Una simple duda sobre Australia


bueno el caso es que me voy a hacer un curso y tal y cual, no os enrollo.

cual es la mayoria de edad en australia?

tengo 19 años, puedo entrar alli a un bar? puedo ingerir alcohol en cantidades industriales tal y como hago en españa?

he intentado no aburriros, asi que os doy las gracias y permanezco a la espera.

edito: llevo buscando un rato por google, wikipedia y tal...


Si, el water va al reves


Preguntaselo a Fritz, el sabra contestarte


Toma anda, sacado de la wikipedia:

Australia, New Zealand & United Kingdom

The coming of age in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom is celebrated either at 18, which is the legal age of majority, or at 21, the traditional age. Eighteenth birthday parties are becoming increasingly common. Turning 21 has few effects legally, whereas 18 is the age of legal majority it is the age to vote, drink, gamble, get married without parental consent (can marry at 16 without parental consent in Scotland), sign contracts etc. Celebrations typically take the form of a particularly extravagant birthday party; presents given are often higher than usual value, and champagne may be served, as at other formal celebrations. If the celebrant is a male he may be forced to consume a yard glass which is typically full of beer. But apart from this little to no set ceremony or ritual is observed. However there is a growing trend towards Adolescence Ceremonies that celebrate the coming of age with a display of transitional objects such as teddy bears that are officially packed away after the ceremony. During the ceremony an explanation of rights and obligations may be explained to the new adult to assist a smoother transition into adulthood for themselves and their family.

Drinking plays a large part in Australian 18th birthdays, as it is the age where one can legally drink. As such, many 18th birthdays are celebrated with a large party with friends, with drinking as a central motif. These gatherings are often loud, and it is customary for the birthday boy/girl to drink more then they otherwise should. Despite 18 being the legal age of adulthood, many Australians do not immediately take on the roles of adult, such as moving out of home or gaining full-time employment, instead studying or working as an apprentice. This accounts for the distinction between the atmospheres and objectives of 18ths and 21sts. 18ths being drinking, and 21sts being a more transitional and reflective celebrations. At Australian 21sts, it is customary for parents and siblings to assemble embarassing photos, videos, voice recordings or other childhood memorabilia to display at a celebration.



#4 osea que se dice que es a los 21 aunque a los 18 ya peudes beber, votar etc...

#3 no teneis gracia ni para copiar de cuatrochan


#1 pero no vas a hacer un curso? Entonces que más te dará? O es que piensas estar todo el día de caraja?

Aún así, no sé como googleas tú, pero en el primer resultado sale lo que buscas, amén de más info related :/

Ahi está


#2 Como tú, muchos hemos pensado


#5 como que cuatrochan?


Si, es un programa de cuatro, lo ponen los domingos a las 18:00, nunca lo has visto?



Es un mito.

Coriollis es despreciable en comparación con cualquier pequeña inercia o desnivel que posea el agua. Con cosas mucho más macroscópicas (aka tomentas principalmente) sí es cierto. En tú water, probablemente no.


Si, es una isla.


No creo k aqui te informen muy bien sobre eso.


Ten cuidado si algun nativo te quiere enseñar lo que ellos llaman ''basement''


ves montado en un cocodrilo


Ten cuidado que al estar en la parte de abajo de la Tierra tienes que ir agarrándote a las cosas pra no caerte al vacío


#14 Pues yo no veo nada :/


Cuidado, los seres vivos más venenosos viven allí.
-Las cubo medusas, son mortales. Recuerdalo, si nadie se mete en una playa virgen magníficamente perfecta, por algo es.


pensando que australia ha tenido relaciones con inglaterra bajo "Commonwealth" y de lo que se, se consideran todavia parte de la familia inglesa, las leyes deben ser parecidas...

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