VSH: Evento en Florendyl: The Races


Como muchos sabreis Florendyl es el servidor Roleplay de Vanguard, para los k lo hayais probado o kereis buscar algo diferente el sabado 3 de Febrero habra un evento roleplay y los registros empezaran a las 9 de la noche hora española.

El evento se realizara en Dark Horse Downs, un outpost muy cercano a Lomshir, la ciudad inicial de los barbaros Varanthari en Qalia con lo k si kereis asistir facilmente crear un personaje barbaro de Qalia es lo mas sencillo.

El evento consistira en carreras de varios tipos y con diferentes premios.

Carreras a pie, alrededor de la carretera:
Tipos de carreras:

  • sin buffs, sin improved sprint
  • sin buffs, con improved sprint
  • Psionicists
  • Shamans
  • Bard

Los premios son:

carreras a pie
Premios de clases sin buffs:
1er premio Rank-1 horse

Premio clases con Buff:
1 premio: 12 silver

Tipos de carreras de caballo a través del continente:

  • carrera de Rank-0 (Diplomados y Varanthari)
  • carrera de Rank-1

tipos de carreras de caballo, siguiendo la carretera:

  • Carrera de Rank-0 (Diplomats & Varanthari)
  • Carrera de Rank-1

Premios de las carreras de caballos:

1 premio: 12 silver

Dependiendo de la participación puede k se varien o añadan los premios.

A continuacion tenéis los datos del evento en ingles:

A new notice on parchment has been posted on the market boards in many villages

"You are invited to attend a celebration at Dark Horse Downs of open market and races.

Crafters and those fleet of foot or steed may pay a fee of 2 silver to be featured on the lists for Dark Horse this day under the sponsorhip of the Djeseru family.

May any inquisitive Gnomes of unproven mettle be warned: the track authorities do not look with favor upon your kind without appropriate reputation being secured in advance."


This is an in-character event. If you would like to attend but your character wouldn't, feel free to create a Varanthari and walk over from Lomshir ahead of time. I suggest Varanthari because they are the simplest to make and get there as a new character & would be very likely to attend without having to come up with a reason for being there.

Possible complications to consider:

  • it might be difficult to get off of Thestra if you are below level 30 and can't get to New Targonor, so making a Varanthari might be easier for you
  • Gnomes are KOS in Lomshir & at Dark Horse, so raise your faction beforehand, or you can make a Varanthari
  • it is "fairly" simple to get to Dark Horse Downs from Khal (as in I recommend being at least level 10 but it's doable if you're careful below that) ... if you can get to Ca'ial Brael, there is a ferry to Khal

If you have any questions or get lost, please join the VRP chat channel in game to seek help.

Registration opens at 3pm Eastern. Bazaar participants and racers pay 2 silver to enter. Races begin at 4pm Eastern.

Bazaar on the Infield: Taking registration of crafters for a list to be published afterward. A drawing will be held at the end.

Foot races, around the track:

  • no buffs, no improved sprint
  • no buffs, improved sprint
  • Psionicists
  • Shamans
  • Bard

Foot race prizes:
No buff sprints:
1st prize: Rank-1 horse

Buff-class prizes:
1st prize: 12 silver

Horse races, cross country:

  • Rank-0 race (Diplomats & Varanthari)
  • Rank-1 race

Horse races, around the track:

  • Rank-0 race (Diplomats & Varanthari)
  • Rank-1 race

Horse race prizes:
1st place: 12 silver

Depending on the level of participation, additional prizes may be added for places other than 1st.
In the event of a canceled race, registration fees will be refunded.

Time zone translation:
Registration at 3pm Eastern US =

  • 10am Hawaii
  • Noon Pacific
  • 1pm Mountain US
  • 2pm Central US
  • 8pm GMT
  • 7am Sunday Sydney, Australia
  • 9am Sunday NZ

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