VSH: Game Update 4 Preview


Parece que si se van a cumplir los tiempos estimados y podremos tener el Game Update 4 a finales de mes. Para el día 16 de Febrero esperan tener ya un build para testear, el parche incluye las novedades que se esperaban más algunos otros sorprendes cambios como el de los Respec.
Los cambios más importantes son los siguientes:

  1. Quest de monturas Voladoras: Habrán 2 disponibles Wyvern ( en APW) y Grifo (en Southwatch)
  2. Revamp de Rift: Podéis ver más detalles en http://www.vanguard-hispano.com/index.php?categoryid=1&p2_articleid=544
  3. Cascos y optimizaciones de personajes: Podéis ver más detalles en http://www.vanguard-hispano.com/index.php?categoryid=1&p2_articleid=543
  4. Nuevos mobs de raid: Frengrot en Thelassen
  5. Cambios en clases: Paladin, Dread Knight, Druida, Necromancer y Shamans.
  6. Recompensas para veteranos: Varias recompensas que se podrá obtener via el comando /claim.
  7. Revamp del Sistema de cambio de puntos: Ahora se pagará para hacer respecs.

Podéis ver el anuncio oficial y con todo lujo de detalles:

We are hoping to get an update 4 build to test tomorrow. While this update has many fixes in it here are some of the larger additions and changes.

Vanguard Update 4

  1. Flying Mounts
  2. Riftway Revamp
  3. Character Optimizations / Helmets
  4. Overland Raid
  5. Class Updates
  6. Veteran Rewards
  7. Refund Point Revamp
  8. Misc.
  1. Flying Mounts

With Update 4 we have added the first two permanent flying mounts into Vanguard. Griffons and wyverns are now available for players to attain. Head to Southwatch to begin the griffon quest and to Ancient Port Warehouse for the wyvern.

  1. Riftway Revamp

Also featured in Update 4 is a revamp to the riftway system. At level 10, once arriving at the first outpost after the newbie experience, the player will encounter the first riftway stone. These riftways are placed within all similarly leveled outposts, and are available immediately as options for travel. In addition, there will be a quest-giver at each riftway with ‘region introduction quests', giving an overview of what content is to be found in each region as well as a delivery quest to visit a main quest giver in that region located near the riftway.


Riftway locations are represented on the map. When moused over they will show an outpost name, region name, and level range. If the riftway is available to the player it will show up in color, and if not then it will be grey. When an available riftway location is clicked and the player has the requisite number of riftway shards, the shards are consumed and the player is teleported to that location.


Riftways will be tiered and color coded by level range and each tier will take a different amount of coin to travel. This will ensure that lower level players should always be able to afford to get to where they need to go while at the same time not trivializing the cost for higher level players.

  1. Character Optimizations / Helmets

These two updates go hand in hand, because one allows us to do the other. First, we have done a lot of optimizations to player characters. By eliminating some of the extra bones that only affected minor, barely visible things in places such as the face we were able to add visible helmets - which would have otherwise been interfered with by those extra bones. The end result is slightly less customization in the facial area (but nothing drastic), better performance for the character models and brand new visible helmets.

  1. Overland Raid

Many years after being driven into hiding by his murderous brothers, Fengrot Foulbreath has emerged from his slumber beneath the stagnant waters of Thelaseen. Although diminutive compared to his brothers, Fengrot makes up for this by being twice as cruel and ill-tempered as any of the other Sons of Torsheim. Having made a pact with Krigus, spirit of disease and decay, Fengrot hopes to use the spirit's power to destroy his most hated enemy - his brother, Torkald Who Mourns.

Fengrot is an overland raid target appropriate for 18 well equipped, high level players.

  1. Class Updates

With GU4 the Druid, Necromancer, and Dread Knight class adjustments go live. The Shaman Patron quest change also goes live. Here are the details for each area and information on what we would like to test.


The druid's dps has been increased and the class focus has shifted toward using Phenomena much more often than previously. We want the class to function by using Phenomena roughly 30-40% of their casts. We accommodated this by lowering phenomena costs over all and by reducing the level and refresh time of Hierophant's Boon.

The main goal of testing the druid is to find if the new dps is satisfactory and if players feel that the use of Phenomena is acceptable and reaches our goal. Also players should be looking to see if there are any bugs or if there is anything that is on test that does not match the patch notes. Feedback regarding these changes should be given to the Druid class lead or posted on the forums.


The main focus of the necromancer adjustments was to fix bugs, focus the abilities and to make the selection between Wraith and Lich meaningful. We accomplished this by fixing bugs (obviously) and adding two new abilities to the class. Each choice has been given a unique ability. This unique ability grants bonuses to the strength of that form. For example the Wraith ability, Ghastly Revenge, makes all direct damage spells the necro has stronger when used.

The main goal for testing these changes is to make sure that the bug fixes worked properly, there are no new bugs and that the buffs granted by the new abilities are substantial enough to make the choice interesting. Feedback on these changes should be given to the Necromancer class lead or posted on the forums.

Dread Knight

Along with warrior and paladin changes, the dread knight was given a weapon preference. Dread Knights have had several adjustments to allow them to tank while wielding a 2 handed weapon. This will grant them higher dps and increased threat generation while tanking. Bug fixes and ability focusing were minor focuses during this pass.

