Más información en las normas.
#18937 Sinceramente, la situación es lo suficientemente grave como para hacer cierto tipo de sacrificios.
Yo personalmente estoy dispuesto a estar en mi casita con el jersey y el gorro puesto en vez de plácidamente a 21ºC si esto va a servir para que la rata inhumana de Putin deje de chantajearnos con el puto gas.
Y mientras solo sea este tipo de sacrificios ni tan mal, pero mucho me temo que si queremos ponernos serios vamos a tener que apretar el culo bastante más, porque no se va a limitar solo a la energía sino que esto va a ser una reacción en cadena.
#18937 De momento podemos suplir con USA tiene pinta, pero yo lo que veo es que esto dará bastante empuje a las energías renovables (todavía más) en tanto que son las únicas literalmente independientes de todo.
Ahora, dilemas técnicos de hasta qué punto podemos fiarnos de ellas o podemos basar el backbone energético en ellas ni idea.
#18945 Chafardeé el twitter de Turiel pero no habla mucho de la guerra y las implicaciones. Me espero a que en su blog en algún punto haga una entrada del plan "como predecimos en este blog... el precio del petróleo se ha disparado"
#18961 Pero Nazi pq? Joder debe ser la palabra con mas acepciones del diccionario. Cada puto dia esta en todo lados
#18951 de lo más interesante que ha pasado por el hilo
The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) adheres to the view that Russia has adopted an
“escalate to de-escalate” strategy and asserts that Russia “mistakenly assesses that the threat of nuclear escalation or actual first use of nuclear weapons would serve to ‘de-escalate’ a conflict on terms favorable to Russia.”
148 The NPR’s primary concern is with a scenario where Russia executes a land-grab on a NATO ally’s territory and then presents U.S. and NATO forces with a fait accompli by threatening to use nuclear weapons. The NPR thus recommendsthat the United States develop new low-yield nonstrategic weapons that, it argues, would provide the UnitedStates with a credible response, thereby “ensuring that the Russian leadership does not miscalculate regarding the consequences of limited nuclear first use.”
While some experts outside government agree with the assessment of Russian nuclear doctrine
described in the Nuclear Posture Review, 150 others argue that it overstates or is inconsistent with Russian statements and actions. Some have argued that the NPR’s “evidence of a dropped
threshold for Russian nuclear employment is weak.” They note that, although some Russian
authors and analysts advocated such an approach, was not evident in the government documents published in 2010 and 2014. As a result, they argue that the advocates for this type of strategy may have lost the bureaucratic debates.151 Others have reviewed reports on Russian military exercises and have disputed the conclusion that there is evidence that Russia simulated nuclear use against NATO in large conventional exercises.
One analyst has postulated that Russia may actually raise its nuclear threshold as it bolsters its
conventional forces. According to this analyst, “It is difficult to understand why Russia would
want to pursue military adventurism that would risk all-out confrontation with a technologically
advanced and nuclear-armed adversary like NATO. While opportunistic, and possibly even
reckless, the Putin regime does not appear to be suicidal.”
153 As a study from the RAND
Corporation noted, Russia has “invested considerable sums in developing and fielding long-range
conventional strike weapons since the mid-2000s to provide Russian leadership with a buffer
against reaching the nuclear threshold—a set of conventional escalatory options that can achieve
strategic effects without resorting to nuclear weapons.”154 Others note, however, that Russia has
integrated these “conventional precision weapons and nuclear weapons into a single strategic
weapon set,” lending credence to the view that Russia may be prepared to employ, or threaten to
employ, nuclear weapons during a regional conflict.155
Rusos en Pavlopol quitando la bandera de Ucrania.
Y este creo que lo pusieron pero bueno, mas manifestaciones en San Petersburgo
#18959 "where it might threaten to use nuclear weapons if it were losing a conflict with a NATO
member, in an effort to convince the United States and its NATO allies to withdraw from the conflict."
Ucrania no es NATO pero el patron encaja perfectamente
#18976 A ver, es un país que fue neutral en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que se basa en activos financieros y tal. No se si la gente esperaría que Suiza le declare la guerra a Rusia o algo...
He hecho desde 0 el mapa de los espacios aéreos. Creo que no tiene ningún error y deja ver mejor la dimensión de la restricción.
#18982 ojala la UE actúe también con Suiza a nivel financiero. Creo que todos ganamos.