Elefante pinta un cuadro mejor que yo


Me he topado con este video:

Al parecer no es tan raro que elefantes aprendan a pintar(aunque yo me acabo de enterar). Acojonante el nivel de pensamiento abstracto que se necesita para hacer algo así y el bicho lo borda. Me gustaría saber como de complejos llegan a ser los pensamientos o por que no sentimientos de estos animales..


Subido el 2/08/2009

El elefante ya está muerto.




Lo que me faltaba por ver ya, un puto elefante dibujando.


Joder es increible :O


No me jodas, eso tiene que tener un cordel en la trompa que lo va moviendo el tío que está detrás xDD


Bueno, los elefantes tienen fama de ser muy inteligentes, no?


Nos creemos que somos los únicos capaces de descubrir el arte y de disfrutarlo.


Me sorprende más que sepa escribir, haha.

"S U D A"

Sabias palabras.

Buen elefante, mejor persona.

5 1 respuesta

que vago es, ni moja el pincel

Yo creo que esto no lo ha aprendido el, es un adiestramiento por repetición guiada lo más seguro.


la de palizas que se habra llevado para llegar a ese nivel :qq:


#9 Sera su nombre xdd


No es nada comparado con este:

2 respuestas

#13 que cara de viciosa pone la peliroja cuando le mueven la trompa jeje jejejje


joder, ahora quiero un elefante...


Que crack pisoni


vendo elefante ofertas mp


#13 Puto peter . Me espera que se comiese el movil cuando las manzanas, que puto amo utiliza mejor el movil que yo


¡Qué crack! xD


Impresionante el cuidado con el que lo hace :O


Hubo un documental en discovery channel en el que certificaban que esto era fake y que los cuidadores guiaban la trompa. Aun así eran muy inteligentes y tenían conciencia de ellos mismos, cosa que muy pocos animales son capaces de tener.

1 respuesta

me la "Suda"



#21 ¿Y como guía la trompa? Yo he leído precisamente lo contrario, que eran capaces de memorizar el dibujo y repetirlo, pero que no tenían ni puta idea de que cojones era lo que dibujaban:

So what about elephant self-portraits? Are they real of fake?
At the end of March 2008 a video on YouTube about an elephant painting a 'self-portrait' caught the attention of the world. A raging debate spread like wildfire from the YouTube forums to numerous blog sites. 'Is this for real?' was the most hotly debated question. Following the release of the video we were bombarded with queries - around 8,000 visitors a day who came to our website at that time seeking answers.

Well, the answer to that question is not a straightforward yes or no and today people are still asking us. As the debate is also central to what we believe in here at TEAG, we'd like to give our take on the subject. Simply put: "Yes" the act of painting was performed by an elephant at a camp here in Chiang Mai. "No" the painting is not real art as we define it.

What you saw on that video is being repeated over and over again at some camps in Thailand for the benefit of tourists every day. By now the number of identical 'self-portraits' that have been made probably number in the thousands - as do identical 'vases of flowers' and 'landscapes' and other readily identifiable (to humans anyway) scenes that have also proved to be popular. So popular in fact that they are being offered at over $800 by one re-seller website, typically at around $500 by others and even prints (yes, copies) are selling for $300 each!

“I can tell you categorically that the elephants that paint these types of pictures do not have the faintest idea what they are painting”
Firstly there's the question of understanding. Elephants do not paint renditions of themselves or what they see around them, at least not in any recognisable form. I can tell you categorically that the elephants that paint these types of pictures do not have the faintest idea what they are painting.

Secondly there's the notion of volition. Elephants have been known to pick up a stick and doodle in the dust of their own accord - which is a natural gift and sign of intelligence - and the training required to take them from that to painting abstracts on a canvas with a paintbrush is minimal. Furthermore each quickly develops its own unique style. Elephants are not naturally disposed to paint perfect lines and dots in the same place and as any mahout will tell you, it can take up to a year to teach them to do so. Which technique do you think the elephants enjoy doing most?

“So what the world saw in that video was real, but to our mind it was only one step away from putting an arm down a rubber trunk and faking it. ”
So what the world saw in that video was real, but to our mind it was only one step away from putting an arm down a rubber trunk and faking it - as some people actually thought. While the abstract variety of elephant art can be called art in the true sense, the rendition of images is artificial and arguably, a travesty of art.
Our comments are not meant as a rebuke of the elephant camps that are doing this - the fact is that in some cases selling these paintings raises money for the elephants under their care, which is great. And our comments are certainly not meant as a criticism of anyone who has bought elephant self portraits and other images, because those people liked what they saw, bought it for their own reasons and no doubt enjoy owning it. Our views at TEAG are our own. We'd just like our readers to understand the difference between art that is unique and that which is not, and art which is performed naturally and that which is manipulated. Knowing that, you can make a more informed choice.

Fuente: Elephant Art Gallery


No lo recuerdo pero hicieron el mismo experimento sin el cuidador cerca y el elefante sudaba del lienzo xd


Lo mas probable es k al pobre animalito lo hayan forrao a palos...


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