miranda Lochner teaches medicine to new mnemosynes, delivers medical care and maintains the cloning equipment as well as being a member of the Farthing family.
-Idealistic botanist Crystal Byrne teaches botany to new mnemosynes and is part of the Farthing family at Laredo Waystation.
-Private Aaron Meadows is part of the locally based Farthing family and known for his sense of humor. He is also a member of the garrison defending Laredo Waystation.
-Private Dotty McDuff is a soldier with a love of equipment and gadgets. She follows orders but you can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do.
-Funny Fisherman Barney Jumboprawn has arrived to Laredo to try his craft in the local ponds. Barney's a fisherman from Koleyna, of all places; you'd think he can only fish a Helltyr, but he actually knows how water works.
-When night falls over Laredo, sniper Hans Richter is entrusted with guard duty from the watchtower. It's said around the station that Hans' one of those clones that were baked with twice the dose of "Can Do" and enthusiasm.
-Tough Master Sergeant Nebbs from OWON Military Command now commands the troops in Laredo Waystation, northeast Timbertol. Chelse Mendure may disagree who runs things in Laredo, but only when the Sergeant is not around to hear.
-Curious Scientist and Misti Mooren is now stationed in Laredo Waystation, northeast Timbertol. She's a student botanist from Plymouth Control; she's specializing in Fragarias Achilleas.
-Rylie Zedd; She's the general store clerk and a member of the Mendures family. How she gets such a diverse range of unusual stock tho is another question, very shady.
-Billy Dixon; He is an automotive engineer. He's very helpful and loves getting people's vehicles back on the road.
-Captain Thompson; He's a local fisherman, very good one too. Tells everyone he's captain of a boat that sunk in one of our lakes, no one has found it yet tho.
-Private Anna Scarvin; She's a soldier who loves a fight. If there is any action she is always the first one there.
-Private Guri Mystique; Ah, she is a soldier here, however she seems more interested in flirting with the passing travelers than defending the locals. She is about during the day.
-Private Isrek Oki; He can be found keeping watch outside the walls at the fishing bridge during the night.
-Pedro De La Torre; he is a hardworking auto mechanic. Ex military I believe. He can be found in Banshee's Hollow.
-Shannon Love; she left the military to be a cook in the local canteen, she is very generous, you always get your credits worth there. She can be found in Banshee's Hollow.
-Shawn Ivey; he is a true bohemian, during his moments of clarity he is very insightful, shame those moments are few and far between. He can be found in Banshee's Hollow.
-Kasey Bosch; she's a Journalist with a reputation for writing the truth, pretty unusual in their career path. Helpful too apparently.
-James Gonzales; he's the new reporter at the Banshee's Hollow newspaper known as The Holler. He's curious, friendly and charming, not to mention enthusiastic, a little inexperienced though.
#231 Es una alpha "real", por decirlo así. Lo que es el juego en sí, es bastante complejo y apunta bastante alto en cuanto a posibilidades, eso sí, le faltan bastantes meses de desarrollo.
Hay gente que lo está disfrutando mucho ya, pero para la mayoría yo recomendaría esperar mínimo a la primera fase beta. Si el tema técnico te importa mucho, entonces esperaría a que los de HeroEngine actualicen de una vez a la versión 3 y los devs empiecen a implementar las mejoras en el juego.
En la comunidad a la que pertenezco hemos hecho un Q&A con los desarrolladores del juego, dejo aqui el enlace por si alguien le interesa...
Para los que queráis diafrutar de este juego, de ha creado una comunidad en español dedicada al juego, el equipo de administración esta traduciendo la wiki existente al completo y en breve habrá todos los datos disponibles!!
En breve tendrán TS, se esta organizando a la vista de la salienda de la beta!
Os invito a que oa vayais pasando para tener un sitio donde reunirse los de habla hispana!
Os esperamos a todos!
Un saludo a todos!!