Si, eso si que existe claro está.
Pero lo que yo digo, es igual pero GRATIS.
Fijate en la primera web que di en el post #1
Esto es lo que dice (si entiendes ingles)
Transfercar is an online relocation service providing really cheap (usually free) rental cars and campervan hire. With "free" we really mean the cars are free to drive, not even $1 a day! We don't charge anything for this. How can it be free? Here in New Zealand we call it relocating but overseas the concept is called driveaway or one way hire. Rental car or camper van companies need to move cars between their branches all the time. They can either use expensive trucks or trains or they can let you drive it for free. The rental operators win, you win. So how do we make money on this? Transfercar is charging a small fee to the rental operators for each successful relocation. We are constantly looking for more relocation drivers. Families, students, backpackers, event-goers, seniors or other travellers are all welcome.