* Rotations:
Some abbreviations used in this section:
IT - Icy Touch
PS - Plague Strike
HS - Heart Strike
BS - Blood Strike
DS - Death Strike
OB - Obliterate
HB - Howling Blast
SS - Scourge Strike
DC - Death Coil
DnD - Death and Decay
PT - Pestilence
BB - Blood Boil
FS - Frost Strike
Blood Rotation
* Single Target:
IT - PS - HS - HS - DS - HS - HS - HS - HS
* Multiple Targets/AoE:
DnD - IT - PS - PT - BB - DS - BB
* Runic Power Usage
Death Coil and Rune Strike are the only abilities you can use Runic Power for. Keep in mind to always prioritize Rune Strike because of the high amount of threat you gain from it. Only use Death Coil if you have a lot of Runic Power (60 or more).
* Vampiric Blood
The strongest timer nowadays. Not only increases it your health pool by 15%, but it also increases the healing received by 35%. The huge advantage of this timer is that it scales extremely well with your gear and it also gives your healers who might not be able to heal you because of certain circumstances the chance to land a huge heal on you because of the healing received buff. All healers who have healed a DK on Algalon can tell you stories about it.
Frost Rotation:
* Single Target:
IT - PS - OB - BS - BS - OB - OB - OB - OB
* Multiple Targets/AoE:
DnD - IT - PS - PT - BB - HB - BB
* Howling Blast Glyph Proc Rotation:
HB - BB - BB - OB - FS
If HB fails to hit, change it up to:
HB - DnD - BB - FS and back to above rotation.
* Runic Power Usage:
With Death Coil, Rune Strike and Frost Strike we have 3 abilities to use Runic Power on. The priority of using Rune Strike still holds true, however using Frost Strike with a Killing Machine proc should give you an equal amount of threat. Don't ever waste Runic Power on Death Coil.
* Rime procs
A free Howling Blast is pretty handy in both single target and AoE situations. If you get fortunate enough to gain a Killing Machine proc in AoE situations then use it for Howling Blast, because that will give you an insane amount of threat and also some pretty big numbers on your screen.
* Unbreakable Armor
What used to be the best timer is now just a "good" timer. It still works like a mini Shield Wall but because of Frost Presence only giving us 60% additional armor this talent is now weaker than it used to be. Also it doesn't provide as much scaling as Vampiric Blood. However, this ability is still an awesome threat boost and it's value shouldn't be underestimated.
Unholy Rotation:
* Single Target:
With Desolation:
PS - IT - BS - BS - SS - SS - SS - SS
I'm not 100% sure, but this rotation might be better for people without Desolation:
PS - IT - SS - BS - BS - SS - SS - SS
* Scourge Strike Glyph Proc Rotation:
SS - SS - BS - BS - SS - SS - SS - SS - SS - BS- BS
* Mutliple Targets/AoE:
DnD -PS - IT - PT - BB - SS - SS - BB
* Runic Power Usage:
Out of all three specs Unholy has the most powerful Death Coil (especially since you should be adding the DoT Unholy Blight to the target of it) but Rune Strike is still more important than using Death Coil. Same as with Blood, you should only use Death Coil if you have 60 Runic Power or more.
* Bone Shield
A very powerful timer which works for both melee and caster attacks, the only problem with this timer is that it has 4 charges (Glyphed). On a fast hitting mob those charges will be gone really fast whereas Vampiric Blood and Unbreakable Armor stays on you for 20 seconds.