Thread to practise English (Part Two)


#448 Like I've said, I'm only talking about what I've seen, not only me but everyone people that's come here. But anyway, you might be different. Just let me know how you get on if you ever move to an english speaking country.


#449 Ireland is fine, but you are better off somewhere sunny hehehe. DO you still have the accent??


You are not forbidden to talk english with ppl from other countries staying in Spain. And i've worked as guide in Toledo for foreign ppl talking in english so dont talk crap.

I've been with many non-spanish girls, talking english with them, and large etc -.-


even if he knows english and speaks it perfectly if he comes to ireland he wouldent understand fuck all .,,, WHY? cause of the accent =)

#453 its the accent you retard.


#454 Haha, ok dude as you want. I'm used to english talked by russians, by germans, by irish ppl, by scotch ppl, american, japanese...

#456 I dont say u're wrong on it. Its just use to it.


Irish accents can be very strong. I still love it, except for the skanger's accent, or even worse knacker's hahahah



Probably for him is very different. Practically as if I'm going to live somewhere else anglophone. I will say u something when I go there ... haha


#455 m8 dont talk shit , u never never would be able to speak like me or any irish person because its are languageeeeeee, same as an english person even if he know spanish perfectly he will never be able to speak like a canarian or someone from andalucia will he? stop talking shit

and by saying words like DUDE or JERK i can see that however taught you english was with an stantard american accent.


#458 There's no point of argueing really. People only get to find out those things when they actually move to the country. I've seen english teachers in Spain move here thinking their english was brilliant before coming here and then realise they didn't have a clue.


#458 #453

Relax, you do not have to get at a low level as to insult. You can say the same thing without using that vocabulary.


Hi guys

I'm in Ireland right now, in a city named Limerick.

I've been here for 2 weeks now, and I'm really tired of this ****.

I want to come back to Tenerife!


ok im sorry =d


#458 Are you trying to tell us that you only control a language when you talk with the exact acent of the zone? U're wrong i think


#462 ok np ...

I hope one day write english like you and Narniana ... coz I have very low level, when i c your posts I feel a loser ...


No i havent said that. what ive said is that you dont speak fluent. you speak fluent spanish for sure but not fluent english. i bet anything that you dont.

#464 heheh practice man practice!


#461 Go to Dublin, Limerick is known as "stab-city" for a reason.

#463 No you don't have to have the accent, but its just not possible what you are saying. Also, you can judge when you havent lived in a english speaking country, you can only talk about what you THINK you know...



I think that what we are talking about is expressions and not accents.


#467 He wrote "ACENT ACENT" many times referring to it.

#466 Exactly same for you.

#465 You can tell me whatever you want, but your level is very poor. Only a noob (and i dont want to offend) would write:

m8 dont talk shit , u never never would be able to speak like me or any irish person because its are languageeeeeee

Its are language? haha please

And nobody taught me english further from high school, my level then was poor, and it was british english.


#466 What does stab-city mean?


#468 Just cuz people make some mistakes when writting doesn't mean they are not fluent. Or havent you ever seen someone writting "estava". Also if you lived here, you'll know that people in general tend to not spell correctly all the time. And its OBVIOUS that he meant its A language, but then again not everyone is as smart and perfect as you...or so it seems.

#469 Kind of like la ciudad de los navajazos. Ireland is pretty small, so going outside Dublin you already notice the difference, even comparing it to other big cities such as Cork, etc. And what I said about Limerick was just a bad joke cuz its not known for its safety...



I think when people really speaks fluent are often confused and make mistakes when they write, but that does not mean that they know speak English well


Well I do not want to see that city then you have to defend yourself from bad people


D'you mean it's not a safe city? I haven't seen anything unusual since I'm here... :S


#472 She said this, coz she c the bad news always in tv ...


#472 Well I didntmean that you are gonna leave your house and you are gonna get stabbed. But it is a place known because of its lack of safety. Like I know people from there and nothing's ever happened to them, its just one of those general things if you kno what i mean


Alright I get it.

Well, I've just spent 2 weeks here, maybe I haven't got enought time to see (or to live) something "special", but I'd prefer not to :P



He wanted to mean "their" language, and yes, its a big mistake. As if you write in Spanish: El es somos lenguaje. Senseless 100%.


When ppl really speaks fluent they make mistakes knowingly or in purpose. Some kind of mistakes like this one, are not in purpose. Its a mistake because of doubt or unknowledge.

And i'm not telling that i speak perfect or i'm super smart or blabla. Just i was attacked by a guy that tells he rules in english and his level is regular.


#475 How are you getting on anyway? Never been to Limerick myself

#476 Well I would expect him to know quite a bit if he's lived here til he was 13. Other than that I just think everyone was just saying their opinion and things got a bit heated and outta hand. hehe


#476 Well a mistake is a mistake we must not look beyond that, if they understand what he means, because we do not have to go correcting people because it is not our work.

#477 Someone comes to Canada with me a long season?


#477 Well, hehe, i dont feel like to quarrel with none, neither with him. If he lived there till 13 and its true, then i feel like i dont know nothing about english. I'm learning talking with you this topic in english, its cool, but you know, i'm used to talk everyday, and by phone and to real ppl with voice, and yeah, i learnt it by myself. I know i cant reach the perfect level till living in england or USA or Ireland or whatever, because i dont talk english at home nor at university nor work, so there are some kinds of talks that i'm not used to.

#478 Hey hey, i dont think so, if anyone wants to correct me, do it please! i like to improve and i dont feel bad for it. In this topic i think everyone should want to be corrected.

And i'd love to go to Canada XD

Perry Mason rocks


#479 Dont worry, they play with that advantage ... but good that everything is put ... I will go to live there 3 or 4 years and come back knowing that neither Perry Mason English ...

I really feel so idiot when somebody correct me ... iŽm defective ... ;)