When testing be sure to note tanking stats such as hate, mitigation and block value to make sure that you can still successfully fill your role. Also, be sure that the abilities changed reflect the patch notes correctly. Feedback on these changes should be given to the Dread Knight class lead or posted on the forums.


The shaman patron quests have been redone and an option to deselect a patron and select a new one is now available.


Yes the paladin changes are there as well. Sorry did not mean to leave that note out.

Please focus on completing this quest, unselecting and reselecting your patron. We would also like feedback on the quest usability and prices of the respec totems. Feedback on these changes should be given to the Shaman class lead or posted on the forums.

  1. Veteran Rewards

Veteran Rewards have been added to the /claim window. Rewards include titles, special items (such as vanity pets) and a set of furniture to place inside your house. Veteran rewards are available for players who have had active accounts for six months or more. Additional rewards are available every two months after that. Enjoy!

  1. Refund Point Revamp

Refund points are now purchasable from adventuring and crafting trainers. Each point now refunds all of your allocated points up to your current level. Your first refund is free, all refunds after that increase in price. To help with allocation we have added a max button to the attribute section of the character sheet.

Here are the costs to respec:



50 Copper

5 Silver

20 Silver

50 Silver

5 Gold



1 Silver

10 Silver

1 Gold

10 Gold

15 Gold

  1. Misc

Bug Fixing

A good deal of time this update, especially for the programming department, has been spent fixing bugs. We tried to target issues that fell into one of two categories. First we obviously wanted to make sure any game breaking issues or bugs were fixed but after that we tried to focus on getting rid of as many small, annoying bugs as possible. Usability is a big focus, and we want to make sure the play experience is as seamless for players as possible. A full list of our bug fixes can be found below.


All harvesting nodes now use a tier specific labeling on their names and a consistent look regardless of rarity. They way they spawn has not been adjusted. The new display names are as follows


Tier 1 Metal Node

Tier 2 Large Metal Node

Tier 3 Rich Metal Node

Tier 4 Metal Vein

Tier 5 Large Metal Vein

Tier 6 Rich Metal Vein


Tier 1 Small Mineral Cluster

Tier 2 Medium Mineral Cluster

Tier 3 Large Mineral Cluster

Tier 4 Small Mineral Deposit

Tier 5 Medium Mineral Deposit

Tier 4 Large Mineral Deposit


Tier 1 Jute

Tier 2 Cotton

Tier 3 Firegrass

Tier 4 Silkbloom

Tier 5 Vielthread

Tier 6 Steelweave


Tier 1 Weakened

Tier 2 Barbed

Tier 3 Dry

Tier 4 Knotted

Tier 5 Dusky

Tier 6 Aged

Flying Mount Masters

Flying mount masters are located near each rift point and have had their costs scaled based on the riftway near them. Their flight times have also been reduced.

Green Rifts: 25 Copper

Blue Rifts: 2.5 Silver

Yellow Rifts: 10 Silver

Red Rifts: 25 Silver

Item/NPC changes

Common rarity has been changed to uncommon for any items above 20.

Uncommon and higher items that drop off of named NPCs have had a bump up in power.

All quest rewards have had a bump up in power.

All attuning dusts are now available for purchase on exotic goods vendors.

All named and bosses with placeholders will now spawn more often.

All named drops are now BOP and no longer deconstructable.

Please when you see this on test take some time to try out these changes and give us some feedback. We will try to update test as much as possible before the update is ready to go live. We would also like to schedule some focus testing next week, I will post details once we know when.

A note on bugs:

We have fixed several bugs with this update I cannot begin to list all fixes as this is not meant to be a set of patch notes. It is more a list of things we want people to look at on test and give feedback.

To placate some of you here are some fixes off the top of my head:

Tehatamani spawnign issues fixed.

Craigwind shrines issues fixed.

Hegnarian spawn issues fixed and some adjustments to resolve bottleneck issues.

Ceros island content has been adjusted.

Legendary crafted item levels fixed.

Sigil droprate has been increased slightly.

Anything else I will have to look through when I get into the office on Tuesday.


muy interesante todo

como la nuevas raids de 18

como no solo el grifo sino la wyver tb

etc etc


si todo sale bien, un grna parche, para un gran trabajo

haber si es gusto de todos


El parche ya esta en el test server aunke aun faltan algunos detalles por añadir.

Aquí tenéis algunas imágenes de cascos extraidos de este post del foro oficial:



Pues la verdad, me gustan mucho algunos y parece que hay bastantes distintos. Buen trabajo.

Eso si, el del fumanchú ese cabezon es bastante feo...

Un saludo


Imagen del grifo con barda y demás :P


¿Habéis leído los foros oficiales?; están que arden... Y visto lo visto me alegro de haber cancelado la cuenta hace un par de semanas, juas...

Al parecer los famosos cambios del "GU4" están ya rulando en el servidor de "test" y listos para ser implementados en breve en los "live"... ¿y qué se ha encontrado la gente?, tachan , tachan: que los capullos de "SOE" se han cargado TODA la personalización de las caras de los personajes que ha quedado reducida a una barra con las cuatro caras predefinidas, cuando según ellos solo iban a eliminar unos cuantos huesos faciales innnecesarios en aras de una mejora en el rendimiento gráfico que además encima ni se nota se ve... Y vaya caras además; los "halflings" por ejemplo dan miedo XDDD porque los han dejado con el aspecto de niños deformados con cara de psicóticos, posiblemente por causa de alguna adicción a sustancias altamente psicotrópicas, jajajajaja... En fin, bienvenidos a "Vanguard: Saga of clones", juassss...

