Thread to practise English (Part Two)


#359 False

#360 Despite what 359 says, the only way to learn english is talking it daily using translator for words you dont understand. With that you can reach a high level, but of course, to learn a perfect english, you have to live in an english country.


#361 It is true, you can know A LOT learning with other methods but you won't be as fluent as spanish in english, speaking wise, unless you live in the country for a while. Plus, with a translator you'll learn how to write etc, but if you talk to some one in the street you won't be writting to em, so yeah it helps but thats it


#359 Some people can't travel frequently to english-countries


Well, I'm gonna give you a trick that has been very useful for me to remember english learnt at school, but of course it canonly be done if you know enough english. Try to think in english. For example, when you're on your way to the job, every though you have, translate it to english.


#363 I never said every one can, besides when I talk about living in a country I don't mean spending a month or even the takes longer than that. Dunno, maybe I'm just slower than every one else here hehehe, but I'm just talking from what i've been able to see in the past 4 years


The best way of STUDYING English is to do domething you like inenglis, with the dictinary at hand.

Install new game? install in english (with english subtitles for the voices)
have a hobby ? learn from english webs, talk about it in elglish forums.

I learned englis because at the time i discovered D&D ( the role-playing game) only the basic was in Spanish, the rest was in english, i spent a whole summer reading advanced and companion in english ( lol).


I think that would change the Thread and put three parts, low level, middle level and high level.

Because there are people here who knows too much and there are others who do not know almost nothing, like me.

But this is only an idea of mine, nothing more.


#367 Yeah but how are you meant to learn with people that can speak the language properly??? ¬¬


I really do not care ... soon I will go to live in Dublin so that when writing my next time to write here will be AWESOME! : P


Just one thing...don't say "awesome" over here, its too american haha


yuhu, tomorrow IŽm going to newark to work there the whole week doing a High School orientation :)

IŽm soooooooo excited!! but first I have to go to the Spanish Consulate to do some paperwork.

I hope you all are having a great Summer.


Maybe Awesome is not English?

If you prefer i can write more cool like the irish people too ...


fuck me yeah baby!



she is just saying that awesome is not a common word in dublin. is like saying "guagua" outside canary island, or "papa" instead of "patata".


I already know what you meant it, always says a lot.

Anyway I like all awesome and as English is not from Ireland ... English as free.


#375 English as a language came from England, where they dn use the word "awesome" either. (k)(k) no t pikeess


#376 I havent said that English is not came from England if they dont use this word is his problem not mine .... hahahaha no me piko cari contigo nunca ... ILU


#377 Is that all?? I was expecting a better answer from you...n well you know what I meant ;)


#378 Thasts all friends ... u can expect all day 4 a better answer ... I know but more better if you stop this chat ... ;) LU


I'm just practicing my english, got a problem wit that?


I live in London at the present time, and my english sucks. I feel very very sad :(


#352 Omg, do you have the Proficiency title? I was studying a high level of English up to this year, in which finish the course, so my teacher told me to do the FCE exam, because it will be a piece of cake for me, and I could pass it without any difficulty.

By the way, we can speak in English when we met (in fact I'm almost sure I saw you at University, I'm at communications, and square told me you were at computering) so when can have a nice English time.

#381 Permanently or during the holidays?



I have no problem ... the truth that I could practic my english coz its so bad ...


Hi,i am Mr.Sergio.

My cat is white and my dog is brown.



ein?? ¬¬ I don't understand nothing of nothing xD!! My English is very basic, but when I went to London I could survive very well!!
I must learn more vocabulary.. jeje


Jelou, aim jier bikos aiam traiin tu espik inglish, bat mai aksent is rili rili bad. Ferst ofol, ai shal sei dat ai trai tu espik as gud as ai jiar it on de escrin, bat sims dat de pipol donlaik mai hriten inglis bicos dei sei dat is not so gud.

Sou ai joup ai can lern somzin from jier.

Cheers pa tós!


What the hell? :S

1 comentario moderado

I'm Lt. Korso and all here will die, I said.


attention whore!

btw what does a person need to do the proficiency exam?

Can I just go to cambridge and sign up for it?