VSH: Carta del productor


Thom Terrazas es el nuevo productor de Vanguard tras el paso de Hasium durante estos meses. Y tras este cambio de lider vienen algunos cambios de dirección del juego, faltaba definir la visión de Vanguard y cuales iban a ser los objetivos ahora.

En esta carta del productor Thom nos habla de futuros cambios centrándose en:
Optimizaciones, estabilidad, mejoras y nuevas opciones de customización de los personajes, facilidades para viajar por el mundo de Telon, loots mejorados, más importancia de la táctica (como los stuns) y cambios en las penalizaciones de muerte.

Otras cosas que vendrán pero son citadas de paso son:
Mejoras en los mapas con la inclusión de mapas de ciudad y de mazmorras, más importancia de las facciones, eliminación de los bancos regionales, formas alternativas de mejoras del personaje (AAs) y formas especiales de dinero para ciertos objetos.

Como veis muchas cosas siguen como estaban pero en otras han decidido dar mayor prioridad a la diversión y facilidades de cara al jugador nuevo. Podéis ver la carta completa en el siguiente enlace:



MMM Aqui es donde empiezan las cosas a darme algo de miedo... mejoras en la forma de viajar por Telon... cambios en la penalizacion al morir...


se esta tratando de mejorar , el juego, y entonces estan pidiendo la opinion de las cosa que estan haciendo, y que cosas mejorarias del juego

peor bueno, todo puede ir a pero tb, pero a mejor tb

lo mismo se dijo cuando sony compro sigil


Contestación del productor a muchos posts realizados por usuarios referentes a los cambios k habrán:

Don't make the game easier. Don't dumb down the game.... These are the statements that I see the most throughout the thread and I want to make sure that you understand that our intention is not to make the game easy nor dumb it down. Our intention is to fix the fundamental problems with the game and make this game enjoyable in every aspect. We want to have a game that is engaging and deep through many layers. We want Vanguard to be rich with content and storyline and all of these goals cannot be reached unless we examine all game mechanics and move forward to make positive changes. It will not be easy and it will take some time to do it right but if we keep you informed and get your feedback before changes are made, I think we can come up with some awesome resolutions.

Sorry for the delay in responding to you, for lack of a better excuse, we've been busy with the move to the new location in San Diego. So here are a few notes on your comments and I'll be back with more... Thank you for your patience.

Making the experience faster

* Let me step back a bit on this topic and explain a little more - At certain levels of the game, there are some ridiculous peaks of experience you need to gain to get to the next level and some of these peaks we can point a finger at and say this is where people are giving up on the game. We're going to smooth out those peaks and make it more consistent. Over all levels, it is probably to vague to say that we are going to change the experience curve but it is not too ambitious to say we're going to examine the levels that seem so endless that make you feel like you hit a brick wall.
* We've added Rested Experience and Brotherhood and these have already helped with faster experience gains. As you have stated, we probably do not need to make a grand change in this area but some future tweaks may affect the rate of experience. For example, balancing out our DPS between classes - A DPS balance pass as well as a Class Diversity pass will definitely change combat and experience gains; Combat Tactics, making stuns and resists work properly will also change combat and accelerate experience; Reactions always staying useable instead of "graying out" when using another ability or attack will accelerate experience; Balancing the Player power curve versus the NPC power curve; Examining and tuning down "fight" times versus mobs - some fights are just too long and leave the player feeling powerless and lacking achievement; etc.... All of these things, which are just a few of the areas we will be going through that may make the experience curve faster. However we're not going to be doing them in a blink of any eye and some of them may not have that big of an impact on the experience curve as you may think. There will be plenty of testing and we will want you to try them out and let us know if we're giving it a proper balance or not. Let's face it, you are our experts in the field and we know that. We value your feedback to make things right.

Death penalties

* On the death penalty, we had notions of changing this to armor repair costs with some other modification to be ironed out rather than penalizing you with experience loss. From the amount of people posting on this subject, most of you do not want to see a change in this area. Most of you have no problem getting your experience back in just a couple kills after reaching your corpse or after getting resurrected. For those that aren't always in a group and/or have access to get resurrected, your experience is gone and it takes a while to get it back - Maybe it seems like too much punishment just for the casual gamer or the hard core gamer that only has a few minutes to play that night but for any gamer coming in and getting the feeling of going backwards in the achievement department doesn't send a good message. We'll discuss this more with you before we move forward in any direction though. The frame-work has not been finished nor has the concrete been poured on this subject.

Regional banks

* Does that mean will have 1 bank that is triple in size? - More than likely yes. We're not exactly ready to pull the trigger but we're discussing how to make this change a smooth transition.

Helmets / Player Character Optimizations

* I agree. We need to get these to show properly. One of the tasks that will help to accelerate this is the Player Character Optimization work. The more progress made in this category may limit the customization that you can have on your character (changing the incline and decline of cheekbones, etc...) but the end result is that you can get into a dungeon and/or raid and you will get your 70+ frames per second. We're looking heavily on this subject to make sure that we give you more than we remove.

Loot Drops

* There is nothing better than coming out of a play session and bragging to your guild mates that you got "THE" item in the zone you have been hoping for. This is an item centric game and there needs to be more rare drops - more variety - more unique items. You have brought up a very good point on this subject.

Crafting and Diplomacy

* One of our top subjects is examining crafted items versus adventuring items. I've read some comments that we are not going to make crafted items important and that is not correct. People put in too much time and energy into crafting and diplomacy for us not to make them viable skills in Vanguard. We will examine crafting and diplomacy and resolve their importance. While mentioning diplomacy briefly - we do not have a well detailed plan on upcoming changes at this moment. I actually like the system but it is lacking the reward to keep me going and I've heard the same from many of you. Diplomacy is hugely unique to Vanguard and we know we have a system we can improve upon. We've been collecting the dozens if not hundreds of suggestions from the player base as well as going through the numerous design changes/improvements we have internally to chart its next steps of progression. This will take some time but we have no plans to scrap it as some of you have asked. 

I will continue to read through your comments and attempt to clear up any confusion on omitted information from the producer's letter.

Thank you for your time and dedication.

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