Oh, sí, lo olvidaba... por fin, después de un año del lanzamiento del juego ¡¡se pueden ver los cascos de los personajes!!... Pero si el "efecto clon" o "família numerosa" en las caras es el precio a pagar por los dichosos yelmos visibles, pues qué queréis que os diga, ya se los podrían haber ahorrado...

Y por lo que he leído también todo el "loot" de los "nameds" es ahora "BoP" sea "common" o "uncommon" y además no "deconstruible", y los "dusts", "shards", "crystals" y demás ahora se venden en "npc vendors"... Resultado, que la única manera que le quedaba al personaje puramente aventurero en "VG" para sacarse unos "orillos" que era deconstruir el "loot" para vender los "dusts" en "broker" se ha ido al carajo, obligando al jugador en lo sucesivo a meterse a artesano o recolector de recursos; vaya, y yo que siempre había tenido la concepción de que en los relatos épicos los héroes solían irse de aventuras a menudo para hacer fama y FORTUNA buscando deshacer entuertos o desvalijar guaridas de terribles monstruos... y resulta que según los iluminados de "SOE" el camino para hacer dicha fortuna en un mundo de fantasía, héroes y magia es montarse un taller o un telar, o bien picar en una mina o hacerse trampero y despellejar animales... XDDDDDDD

Ya me olí algo ya, juas... Puto Terrazas...

PD:Este "post" es básicamente un "copy / paste" del mismo que he puesto en nuestra "web" de AKELARRE, lo sé... XD


#6 Basicamente estoy de acuerdo contigo en todo. Una vez mas demuestran que no saben hacer bien las cosas y que la inexperiencia y un equipo cutre de trabajo esta detras de todo. Los cascos estan chulos y el barding de los grifos tambien, pero no es motivo para mantener una cuenta.

Ademas...como ya has dicho, UN AÑO han tardado en completar lo que en un principio deberia haber venido default y para cuando lo tienen es una cagada xD.

Desde mi punto de vista, al Vanguard le queda de vida lo que tarden en salir el AoC, War y Aion, que viene a ser medio año como mucho.


joder, pues yo iba a activar hoy mi cuenta para ver los cambios y demás, pero después de leer esto.. me ahorro el dinero y sigo con el eve :)


Yo no voy a ser el k defienda a SOE pero si voy a decir k hablar de oidas nunca es weno :) y habría k ver cuantos de aquí han probado realmente los cambios en el Test, k por cierto no son los definitivos y aun falta algun parche mas para k vean el Live, pero weno contestando a algunas cosas k creo k son erroneas.

#6 Sobre el loot, si es cierto todo el loot de aventura( a partir de azul) pasa a ser BoP pero se te olvida decir k todo el loot de aventura ha "sufrido" mejoras de stats, es decir lo k se ha intentado bajo mi punto de vista es mejorar la calidad del loot de aventura para k sea ekiparable al ekipo de craft pero sin influir en el mercado. Estas mejoras en el loot incluyen todon los items de loot, quest etc hasta nivel 53, los de raid permanceran como están.

En resumidas cuentas el loot de aventura sale ahora bastante bien, sumale k de calidad sera ekiparable al craft pues realmente no hay problema, y el craft seguira siendo una gran opcion por k podrás obtener sin necesidad de aleatoriedad en los drops los objetos k te falten en tu ekipo. Los crafters en practicamente todos los juegos de aventura son de lo mas olvidades y en Vanguard es de los pocos juegos donde la aventura y el craft son importantisimos, la diplomacia kizas esta aun un paso por detras pero con los ultimos cambios ( mas drops en conversaciones, nuevos items, mascaras... ) la ha hecho mas interesante para el jugador.

Sobre los "clones", es cierto k se ha eliminado una parte del custom del Vanguard, en lo referente a subir cheecks, cejas, tamaño de los ojos y cosas así k se han eliminado, pese a esa eliminacion su custom de personajes sigue siendo superior al de muchos juegos.

Estos cambios han sido necesarios para incluir la gran variedad de cascos k van haber, pese a todo Silus hoy mismo ha comentado k esta estudiando con el departamento de arte una nueva opción k podría traer de vuelta cosas y es más ya se ha comentado tambien por el propio Silus k se intentará añadir nuevas opciones de caras cuando la fase 2 del GU 4 esté terminada, hay k recordar k este no es el parche definitivo es el test server y por ejemplo actualmente las barbas en los enanos con algunos cascos no se ven y es algo k cuando el GU 4 esté terminado se verá, yo esperaría a ver el GU 4 acabado antes de empezar a hacer "predicciones".


No sé, Urthan, no me gustan nada los cambios del "loot" que van a dejar el "broker" surtido únicamente de objetos "crafted" y chusta "common"... y por mucho que mejoren los "items" de "quest" me seguiría faltando la variedad y la sorpresa en ocasiones que representaban los "items" que alguien ponía a la venta tras "lotearlo" de algún "mob" gordote.

Y mucho menos me gusta la eliminación a saco, después de todo un año funcionando en el juego, de casi toda la personalización visual de los rostros de los personajes, en cuyo trabajo me pasé mis buenas horas de combinaciones y pruebas para cada uno de mis personajes de mi cuenta para conseguir que mis personajes no fuesen precisanente clones de cada uno de los integrantes de su misma raza y sexo... y creo que lo conseguí; y como yo mucha gente imagino.

