Casa se quema y los bomberos no apagan el fuego


Para quien no sepa de que va la historia.

El dueño de la casa no pago la tasa al departamento de bomberos, y cuando tuvo un incendio, los bomberos fueron, pero para tocarse las bolas y ver como se quemaba todo

Cranick lives outside of the city limits and he admits that he forgot to pay a $75 service fee that would have provided him with fire protection. Firefighters wouldn't lift a finger, much less the hoses that might have saved the house.

The fire reportedly started in some barrels outside. As the flames crept closer to the home, Cranick says he offered to pay whatever it would take. The plea fell on deaf ears. Hours later, the home was gone.

The South Fulton firefighters did show up and managed to save a neighbor's field. The neighbor had paid the fee. But they would provide no heroics for the Cranicks. A local news report shows them climbing back on their trucks, flames still dancing over what was once the family's home.


Welcome to YuEsEi!


Hicieron bien. No money, no water.


El dueño será el tipico pureta que dice: ¡Bah, para que voy a pagar si a mi no se me va a quemá ná!



Tendría que pasar lo mismo aquí a todos los que echan pestes a la policía, servicios médicos, etc...


Se pasearon delante de la casa ahí del palo 'haters gonna hate'.


Soy el unico al que le ha parecido la gran putisima mierda de video y que con solo la descripcion del mismo hubiese sido suficiente????

#1 La intencion es buena de todas formas :P

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