VSH: nueva noticias del" fan faire 2007"


urthan si lo puedes traducir mejor que mejor, noticias traidas de gente que han asistido al fan faire de las vegas 2007,, ademas de regalar a todos los presentes del vanguard, un objeto que da doble exp, duran x tiempo ,, XDD

haber si el proximo año voy yo xDDD

creo que hay mucha informacion, y buena todas, muy buenas, apra los que nos gusta este juego

Hello crafters of VanguardCrafters! I just got back from the 2007 SOE Fan Faire held in Sin City, also known as Las Vegas. Well OK, maybe just got back is a bit of a stretch, I had to get rid of the hangover first. As I'm sure most of you know, there was no crafting Dev at the Faire. However, there were a few things mentioned that will effect crafters both directly and indirectly. So let’s get started with that stuff and then I'll move on to the game's first raid content, Trial Island, Diplomacy, and some of the other cool info that the Vanguard team was willing to share.

O ya, some of the crafter related info will also be mentioned in greater detail in some of the other categories...yes I am an evil Mod who is trying to make you read the entirety of this post.


One thing that was repeatedly mentioned was the desire to improve the interaction between all three spheres. Keep reading before you go off on that loaded statement, OK? Currently, a player can focus on one sphere exclusively and have absolutely no contact with the other two spheres. Adventurers can hunt down everything they need, diplomats can parley their way into the top tiers, and crafters can hunker down at an outpost to crank out work orders. Quests are being implemented that will have the option for an adventurer to seek out a crafter to make the quest items needed for turn in. Notice the word option, it will not be necessary to seek out a crafter though it can make a long difficult quest short and easy. It will come down to the individual player if they wish to follow the quest and get the item(s) they need that way or call up a crafter friend and get the goods a little faster. Diplomats will also be able to help out adventurers in the raid field and adventurers will be able to help diplomats with animancy. I'll explain a little more on those later on.

So how will the crafters need to interact with the adventuring sphere? Adventurers are going to help us get some new recipes! Some new high end recipes are on the loot tables for upcoming raid content. These recipes are currently soul bound, however, the final decision on that is yet to be made. So far the Devs have been thinking about going soul bound on these recipes because there will only be one raid area for a bit and one guild could theoretically farm these recipes and ransom them off to the highest bidder. The Devs want to improve interaction, not make the three spheres despise each other.

These recipes will be on the raid boss loot tables, as will some of the components needed. Silas was fairly certain that tier 6 resources would be needed in addition to the boss dropped components, but was not 100% sure. Some recipes will also require resources harvested directly from the boss. That’s right, kill a raid boss and you may need to harvest his body for resources. Silas gave an example of this, and keep in mind this is an example and in no way guarantees that this is the boss in the upcoming raid or that this mob makes the example armor. Let’s say the boss is a dragon, who dropped a recipe for Dragon Scale armor. The dragon did not drop the scale needed for the recipe so you pull out a skinning knife and you go to work. You are now the proud owner of a Dragon Scale to be used in the creation of your very own Dragon Scale Breastplate. Again keep in mind this is just an example and does not guarantee that you will see this armor when the raid content comes out. So don't turn that skinning knife on me if its not in there!

Higher level quests are also on the way for all spheres. The Devs have heard the crafting community and said that new crafting quests for the high levels are on the high priority list. And by the way, three separate people asked about getting more crafting quests at the different panels. There are more diplomacy clothes on the way for crafters too. The current selection is just a taste of what we will be able to eventually make. Higher level and a better variation to presence on the clothes are being worked on.

And here is a couple of things I know I have seen posted about on the forums here. Game Update 2 will include the descriptions for all item effects. We will finally be able to see what the continental effects do in game as well as procs and activated abilities in detail. No more guessing what a piece of equipment will do before going into battle. A clothing preview system is currently on the QA server and it is hoped that it will make GU 2. If it doesn't then we will definitely be seeing it another patch between updates 2 and 3.