Y en cuanto al tema aventuras, si decides dedicarte solo a la clase aventurera, como es también mi caso, la supresión de la posibilidad de deconstruir el "loot" de los "nameds" para poder sacar algún "dust" valioso te deja en pelotas a la hora de conseguir dinero... porque siendo sinceros "questeando" no se saca más que cuatro chavos mal contados... y de esta forma no te queda más opción que dedicarte a recolectar recursos y fabricar objetos para vender.
Yo mismo me financié a base de vender esos "dusts" los "upgrades" a "heroic" de todas y cada una de las piezas de la ichi "swamp armor" con el "dk", y pienso que sin haber podido hacerlo así a día de hoy aún estaría tratando de "farmear" la pasta para acabar una sola de las piezas gordas...


se pretende quitar, creo yo, el grindeo denamed, que hay hoy ne dia, que es una pezadez

lo de los cambios facilaes, punto negro, del parche, para mi el unico, todo lo demas me gusta, en mas o menos medida

inlcuido, lo de marcar los dots de los mob, al verlos, etc

haber los demas parches, hasta que el parche 4 este terminado

mas opcione sde pelo, caras,, y demas para empezar, como minimo deverian haber

yo creo que una opcion de que si te equipas el casso, desaparezca, los poligonos que no se ven y cuando te lo quitas aparezca, uviera sido suficiente, para funcionar los cascos, ahora, haber como esta echo el esqeleto del char, que creo que el fallo es le motro completo del juego

y hasta que eso no llo retoquen mala cosa, en este aspecto :(

por lo demas yo estoy contento con todo lo que e provado en el test server y teneido en cuenta, que todavia quedan ams, toques mejor aun

lo facila punto negro la verdad :(


Nuevas Patch Notes del Test Server:

Here are the most current release notes for update 4. Please try to log on and give some feedback. So far your feedback and bug reporting has helped us debug many of the items in this patch. Thanks for the help everyone, see you in Telon.

Release Notes February / 22 / 2008

  • Wyvern flying mount quest is now available
  • Griffon mount quest is now active
  • There are now no fly zones around certain areas of content.
  • Helmets are now visible
  • Riftways have been revamped
  • Veteran Rewards are now available for those who have been around for 6 months or longer.
  • All adventuring consumables now share three cooldown timers. Each consumable either has a 2 minute shared cooldown (for all health, energy, and endurance renewal consumables), a 5 minute shared cooldown (for all 'burst' buffs) or a 15 minute shared cooldown (for all long duration buffs).
  • All 30 minute long duration buffs have had their duration reduced to 15 minutes. (This is consumables only)
  • Anevka's Renewal now shares a cooldown with low cooldown crafted consumables.
  • Named NPC items have had their item power increased.
  • All named drop items are now BOP
  • All named drop items are no longer deconnable
  • All named now spawn more often
  • PVP - All fears should now stun in pvp. They will all be set to half the duration of your normal fear, with 30% diminishing returns and have a 25% chance to break on damage.
  • Recasting mez on a target will no longer strip the previous mez. This is also true if the mez attempt is resisted.
  • Refresh timers will now count down while offline.
  • Fix for a pet ability exploit.
  • You can now right-click on a player name link in the chat window to get a context menu for that player, which allows you to do various things like send them a tell, ignore them, add them to friends list, and more. You can also right-click on a player in the game world to get a context menu for them that has the additional options that require you to be close to them, such as inspect, invite to brotherhood, caravan, etc
  • Holding down shift and left clicking on an item in your inventory when the market/broker window is open will paste the name of the item into the item search field of the broker window, unless you are currently typing in the chat window, in which case it will paste an item link into the chat window as normal.
  • Right-clicking on one of your friends in the friends list of the Social window now brings up a context menu for that friend, allowing you to send them a tell, invite them to a group, and more.
  • NPC's that are rare spawns/bosses will display their names in all capitals so they can be distinguished from other NPC's.
  • Added display option for showing the dot strength of NPC's in the 3D view (called show NPC difficulty).
  • Added display option for player cloak. Now it can be hidden if desired.
  • Added option to hide player helmets.


