Spinnerette - Valium Knights [Novedad]


Seguimos sin fecha exacta para el lanzamiento del nuevo trabajo de la conocida Brody Dalle, líder de los ya disueltos The Distillers. Después de colgar en su myspace un mash-up en su myspace y en su web, al fin podemos escuchar el primer tema completo de Spinnerette. A continuación el comunicado del grupo:

"Ah, our faithful darlin’s

We know you’ve been waiting a loooong time for new music beyond the mash-up on the site. (Yes, we do read your postings!) Trust us, we are anxious for you to hear it too!!! A lot has happened since we entered the studio last year - losing dear loved ones, old relationships ending and beautiful new ones emerging. So on this special day, 8/8/08 - which is the number of regeneration and resurrection – what better day to send you a note to let you know we are still here – and were thinking of you - and for being there with us through it all, we wanted you to be the first to hear a new song off the album called Valium Knights.

Click the link below and play it loud!!!

love, kisses, nibbles, sucky licky

xxx Spinnerette

Aquí teneis el link para poder escuchar el primer tema de Spinnerette: http://app.topspin.net/artist/138904/landing_stf?account_id=138904&key=62d03ebd7f16ce9144229879bbbd3ed9db593520&campaign_id=5677

Os dejo un par de videos del antiguo grupo de The Distillers para los que no los conocieran. Esperemos que Spinnerette suene igual o incluso mejor!

The Distillers - City Of Angels

The Distillers - The Hunger

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