I also asked about attribute combinations on crafted equipment, using the lack of a Vitality primary based heavy armor as my example. For the non armor smiths or clerics out there, crafted heavy armor offers: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom primary based armor, there is an option for a Vitality shield but that’s it. I get requests from clerics wanting Vitality based armor but that option does not exist. I am sure there are other examples of attribute combinations that other crafters would like to see, but this is the one I was most familiar with. It was explained that not every combination was provided to crafters so that adventure dropped gear could fill the gap. Allowing crafters to make any combination of attributes they wanted would give crafted equipment an overwhelming advantage. By limiting the combinations of the crafters, adventure gear could effectively cover the gap for players who wish for alternate attribute focus. As it is, allot of dropped items find their way to the deconstruction tables. Drox then mentioned that clerics wore medium armor during the beta and were switched to heavy armor fairly close to launch. The Devs said it is possible that the Vitality variation could have been overlooked and that it would be looked to. Even so, adding a new set of armor with Vitality as the base would be a long process. New armor would have to be coded to accept the appropriate attuning powders and all the variations focusing and resonating powders that could be placed on it.

Ancient Port Warehouse (APW)

The Ancient Port Warehouse is one of the first raid content zones that will be implemented in Vanguard. It will offer multiple paths for a guild to take in the dungeon. These different stages are estimated to take about 1 hour 30 minutes each to accomplish, so a guild can raid one section and call it a night or can spend 8+ hours raiding till they win or wake up with a keyboard stuck to their face! These multiple paths will also allow for a number of guilds to raid at the same time. Having two groups to a raid will make it difficult to head down every tunnel without backing up and starting from the beginning again. Starting from the beginning again may not be in your guilds best interest though. For the deeper you go in this dungeon, the more loot tables there are, and hopefully the more powerful they become!

As we saw earlier, or at least I hope you read what was above, the Devs are trying to increase sphere interaction. APW will have diplomacy levers that trigger 15 minute buffs. These buffs will make the raid easier; however, the raid will not be impossible to do without these buffs. A properly set up raid will still be able to do APW to completion even if your diplomats have talked their way out of coming... To trigger these buffs, the diplomats will have to win parleys with the commandos scurrying about in the dungeon. These aren't just any commandos, they are Gnomish Commandos! Ankle biters with special forces skills, may Telon survive the apocalypse for this is surely one of the signs. Armor sets also exist for APW. Some of them will require both crafted and diplomatic items to complete them. How this will work and what these items will be is still unknown at this time. We will all have to wait for their introduction to Vanguard to discover that.

Most of the info regarding APW is still being kept under wraps. The team wants the game's first raid content to be an adventure for everyone to discover and weren't willing to explain everything. Just a few hints here and there to make everyone excited. So moving along to the Trial Island... SMACK

OUCH! What was that for Aenene? I said I would mention more about the raid recipes later? I don't recall saying...ACK OK I'll do it now! Moderator abuse I swear.

APW will have four Legendary recipes and eight Fabled recipes. No I did not get brain damage from that smack, Fabled is indeed a brand new loot category made especially for raid items. It wasn't mentioned if there were any dropped items that were listed as Fabled, but I cannot imagine keeping this new raid category to just recipes. Sylas was not about to tell us what these recipes will be used to make. However, he did say that the legendary recipes " will probably be some of the best weapons in the game for a while." So an early grats to those who get to make these up and coming weapons. I'll be with all the armor type crafters mumbling in the shadows till we learn what all the different recipes are.

Trial Island

The most important thing to remember about Trial Island, is that that nothing about it is set in stone. The island is still early enough in development that anything can change.

It will initially be a trial zone for potential customers and former players who have left for their own reasons. The island will be free to download for all to experience what Vanguard has become to that point. The free Trial Island will be separate from the actual game, no worries about gold sellers using the free download to spam us with their free livery. A "second" Trial Island will also be created at some point for the current subscribers who want to give it a test run and spread the good news to friends.

The content will take players up to level 10. Now this does not mean that the newbie grounds that we all grew up in will removed. Ideas on how to get both the island and the racial starting areas to work together are still in the works. The island will also introduce a new "regional trade-esque" system involving crafters. Your guess on that one is as good as any right now. That one line is all Lisa, the quest Dev working heavily on the island, was willing to share.