  • Bard - Lightning Kisses the Ground - Lowered the duration of the critical vulnerability to 10 seconds, but removed the # of hits portion of the duration.
  • Bard - Aria of Calm Thoughts - Now increases spell accuracy and damage by 3% and spell crit chance by 2%. It no longer reduces energy costs.
  • Bard - Chorale of Calm Thoughts - The name of this ability has been changed to Aria of Calm Thoughts and it is now a lyric component. Its cost has been lowered to 4 energy per sec., down from 10.
  • Bard - Hazoc's Harmony of Haste - The name of this ability has been changed to Hazoc's Hymn of Haste and it is now a chorus component. Its cost has been increased to 5 energy per sec. to match other choruses.
  • Bard - Fox Overtakes the Hare - The third version of this attack now has the proper critical hit bonus.
  • Bard - Asilam's Disenchanting Cry now has a 25m range.
  • Blood Mage - Scarring Pact no longer stacks with itself. Blood Pact no longer stacks with itself.
  • Cleric - Fixed a bug causing Strike Down not to stack with Speed of Ghalnn.
  • Cleric - Speed of Ghalnn no longer incurs global recovery
  • Cleric - It should no longer be possible to retain access to path specific abilities if you abandon that path and choose another.
  • Cleric - Turning Attempts will now regenerate one at a time rather than all at once (similar to Druid Phenomena Points).
  • Disciple - Added Enfeebling Shuriken, a new ability line at level 12.
  • Disciple - You now receive Celestial Tiger and Immortal Jade Dragon combat forms at level 10.
  • Disciple - The damage on Cyclone Kick has been increased to be a 300% weapon attack plus damage
  • Disciple - Lowered the Jin cost of Cyclone Kick to 2
  • Disciple - The damage on Blooming Ridge Hand has been increased to be a 150% weapon attack plus damage
  • Disciple - Increase the damage of Knife Hand
  • Disciple - Increased the duration of Clarity from 4 to 5 seconds.
  • Disciple - Lowered the Jin cost of Clarity to 1.
  • Dread Knight - Apothic Shield now has a refresh of 10 minutes.
  • Druid - Soothe I is now available at level. You will start with this ability.
  • Druid - Rampant Roots now costs 3 PP.
  • Druid - Treeshape can now be cancelled.
  • Druid - Increased damage on Star Mantle.
  • Druid - Added new ability Wolfshape to trainers at level 8. This ability gives you the appearance of a wolf.
  • Druid - Added new finishing ability, Summon Magma Elemental at level 26. It upgrades every 10 levels. This elemental will take an available elemental slot, but will be much stronger than the Earth Elemental.
  • Druid - Hierophant's Boon now has a refresh of 15 minutes.
  • Druid - Hierophant's Boon has been moved to level 10.
  • Druid - Stormcaller's Fury now procs off of spell casts as well as melee attacks.
  • Druid - Increased the energy cost of Piercing Roots
  • Druid - Increased the hit points, damage and hit rating of your summoned earth elementals
  • Druid - Taproot now stops the player from moving while it is active. If you are moving while casting, it will root you in place, but will not break.
  • Druid - Taproot no longer breaks when you cast spells.
  • Druid - Roseberries have had their heal increased in power.
  • Druid - Seer's Intensity now increases run speed by 60%
  • Druid - Seer's Intensity no longer shape shifts you into a wolf.
  • Druid - Seer's Intensity now increases intelligence and spell haste
  • Druid - Renamed Wolfshape to Seer's Intensity
  • Druid - Earthquake now costs 12 phenomena points
  • Druid - Life Stream now costs 15 phenomena points
  • Druid - Tranquility now costs 10 phenomena points
  • Druid - The Brilliant Aurora ability line now has a 10 minute refresh timer.
  • Druid - The Brilliant Aurora ability line now costs 15 phenomena points to cast.
  • Druid - Summon Ancient Colossus is now Nature's Tempest. Nature's Tempest is a 15 second buff that lowers all spell costs to 0 and increases damage by 15%. It also summons 2 elementals to fight for you for 3 minutes.
  • Druid - Therianthropy lowers the energy and endurance cost of all abilities for all defensive targets within 25m for 10 seconds.
  • Druid - Renamed Wolf Pack to Therianthropy.
  • Druid - Removed Wolf Pack II
  • Druid - Added new spell line Antshape to trainers at level 14.
  • Druid - Quelling Winds no longer causes NPCs who aren't in combat to aggro.
  • Druid - Quelling Winds is no longer focused and pulsing.
  • Druid - Quelling Winds is now a targeted AE with a 25m range.
  • Druid - Added new spell line Ire to trainers at level 4. This spell upgrades every 8 levels.
  • Druid - Nature's Wrath no longer has a resistance debuff component.
  • Druid - Updated your Earth Elemental display models. They now look like golems instead of rock turtles.
  • Druid - Added new spell line Wither to trainers at level 24. This spell upgrades every 8 levels.
  • Druid - Summon Earth Elemental now has a 3.5 second cast time.
  • Druid - You now gain the passive ability Earth Mastery at level 6. This ability explains how many elementals you can summon at each level.
  • Druid - A summoned earth elemental now lasts for 3 minutes
  • Druid - Summon Earth elemental now summons pets that can be commanded.
  • Druid - Deadly Swarm now deals less damage in PVP.
  • Druid - Deadly Swarm now has a 2 minute refresh
  • Druid - Deadly Swarm now costs 7 Phenomena Points.
  • Druid - The duration between ticks on Deadly Swarm has been lowered to 2 seconds, down from 4. This makes the spell a shorter duration with the same damage.
  • Druid - Starfall has had its damage increased.
  • Druid - Starfall now costs 10 Phenomena Points
  • Druid - Starfall now has a 2 minutes refresh
  • Druid - All berries are now soulbound
  • Druid - Added new ability line Bountiful Harvest to trainers at level 50.
  • Druid - Mottleberries, Sageberries and Roseberries are now on a 1 minute shared refresh timer.
  • Druid - All versions of Sageberries now have 10 charges.
  • Druid - The damage over time portion of Venomous Thorns now lasts 8 seconds instead of 16. The damage was not adjusted.
  • Druid - Call Lightning now has a 25% base chance to crit.
  • Druid - Call Lightning now costs 1 phenomena point
  • Druid - Lowered the casting time of Call Lightning to 1.5 seconds
  • Druid - Soothe is now instant cast
  • Druid - The heal over time portion of Soothe has been increased.
  • Druid - The heal over time portion of Soothe has been
  • Druid - Soothe now has a 6 second refresh timer
  • Druid - Soothe now costs 5 phenomena points and no longer costs energy
  • Druid - You now have 20 phenomena points at level 1. Your pool size will increase by 5 every 5 levels until level 30. These will regenerate at a rate of 1 per minute.
  • Druid - Phenomena are now available at level 1.
  • Druid - Stormcaller's Fury no longer deals damage through invulnerability.
  • Monk - It should no longer be possible to retain access to path specific abilities if you abandon that path and choose another.
  • Necromancer - Lich - Added new ability line Necrotic Clutch. This ability is available at level 30 and upgrades every 10 levels.
  • Necromancer - Wraith - Added new spell line Ghastly Revenge. This ability is available at level 30 and upgrades every 3 levels afterwards.
  • Necromancer - Wraith Acolytes now function
  • Necromancer - Lich acolytes heal at a rate of once every 4 seconds instead of once every 10 seconds.
