black people love us!!!!


la pag va de un matrimonio al k los negros adoran xD

es coña totalmente claro xDDDD

los testimonios son la repolla, atencion :

"Sally is so thoughtful. She always tries to set me up with every black man she knows. Since we're both black that means my date and I will have so much in common."

"Sally and Johnny are always giving me my props on how good it is that I graduated from college and that I do not have any illegitimate children. The fact that I have never been to jail makes me a "credit to my race" in their eyes. They know my race needs all the credit it can get. Thanks for looking out you guys!"



The fact that I have never been to jail makes me a "credit to my race" in their eyes


Usuarios habituales

  • Violent
  • ZaEk