The artwork for the island is also being optimized to increase the game's performance. The optimization of the artwork is extremely difficult from what I was told. It involves how the meshes, textures, pixels, and many other elements work together to render the artwork. The island is using the same artwork as the rest of the game, but is showing a 20-60% performance increase since being optimized! Now, this performance increase is not a result of dumbed-down or reduced art or graphics. Vanguard will still have stunning art work and the performance increase will actually let us turn those settings on to enjoy it all! The optimized art work will be implemented game wide once the Devs are confident in the streamlined code.

There is no time frame on Trial Island or any of the performance increases other than, "when it is ready."


Diplomacy changes are on their way, but they won't make it in GU 2. A bug was found that had the updates pushed back a bit. The changes will most likely be seen in a separate patch, jokingly referred to as GU 2.5, but some of this content may not be seen until GU 3. It all depends on how many bugs are found during testing and how much time can be spent working on it.

The card appearance will be going under the knife. The card names will be shrunk just a touch, influence will be listed as range, and the refresh timers stretched to handle double digits. The refresh rate of the diplomacy actions will be adjusted to coincide with the new timers. From fastest refresh to slowest is: assertion, comment, repeal, rebuttal, and taking the longest evaluation.

A new aspect to diplomacy is also being worked on, Boss Parley. These types of parleys are designed to be very long, difficult, and be an unbalanced puzzle to solve, however, the NPC deck will not change. An unchanging deck may not sound like a big change, because it isn't. Currently, a NPC uses the same deck and has almost no chance at winning once a player learns the opponent’s deck layout. That is why NPC's will be given multiple decks to choose from. Diplomacy will be more of a challenge since you will no longer know that an NPC has no demand cards ahead of time and build a deck accordingly. The NPC Eldor will be one of the first boss parleys available to diplomats. Eldor is a level "15" parley mob, but being a boss parley could give much higher level diplomats a problem. Once the parley puzzle is solved, it is expected for the diplomats to use Eldor's weakness against him to win multiple parleys. Eldor has the deepest loot table of any single mob to date, so it could take a while to uncover all the different items. Also keep in mind, that this level 15 Eldor has a 50 line parley! Steven, the Diplo Dev, said that his best time, "was 7 minutes to win, but I've lost much faster than that."

Higher tier clothes, including crafter made clothes, continental content, more parleys, PvP dueling, and player deck save are being developed for the future. Even a new diplomacy feature is being created called animancy. Animancy is a way for a diplomat to work on adventuring, or for an adventurer to work on diplomacy. Basically, you kill a mob and raise its spirit in order to parley with it, this could include a raid boss! Of course, a diplomat could follow a group around and raise the spirits of the mobs they killed, good way for the diplomats to keep their hands clean. Some of the new crafting clothes being developed include some "ceremonial god armor." These clothes are rich in lore and reflect the Telon deity they represent in both appearance and presence.

Random Thoughts

Well I couldn't think of an appropriate category for these bits, but they are still nice to know about.

Game Update 2 consists of 6-8 weeks of coding fixes with up wards of 1600 bug fixes. Those fixes include several dupes and exploit problems. So far, 9 of the 15 known bugs that cause items to disappear from homes, banks, and inventory have been resolved. I know we would all want 15 of 15, but its progress.

The "re-launch" of Vanguard will NOT involve a player wipe, we're safe there!

I asked about the problem with disappearing faction. It was explained that they are having a beyond difficult time tracking this bug down as it seems to affect some players while leaving others completely unaffected. The Devs are painfully aware that it exists but are having trouble finding the problem code. The only thing they could suggest was for players who have experienced this bug to be as detailed as possible about what they did before the faction was reset in hopes that the detailed info would reveal something that they have been missing.

Lore will become more cohesive and available to more than just the diplomats. Plans to learn the lore of Telon through adventuring and crafting are being worked on. And what is a fantasy game if you know nothing about the world you traverse?

Future trial keys will not allow for the player to send tells unless they are placed on the friends list. So unless you put gold spammers on your friends list, they shouldn't have as easy of a time getting access to us.

Cross game communication with other SOE games will be looked into. Still have friends in Ever Quest? You may be able to send them a tell from Vanguard to say hi and see what they've been up to.

Flying mount info? Only that there will be an almost non-existent chance of being able to simply buy one.

The Guild Tool UI is being looked into to allow for more options.