  • Necromancer - Destroyer minions now attack at range with bows!
  • Necromancer - Destroyer minions look differently
  • Necromancer - Zealot minions now appear differently.
  • Necromancer - Increased the chance that the Zealot minion will hit its target.
  • Necromancer - Skin of the Xakrin now functions differently. It will apply its buff when equipping the skin graft on your abomination. Also, this skin appears as a humanoid jackal on your abomination.
  • Necromancer - Wraith necromancers now look different. You cannot mount while in Wraith form.
  • Necromancer - Spectre's Touch has been adjusted. The following changes have been made: now has a 2 second cast timer, 15 second refresh timer, costs health to cast, lowered energy cost, increased damage and removed the portion that drained energy.
  • Necromancer - Death Touch will now deal a large amount of damage to your target if they are immune to the Killing Blow portion of the ability.
  • Necromancer - Enshroud now has a casting animation.
  • Necromancer - Enshroud is now group targeted.
  • Necromancer - Ritual of Necropotence now has a 3 second cast time and no refresh time.
  • Necromancer - Ritual of Necropotence now grants a damage buff instead of granting free spells.
  • Necromancer - Carrion of Corruption and Carrion of Depravation now despawn after 1 minute, up from 30 seconds.
  • Necromancer - Carrion of Corruption has been renamed to Orb of Corruption. The spell now appears as a flaming orb over the NPC corpse.
  • Necromancer - Lowered the cast timer of Necropsy to 1 second.
  • Necromancer - Added a line of text to the description of Despoiling Blight to indicate that the ability can only be active on one target at a time. This restriction has always been there, but it was never indicated.
  • Paladin - Champion's Might is a passive buff that is active whenever you have a shield equiped. It is a 15% damage increase to melee attacks.
  • Paladin - Virtue will now regenerate at a rate of one point every two minutes.
  • Paladin - Increased the damage of Aegis Strike slightly.
  • Paladin - Increased the damage of Guardian's Assault.
  • Paladin - A 12 second refresh has been placed on your combat forms. This means that once you enter a form you will be unable to switch out of that form for 12 seconds.
  • Paladin - Righteous Supplication has been added to trainers at level 12. This ability will restore all virtue points and can be used every 20 minutes.
  • Paladin - Blessing of Life, a new Gift of Virtue (group heal over time), has been added to trainers at level 30.
  • Paladin - The damage caused by Sunburst has increased slightly.
  • Paladin - Sunburst now only affects one target, costs one virtue and adds an amount of hatred in addition to the damage that it does.
  • Paladin - Dictum of Valus now has a 10 second refresh and no longer incurs global cooldown.
  • Paladin - Final stand now has a 10 minute refresh timer and requires a shield to use.
  • Paladin - Lay on Hands now has a 2 minutes and 30 second refresh timer, down from 5 minutes.
  • Paladin - Succor's refresh timer has been lowered to 5 minutes.
  • Paladin - Paragon now costs 6 virtue, lasts for 2 minutes and has a 4 minute refresh time.
  • Paladin - Fury of Valus now costs 6 virtue, has a 5 minute refresh and no longer incurs global recovery.
  • Paladin - Zeal is now trainable at level 12.
  • Paladin - Zeal now costs 3 virtue, has a 2 minute refresh, lasts for 30 seconds and no longer incurs global recovery.
  • Paladin - Increased the damage of Judgment of the Bloodthirsty.
  • Paladin - Increased the damage of Judgment of the Impure.
  • Paladin - Increased the range of Smite to 45 meters and lowered the refresh time to 6 seconds.
  • Paladin - Increased the damage added by Blood Oath and lengthened its max duration to 5 minutes, up from 60sec. The description has changed to better explain the duration.
  • Paladin - Shield of Resolve now returns endurance to the whole group. The values returned have increased and particles have been added to make it more apparent when the effect goes off.
  • Paladin - Shield of Solace now heals the group (but not the paladin) when the paladin is struck by an attack. The base value of this heal is now displayed in the ability text as well and particles have been added to help identify when it is working.
  • Paladin - Stroke of Conviction and Stroke Fervor both function correctly with shield consecrations.
  • Paladin - Stroke of Fervor now deals 350% weapon damage, up from 200%.
  • Paladin - Stroke of Conviction now deals 300% weapon damage, up from 200%.
  • Paladin - Strike of Gloriann now increases block ability ty 14% in addition to its previous effects.
  • Paladin - Both Hammer and Might of Valus now deal 400% weapon damage.
  • Paladin - Aura of Divine Power now grants a 6 to 12 percent increase in accuracy as levels are gained.
  • Paladin - Courage has changed. A new version has been added at level 48 and previous ranks have had their levels changed to make a more gradual curve. This changes the values of the armor class portion of the buff in the mid levels. The Courage I and Superior Courage both retain their original values for armor class increase. The hit point portion of the ability have been slightly increased and will now stack with all other buffs. The new rank of Courage is available at trainers.
  • Paladin - Aura of Replenishment has changed. It now increases the power of heals by 30%, lowers energy costs by 4% and reduces casting times by 8%. These bonuses only affect the paladin. The frequency of the regeneration pulses has increased to 10 seconds, up from 5. Because of this, the amount returned has increased.
  • Paladin - Healing Touch has had its cast time lowered to 2.5 seconds and refresh time removed. Energy cost has increased by 2% and healing amount has been lowered by 6%.
  • Paladin - Retribution - Added a new counter attack, available at level 12.
  • Paladin - Rescues - It is no longer possible to gain virtue points by using rescues.
  • Paladin - Contrition - Is now a shield attack that adds a small amount of hate over time to the attacker of your defensive target. It no longer has a force target component and so it does not add the force target immunity.
  • Paladin - Virtue Points will now regenerate one at a time rather than all at once (similar to Druid Phenomena Points).
  • Ranger - Arrow/ Bolt recipes should no longer show up 10 levels before you can forage the components to make them.
  • Ranger - Blade of the Equinox is now marked as a Finishing Attack instead of just a Melee Attack.
  • Rogue - Drub now costs 8 endurance
  • Shaman - level 15+ - Your Patrons have been removed. Please visit a trainer in Khal, Dark Horse Tracks, Halgarad, House of Fallen Leaves or Martok to do a quest and choose your new patron. (Note: All of your patron abilities will be removed when you login and will remain that way until you complete the new patron quest.)
  • Shaman - There is a new Patron choosing quest available that includes the option to respec - the first respec is free. Please visit a shaman trainer in one of the following areas: Dark Horse Track, Khal, Halgarad, House of Fallen Leaves or Martok.
  • Sorcerer - Forget is now % based and has a 30 second refresh.
  • Sorcerer - Nulling Ward is now a atargeted AE instead of a point blank AE.
  • Warrior - Bastion of Steel now has a 10 minute refresh time, down from 15.