Allowing for Bind on Equip (BOE) items to be mailed to alternate characters on the same account is being considered.

Fishing in game will be looked into once game performance and bugs are taken care of.

Additional bank space was brought up multiple times and will be re-evaluated to see if/how more spaces can be made available.

It was explained why helmets are not currently visible in the game for players. The problem is that one size does not fit all. A helmet that fits a human comfortable may not blend well with a dwarf's beard or a goblin's ears. The beard may disappear entirely when the helmet is placed on or look like the beard is part of the helmet because of how it protrudes. Same for the goblin's ears, they could be sticking through the top like they pierced the helm or disappear entirely. Then there is the fact that each player can adjust the size of their character's head. All these different customizable options and races make it difficult to produce a helmet that looks good on a player. The Devs are planning on getting the helmets in at some point. It will just take time and resources to write the code and work with the artists to come up with helmets that look great on all races regardless of the size of their head.

Smedley was the one who wanted the chat bubbles...it’s on him!

I know I was concerned about the future of Vanguard when I boarded the plane to Vegas. The panels that the Dev team put up did a great job of reducing those fears. I think Vanguard is going survive and become the great game that it should be. So I'll stick around to see it happen.


Weno traducirlo todo no :P lo k hare algun resumen de lo k pone aki y en otros resumenes de la fan faire. Podéis leer otros resumenes en:


La verdad es k es bastante interesante lo k dicen y hay mas novedades de lo k esperaba. Cosas asi k no se habian dicho hasta ahora es lo de k barajan el poder enviar items BOE entre personajes de una misma cuenta, la nueva opcion de parlamento en diplo el Boss Parley, implementacion de fishing en un futuro, más slots para el banco y weno confirmaciones sobre k se va a necesitar tanto craft como diplo en las raids.

Un resumen mas completo en unas horas :)


Bueno mini resumen un poco de algunas de las novedades de la Fan Faire:

Ancient Port Warehouse (APW)

Será la primera zona de raid y de lo que se ha dicho ha sido esto:

-Las diferentes áreas de la mazmorra están preparadas para resolverse en 1 hora y 30 minutos, además cada área tendrá varios caminos con lo que será posible tener dos guilds en una misma zona.
-Como ya se ha dicho últimamente se está intentado incrementar la interacción de esferas,¿eso qué significa de cara a raids? Pues que por ejemplo en APW será posible activar buffs de diplomacia que facilitarán la raid.

-Habrán armor sets en APW. Algunos de ellos requerirán objetos de artesanía y diplomacia.
-De cara a artesanía en APW habrán cuatro recetas Legendary y 8 Fabled. Como ya se dijo los Fabled son la nueva categoría de objetos que habrá para raids. Estas recetas serán de algunos de los objetos más poderosos que habrá en el juego.

Isla de Trial

Está en desarrollo con lo que algunas cosas pueden variar aún pero por el momento tenemos:
-Habrá opción de descarga gratuita de Vanguard y será para esta isla.
-La Isla de trial está separada del propio juego, no se pueden realizar mensajes al mundo de Telon desde la isla con lo que inhabilitan las cuentas trial para los gold sellers.
-Tiene contenido hasta nv 10 e incluirá artesanía y diplomacia.
-La isla se ha realizado con una mejora de rendimiento respecto al mundo de Telon de un 20-60 % debido a optimizaciones. En un futuro estas mejoras de código serán introducidas en el mundo de Telon cuando estén acabadas.

-No hay tiempo estimado de cuando estará finalizada la isla de trial, simplemente cuando esté preparada se introducirá.


Una de las cosas que se quieren mejorar es la interacción entre la esfera de artesanía y aventura y para ello aparecerán nuevas posibilidades:

-Aparecerán nuevas quests donde se tendrá la opción de entregar objetos de artesanía. Con lo que se podrá seguir obteniendo los objetos vía aventura como hasta ahora o en ocasiones recurrir a un artesano amigo para que nos obtenga el objeto de forma más rápida.

-Nuevas recetas serán incluidas en mobs de aventura, entre ellos raid mobs. Por el momento estas recetas serán soulbound pero aún están estudiándolo.