  • Added an "Assemble All" feature to the crafting assembly window. Once enabled it will continue assembling the recipe you selected until you run out of one or more of the ingredients necessary for the recipe, or until you toggle it back off.
  • All Gawrut Kern NPCs have been moved closer to the crafting area.
  • Korma Rett at the Tawar Galan crafting area now offers recipe training.
  • Kenta at the Tawar Galan crafting area now sells crafting equipment as well as utilities.
  • Harvesting nodes have common names now
  • Harvesting nodes yield and loot tables have been cleaned up and will now drop resonance and focusing dusts. The types of dusts they will drop are based on their material.


  • Diplomacy Masks are now available! Give the facets earned by doing writs to lapidarians in New Targonor, Ahgram, and Tanvu. You can then use the near-by diplomacy assembly tables to attach gems to the masks. Base masks for gem socketing and the glyptic dust needed to carve the gems are both sold by the lapidarians. See them for more details!
  • Mask gems and finished masks are no longer soulbound. Mask gems are tradeable and the finished masks are now bound when equipped.
  • All diplomacy containers have had their total capacity increased.
  • Smelly Cat's cards can now be obtained off of civic parleys. The cat will still drop diplomacy equipment when defeated.
  • Mixmaster Macken's parleys now require Academic presence.
  • "Missing In Action" parleys in the Ancient Port Warehouse should now give the proper amount of prestige faction.
  • Civic diplomacy now has a chance to drop additional rewards upon successful completion of a parley. The rewards included are from all three spheres.


  • Ancient Port Warehouse - It is no longer possible to summon a boat within the port of Innovus.

  • Ancient Port Warehouse - Spawnable bosses in APW now drop Hoptonian Ore.

  • Ancient Port Warehouse - The Core Processor will now mitigate spell damage as it was intended to do.

  • Ancient Port Warehouse - The Core Processor will now recognize when the Assault Module/Defense Matrix have returned to battle and will once again take advantage of their presence.

  • Ancient Port Warehouse - Akym's Dagger is now displaying as a heroic instead of legendary weapon. In addition the damage and delay have both been increased slightly. Otherwise the stats remain relatively unchanged.

  • Ceros Island - All ceros island quest rewards have been moved to Sloggerosh except for the mask rewards which are now drops of Pharaoh Harakhan in Nusibe Necropolis.

  • Hegnerian - Some changes were made to Hegnerian and the three guards before him to help prevent bottlenecking. All loot has been removed from their tables and will now be obtainable through repeatable quests. These quests can be obtained in the Spore Chamber on a new npc, Fon Cogswin. Find her, and she may make you an offer you can't refuse.

  • Hegnerian - Hegnerian now respawns every 30 minutes. As a result, a 6 hour lockout timer has been added to him. Players will be locked out of Hegnerian, Euralon, Myrdicos & Raea.

  • Hegnerian - Fixed an issue with the Tomes resetting too early.

  • Hegnerian - The Core of Ezigoth will now drop from Hegnerian as multi-loot for those in the group that need it.

  • Nusibe Necropolis - Pharaoh Harakhan the outcast can now be challenged by those brave enough to reassemble his body in Nusibe Necropolis.

  • Old Targonor - The Knights of the Old Blood have returned with a single order from the lich king Sartok to protect the denizens of Old Targonor, for something special will be happening soon.

  • Tanvu - Kau Isa now sells horses in Tanvu.

  • Shandrel's relics now drop off of the world loot table. These are non useable rare items that can be deconned. These items have their own table so will drop separately from the any other world loot.


  • Hunter's League Weapon - Due to recent changes to the Paladin, the Tanwen's Greatsword of Protection has been changed to a 1 handed blunt, Tanwen's Mace of Protection.
  • Cloak of the Pantheon is now unique.
  • Resolved an issue with the world loot tables that was causing some items to drop much less often then desired.
  • Cirel's Sanguine Mandolin now has Vitality and Hit Points instead of Health and Endurance regeneration.
  • Ariezel's Horn of Rage now has additional strength and hit points instead of endurance regeneration.
  • Sell value of equipable gear has been increased slightly.


  • Reactions are no longer draggable.
  • Rescues/sympathetic do not show up as available unless there is a valid defensive target.
  • Reaction time remaining only appears as a green bar if the reaction is actually available. Otherwise it is color-coded to allow the player to easily identify why it is unavailable.
    Color Hierarchy:
  • Target out of range: light brown
  • Not enough resources: crimson
  • Refresh time remaining: dark gray
  • Usable: bright green
  • Getting a new crit or a new block/parry, while the reaction time remaining is counting down from a previous crit or block/parry, resets the corresponding reaction time remaining to full. However, if the player is on the 2nd or later step of a chain, that one remains at the previous time remaining, but all of the other chains now become available with a full reaction time remaining bar.
  • Fixed bug where some classes (i.e. warrior) would have their chains cancel with a little over two seconds remaining on the reaction timer.
  • Fixed bug where reactions were not being updated correctly in ability book and on hotkey bar. They now only show up as available when they are available in the reaction window.
  • Changing targets or killing a target now cancels all chains and counters.
  • Fixed bug where chains would sometimes not immediately reset to the opener (i.e. when missing on a later step in the chain or killing the target on a later step in the chain). They should now always reset to the opener.
  • Fixed counterspells so that they now show up in the ability and hotkey bar as available immediately. Previously, they didn't become available in those places until they became available for the first time in the reaction window.
  • Fixed bug where changing combat forms made chains become unavailable. Active chains now remain available when a player changes combat forms
  • Implemented /reactionchain, /reactioncounter, and /reactionrescue. These calls are followed by an integer that specifies which chain, counter, or rescue slot to activate. So "/reactionchain 2" activates whichever reaction happens to be in chain slot 2. All of the possible slots have corresponding Key Bindings as well (reactionchain[01-10], /reactioncounter[01-05], and /reactionrescue[01-05]), which are associated with Aliases[114] through Aliases[133] , with no default binding, allowing the player to easily set up hotkeys for any chain, counter, or rescue slot that they want.
  • Fixed various issues with /reactionautochain (‘G', /reactionautocounter (‘Y', and /reactionautorescue (‘V'. /reactionautochain uses the chain with the most steps that is available. /reactionautocounter and /reactionautorescue use the highest level available counter/rescue.
  • The /claim window is now sorted by number available, starting with those items that are unlimited.
  • Change to ability book so that it now wraps around (pushing back on the first page goes to the last page and pushing next on the last page goes to the first page).
  • Fixed some client crashes.
  • Fixed some long-standing crashes related to alt-tabbing out of the game.
  • Implemented functionality for "/consent group" and "/consent raid".
7 días después

La última parte del GU 4 ya esta en el test server, pronto a ver si tenemos las patch notes.


Las Patch Notes del último parche en el Test:


  • Teleporting dockmasters have been removed from the game
  • All adventuring trainers now have an XP reduction ability which will reduce XP gain to 0 when toggled on.


  • Dread Knight - Changed Hatred Incarnate to increase all damage instead of just melee damage.
  • Dread Knight - If you are using a one-handed Arazmus weapon, you may trade it in for a two-handed Arazmus.
  • Paladins - If you are using a two-handed Arazmus weapon, you may trade it in for a one-handed Arazmus.
  • Warriors - If you are using a two-handed Arazmus weapon, you may trade it in for a one-handed Arazmus.


  • Diplomacy masks that include three rare gems now give some presence and a special Statement. The Statement can only be used when the mask is equipped.


  • Quests - Informing Ca'ial should now give the poison as described.


  • Arazmus - Regarding Dreadknights, Paladins & Warriors - Due to the revamps made to your classes regarding weapon specializations, you will now have the opportunity to trade your weapon with Handler Aerco in Afrit for a weapon of your classes preference. Note: You will only be able to do this one time, and will not be able to choose the weapon you are trading in.


  • Fix to simulacrum'd NPCs not staying controlled because of heal aggro.
  • Fix for an issue where buffs would be stripped if a character logged out or crashed, logged in, and then attacked a raid mob.
  • Fix for a crash due to healing aggro.

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