-Nuevos componentes para artesanía estarán en las tablas de loot de los jefes de raid además de la adicción de objetos de recolección de tier 6, y objetos recolectables de los propios raid bosses.

-Nuevas quests y equipo de nivel alto.

-Se podrán ver los efectos exactos de los procs, de los efectos continentales y de las habilidades activables.

-Habrá un sistema de previsualización de los objetos, es decir como si los llevásemos equipados y ver como nos quedarían.


Estos cambios no se verán en el GU 2, sino seguramente entre parches intermedios al GU 3. Todo dependerá de los bugs que se vayan encontrando en el test:

-La apariencia de las cartas cambiará, se reducirá su tamaño, la influencia será listada como rango y los refresh timers tendrán dos dígitos. El refresh de los tiempos será ajustado para coincidir con los nuevos timers. De más rápidas a más lentas serán: assertion, comment, repeal, rebuttal y evaluation.

-Aparecerá un nuevo tipo de parlamento, el Boss Parley, serán parlamentos más largos y difíciles.
-Los NPC podrán tener diferentes barajas con los que los parlamentos serán más difíciles y variables.

-El primer Boss Parley que se añadirá es Eldor, un NPC de nv 15 de diplomacia que contendrá gran cantidad de loot. Para que nos hagamos una idea un enfrontamiento con él puede durar 7 minutos.
-Nuevas ropas de tier, incluyendo ropas de artesanía, contenido continental, más parleys, duelo de PvP de diplomacia, y guardar barajas serán opciones desarrolladas para el futuro.

-Habrá una nueva característica, Animancy, con esto se mejorara la interdependencia de esferas, básicamente con esta nueva habilidad un diplomado levantará el espíritu de mobs muertos en aventura para parlamentar con ellos, esto incluye a raid bosses.

-Nuevas ropas de deidades.


-Al igual que se intenta una mayor cohesión entre esferas el otro paso es hacerlo con el trasfondo en el propio juego, la historia de Telon se ve reflejada mucho en la diplomacia pero en aspectos como la aventura y la artesanía en muchas ocasiones no aparece lo suficiente, se intentará mejorar esa cohesión.
-Las futuras keys de trial no podrán enviar tells a un jugador a no ser que tú lo tengas en tu friend list, es decir que no podrá ser usadas por los Gold Sellers.

-Se está trabajando entre las opciones de cross tells para poder enviar mensajes entre jugadores de diferentes juegos de SOE.

-Sobre las monturas voladoras poco que añadir, solo que parece que será imposible obtener una vía compra y todas serán por quest u otras vías.

-Ya se están mejorando las opciones del Guild UI.

-Está siendo considerado el poder enviar objetos Bind on Equip (BOE) vía mail entre personajes de la misma cuenta.

-Una vez se mejore el rendimiento y los bugs se considerará el implementar la habilidad de Pescar.

-Se está estudiando añadir más huecos al banco.



lo mejor

la nueva habilidad de pescar


pues a mi me gusta

conseguir comida para regenerar pescando en tu barquito y en la orilla de un rio

joer, entre mas opciones de el juego mejor lo veo yo

o hacer una quest de pesca, o competiciones pvp de pesca xDD

esa es otra pvp de diplomacia , eso le va a molar a nuetro diplomata oficial, va a ver unos piques

como ya e dicho este juego tiene unasposibilidades enormes, solo falat que soe las vea y als aprobeche, le veo mucho futuro a este juego a la larga, creo que innova en muchso aspectos


Joer... a mi lo que más me han impresionado son las mejoras de diplomacia.

Mola eso de poder levantar espíritus de muertos para parlamentar con ello y lo de los Boss Parleys suena genial.

Yo, como diplomático frustrado creo que disfrutaré con esas mejoras :)


eso como nuestrom ermengol

no va a dejar los mob tranquilos ni muertos


a el cuando los mob de la ciudades y pueblos lo veianzs, salian coriendo, (ya viene el pesao ese), ahoar ni muerots se libran de el xDDDD

yo la diplomacia, la llevo poco, asi que tendre pque ponerme, para cuando me la pidan

a mi lo que mas me mola lo de la pesca, es una chorrada peor mola, haber si ponen mascota xDD

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